Post-Modern Analysis of Music Video updated

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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  • 7/29/2019 Post-Modern Analysis of Music Video updated


    Post-modern analysis of music video

    Rude Boy byRihanna.

    By Hannah Alley

  • 7/29/2019 Post-Modern Analysis of Music Video updated


    Post modernity

    Modernism is a movement in the arts that establishedtraditional conventions concerning the representation of

    reality. So its response, which is Postmodernity,

    challenges these conventions in a playful way, as it is a

    concept characterised by the distrust of theories. It

    remixes the idea of representation and makes light of it. Itis the idea that there is no distinction between reality and

    hyper-reality/what is fake, due to the distortions the

    media present to the public. Some people say that

    postmodernity has only just come around, whilst otherssay that postmodernity is just a way of thinking of media,

    and that it has always been around.

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    Rihanna, the post-modern queen

    Robyn Rihanna Fenty (born February 20, 1988),known by her stage name Rihanna is a

    Barbadian recording artist, actress, and fashion

    designer. Born in Saint Michael, Barbados, her

    career began when she met record producer EvanRogers through mutual friends in late 2003 and

    recorded demo tapes under Rogers' guidance.

    Rihanna is a genius in postmodernity, constantly

    keeping up her star image by consistently postingprovocative pictures of herself on Instagram,

    creating rebellious, crude music videos, and much


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    Rude Boy music

    video by Rihanna.

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    Firstly, Mise-en-scene.- COSTUME, HAIR & MAKEUP

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    The idea of whats seen asa conventional female

    isnt what is portrayed

    here. All features of

    femininity are absent; - herblack, ripped revealing

    clothing and massive

    stilettos shout rebellion

    and a completely different

    image of a female that we

    are used to.

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    Here, we are portrayed a veryvibrant and unique image ofRihanna. She is wearing a blackcrop top and a tethered red,yellow and green skirt, which isquite quirky. Aswell as that,

    Rihanna is wearing gold chainsand some gold jewellery on herhands and on her chest. Thisexemplifies money andsuperficiality, as if her fame andstatus is all she cares about.Again, her hair style is quiteboyish and quirky, goingcompletely against the originalideas of a conventional femalewho has long hair, etc..

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    In this shot, Rihanna iswearing very vibrant

    makeup which carries

    across her face. This

    makeup is very differentto any other artists we

    have seen in a music

    video, again portraying

    rebellion and quirkiness,

    but also bringing out a

    new side to Rihannas

    star image.

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    Mise-en-sceneBODY LANGUAGE

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    At this stage in themusic video, Rihanna

    sings tonight Ima let

    you be the rider, and

    as we can see in the

    image she is literallyriding a lion with a

    crown drawn onto it.

    This shot is very odd

    but also very ironic.The fact that she is

    riding an animal

    represents wildness.

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    Rihannas body language

    here is very sexual andprovocative. She is thrustingher hips forward as shedances, performing a sexualmotion with her hands. Mostartists create their music

    videos targeting them at botha male and femaleaudience;- however, here, itseems apparent thatRihanna just wants to attracta male target audience,which is unlike anything

    weve seen before at thistime. Overall Rihanna comesacross as very rebellious,striving to be different.

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    Mise-en-sceneSetting, lighting, colours etc

    & Editing

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    In this shot, thereis quite a lot of

    time reference to

    the older times, as

    the dark coloursand setting of


    standing on

    boxes, portrays an

    old fashioned vibe

    about it.

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    In this shot there is

    intertexuality to cartoons,creating quirkiness in theimage. There are alsomany different vibrantcolours, instantly

    attracting the audiencesattention. The brightlighting creates a light-heartedness about theshot, which is ironicbecause the music videoas a whole, aswell as thelyrics, are far from lighthearted and are verysexual.

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    The extreme effects added

    to this shot have created a

    vibrant, retro sort of vibe,

    which again is ironic

    because the music video

    isnt retro, its Pop. The factthat Rihanna has merged

    different genres into her

    music video makes it very

    post modern. Also, themany different colours and

    blurred effect represent a

    drunk, crazy sort of feeling

    to it, making it very different

    to any other.

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    In this shot there is an

    abstract collection of

    images of lips in a

    college together. The

    dark blue, purple and

    red colours used create

    a sense of almost

    evilness and seduction.

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    Camera work

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    Its ironic here because

    the camera angle and

    editing work hand in hand

    to create the idea that

    Rihanna is Queen and

    superior here. The lowangle suggests that the

    audience should respect

    Rihanna regardless of her

    costume and behaviour,because we are

    essentially looking up at


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    My last point is re-

    established in this shot


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    Some people have said that RihannasRude Boymusic video imitates/is a copy of quite a few other

    music videos out there with its vibrant dancehall

    feel to it.


    Is RihannasRude Boy an original or a copy?
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    The pace ofRihannasmusic video Rude Boy is

    very fast. There are hundreds of shots used in this

    music video and the fact that its combined with

    many different vibrant colours and settings, visually itis very overwhelming for the audience which may be

    its effect.

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    The role of Rihanna in Rude Boy and her

    star image.

    Around about the time that Rude Boy came out, wasliterally Rihannastransformation from sweet, girl next

    door Rihanna to provocative, daring Rihanna. This

    music video and the song was a shock to everyone

    because of her sexual, provocative dancing, singing and

    costume, in contrast to her star image before. This music

    video actually has a lot of reference to Rihannas image

    because her star image literally transformed straight after

    this music video was publicised. Rihanna was not a

    fictional character in this music video; - she was hertransformed-self, and this behaviour of hers stayed

    consistent ever since the Rude Boy music video.

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    The lyrics

    Come hereRude boy, boyrude and unladylike.Can you get it upCome hereRude boy, boyIs you big enough sexual innuendo. Challenging theaudience. A key element of postmodernity isengrossing/engaging the audience, and challenging theaudience like Rihanna is here, is very post modern.Take it, take it crude and bold language that we as anaudience are not used to.

    Baby, babyTake it, take itLove meLove me

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    I'm a let youBe the captain- Rihanna is shamelessly talking about hersex life to the public. Shock factor.TonightI'm a let you

    Do your thing, yeah she is engaging the audience; - atypical convention of postmodernity. Directly speaking tothe viewers, which adds a personal feel.TonightI'm a let youBe a rider

    Giddy upGiddy up sexual repetition.Giddy up, babe

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    TonightI'm a let it

    Be fire


    I'm a let you

    Take me higher


    Baby we can

    Get it on

    Yeah we can get it on


    Do you like it


    I wa-wa-want

    What you wa-wa-


    Give it to me babyLike boom, boom,


    What I wa-wa-want

    Is what you wa-wa-want

    Na, na

    Ah, ah

  • 7/29/2019 Post-Modern Analysis of Music Video updated


    As we can see, the lyrics on their own are enough tomake the audience feel uncomfortable listening to

    the song. However, this is a strong point of post

    modernity as it creates a shock factor through the

    rebellion and crudity displayed. This is a very

    effective way for Rihanna to gain views and

    attention. Again, it transforms her star image and

    allows the audience to see her in a completely

    different way.

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    By Hannah Alley