Power Deal Creation workshop preview

Post on 14-Nov-2014

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Prepare your salespeople to take on first calls with confidence, and arm them with messages effective at converting more conversations into second appointments.


Advanced Power Messaging: Power Deal Creation

Virtual Preview

Why Deal Creation?

Deal Creation by the Numbers

What does your discovery look like today?

The Interrogation

The Status Quo Barrier

The Field Messaging Challenge


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Change Your Conversations

Building a Buying Vision

1. Frame

•  Predict Pain •  Amplify Impact


Predict Pain: What’s hiding just around the corner?


Amplify Impact: Show the potential business impact

Prospect Research Exercise

Differentiation Exercise and 60-Second Story Exercise

Number Play Exercise and Big Picture Exercise

2. Explore

•  Diagnose Situation •  Speci!c Questions


Diagnose Situation: How is this problem being solved today?


Speci"c Questions: Transfer ownership by using

“What if you…” questions


Be Curious

Developing Questions Exercise

3. Excite

•  Customer Story •  Compare and Contrast •  Rescue Them

Customer Story: How you helped another company just like them deal with the same problem.


EXCITE Compare and Contrast: Their world today,

made better with you.


Rescue Them: Show them you have

the solution.

Contrast Communicates Value




The Seller is the Hero?

•  Sounds like Bragging

•  Diminishes the Customer

•  Nobody wants to be the next person you tell about rescuing

•  Customer comes off as the villain

Make Your Customer the Hero

Failure to Be Interesting

customer is a company.

They’ve been in business years.

They have locations.

They make, sell and service solutions.

You can tell a lot about a character just by the shoes he’s wearing.

– Tom Wolfe

Telling Details Create Interest

Listen for Stories, Metaphors and Analogies

Not just facts!

Criteria of a Great Customer Story

1.  Contrast the pain with the gain

2.  Use telling details for more punch

3.  Make your prospect the hero

4.  Tell a story – don’t just share data

5.  Someone else can easily retell it

Customer Story with Contrast Exercise

Power Deal Creation™ Map

4. Agree

•  Buying Vision •  Politics > Personality •  Questions That

Reveal Context

Buying Vision: The need for change with your solution


Politics Trump Personality:

Understand the entire deal landscape, anchors

and objections


Questions That Reveal Context: Finding out the next steps


Context vs. Character

People typically overestimate character and underestimate context in the buying decision

Pulling It Together Exercise

Honest Signals

Pentland Study Results

Persuasion, content and style are indistinguishable

Indicators of Acceptance: • Voice pacing • Tone • Emphasis • Body language

Status is Negotiated

Power Deal Creation™ Map

•  Predict Pain •  Amplify Impact

•  Buying Vision •  Politics > Personality •  Questions That

Reveal Context

•  Diagnose Situation •  Speci!c Questions

•  Customer Story •  Compare and Contrast •  Rescue Them

The Status Quo Barrier Make it unsafe and

sell the problem


orable Insights

Show them the path to safety

Make it safe and

contrast with change

Marketing and Sales Messaging Conference

CHICAGO, SEPT. 18-20 ONLY $399

Breakout Tracks: 1.  Marketing

Messaging & Content Creation

2.  Sales Conversation Delivery

3.  Power Coaching Workshop

Billy Beane

Ben Zander


ABOUT US www.corporatevisions.com

CONTACT US +1 775-831-1322 cvimarketing@corpv.com LET’S TALK!






corporatevisions READ THE BOOK www.conversationsthatwin.com