Postflaviana - Genetics of the Oligarchs Eloi or Upstarts

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Postflaviana - Genetics of the Oligarchs Eloi or Upstarts


  • Genetics of the Oligarchs: Eloi, or Upstarts? /elite-sub-species/

    Jerry Russell

    In H. G. Wells classic novel The Time Machine, the Time Traveler is translated to the year 802,701 AD. Inthis future world, the human race has evolved into two completely distinct species, the Eloi and theMorlocks. The effete Eloi elite live in comfort above ground and do no work, while the brutal Morlocks toilendlessly at their underground industry. Wells wrote:

    At first, proceeding from the problems of our own age, it seemed clear as daylight to methat the gradual widening of the present merely temporary and social difference betweenthe Capitalist and the Labourer, was the key to the whole position. No doubt it will seemgrotesque enough to youand wildly incredible!and yet even now there are existingcircumstances to point that way. the exclusive tendency of richer peopledue, no doubt,to the increasing refinement of their education, and the widening gulf between them and therude violence of the pooris already leading to the closing, in their interest, of considerableportions of the surface of the land. About London, for instance, perhaps half the prettiercountry is shut in against intrusion. And this same widening gulfwhich is due to the lengthand expense of the higher educational process and the increased facilities for andtemptations towards refined habits on the part of the richwill make that exchange betweenclass and class, that promotion by intermarriage which at present retards the splitting of ourspecies along lines of social stratification, less and less frequent. So, in the end, aboveground you must have the Haves, pursuing pleasure and comfort and beauty, and belowground the Have-nots, the Workers getting continually adapted to the conditions of theirlabour.

    However, neither the Eloi nor the Morlocks have remained fully human. The Eloi have grown lazy and dull,while the Morlocks, crude as they are, have somehow regained the upper hand in the war between thetwo species. In a sort of comic reversal, they have taken to cannibalizing the Eloi that they feed and clothe.

    In an earlier version of this post, The Eloi and the Morlocks, I argued that the elite of our planet maysimilarly represent a distinct race or sub-species of humanity. That is, they are descended largely from asmall founder group, such as a tribe or a small set of tribes. If so, they may have an ethnic, xenophobic, oreven nepotistic sense of their own power and entitlement. This could be the beginning a trend that couldeventually culminate in a situation similar to the nightmare vision of the Wells novel.

    This has proven to be a controversial view even at this website. Forum member Collectivist suggestedinstead that the oligarchs from the feudal era have been overthrown by a small vanguard of verypowerful Jews and crypto-Jews. These Jews would be the Upstarts in the title of this post. We claim thatsince ancient times, the Jews have been in the role of a buffer (scapegoat) class between the gentileelites and the commoners. How, then, could this tiny minority launch a coup dtat against theirmasters? When and where did this take place? Was it before or after the Jews were emancipated fromCatholic-originated legal strictures in Europe, and also in relation to the liberal rise of the democraticnation-state system? The proposal raises as many questions as it answers.

    Meanwhile, we are also concerned that casual or out-of-context discussion of the ethnic or racial

  • characteristics of the oligarchs can easily take on an unsavory Aryan Nazi White Supremacist aspect.The suggestion that the true core group might be Jewish could add the appearance of a dark, ugly shadowof anti-semitism, to use this genetically over-freighted term. Unsupported or unsupportable racistallegations could easily result in the marginalization of our entire Postflavian project. (That is, if ourrejection of all major organized religions and national political parties is not sufficient in itself to result inthat fate.) Therefore, racial or ethnic statements about elite secret societies must be fully supported by theevidence, and placed in proper context.

    Elsewhere, we have argued that the trumped-up conflict between Gentiles versus (Romanized Rabbinic)Jews has been the single biggest false dialectic underlying Western Civilization. So now we are beingtold that these downtrodden and abused Christ Killers have emerged as the new (secret) masters of theuniverse? This would be supremely ironic, to say the least. We must at least consider what sort ofevidence would be required to establish the truth or falsehood of the proposition.

    Given these concerns, the statistical null case also deserves careful consideration. Wells supposition, thatpromotion by intermarriage at present retards the splitting of our species along lines of socialstratification may very well be correct. Or in other words, perhaps upward and downward social mobilityswamps any tribal organization of the elite. If so, there may be no demonstrable genetic, racial or ethnicdistinction between the oligarchs of our planet, versus the rest of our species. Or, even if there is somedifference which can be theoretically defined and proven from genealogy charts or DNA testing, thatdifference might have no functional effect. According to this view, the elite criminality discussed on this sitemust be explained entirely on the basis of the persistence of cultural memes; institutional continuity; socialselection; scientific and technical knowledge; and many other factors unrelated to genetics. Obviouslysuch factors must be very important, regardless of whether or not genetics, race and ethnicity play a role.

    This is obviously the beginning of a long-term research project. The context is that these are not racistallegations, certainly not directed against particular individuals, but rather they are genetic, genealogical &ethnic questions which we hope to resolve in the future. The earlier post is being revised to further developa conceptual basis for the research, and to describe some of the tools which could possibly be brought tobear.

