PowerPro Templates Guide · PowerPro utilises Templates for generating the following documents: •...

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Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

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PowerPro Templates Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

Table of Contents

Template configuration / settings_____________________________________________ 4

Find your current template location___________________________________________ 4

Moving your templates around________________________________________________5

Utilising PowerPro bookmarks_________________________________________________7

How to customise your templates______________________________________________7

Link your new or existing templates with data source______________________________7

What mail merge fields do I use?______________________________________________11

Frequently asked questions__________________________________________________12

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PowerPro Templates Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

With the use of PowerPro, your training organisation can customise all certification documentation.

This personalisation refers to all components of a qualification including (but not limited too):

• Client name

• Date

• Course name / ID

• Units of competency

• Results

The invoicing, client cards, trainer schedules and student attendance features within PowerPro also

adopt their own printing templates which are fully customisable to suit your organisation’s needs.

PowerPro utilises Templates for generating the following documents:

• Certificates

• Transcripts of Results

• Statement of Attainments

• Unit Based State of Attainments

• Certificates of Attendance

• Course Roll

• Training Plans

• Invoices

• Receipts

• Client Cards

• Customisable Letters

• Printable Forms

• Emails

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PowerPro Templates Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

Templates configuration / settings

Upon initial installation, PowerPro establishes the “Templates” folder in a common location on your

system. However, it is configurable to be moved anywhere within your network provided that the

location is shareable to those on the network.

1.1. Find your current template location

The different documents PowerPro can produce through its templates will have their own mapped

folder within the generic templates folder. These individual folders hold a different data source

allowing for different merge fields.

You can identify where PowerPro currently looks for your current template locations via browsing to

the Application Options under the Configuration tab.

Browse to Configuration tab > Application Options:

◼ Figure above – PowerPro Application Options

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PowerPro Templates Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

Now select the Templates tab:

◼ Figure above – PowerPro Templates Configuration screen

1.2. Moving your templates around

Situations may arise where your templates will need to be moved to a different location on the

current system, or to be moved entirely to a different system. If this occurs, you will need to update

where PowerPro looks for the templates before you can utilise them.

Once the templates have been moved, you will need to browse to the same window as specified

above (Configuration tab > Application Options > Templates tab).

You can update the location by browsing to the new location by using the folder icon for each

individual template folder (located to the right of the file path), or alternatively, simply by replacing

the old shared location. This can be done by copying the new location over the old or by using the

"Find Text" & "Replace with" fields (as shown below).

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PowerPro Templates Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

◼ Figure above – Updating your Template Configuration in PowerPro

NOTE: If you update the Template locations on the system it will save you time as it then

automatically propagates the changes across all the PowerPro workstations when they next login.

These options are standard across all PowerPro users, thus if you change the location it will also

change for all other users.

1.3. Utilising PowerPro bookmarks

The bookmarks section of PowerPro allows you to save shortcuts to your most used folders and files.

You can also use this function to allow easy access to the templates folder whilst you have PowerPro

open. To do this, simply click on the “PowerPro RTO Templates.” The folder should automatically

open for you.

◼ Figure above – Opening Templates Bookmark

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PowerPro Templates Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

If you need to create or modify any particular bookmark, simply click the "Manage Bookmarks"

button. This will allow you to make any changes to any useful links you might use. Simply add or

replace the link caption or link addressed as desired.

◼ Figure above – Editing your Bookmarks

NOTE: You can use this to area to place any useful links including files, folders and even web


How to customise your templates

You can customise any of the provided templates within PowerPro to your own requirements or you

can entirely create your own. The templates that are used by PowerPro RTO are all Microsoft Word

based. Therefore, you have the ability to customise text/logos/layout within any of the provided

sample templates and then insert any desired fields from PowerPro using the mail merge function of


2.1 . Link your new or existing templates with the data source

1) The first thing to do is identify the folder where PowerPro expects to find the Templates(s).

The best way to do it is to open the templates folder (using the Bookmarks icon) or alternatively you

could use the Configuration > Application Options > Templates and check the "Templates" tab:

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PowerPro Templates Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

On the example above, the folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerProRTO-V3-Server\templates

2) Now that you know where PowerPro RTO expects to find the Certificate templates (under C:\Program

Files (x86)\PowerProRTO-V3-Server\templates), copy your own template document into that folder.

Note: Make sure you select the correct folder depending on what template you are editing. For example,

qualification templates are saved in the ‘Qualification’ file.

Let's say you are trying to integrate a document called "DesignCertificate.doc" that you would like to include

under the Certificate of Attendance folder.

3) Once the document is saved in the appropriate folder, it's now time to edit the document to set

the Mail Merge fields to those required by PowerPro RTO. Open the template document and find

the Mailings tool bar (as highlighted in the picture below).

4) Select "Use Existing List..." from the Select Recipients field (see below) where a select location will be


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PowerPro Templates Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

5) The window "Select Data Source" will pop up, then browse to the folder of the Certificates Template

(C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerProRTO-V3-Server\templates\Cert of Attendance in this example),

select DATA_SOURCE.TXT(see below) and highlight the data file and then click on the "Open" button:

6) Once you have selected the Data Source, MS Word displays the list of fields available for merging.

You can now insert these fields on your template (see below):

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PowerPro Templates Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

7) Once you are happy with the layout of the document just save it, close it and test it from within

PowerPro RTO.

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PowerPro Templates Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

What mail merge fields do I use?

The different documents PowerPro can produce through its templates will have their own mapped

folder within the generic templates folder. These individual folders hold a different data source

allowing for different merge fields.

To access the list that displays what mail merge fields to use per each template, please click on the

link provided:


Alternatively, you can access the list within PowerPro by:

1. Select the ‘Help’ tab

2. Click on the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ icon (this action will redirect you to our website)

3. Click on ‘Templates’ (listed on the right)

4. Click on the first link that says ‘Master List of all Merge Fields available for every PowerPro


5. Select the relevant template

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PowerPro Templates Guide Updated 27th of June 2019

Frequently Asked Questions

To review some frequently asked questions regarding templates and mail merge fields, please click

on the link listed below:
