Posters analysis

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Poster analysis

This poster is quite hard hitting and is supposed to be making a point. It is meant to look quite dark because its trying to show the desperateness that being homeless can cause.

They use large fonts that captures your eye. Although the font is big its not particularly clear. This is because its sticking to a style that’s supposed to correlate with homelessness.

Its all the same color and it looks quite bare, desolate and lonely. It doesn’t look colourful or fun this is because homelessness isn’t either of those things.

The layout is quite stereotypical of posters. It has text in the middle and the image is in the background. Its on brick which is kind of making a point that if your homeless this is the side of the brick that you will usually see.

Its almost saying that becoming homeless can be as bad or worse than loosing your life without actually saying it. You would hope that in most cases being homeless isn’t worse than loosing your life. Becoming homeless can be life and soul destroying and many people find it hard to cope, this poster is explaining this in as few words as possible

This poster is designed to make you think. Its aimed specifically towards children and people tend to be more sympathetic than they are towards adult. People are more sympathetic towards children because they are more venerable. This poster is trying to show the venerability of being homeless whilst being a child.

The font seems quite child like and fun as if it were advertising something towards children. I think the font has been selected in this way so that it links in with the children's homeless poster.

The layout is quite traditional and the text starts in the top left. The top left is generally the first place you will look when you look at a poster this is because of the western way of reading from left to right.

It says about it being not fun to be homeless as a child which is quite obvious. Its kind of making a point that a child's childhood should be fun and joyous.

The photo is quite dark really because its of a child crying. It’s a good use of image though because it makes you think of the distress that some homeless children will be going through.

It has quite a strong statement saying “Help change that”. Its not asking a question, its almost telling you to be a part of the help to decrease homelessness.

This poster was designed to make you think about the different kinds of homeless people. There is the most stereotypical type of homelessness where you imagine someone with a dog and just a sleeping bag to there name. This poster is informing you of the more discrete forms of homelessness.

The poster is quite colourful and I think this is to catch peoples eye. You then follow the trail of sofas until you realize what the photo is trying to portray.

The layout of the poster is quite interesting to look at. It starts of with a bit of thought provoking text which then in turn links in with the collection of images. The white background makes everything in the foreground stand out.

The fonts are quite relevant to the images and fit in well with the cartoony style. The fonts at the bottom of the poster are different because its trying to inform you with a little bit of information.

This poster isn’t dark as many homeless posters are. With that in mind I still think it gets the required point across. It show that a poster doesn’t have to be hard hitting or have a dark tone to be a successful thought provoking poster.

This poster is very interesting if not a little bit controversial. Its directed towards the religious section of the community. Obviously there are many people who are religious who do help the homeless. This poster is direct towards religious people who are maybe a bit self riotous and maybe are religious for the wrong reasons such as personal gain. If your religious your supposed to be caring and abide by the ten commandments. If your not caring towards the homeless and your religious you are defeating the whole point.

This is an illustrated poster and the image may have been drawn specially or it may have been taken from a viable source. It has a picture of Jesus in the centre who is a figure head for any religious person. This will make any religious person think about Jesus and think about his situation at the time of his life. He was a homeless drifter. This poster is saying that if you are religious and you can ignore a homeless person you can ignore Jesus.

The font is quite hard hitting and old fashioned, both these traits bode well with the image. The black background around the text makes it stand out and separates it from the image.

A few religious people may see this poster as offensive because its almost directly undermining them. It would depend on how strong your religious beliefs were or how much they would think the statement was true.

This poster is relatively basic and is just informing you of the service that SASH provides.

The colour scheme within this poster is quite basic with just using red and white. The colour scheme matches the purpose of the poster but I think it should be different so that it wouldn’t look so formal. It almost looks like an advert for a business or a corporation.

The layout isn’t that unique and feels a bit cold and coordinated. That being said I think if you did stop to read it the information would stay in mind because of the bright colours and the large logo in the middle. The sole purpose of this poster is for people to learn of SASH and to hear of what they do in the most basic of forms. On those terms I think this poster would be useful.

This poster is just an informative poster and wasn’t designed to be hard hitting or opinion changing. Its just meant to advertise the services available for people who have or are becoming homeless. It gives you telephone numbers and contact details that could be useful.

This poster doesn’t really abide by the normal layout of a poster based on where the text is positioned. Its got a chair in the left hand side which is where you would normally look first. You look at the bright colorful chair until you move over to the text on the right. You then read the text answering how that chair relates to homeless people.

The poster isn’t saying that people generally care for chairs more than they do homeless people its just making a point how people react when they see one. If you asked the average person if they would like to help the homeless they would probably say yes. Whether they would actually go out and do it is a different matter.

Its almost telling a brutal truth about how people react and think about homeless people. The poster is trying to show this by the bright red chair contrasting against the desolate background that doesn’t really look that inviting. The red chair is supposed to represent a homeless person and this poster would look more dark in terms of images if it were

The font is quite progressive in size and goes from small to large and then large to small. It says two truths in the text, the less controversial text is in bright white. The more controversial is in lighter, less easy to read text. It seems to fade out.