    The Eloi Model of Elite GeneticsThis theory would claim that throughout history, the class of oligarchs (that is, the wealthy & powerful) arefar more likely to have chosen their mates from among other wealthy & powerful people, rather than fromthe lower classes. Because of international politics, opportunities for travel, and cosmopolitan values, thewealthy and powerful are far more likely to choose their mates (or have mates chosen for them by theirelders) among individuals from far distant locations, different religions, different cultures, or differentlanguages, compared to low-class people with far more limited options. However, all of these mateschosen from all these different locations, regions and cultures would have one thing in common: that theywould have been wealthy and powerful.

    If this is correct, the oligarchs may by now have become a distinct ethnicity or breeding pool, which is nowincreasingly diverging from the rest of humanity. By the same token, the members of this wealthy andpowerful ethnic group are becoming increasingly more genetically similar to each other, than they arerelated to any of the peoples that they rule over.

    According to this Eloi model, it is also highly likely that the oligarchs are descended primarily from a smallfounder group. That is, near the beginning of agricultural civilization there was a single tribe, or asmall number of tribes, that became extraordinarily successful in either insinuating control or conqueringthe various nations, so to speak, of the ancient Near East (Eurasia and North Africa). Thus, they became

  • the rulers over the members of the less fortunate ethnic groups.

    Michael Hart, in Understanding Human History, argues that at the end of the Paleolithic era, the peoplesliving in arctic climates had evolved a cluster of genetic characteristics including pale skin and greatertechnological skills required for survival in adverse conditions. Meanwhile, the people living in southernregions (with darker skins) had the misfortune of living in lands that were far more fertile and thus morevaluable. Thus, Hart argues, tribes from the North had both the capability and the motivation to becomedominant over people of the South, either by conquest or by infiltration. The northern tribes spoke Indo-European and / or Uralic languages. As they became rulers over the various nations of Semites,Africans and Asians, the invaders would have been highly motivated to breed only amongstthemselves. Having originated from a distant location, these pale-skinned rulers would have had a verydistinct sense of their peculiar racial identity in contrast to their subjects.

    It is difficult to say to what extent these ancient tribal genetics have actually been preserved to the presenttime by the elite. Over deep time, many factors militate against it. One factor would be the rate of intrusionof random breeding partners from outside the elite class into the core bloodlines. Another factor wouldbe the loss of members of the bloodlines because of downward social mobility, death of entire familylineages, or other misfortune. If the elite view themselves as a distinct class, this may be a matter ofcultural memes and/or self-deception as much as anything else.

    Nevertheless, there are signs that at least some of the elite have an awareness of themselves as a classwith a familial, ethnic or xenophobic nature, as well as a nepotistic sense of entitlement to wealth andpower. As such, they also have access to a wealth of knowledge and experience regarding the science andart of maintaining control over the masses. This knowledge is certainly preserved in colleges anduniversities which are accessible primarily to the elite and their middle-class collaborators, but it might alsobe maintained as family lore, or held in secret libraries within the innermost circles of elite secret societies.

    If this oligarchical sub-species still exists, it must have also had a significant amount of genetic materialintroduced from local elites all over the world from every racial background. There have also been distinctevolutionary pressures arising from the unique environment of the elite. As it is often said: uneasy is thehead that wears the crown. In other words, there has been some selection pressure for raw survival toreproductive age, based on cunning in social relations and in battle.

    The elite also have a very powerful sense of the importance of family connections and genealogy. It ispossible, at this point, that the elites do not view themselves as any more akin to Nordic or Caucasian orJewish commoners, than any other race of hoi polloi. According to the strong version of thiseloi hypothesis, they are a distinct racial entity unto themselves. Or, if the null hypothesis mentionedabove is correct, then we can still propose a weak version of the Eloi model: that many elite think ofthemselves this way, even if it isnt literally genetically true.

    For example, under the British Israel doctrine, the British consider themselves to be Lost Tribe Hebrewsand, as such, part of Gods chosen people even though historical or genetic support for this claim is farfrom obvious. That said, we have our own interpretation of biblical history where there can indeed besome, rather varnished, contextual credence to such claims. And which we will use to complement thiseffort.

    In either case, we have an Earthly model for the Abraxas family in the recent movie, Jupiter Ascending. Aswe showed in our recent review, the Abraxas are portrayed as a close-knit family which rules over manyherds of humanity, each of which lives on a different planet, an allegory here for races and tribes living indifferent Earthly regions.

    The Upstart model: Judaism Ascending?

  • According to this view, the ancient eloi as discussed above may well have been in control during the timeof the Roman Empire and indeed throughout feudal times and even up until recently. However, the conflictbetween the Flavians and other Roman emperors, versus the Jewish rebels, may not have ended with theutter defeat of the Jews in the many wars against them, and the Roman dominance over rabbinicalJudaism. Instead, is it possible that the Jews maintained a grim determination to reverse their humiliatingdefeat and to establish world domination over their rivals, a plot which is now nearing consummation?

