post exhaustion training

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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University of Balamand


Several exercise methods are commonly used by fitness practitioners to increase muscle strength and body mass.

Pre-exhaustion (PE) is a strength training method of combining two exercises, in which a single-joint exercise first then a multi-joint exercise

Post-exhaustion (PO) The purpose of such

techniques is to take the muscle beyond the point of failure. Muscular failure is the point in which performing another repetition in good form becomes.

For advanced trainers targeting muscular hypertrophy, it is recommended that the majority of training be devoted to 6-12 repetitions at moderate loading (70-85% 1 RM) for multiple sets, performed to or close to momentary muscle failure (MMF)..


There are many training technique that can be used after reaching MMF

Forced repetitionRest pause repetitionNegative repsDescending sets (drop sets)Partial reps

A- studies about the forced reps

A study talked about the Acute hormonal and neuromuscular responses and recovery to forced vs maximum repetitions multiple resistance exercises


Acute hormonal and neuromuscular responses and recovery were examined during the maximum repetitions (MR) and forced repetitions (FR) resistance exercise protocols in 16 male athletes three days after the exercises

MR included 4 sets of leg presses,2 sets of squats2 sets of knee

extensions (with 12 RM) with a 2-

min recovery between the sets and 4 min between the exercises



In FR the initial load was chosen to be higher than in MR so that the subject could not lift 12 repetitions per set by himself

After each set to failure the subject was assisted to perform the remaining repetitions to complete the 12 repetitions per set. Thus the exercise intensity was greater in FR than in MR


FR in serum

testosterone and free testosterone,

in cortsiol and GH concentrations

MR in serum

testosterone and free testosterone, cortisol, GH concentrations


The decrease of 56.5 % (p < 0.001) in maximal isometric force in FR

was greater (p < 0.001) than that of 38.3 % in MR (p < 0.001) and

force remained lower (p < 0.01) during the recovery in FR compared to MR.

The larger decrease in isometric strength in FR than in MR was also associated with the decreased maximal voluntary EMG of the loaded muscles.


The data indicate that the forced repetition exercise system

induced greater acute hormonal and neuromuscular responses than a traditional maximum repetition exercise system

and therefore it may be used to manipulate acute resistance exercise variables in athletes.

-Greater decreases in muscular force production and EMG activity after FR may be due to the initial increased load(i.e., 8RMversus 10–12RM)

B-Another study about forced reps

Aim: investigate acute hormonal and neuromuscular responses and recovery.

Who?Strength athletes versus


When? During heavy resistance exercise performed

with the forced and maximum repetitions training protocol


Eight male strength athletes (SA) with several years of continuous resistance training experience

and 8 physically active but non-strength athletes (NA) volunteered as subjects


The experimental design comprised two loading sessions:

maximum repetitions (MR) and forced repetitions (FR). MR included 12-RM squats for 4 sets with a

2-min recovery between sets. In FR the initial load was higher than in MR

so that the subject could lift approximately 8 repetitions by himself and 4 additional repetitions with assistance


Before and after the loading protocols, blood samples were drawn to determine

serum testosterone, free testosterone, cortisol and growth hormone concentrations, and blood lactate.

Maximal voluntary isometric force and EMG activity of the leg extensors was measured before and after the loading as well as 24 and 48 hrs after the loading


The concentrations of the hormones measured increased significantly (p < .01-.001) after both loadings in both groups.

The responses tended to be higher in FR than the MR loading


Both loading protocols in both groups also led to neuromuscular fatigue

observable with significant acute decreases in isometric strength by 32-52% (p < .001)

and in maximal iEMG (p < .05-01) associated with large increases in blood



These data suggest that, at least in experienced strength athletes, the forced-repetition protocol is a viable alternative to the more traditional maximum-repetition protocol and may even be a superior approach

C-Another research on forced reps:

Acute neuromuscular responses to maximum versus forced repetition (FR were examined in 4 male strength athletes (SAs) and 4 nonathletes). 


knee extension resistance exercises (4 sets of 12 repetitions [reps] with a 2-minute recovery between the sets)

Maximum repetition (MR) sets were performed to voluntary exhaustion (12 repetition maximum [RM]),

whereas in the FR sets, the load was greater (8RM) and the set was continued after voluntary fatigue with 4 additional assisted reps


Maximal isometric force and (EMG) activity of the knee extensors were measured

During the actual concentric phase

before and after the exercise, as well as 2 recovery

days after the exercise


Both loading protocols in both groups led to decreases in isometric force,

EMG activity increased in both groups throughout the MR sets when compared with the first repetitions of the sets.

