poupou Karanga - GW · Four 2 day residential seminars and self-directed learning Zero Fees...

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poupou Karanga


It’s time to enrol

0800 wananga



poupou Karanga Ko Hine-ruhi koe, te wahine nāna i tū te ata hāpara - You are like Hine-ruhi, the woman who caused the wonder of the dawn to appear. Bring forth your creativity and be instilled with a deep appreciation of the beautiful and traditional art form of karanga.

Using the rich heritage of te iwi Māori you will call upon the knowledge of ngā tūpuna and examine the values and principles of pūrākau (Māori legend stories) learning their relevance to karanga. Taught over four noho you will examine legends associated to atua wahine, analyse stories to find their values, morals and lessons and gain the necessary skills to become a competent kaikaranga.

This tohu will give you the confidence to be able to stand as a kaikaranga on your marae, kura or workplace as you draw on the wealth of knowledge from expert kaikaranga and develop your own practical skills.

For women who want to gain the knowledge and confidence to stand on their marae as a kaikaranga, this tohu will get you there.  This is also an excellent tohu for anyone wanting to reconnect with their cultural identity or take the first initial steps to further study in mātauranga Māori or reo and is ideal for anyone already working in a kaupapa Maōri based environment.

Kia Māori a tātou mokopuna – that our descendants be distinctively Māori

Attendence at residential noho include meals and depending on delivery may include accommodation.

This tohu will be delivered at Raukawa marae, Ōtaki.

ENROL NOW18 week certificate NZQA Level 4 Starts Aug 25NZQA ApprovedFour 2 day residential seminars and self-directed learningZero Fees (dependent on numbers)



Disclaimer: Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of information in this flyer is correct at the time of printing. All courses are run subject to student numbers. For the most up-to-date details visit www.wananga.com Apr 2018.

wHErE To FroM HErE?1. Read the academic kōrero (next page) and contact us if you have any questions.

2. Te enrol go to wananga.com and apply online.

3. Complete the online enrolment.

4. Tau kē! We will be in touch with you to confirm your enrolment.


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Residential Seminar25-26 Aug

6-7 Oct

27-28 Oct

10-11 Nov

Delivery TimesSaturday 9.00am – 9.00pm

Sunday 9.00am – 4.00pm

KEY DaTES For poupou KarangaŌTaKI 2018

Graduation Te Rā Whakapūmau8 Dec

poupou KarangaAcademic Kōrero for Poupou Karanga

Poupou Karanga is a course that steps you into the role of kaikaranga. The call of the wahine is the call of her people, ka tū te kaikaranga eee.... The course offers wahine the opportunity to learn about their place in karanga. Some questions that we often ask ourselves, why, how, who, what and more. This course will go some way in answering these pātai.

Here are some short answers that will be explored further during this course.

• Thefirstspokenreoinpōwhiri• Manaakitangata• Kaupapa/tikanga• TeReoMāori• Whānau/hāpū/marae• Whakapapa

‘My kuia was the kaikaranga, my mother was the kaikaranga, I guess I’m next!’

Pūrākau will be explored to expose the hidden lessons and the values that pertain to karanga. Traditional and contemporary roles and responsibilities will be compared to enhance purpose and balance.

You will be able to identify tikanga and kawa within the karanga performance and find relevance to kaupapa.KarangaisonlyexpressedintereoMāoriwhichcanbeusedtowardsachievingcompetency in the language and providing a platform to increase your use of te reo. You will return to your people and contribute to the puna of kaikaranga and paepae for your whānau, hapū and iwi.

Don’t wait until it’s too late!

UndertakingthePoupouKarangacoursewillopenyoutonewexperiencesandunderstandingofcustomary knowledge and how it applies in modern day processes.

The course is taught over four two day noho. Meals and sleeping facilities are included in the arrangements when you attend noho. You will keep a journal of your experiences and learning’s in thecourse,teReoMāoriisanadvantagebutisnotarequirementforentry.

The learning of karanga and all its aspects does not end and at the completion of this course, insteaditopensdoorstothebodyofknowledgeknownasmātaurangaMāori.TeWānangaoRaukawaoffershigherlearninginMātaurangaMāori,TeReoMāoriandothercourses.

WewelcomeyoutoyoureducationjourneywithTeWānangaoRaukawaandencourageyoutopursue further learning.

The course is fee free to groups of 30. It is open to New Zealand citizens and residents. Non-New Zealand residents please call or email us for all fee information. This course will run subject to student numbers.