    There are some basic facts which form the core of this speculation, and which are not in dispute (or atleast, not here.)

    The story seems to date back to the first Crusade, which was organized as a European response toIslamic conquest of the holy lands of the Middle East. French noblemen related to participants of the FirstCrusade organized the Knights Templar and set up shop at the newly conquered Temple Mount, andwere given the blessing of the Roman Catholic Church in 1129. The Templars became very successful asbankers, introducing innovative practices which they may have learned from the Islamics. It is suspectedthat the Templars were not orthodox Christians, but that some of the organizers were Cathars. The Catharsemerged at about the same time as the Templars: first reports of Cathar theology in France emergedaround 1143. The beliefs of both the Cathars and Templars are obscure (their writings having beendestroyed) but are believed to have been basically gnostic, or perhaps Kabbalist. The Templars wereaccused of worshiping Baphomet, although there is little if any evidence that this is true, or who theythought Baphomet was. Images of Baphomet as a man with a goat head apparently originate from the19th century.

    The Cathars came under severe pressure from the Albigensian Crusade beginning about 1208, and wereutterly crushed by 1330. The Knights Templar were terminated and suppressed in 1307, althoughremnants were merged with the Knights Hospitaller (of whom later became todays Roman CatholicKnights of Malta), the Portuguese Knights of Christ, the German Teutonic Knights, and so forth. Thevacuum left in the banking industry was taken up mostly by Italian and Venetian bankers.

    The intolerance of the medieval Catholic church extended also to the Jews. The Inquisition, which initiallytargeted the Cathars, impacted Judaism as well beginning about 1242, and intensified in the SpanishInquisition beginning in 1481. Many of the Jews were forced to convert to Christianity. However, some ofthese conversos (converts) continued to practice Judaism and/or Kabbalism in secret, and so the loyaltiesof the conversos were always open to suspicion. The name Marrano (pig or swine) was also attached as apejorative to these people.

    The invention of the printing press in 1440 enabled many commoners, craftsmen and merchants toread the Bible (and to a lesser extent, Josephus Flavius) for the first time. This led to a realization that thebeliefs and practices, such as indulgences, of the Catholic Church were not entirely compatible with theancient scripture. This, as well as the excesses of the Inquisition, may have led to the advent of theReformation. As a popular attack on the Catholic Church, the Reformation was actually in full swing by thetime of Martin Luthers Ninety-Five Theses of 1517.

    The overt counter-reformation of the Church was led by the Jesuits, an order formed by Ignatius of Loyolawith the authority of Pope Paul III in 1540. Curiously here, the archbishop of Venice, who supported thefounding of the Jesuits and the Council of Trent (whose purpose was to hear and rule upon the Protestantcomplaints) also wrote letters of encouragement to the Calvinist Protestants. The center of the Calvinisttheological dispute was over the means (works versus grace) of Salvation and the related doctrine ofPredestination, of which we proclaim was a manufactured controversy.

    However, although nominally Christian, the theology of the Jesuits was in some ways more similar to thethat of the Alumbrados (that is, the illuminated or enlightened ones), a group of Spanish

  • gnostic conversos denounced in 1525 by the Inquisition. Ignatius of Loyola himself was a converso, aswas the prior Spanish Inquisitions Torquemada, and had been accused of sympathies with theAlumbrados, although he was acquitted. The Jesuits became the main educational and missionary (that is,propaganda) arm of the Catholic Church and became increasingly powerful from the 16th through the 18thcentury, until 1773 when they were suppressed and largely disbanded by the order of Pope Clement XIV.

    Strangely coincidental with the alleged termination, or rather the Disestablishment, of the Jesuits,came the rise of the Rothschild banking empire, and the creation of the Bavarian Illuminati by AdamWeishaupt, a Jesuit professor of Catholic canon law at the Jesuits University of Ingolstadt. MayerRothschild obtained the position of court factor for Crown Prince William of Hesse in 1769, beginning hismeteoric rise to become the primary banker to European royalty. Weishaupts group was founded in 1776,and took up the function of Illuminist propaganda and missionary work more or less where the Jesuits leftoff, and also worked to influence the Freemason lodges of the time. There are allegations that Weishauptwas also from a converso family and was a crypto-Jew.

    Whether contrived, as Tupper Saussy claimed in his Rulers of Evil, or not: his claim is that the timely, andsupposedly bloody, Disestablishment of the Jesuits is what enabled the Catholics to garner the goodgraces of the highly Protestant American colonists, who otherwise hated them. The enemy of my enemy ismy friend, and thus Jesuit based Catholicism is ironically the vastly predominant form found in the UnitedStates of America, and the most powerful block in American national politics, with some considerable helpfrom the JFK assassination.

