Positive Psychology 3

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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  1. 1. Positive Psychology III Resilience and Flourishing Going Beyond the Smiley face Peter Gowers IT Supervisor, and amateur positive psychology student
  2. 2. Positive Psychology recap Scientific Study of optimal human functioning that aims to discover and promote the factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive Martin Seligman, founder of PP Reaction to Normal Psychology Positive Psychology looks to help people nurture talent and improve normal lives A very large collection of loosely coupled positive constructs. Data Driven large Studies, placebo controlled. Martin Seligman
  3. 3. Resilience To start a question Show of hands please Who has heard of PTSD? Who knows what it stands for? POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Conversely, how many have heard of POST TRAUMATIC GROWTH?
  4. 4. What does not kill me, makes me stronger Friedrich Nietzsche, 1888
  5. 5. Response to Trauma How do we respond to Trauma? PTSD SUICIDE POST TRAUMATIC GROWTH RESILIENCE MOST PEOPLE
  6. 6. Forms of Post Traumatic Growth PTG Spiritual Changes Personal Strength Relating to Others Appreciation of Life New Possibilities
  7. 7. Resilience What is resilience? the capacity to rebound or bounce back from adversity, conflict, failure, or even positive events, progress, and increased responsibility (Luthans et al, 2007, p.112) Natural Resilience Who is resilient? A clear strong value system Strong social support network Confidence, hope and optimism Can you Teach it?
  8. 8. Resilience What is resilience? the capacity to rebound or bounce back from adversity, conflict, failure, or even positive events, progress, and increased responsibility (Luthans et al, 2007, p.112) Natural Resilience Who is resilient? A clear strong value system Strong social support network Confidence, hope and optimism Can you Teach it? ...George Vaillant (1977, 2000), the Director of the Study of Adult Development at Harvard medical School, has clearly demonstrated that people he studied became markedly more resilient over their lifetimes [as they got older], (Luthans, et al, 2007, p.124). Waite and Richardson (2004) have produced empirical support for resilience training effectiveness in the workplace.
  9. 9. Resilience Training Dr. Karen Reivich Dr Jane E. Gillham
  10. 10. Resilience Training Schools - PRP Start with the ABC Model from learned Optimism (see PP1 presentation) 15 controlled studies to date. Children aged 8 to 15 Promotes resilience and prevents depression often for years 18-24 60 minute lessons Teaches negotiation, decision-making, social problem-solving, and relaxation
  11. 11. Resiliency training on a big scale 1.1m Physical Emotional Social Family Spiritual 4 Pillars GAT MRT CRMs Institutional Global Assessment Tool 15 mins 105 Qs Large DB Master Resilience Trainers Graduates of UPENN 10 day course. Drill Sergeants Comprehensive Resilience Modules Targeted Online training modules Institutional Resilience Training Targeted career based trainingKorea 50% soldiers trained. 85% suicides in the other 50%
  12. 12. Flourishing Marty Seligman again New theory of well-being Goal of PP increase flourishing, not just happiness More of a balanced perspective Elements that meet criteria: Contribution to Well-being Pursued for its own sake Independently measurable
  13. 13. Martin Seligman Seligman RSA Flourishing video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weVPtrX MMx8 Watch from start for 3 minutes or so for intro.
  14. 14. PERMA Positive Emotion Engagement (Positive) Relationships Meaning Accomplishment
  15. 15. A PERM Credit Stuart Wakefield
  16. 16. Accomplishment Pursued for its own sake Not for a payoff Success and mastery Not a moral judgement Explaining Human behaviour Valued in society since records began Wider benefits for society Others gain wellbeing from achievement. Accomplishment = Skill X Effort Effort/Time on Task out performs IQ
  17. 17. Grit 70% went for 1 now Those that could resist had higher academic performance later in life The power of self-regulation Perseverence and Passion for Long Term Goals Imagine youre a kid again. NOW!, or could you wait?
  18. 18. Positive Emotion Still important but downgraded 1/5 of flourishing Happiness and Life satisfaction Subjective measures Positive Emotions from Fredrickson Joy Gratitude Serenity Interest Hope Pride Amusement Inspiration Awe Love Fleeting Increase quantity, frequency and savour
  19. 19. Positive Emotion and Performance Lots of correlation, but now some causation complex 3-hr in-basket task High positive emotion performed better. Studies showing happy people make more efficient and better decisions Improves Risk behaviour Longitudinal studies showing less fired, promotion, more income Sometimes negative moods help Instances of threat or not going well less frequent Focuses thinking So if you want to perform better, maybe focus on being happier
  20. 20. Losada Ratio Companies with better than a 2.9:1 ratio for positive to negative statements are flourishing. Below that ratio, companies are not doing well economically. This is called the Losada ratio. Over 13:1 can impact performance in the other direction.
  21. 21. Engagement Flow Positive Psychology 2 presentation Quick reminder from the man himself
  22. 22. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Creativity, fulfillment and flow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjliwSJGDi U&feature=related Watch video 1:25 to 4 minutes
  23. 23. Flow Use Signature Strengths Select Tasks for Intrinsic Motivation What is your vitally absorbing interests? Develop Skills in a challenging activity. E.g. work Create flow experiences Goals, chance of completion, control, feedback etc.
  24. 24. Positive Relationships With a marriage you need 5:1 Losada Ratio to flourish 0.7:1 or lower is heading for divorce Traditional marriage counselling targets problem resolution, arguments How do you celebrate?
  25. 25. Positive Relationships Active Passive Constructive Destructive Can you Guess which is best at improving relationships?
  26. 26. Meaning Belonging to and serving something greater than yourself Visibly low people can still have lots of meaning 3 elements (think about work) Connectedness Purpose Growth
  27. 27. Sources of Meaning Meaning Achievement Acceptance Relationship IntimacyReligion Self - Transcendence Fairness
  28. 28. Flourishing Seligman hypothesises about losing money and what would happen. Positive Emotion Expect to drop buy emotion Engagement Depends what you do, but can be ok (Positive) Relationships May even do more things together Meaning No reason this cant remain Achievement lower base but may even achieve more
  29. 29. Quick Plug Id love to get more activity in the Positive Psychology group on Yammer, all welcome.
  30. 30. Any Questions?
  31. 31. References Flourish: A New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being - and How To Achieve Them by Martin E. P. Seligman (Paperback - 5 May 2011) Positive Psychology [Paperback], Kate Hefferon (Author), Ilona Boniwell (Author) Positivity: Discover the Groundbreaking Science to Release Your Inner Optimist and Thrive by Barbara Fredrickson (Paperback - 1 Jan 2010) Comprehensive Soldier Fitness - http://csf.army.mil/faq.html Seligman RSA Flourishing video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weVPtrXMMx8 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Creativity, fulfillment and flow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXIeFJCqsPs Summary - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjliwSJGDiU&feature=related PP1 Podcast (PGOWERS) http://x.ford.com/podcasts PP1 and 2 presentations (PGOWERS) http://x.ford.com/stress