Only in SAs, EMG activity decreased significantly at the end of the FR sets


The results suggest that experienced SAs were capable to activate their muscles to a greater extent than their non-strength-trained counterparts indicated by neural fatigue during the FR exercise.

Greater motor unit activation in SAs than in nonathletes may be due to training-induced neural adaptation, which manifested during fatiguing exercise.

The present study suggests that FRs are an efficient training protocol to overload the neuromuscular system especially in SAs.

D- another study:

The purpose of this study is to compare the metabolic and mechanical responses among seven different RTM reported in the literature. The RTM were compared with regard to blood lactate, time under tension (TUT) and total loading (TUT x load) in recreationally trained young men


All RTM were performed in a knee extension machine.

RTM analyzed in this study were:

1) 10 maximum repetition method (TEN): Normal lift at 10RM load conduced until concentric failure is reached


2) 6RM maximum repetition method (SIX): Normal lift at 6RM load conduced until concentric failure is reached


3) Breakdown method (BD) or dropsets : Repetitions were performed at 6RM load until concentric failure. After failure, load was reduced by 5.0 kg and exercise continued, the procedure was repeated until 15 repetitions were reached.


4) Forced repetitions method (FR): A set was conduced at 6RM load until concentric failure was reached. After failure, four more repetitions were performed with assistance. Assistance was given only at the concentric phase and the same exercise technologist assisted all subjects.

5) Functional isometrics method (FI): Normal lifts were conduced at 10RM load until concentric failure. In each repetition a five seconds isometric contraction at maximal knee extension was executed.

6) Adapted vascular occlusion (VO): A 20-seconds maximal isometric contraction at 10RM load was immediately followed by a normal lifts at 10RM load until concentric failure.

7) Super-slow method (SL): It was performed one set comprising one 60-second repetition with 30 seconds for both eccentric and concentric phases. To control velocity, time was informed every five seconds


All RTM produced significant increases in blood lactate,

with no difference among them. The BD method elicited higher TUT and

total loading compared to the other RTM tested


In practical terms, when the training goal is to provide metabolic stimuli, all RTM seems to be equally efficient.

If the purpose is to induce greater mechanical stress, BD seems to be the more indicated

E- a study on tri-sets

The study evaluate the acute immune responses to an upper body tri-set resistance training (RT) session in RT trained individuals.

Eighteen young trained men (22·0 ± 1·8 years) divided to 2 groups

Control group (CG; n = 9)The exercise group (EG; n=9)completed an acute

tri-set RT protocol using two combinations of three exercises for the same muscle group with six to eight repetitions at 75% of one repetition maximum (1RM) for each exercise


The results suggest that the tri-set RT session did not aggravate the acute inflammatory response

and might be a good option for variations in RT methods for trained individuals.

F-Another study on tri-sets

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of multiple-set (MS) and tri-set (TS) RT approaches on muscle strength and body composition following a 12 week program in trained women (> 1 year of RT experience)


Both RT protocols increased strength, with no effect on body composition.

E-Another study on the rest-pause principle.

The purpose of the study is :To compare muscle recruitment, maximal force, and rate of force development changes

following different resistance exercise protocols with a constant volume-load.


fourteen (n=14) resistance trained male participants completed three different resistance exercise protocols involving a total of 20 squat repetitions, prescribed at 80% of 1-repetition-maximum


Protocol A consisted of 5 sets of 4 repetitions with 3 min inter-set rest intervals

protocol B was 5 sets of 4 repetitions with 20 s inter-set rest intervals

the rest-pause method was an initial set to failure with subsequent sets performed with a 20 s inter-set rest interval.