    The Jesuits were restored to the good graces of the Catholic Church beginning in 1801 in Russia.Meanwhile, the Bavarian Illuminati were officially condemned in Prussia in 1785, but continued to infiltratethe Freemasons whose work continues to this day.

    These events were watersheds. Ever since then, these influences can be seen in the banking system, inFreemasonic dominance over democratic governments in America and Europe. In the mass media, theuse of illuminati symbolism as well as reversed Gospel typology can be seen as a trademark of thisinfluence.

    According to the Judaism Ascending model, characters such as Ignatius of Loyola, Adam Weishaupt andMayer Rothschild should be seen as vanguards of their own race, upstarts from the humble ghettos wherethe Jews lived as an oppressed minority. Shakespeare (that is, perhaps, Emilia Bassano) may also beseen as part of this cabal. Any question whether the Shakespearean literature is more Jewish or Jesuit incharacter is basically irrelevant, as both Jesuitism and Kabbalist Judaism are manifestations of one evil.This entire movement is essentially Jewish (Kabbalistic), ethnic, and targeted to reverse the humiliationssuffered by the Jews at the hands of the Romans. According to this model, the New World Orderconspiracy must be seen as fundamentally racist, and it is now targeted towards genocide of all otherraces aside from the Jewish chosen people.

    Eloi model, revisitedThe Eloi model of elite genetics (discussed above) does not deny any of these events, but gives them adifferent interpretation. Just as the Roman Emperors were pagans hiding behind a Christian front, theRoman Catholic church throughout its entire history may have been, at its core, an illuminati institutionand not a Christian one. Christianity itself has never been anything more than an exoteric, populist congame to be foisted on feudal subjects. Similarly, Rabbinical Judaism has been a con game foisted bythose same elite insiders onto the Jewish commoners.

    Eloists would say that the emergence of the Jesuits, Bavarian Illuminati, modern Freemasons, and theRothschild banking empire, were all manifestations of the old elite coming out from behind their Catholic

  • cover story, re-asserting Imperial control under cover of stealth. If this is correct, we would expect to findthe institutions of old feudal Europe such as the Catholic Church, the various Royal courts, and the nobility,all covertly collaborating with the Jesuits, Illuminati, Freemasons, and Jewish Bankers.

    By the same token, Kabbalism should not be viewed as uniquely Jewish, but rather part of a greaterHellenistic trend, and going back even further in time and geographically widespread with roots inshamanism. Philo was incorporating Platonism from the Greeks into Judaism, and the same seems to bethe case for wider gnosticism. All of this can be traced back ultimately to the Mesopotamians andEgyptians. In general, these esoteric religions may have been reserved for elites, as the inner church. TheCathars may have been an unapproved stream, via such as the Bogomils, that escaped the clutches of thechurch until it became predominant and thus dangerous to the Roman churchs monopoly in theLanguadoc and eventually even wider.

    Its possible that at least some, if not all, of the founders and elite leaders of the crypto-Jewish Illuminatiwill turn out to be as closely related genetically to the noble class of Europeans, as they are to the commonclass of Ashkenazi and / or Sephardic Jews. These Hofjuden or Court Jews tended to intermarry withthe royals and nobles, or favored close cousin marriages.

    I will not try to hide my own views here. I believe that the Roman Catholics and European royalty andAmerican democracy have collaborated far too closely with the Jesuits, Freemasons and JewishInternational Bankers, for the latter to be seen as an upstart rebellion. I believe it has been a cooperativeventure from the beginning, and continuing to the present day. This includes the strange alliance of JewishZionists, Christian Zionist Neocons and American and European military intelligence, which seems to beat the heart of the New World Order Conspiracy today.

    Nevertheless, it has been proposed that genetics and/or genealogy might be a key to resolving thisparticular dispute, and revealing the true nature of the secret society. Accordingly, I would like to reviewsome concepts that might prove helpful.

    The concept of species and sub-species in modern biologyBiologically, a species is defined as a group that can successfully interbreed and produce fertileoffspring. Thus, all human beings are considered part of the same species. We can choose a mate fromanywhere on the planet, without hurting our chances of reproductive success.

    If a species is separated into two or more groups which are not allowed to interbreed, they will start to driftapart genetically. If they are subject to different selection pressures, then the process of geneticdivergence is accentuated and directed. Thus, the separated populations may start to becomeanatomically and functionally distinctive as well. Yet this can go on for quite some time, before matingbetween the groups becomes impossible. As long as most or all pairings are fertile, the populations areconsidered to belong to the same species. But, because they have distinct local characteristics, they arecalled sub-species.

    A good example of sub-species are the various breeds of purebred dogs. These populations areseparated by their human breeders, so that there is little if any genetic exchange between the breeds. Ifdogs from different breeds do mate together, the result is called a mongrel and is excluded from theentire category of purebred dogs. Although of course mongrels are still members of the species of dogs,they are not considered a part of either of the sub-species of their parents.

    Races and ethnic groupsThe terms race and ethnic group are similar but not identical in their connotations. Ethnic group tends

  • to be more associated with groupings based on culture, religion or nationality, while race has a moregenetic and physical connotation. In practice the terms overlap for reasons which I will explain.

    A modern concept of race and ethnicity is shown in this graph from Out of Africa Again and Again by AlanTempleton (Nature 416, 4551, 2002).

    The figure illustrates that humanityconsists of a number of lineageswhich have descended in parallelthrough many generations. Humansnaturally fall into groups which areseparated by factors such asdistance, geographical barriers,language, and culture. Such barriersserve to delineate the populationsand limit the amount of genetic cross-flow at each generation. Thus, eachlineage is inbred to some degree.However, all couplings betweenhuman beings are potentiallyfertile. Miscegenation can and doesoccur in spite of all obstacles to thecontrary. Major events denotingvast migrations of peoples from placeto place (shown in red in the diagram)have contributed additionalintermingling.

    The biological concepts of sub-species or breeds are potentiallyapplicable to such human groups.However, because of the amount ofinterbreeding among human groups,the physical and geneticdifferences between groups of peopleare far less significant than thedifferences between the variousbreeds of dogs. This is in spite of thefact that these subspecies of dogshave been created in a relatively short period of time compared to mans evolution. (Most modern breedsof dogs have been created by breeders in the last 150 years or less, and are still diverging rapidly.)

    Rather than crisply defined breeds, humankind consists of an undefined number of lineages that blendimperceptibly together, with no clear edges. Accordingly, efforts to use such concepts to create clearboundaries in legal or nationalistic contexts have often ended as intellectual and/or politicalfiascos. However, this does not mean that the concept of race is meaningless.

    Genetics and family treesTo further help explain what we mean by these concepts of subpecies and inbreeding, I would like tobring in some figures and information from the excellent blog article Your Family: Past, Present and

  • Future by Tim Urban.

    Your Ancestor Cone

    So lets start with the past, and see what happens if we keep going up the family tree, orwhat Ill call your Ancestor Cone:

    You can see that things get hectic pretty quickly when you start moving back generations.The top row is the 128-person group of your great5 grandparents, or your grandparentsgrandparents great-grandparents. The thing that I find surprising is how recently in time youhad such a large number of ancestors. Estimating an average generation at 25-30 years,most of those people were your current age around 1800-1825. So the early 19th-centuryworld contained 128 random strangers going about their lives, each of whose genes makesup 1/128th of who you are today.

    With respect to this drawing, it is possible to define three lines of descent: paternal ancestry along thepurely male line, maternal ancestry along the purely female line, or what I might call general ancestry,that is, the entire cone. In genetic research, data may be extracted from either Y-chromosome DNA (aprobe for paternal ancestry), mitochondrial DNA (a probe for maternal ancestry), or autosomal DNA(which derives from the entire ancestral cone.) The vast majority of DNA in the human genome isautosomal DNA.

  • Notice that as we go higher in the ancestral cone, the maternal and paternal lines represent a smaller andsmaller sample of the total ancestry of each person. That is, at the 7th generation back (as shown in thediagram above) the paternal and maternal lineages each represent less than 1% of the total geneticheritage of the individual. In genetics, these lineages can be explored using Y-DNA and mt-DNArespectively, establishing relationships going deep back into time. Y-DNA and Mt-DNA can be used to traceancestries all the way back to Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosome Adam, the most recent maternaland paternal ancestors of all living humans.

    Autosomal DNA draws information randomly from the entire general ancestral cone, but gives less andless information about each individual ancestor as time recedes. At each generation, segments of DNAfrom each parent are snipped and recombined at random. Thus, in comparisons of DNA genomes amongclose family relations, segments of varying length may be found to be identical by descent, that is, IBD.As relations become more distant, the IBD segments get chopped into smaller and smaller pieces, untilthey either become too short to detect, or are randomly omitted altogether by therecombination process. Analysis of IBD segments can reveal family relationships very reliably to the 5thdegree, and sometimes up to the 11th degree. That is, we can trace three to five generations up to anancestor, and back down his or her family tree another two to six generations through another child of thatancestor to find distant cousins.

    Inbreeding and pedigree collapseGetting back to Tim Urbans blog, he notices that as we continue going back in time, the number ofancestors in everyones family tree continues to explode, reaching ~68 billion ancestors at 1100 AD. AsUrban explains:

    The reason thats problematic is that the world population goes like this:

  • So how do we explain this?

    With a concept called pedigree collapse, which is what happens when people end up with amate who is somewhat or very closely related to them. So for example, if two cousins had achild, that child would only have six great-grandparents, not eight. Or, to put it another way,there are eight filled great-grandparent spots on that childs family tree, but two of the spotsare duplicates of two other spots

    Before youwince, absorbthis fact:according toRutgersanthropologyprofessorRobinFox, 80% of allmarriages inhistory havebeen betweensecondcousins orcloser.

    The reason forthis is that formost of humanhistory, peoplespent most of their lives in the same five mile radius, and the other people in that samearea tended to be immediate and extended family. To get away from their extended familywhen courting, men would have to walk over five miles away, which after a long day ofhunting you just dont feel like doing.

