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Joe Corbett's giving and receiving feedback


    Workshop with Joe Corbett
    22 July 2011
    GIVING FEEDBACKRequesting and receiving feedback

2. Moral Purpose
To improve the outcomes for every student
achievement levels
well-being and engagement
transitions and pathways
3. Ethical Leadership
If we know something works better than current practice then we are obligated to do it
If we know something is not working then we are obligated to change it
We must be determined to make powerful learning a reality for every student
Change needs to be evidence based
4. Making Decisions
What impact will this decision have on;
student achievement
student well-being/engagement
student transitions and pathways
whats happening in classrooms
teacher capacity
the learning environment
safety and order within the school
teacher motivation and well-being
5. Feedback
Acknowledgement and recognition; for a job well done, for going beyond the call of duty, for extra effort
Positive feedback; so a person is aware of desired behaviours/practices, so they keep doing it and do more of it
Negative feedback; needs to be reframed as constructive feedback
Constructive feedback
6. Constructive Feedback
To encourage a person to do something differently
To modify some behaviours
To stop some behaviours
To encourage a person to try new behaviours/strategies
To support on going learning
7. Constructive Feedback
Constructive feedback is information that calls attention to a challenge, an opportunity, a problem or a potential problem.
Constructive feedback opens a door to learning, problem solving or other follow up action.
The key to giving and receiving constructive feedback is maintaining a spirit of mutual respect and learning.
It is all about supporting and promoting change
8. Why some people resist change?
They may have a different set of values and beliefs
Their education and training has given them a different understanding of the issues involved
The organisational hierarchy may prevent them from saying or doing anything that indicates resistance to change, so they become silent saboteurs
They may have experienced failure or problems in the past, therefore they may adopt a negative attitude, anticipating further problems
9. They may have become change weary
They have already seen new ideas come and go, with limited success, and they have lost their belief in the power of change
Implementation has been sub-standard, leaving people unsure of what is happening, or feeling excluded
They arent given the opportunity to learn the skills needed to adapt, nor is there adequate mentoring and support
10. Some people find it hard to change old habits
The change is too big a leap for them
They may fear they do not have the capabilities to execute the change
They have not grasped/understood what is expected
Some people are scared to take a risk and fear doing things in new ways
11. A Harvard University study of 2005 found that;
25%of people were against change
25% of people were in favour of change
50% of people were in favour of change provided two conditions were met;
1. They received timely and accurate information
2. The process was, and was perceived to be, fair and transparent
From; How to make good people great leaders, Nowak 2007
12. Responding to resistance
Collaboration on vision, goals/targets and strategies
Clear and timely communication
Clear rationale for change, evidence based
Implementation plan with incremental steps
Professional learning
Mentoring and coaching
Clear expectations
Accountability mechanisms
Positive and constructive feedback
13. Purpose of giving constructive feedback
Two key purposes;
To improve teaching practice and buildteacher capacity
To build high performing teams and positive working relationships
14. Activity 1
In groups of 3 brainstorm what you think are the characteristics of constructive feedback.
Agree on the 3 most important of these.
Share them with the whole group.
15. Constructive Feedback
Is done in a way which is respectful and builds positive relationships
Is timely and put in context
Is private and confidential , unless agreed otherwise
Is clear and focussed/explicit
Is solution oriented/provides a way forward
Is balanced with positive feedback
Is incremental in its expectations
16. Beliefs
People have a needto believe that they are O.K.
People have the capacity to learn from their experiences
Most people want to contribute and to be acknowledged
Most people want to get better and better at what they do
People benefit from a values driven workplace
People thrive in an environment of high but achievable standards and expectations
17. Stages of skill development
Unconsciously unskilled____unaware of lack of skill or knowledge
Consciously unskilled _____ aware of need for learning of skill
Consciously skilled______ practice, feedback, learning phase
Unconsciously skilled______ mastery, part of skill repertoire
18. Activity 2Memories of getting feedback
Think about a time when you received positive or constructive feedback that increased your self-esteem and motivation and consider the following;
Describe what it was about the way the feedback was given that created the positive effect.
What impact did this feedback have on your feelings and subsequent behaviour?
19. Constructive feedback can help us learn something about ourselves and help us to improve our work performance and interpersonal skills
Thoughtless criticism often damages working and interpersonal relationships
20. Activity 3
At your table consider what you think gets in the way of giving and receiving constructive feedback.
Agree on the three most common things.
Share these with the whole group.
21. Guidelines for giving constructive feedback
Prepare for the feedback discussion
Focus the feedback on the performance/behaviour of the person not on personality
Base the feedback on actual observations/experiences not on assumptions or inferences
Use description rather than evaluation
Be specific and concrete rather than general and abstract
22. Focus feedback on the present or recent not the past
Share information rather than give advice
Try to provide alternatives/options rather than one best path
Stay focussed and specific; dont try to provide feedback on everything
Ensure suggestions are within the capabilities of the other person ;incremental changes, not huge leaps
Get the person to summarise the main points of what you have said
Listen openly to what the other person has to say
Discuss possible solutions and next steps
23. Classroom observations
Be clear on the purpose/positive intent
Whats the focus;
teacher behaviours
student behaviours
best practice/preferred practice
particular techniques/strategies
communication exchanges
24. Whats the context of the observations;
one-off/ a series
related to specific professional learning
peer to peer/triads/instructional rounds
knowledge/skill base of observers
25. Whats the nature of the feedback?
behavioural observations
positive feedback
constructive feedback
26. The use of pro-formas;
involve teachers in the development of these and relate them to the purpose, focus, context and nature of the observations
hasten slowly
discuss and review often
27. Feedback for building effective teams and building positive working relationships
Common characteristics of effective teams
28. Key actions for giving constructive feedback
Convey your positive intent
Describe specifically what you have observed/experienced
State the impact of the behaviour or action on you and/or the team
Ask the other person to respond
Focus the discussions on solutions
29. Conversation starters
Lets talk about what just happened.
How are you doing with ....?
I would like to make a time to talk to you about ....
I know we are both interested in ..... so can I talk to you about ....?
You seem to have a lot on your mind.
Is there something bothering you?
Is there something you would like to talk about?
Lets take time to clarify ....
Lets take time to review ....
30. Key action 1Convey your positive intent
Mentally prepare to give feedback
Choose a time when the other person is likely to be receptive to what you have to say
Briefly state what you would like to cover
Point to a common goal
Avoid placing blame
31. Key action 2Describe specifically what you have observed
Be brief and to the point
Focus on behaviours and actions not on the person
Limit your feedback to one issue at a time
Avoid using you as much as possible
32. Key action 3State the impact of the behaviour or action
Link the behaviour or action to important goals like meeting deadlines, teamwork, modelling our values, improved student outcomes
If appropriate, state the impact on you and others
State only one or two of the most significant consequences
Maintain an objective tone
33. Key action 4Ask the other person to respond
Pause to encourage the other person to speak
Ask open ended questions
Listen objectively to what the other person has to say
Summarize the other persons key points to show your interest and confirm your understanding
34. Key action 5Focus the discussion on solutions
Ask questions to explore possible solutions
Ask directly for changes or help you want
If you are making suggestions avoid coming across as an expert
Be willing to change you own behaviour to contribute to a solution
Manage your own expectations about what it will take for a solution to work
35. What if?
What if the other person doesnt think there is a problem?
Restate positive intentions, observations and impact to establish the need for a change
Agree to talk after the person has had time to think about the situation
Use neutral, objective language
Remain calm and focussed
36. What if?
What if the other person becomes defensive?
Listen calmly
Acknowledge the other persons concerns
Agree with what you can
Allow time for the other person to calm down
Be open to new information
Stay focussed on solutions
37. What if?
What if the other person says he or she cant do anything differently right now?
Focus on small next steps
Try to get agreement on a trial solution
Offer coaching, training, support
Agree on a time to revisit the issue in the near future
38. Requesting feedback
People in leadership positions rarely receive explicit, timely, constructive feedback
Issues of authority/status often inhibit a two-way flow of constructive feedback
Leaders need to invite/request feedback from trusted and valued colleagues
Leaders need to make explicit the areas they would like feedback on
Establish clear parameters /a framework
39. Possible areas for feedback
Verbal communication skills in different contexts
Written communication skills
Decision making skills
Strategic thinking and planning skills
Problem solving and conflict resolution skills
Public image/presentation style
Organisation skills
Behavioural style under stress or pressure
Maintaining focus on the main game
40. Techniques for receiving constructive feedback
Focus on the content, not on the person.
Listen calmly and attentively.
Clarify the feedback.
Acknowledge the other persons views or concerns
Avoid defending or over explaining.
Welcome suggestions.
41. After receiving constructive feedback:
Ask for feedback regularly.
If in doubt about the merit of the feedback, check with others.
Evaluate feedback you receive and decide what changes you can make.
Let people know when you implement changes that stem from the feedback they gave you.
42. Concluding comments
Giving and receiving constructive feedback can be a powerful and positive learning experience if it is done well and with the right intentions.
If you cant be positive or constructive then it is better to say nothing.
Practice and reflection will help you to do it more effectively and in a way which causes you and others less discomfort and distress.