All protocols elicited similar decreases (p<0.05) in maximal force and rate of force development  (RFD) immediately upon completion (IP), with full recovery at 5 min 5P

Increased motor unit recruitment was observed during the rest-pause method compared to both protocols A and B for all muscles measured (p<0.05).


As a result of the increased EMG during exercise and no greater post-exercise fatigue,

it was concluded that the rest-pause method may be an efficacious training method for resistance-trained individuals.

F-Another research on super sets

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a traditional multi-set weight-training regime

and a super-set weight-training regime on body fat, lean body mass, muscular endurance and aerobic fitness


upon observation the super-set group displayed greater improvements in body fat loss and aerobic fitness while there were no observable differences between groups on lean body mass and muscular endurance

Pre exhaustion:

Pre-exhaustion (PreEx) training is advocated on the principle that immediately preceding a compound exercise with an isolation exercise can target stronger muscles to pre-exhaust them to obtain greater adaptations in strength and size. However, research considering PreEx training method is limited.

A- study on pre- exhaustion

Thirty-nine trained participants (male = 9, female = 30) completed 12 weeks of resistance training in 1 of 3 groups:

a group that performed PreEx training ( n = 14),

a group that performed the same exercise order with a rest interval between exercises ( n = 17),

and a control group ( n = 8) that performed the same exercises in a different order (compound exercises prior to isolation).


No significant between-group effects were found for strength in chest press, leg press, or pull-down exercises, or for body composition changes.


PreEx training offers no greater benefit to performing the same exercises with rest between them compared with exercises performed in an order that prioritizes compound movements. 

B- study on pre-exhaustion:

Aim : investigate the effect of pre exhaustion exercise on lower-extremity muscle activation during a leg press exercise


Seventeen healthy male subjects performed 1 set of a leg press exercise with and without pre-exhaustion exercise,

which consisted of 1 set of a knee extension exercise.

Both exercises were performed at a load of 10 repetitions maximum (10RM).

Electromyography (EMG) was recorded from the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and gluteus maximus muscles simultaneously during the leg press exercise

Results :

The activation of the rectus femoris and the vastus lateralis muscles during the leg press exercise was significantly less when subjects were pre-exhausted (p < 0.05)

No significant EMG change was observed for the gluteus maximus muscle

When in a pre-exhausted state, subjects performed significantly (p < 0.001) less repetitions of the leg press exercise


The findings do not support the popular belief of weight trainers that performing pre-exhaustion exercise is more effective in order to enhance muscle activity compared with regular weight training.

Conversely, pre-exhaustion exercise may have disadvantageous effects on performance, such as decreased muscle activity and reduction in strength, during multijoint exercise.


Post exhaustion methods are more beneficial than pre exhaustion methods for muscle damage and hypertrophy.

All post exhaustion methods :-have the same aim: stimulate considerably and

intensively the muscles which lead to their hypertrophy during the recuperation phase.

-Increase TUT and total load in order to shock the body and to break the routine increase hypertrophy


A Brief Review of Forced Repetitions for the Promotion of Muscular Hypertrophy Daniel A. Hackett, PhD and Theban Amirthalingam, BHSc (Hons) Discipline of Exercise and Sport Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Acute hormonal and neuromuscular responses and recovery to forced vs maximum repetitions multiple resistance exercises. Strength athletes are capable to produce greater muscle activation and neural fatigue during high-intensity resistance exercise than nonathletes. Increased number of forced repetitions does not enhance strength development with resistance training Acute hormonal responses to heavy resistance exercise in strength athletes versus nonathletes. The acute effects of varied resistance training methods on blood lactate and loading characteristics in recreationally trained men Immune responses to an upper body tri-set resistance training session Comparison between the multiple-set plus 2 weeks of tri-set and traditional multiple-set method on strength and body composition in trained women: a pilot study Effect of Pre-Exhaustion Exercise on Lower-Extremity Muscle Activation During a Leg Press Exercise. Effects of Different Strength Training Methods on Postexercise Energetic Expenditure Acute neuromuscular and fatigue responses to the rest-pause method. The effects of pre-exhaustion, exercise order, and rest intervals in a full-body resistance training intervention. Exercise order affects the total training volume and the ratings of perceived exertion in response to a super-set resistance training session