    In the Western World, this is largely a phenomenon of the past, but in many parts of theworld, this is still a common practicefor example, in most of the Middle East and NorthAfrica, over 50% of todays marriages are between second cousins or closer.

    I would add that according to Foxs research, another important reason for the prevalence of these 2ndcousin marriages is because they are specifically favored according to the laws and customs of manytraditional societies. This may be because they preserve some family cohesiveness, without the well-known genetic downsides of marriages among even closer cousins or siblings.

    This is what we mean by inbreeding: the shrinkage of the ancestor cone due to pedigree collapse. Thisoccurs when distant cousins are intermarrying at a rate higher than would happen by chance in a largepopulation. Returning again to Urbans blog, he offers this further explanation of distant cousinrelationships:

    every stranger in the world is a cousin of yours, and the only question is how distant a

  • cousin they are. The degree of cousin (first, second, etc.) is just a way of referring to howfar you have to go back before you get to a common ancestor. For first cousins, you onlyhave to go back two generations to hit your common grandparents. For second cousins,you have to go back three generations to your common great-grandparents. For fifthcousins, youd have to go back six generations until you arrive at your common pair of great-great-great-great-grandparents.

    Since a lot of people get confused about cousin definitions, I made a little chart illustratingwhat a second cousin is.

    So notice that for you and your second cousin, A) your parent is a first cousin of their parent,B) you have grandparents that are siblings, and C) their parents are your common great-grandparents. For third cousins, everything just goes up a levelyour parentsare second cousins, your grandparents are first cousins, your great-grandparents aresiblings, and you have a common pair of great-great-grandparents.

    The number of cousins you have grows exponentially as the degree of distance goes up.You may have a small number of first cousins, but you likely have hundreds of third cousins,thousands of fifth cousins, and over a million eighth cousins.

    Measures of inbreedingUrban explains his computations for the number of distant cousins as follows:

    The formula is (n-1) 2d nd

    where n is the average number of children being had by a family and d is the degree ofcousin you want to find the total number of.

    It boils down to a simple multiplication of the number of top-level siblings [(n-1) 2 d] times thenumber of eventual offspring on your generation level each of those top-level siblingsultimately produces (nd).

    This is correct for modern national populations that have been choosing mates more or less at random formany generations. However, as mentioned above: in paleolithic times, and to a large extent up until theindustrial revolution, most people lived in small villages or towns, and chose their mate from within that

  • town. Some were directed by tradition to chose a 2nd cousin, while a few of the more adventurous mighthave gone a few towns away at most, but marriage was generally a very local affair.

    Even now, there are populations in which the size of the breeding pool is severely limited, and has been formany generations into the past. In such populations, the number of relatively close cousins in the localarea is increased, and the number of distant cousins depleted, compared to the formula. In a town of ~500people, it might be that the breadth of the ancestor cone continues to increase into the distantpast, but an increasingly high percentage of the slots in that cone would be filled by only 500individuals at each generation, no matter how far back. At a sufficiently isolated island, the ancestorcone might theoretically never have included more individuals than the population of the island. So, thechances of a new marriage occurring between close cousins is increased, perpetuating the inbreeding.

    The degree of inbreeding leaves an unmistakable signature in the genome of an isolated population. Hennet al (2012) studied IBD between random pairs of individual DNA samples collected by the 23andMecustomer database and the Human Genome Diversity Project, and found:

    With data from 121 populations, we show that the average amount of DNA shared IBD inmost ethnolinguistically-defined populations, for example Native American groups, Finnsand Ashkenazi Jews, differs from continentally-defined populations by several orders ofmagnitude.

    The data table from the Henn study shows their measure of population mean pairwise IBD ranging from1870 for the Surui, an indigenous Brazilian tribe of ~1100 individuals, to 54.3 for Orcadians (population~22,000); 23.0 for Ashkenazi Jews; and 12.3 for Icelanders compared to figures of 0.1 for continentallymixed populations such as the United States, France or the UK. These estimates can be calculated forsample populations as small as five, although 10 to 20 samples or more provide better accuracy.

    Inbreeding can sometimes be demonstrated in a DNA sample from a single individual, by looking for IBDsegments from maternal and paternal sources within the same gene. This measure is called ROH, orRuns-of-Homozygosity. McQuillan et al (2008) measured ROH in DNA samples from the North OrkneyIslands and an island in Dalmatia, comparing them to continental populations from Scotland and NorthernEurope (sampled in Utah). In the case of the Orkney samples, they were able to compile accurategenealogical data to directly calculate the degree of inbreeding, for comparison with ROH. They foundthat 28% to 30% of Orcadian and Dalmatian samples contained ROHs greater than 10 megabits, whileonly 1% or 2% of continental samples contained ROHs as long as that. However, it is not clear whetherthis method would detect intermediate degrees of inbreeding, such as Ashkenazi or Icelanders.

    Of course, very high levels of inbreeding can also be detected directly by genealogical pedigree. CecilAdams noted, for example, that Alfonso XIII of Spain (1886-1941) had only ten of the expectedsixteen great-great-grandparents. The pedigrees of European nobility have to some extent been availablein books such as Burkes Peerage, and additional data of this type may be coming on line. The LondonSchool of Economics explained:

    Newly available genealogical records are helping to provide insights into the lives theEuropean nobility

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) practice of the baptising the dead byproxy has resulted in the church developing the largest genealogical library in the world.

  • These extensive historical records have been put together by the LDS Church to enable itto baptise all who have died without undergoing the rite. It believes, in doing so, that it givesthe deceased the opportunity to enter the Kingdom of God.

    Now this huge database is being digitised and made publicly available online, givingeconomic historians like Dr Neil Cummins of LSEs Economic History Department access togenealogical big data for the first time.

    Describing the significance of the newly digitised information, he says: Individualdemographic data before 1538 in England is extremely rare thats the time of Henry VIII,Cromwell and the English reformation. Before that we only had scraps.

    Now the digitisation has allowed Dr Cummins to construct the family trees of Europeannobility a group that has left behind abundant evidence about itself and analyse trendsin how long they lived between 800 and 1800.

    When he looked at the age of death of 121,524 nobles during this time period he found thattheir lifespans began increasing long before the Industrial Revolution, with a markedincrease around 1400, when life expectancy went from around 50 to 55. After 1500, lifespans seem to decline again until around 1650 when an uninterrupted rise begins.

    This data, presumably, can also be reviewed to determine the degree of inbreeding that occurred during allthat time, and the extent of social mobility in and out of the noble class. In many cases, it would be astraightforward matter to assess suspected or known modern-day oligarchs and secret society membersto determine their connections into the European class of nobility as it existed in the year 1800.

    Significant amounts of genealogical data for Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews may also be available foranalysis from LDS records and other on-line sources, to complete the analysis.

    Who were our ancestors?Tim Urban said:

    You can see why its not really that impressive when someone tells you they are descendedfrom famous royalty who lived a few hundred years ago. Look how many people youredescended from only about 300 years back! Within [those ~4000 people], theres probablysome royalty, in addition to some peasants, scholars, warriors, painters, prostitutes,murderers, lunatics, and any other kind of person who existed back then.

    Cecil Adams similarly remarked:

    Pedigree collapse explains why its so easy for professional genealogists to trace yourlineage back to royalty go far enough back and youre related to everybody.

    But, nevertheless: all of us are not alike in this regard. The indigenous Brazilian Surui are obviously notgoing to have any European royalty in their pedigree, no matter how far back you go. Most Americans andEuropeans might have one or two noble ancestors among their thousands of peasant ancestors of 300

  • years ago. Of those thousands of ancestors, most of us can only trace a few if any, and know nothingabout them, unless we are indeed able to find a royal.

    But if the Eloi hypothesis is correct, members of that elite class would be able to look back 300 years or1000 years, and might very possibly be able to fill in much of their ancestor cone with the names ofillustrious individuals straight from the history books, each repeated many times in a web of ancestralpaths.

    Or if the situation is similar to the Judaism Ascending hypothesis, the ancestor cones of the elite would befull of repeated names of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews from the ghettos of Europe.

    Race and LocalityIntuitively, Americans tend to define race in terms of a few visually salient properties of human beings,such as their skin color (black, yellow, red or white), facial features (broad, long or hooked nose, forexample), hair color and texture, and so forth. Such concepts tend to correlate broadly with continentalorigin. Black-skinned folks are from Africa or Australia, yellow-skinned from Asia, red-skins from theAmericas, and whites from Europe. Although Africans and native Australians both have dark skins, they arevery different in other aspects. This results in a short list of five races based on the five continents.

    We might try to make this into a practical definition by applying fuzzy-set math. Supposing we design aninstrument to measure skin color, another to measure nose shape by width and breadth, another tomeasure hair color, and so forth. Using these instruments, we would be able to characterize everyindividual on the planet in terms of these measurements. Next, we could assign a fuzzy score (from zero toone) for the similarity of each individual person, with some prototypical ideal of a typical individual fromeach of the five races.

    Some individuals would receive a high score (near 1.0) in a single race category, and very low scores(near 0.0) in all other race categories. However, many other individuals would receive middling scores inseveral race categories. This might be because those individuals came from areas near cosmopolitanseaports, or because some of their ancestors had migrated from one global region to another.

    Scientists from the Romantic era attempted such measurements and classification, using not only skincolor and other readily distinguishable characteristics, but also craniometry and phrenology. Then theyattempted to draw correlations with other measures such as intelligence, whatever thatmeans. Unfortunately, any subtlety of scientific nuance was lost in jingoism with imperialist and/orcolonialist agendas. And the entire efforts were generally used to help justify those Romantic agendas,revealing perhaps a hidden motivation for a particular outcome.

    But from the fuzzy point of view, it is all right that many people dont fit neatly into one or another of thesecontinental racial categories. Also, while intelligence and other aspects of personal character may bedetermined to some extent by genetic factors, race plays only a small and fuzzy role. Epigenetic andenvironmental factors are just as important if not more so.

    The blogger Steve Sailer suggests that while race is a fuzzy concept, nevertheless it can be useful at amuch finer-grained level than the five continental races. In support of his view, Sailer poses the followingquiz:

    Which of these four conflicts are between different races and which are merely clashesbetween some other kinds of groups?

    1. President Mugabe`s black supporters vs. white farm-owners in Zimbabwe

  • 2. Sudan`s civil war between the brown people in the North and the black people in theSouth

    3. Rwanda`s civil war between the tall black Tutsis and the short black Hutus

    4. The Troubles in Northern Ireland between Catholics (often red-headed) and Protestants(often red-headed).

    And if you think you know the answer to which of these fights are between races and whichare not, please try to explain to yourself why you drew the line where you did.

    Contrary to Sailer, I would suggest that while the concept of race might make most sense for case 1(black vs. white in Zimbabwe), the other conflicts are between what I would prefer to define as ethnicgroups. An ethnic group would be any distinguishable subset of one of the larger continental races.Whether an ethnic group is defined by geographic, political or religious boundaries, all of these boundarieslead to a degree of inbreeding. This is the key genetic definition of an ethnic group.

    There are a great many distinguishable ethnic groups on Earth, and the processes of history tend toalternately raise and lower the barriers between these groups. Thus, those ethnic groups which areneighbors (either geographically or in some other shared history) tend to be relatively similar to eachother; while those drawn from far-distant regions are more distinctive. When we compare, say, an ethnicgroup from Africa, against another from Northern Europe, the differences are undeniable. So, we feelcomfortable with the conclusion that the groups are from different races as well as different ethnic groups.When it comes to Scotsmen and Irishmen (even including the effects of Viking and other invaders), thegenetic boundary is far less clear, and so we consider that the difference is ethnic rather than racial. Butagain, the difference between race and ethnic group is a fuzzy concept.

    America is essentially a melting pot of mixed ancestry going back many generations, so most or all localstructure is probably lost, aside from the continental racial makeup: even today only about 5% of couplingsin the USA are inter-racial. However, in Europe, it is still not that hard to find individuals who can say thatall four of their grandparents were born within a few miles of their present place of residence. People suchas these living in the UK were thetarget of a recent study by Leslieet al. They found that theautosomal DNA samples fromthese individuals could beclustered into a fine structure ofseventeen groups whichcorresponded to geographiclocality with very few outliers, asshown in the figure below. Thesamples from southern / centralEngland were morehomogeneous over a broaderarea than any other region.

  • An early 20th century view of the Five Races of Man.

  • Similar techniques, of course, can readily be used to distinguish groups such as Ashkenazi or SephardicJews, not only as to their Jewish aspect, but also as to their particular European region of origin. EranElhaik (2012) was able to show that European Ashkenazi Jews, whose autosomal genetic signature haslong been known, are more similar to Georgians and Armenians from the Caucasus and contain morerecent DNA contributions from that region, compared to Palestinian populations. The European Jews arealso related to Palestinians, but at a more ancient distance. Elhaik concludes that this supports the theoryof a Khazarian sojourn for these European Jews.

    While this result is historically interesting, for the purposes of this article it is mainly relevant to note that

  • the technology is readily available to ascertain whether the DNA of any individual is strongly related to theEuropean Ashkenazi Jewish population, or for that matter any other ethnic group located nationwide.


    The Oligarchs are also a fuzzy set!Based on most available objective criteria (political power, wealth, influence) the set of oligarchs blendssmoothly into the set of merely important people, which in turn blends smoothly into the upper class, andfrom there into the middle class. Many secret societies exist, and in many cases we know something aboutthe membership of these societies, but not necessarily who their core policymakers or beneficiaries are.Thus, there is no particular boundary unless there is some secret list of names in the book of life that ismaintained in some secret library, but we are not going to get access to that library any time soon. Geneticand/or genealogical analysis may reveal a surprise, that there is some small set of people who are nearlyas conscientiously inbred as the Surui tribe.

    But whats more likely is that some sort of fuzzy relationship will be revealed between the nobles ofEurope, the Jews, and modern oligarchs; and that the historical hypotheses discussed above will beverified or falsified to some extent.

    Discuss in forum!

    Revision history: rev 1.0, 10/22/2014

    Genetics of the Oligarchs: Eloi, or Upstarts?The EloiModel of Elite GeneticsThe Upstart model: JudaismAscending?Eloi model, revisitedThe concept of species and sub-species in modern biologyRaces and ethnic groupsGenetics and family treesInbreeding and pedigree collapseMeasures of inbreedingWho were our ancestors?Race and LocalityThe Oligarchs are also a fuzzy set!