PPC Metrics that Matter with Perry Marshall

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Larry goes through two live example accounts on the Adwords Performance Grader in this webinar with Perry Marshall and provides great insights as to how most PPC advertisers can improve their online advertising campaign. An attendee even said... “I sit in on every Perry webinar, and this was hands down the best I’ve ever heard. Tell Larry that I sat in on a webinar on how to give webinars, and this was even better than that- Larry should have given that one too”


Webinar: The 8 Metrics That

Matter for PPC

Perry Marshall, Founder, PerryMarshall.com

Larry Kim, Founder, CTO

March 7, 2012

Speaker Introductions


• Perry Marshall

– Perry Marshall's books on Google AdWords are the most popular in the world.

• Larry Kim

– Founder, CTO, WordStream, Inc.

– Been doing PPC & SEO for 10 Years!

– 3 Years ago, started WordStream!

– Today we’re an industry-leading provider of a PPC Management Platform and Keyword Research Tools

Do you understand these terms?

Question: Which are the most important key metrics to

focus on in your account?


• The 8 PPC account metrics that matter & why.

• Introducing the Free AdWords Performance Grader

for measuring your account’s key metrics

• AdWords Clinic! A review of real, best & worst-

scoring AdWords accounts

• Actionable best-practices (and PPC worst-practices

to avoid!)

• How to go about improving your PPC metrics

• Questions & Answers

Today’s Agenda


Take Part in Live Blogging on Twitter / Google+

• Include the hashtag #ppcmetrics in your Twitter tweets, Google+ status updates, etc.


Live-Poll Question 1

Question: Which of the following AdWords Metrics would

you say are the most important for managing your Google

AdWords Search campaigns? #ppcmetrics

a) Clicks, Cost, Cost-Per-Click

b) Quality Score, Click-Through-Rate

c) Conversions, Cost Per Conversion, Conversion Rate

d) Search Query Report

e) Impression Share Report


Live-Poll Question 2

How long have you been involved with Search Marketing?


a) Less than 1 Year

b) 1-3 Years

c) 3-5 Years

d) 5+ Years


The 8 Key Metrics that Define Your AdWords Performance

At WordStream, we believe that you can get a sense for the health of a an AdWords account by measuring the following metrics 8 Metrics:

1. Quality Score

2. Click-Through Rate

3. Impression Share

4. Account Activity

5. Long-Tail Keyword Optimization

6. Negative Keyword Usage

7. Ad-Text Metrics

8. Conversion Rate & Landing Page Metrics


Introducing the AdWords Grader!

• A free, instant PPC audit in under a minute!

• Grades your AdWords account performance based on the 8 PPC metrics that really matter

• Compares how you’re doing against other accounts of similar size (monthly spend)

• http://www.wordstream.com/google-adwords


AdWords Clinic Time!

• We’ll review 2 real AdWords accounts and review the metrics that matter to determine if they’re succeeding or failing, and what they can do to improve


5 AdWords Tips from Outstanding AdWords Marketers


• We interviewed search marketers who received remarkably high scores

• We asked these high scorers what strategies they use to get such great results from PPC

• The following are the top five actionable tips from these AdWords experts!

Tip 1: Get Familiar with Your Search Query Report


“I pay a lot of attention to the search query report – that shows you what keywords people use to find you, and it’s invaluable for finding keywords to add and negative keywords to set,”

– Rick Archer, Search Summit.

Tip 2: Focus on Relevance


“Always be relevant, create relevant campaigns and give the user the answer to his query as precisely as you can. There must be extreme relevance between keywords, ad text and landing page content. Narrowly focused ad groups, each one a variation of a single keyword…

… I focus on getting higher scores (by increasing CTR, optimizing keywords, ads and landing pages)… with high Quality Scores I pay less per click. I always try to get higher Quality Scores than 6.”

–Marko Kvesic, GoTraffic Online Marketing Agency

Tip 3: Get Sufficient Data for Analysis


"Bid high initially so that you can get into the second or third spot…this will give you plenty of data to analyze so that you can optimize appropriately; next:

• Keep track of conversions, cost per conversion and value per conversion

• Adjust bidding to meet a cost per conversion

• Optimize ads and try to improve conversion rates.

“…it can take quite some time to gather statistically significant data since search volume for each keyword niche may be low.”

–Stefan van Vliet, Compass Online Marketing

Tip 4: Make Note of What Works in Your Account


“make notes of what you do. Note date, current position, CTR, etc. and of course actions taken. This will keep things organized and help you see the effect of your actions immediately… When you know what brings about a positive change in your results, you’re more likely to repeat those successes.”

–Stefan van Vliet, Compass Online Marketing



“taking either off- topic or super-performing keywords and splitting them off into their own group. It's the mother strategy for account cleanup!” – Perry Marshall – PerryMarshall.com

Improving Your AdWords Account Metrics

• To improve account performance, leverage

intelligent automation to enable best practices

around key metrics.

• WordStream provides powerful tools and automated

algorithms that can help you improve on your

account metrics.


• Actionable Search Query Report

• See the search queries that users entered to find

your website

– Add them as keywords if they’re good

– Set negative keywords if they’re bad

• Powerful filters to help you dig through data quickly.

1. Use QueryStream™ to Act on Search Query Data


• We find all the low hanging

fruit in your account

• You just review / approve the


• Quick. Easy. Powerful.

• 20 Minutes a Week can

improve your ROI on

AdWords by 20% or more!™

2. Use WordStream

Twenty-Minute PPC Work Week


• Leverage WordStream Trillion-Keyword Database™ and

Powerful automated algorithms

• Discovers profitable, relevant mid & long-tail keywords that you

may have missed out on.

3. Target Mid & Long Tail Keywords with WordStream


• Quickly break-up bloated ad-groups into more targeted,

relevant ad groups.

• Improve CTR, Quality Score, Conversion Rates with just one


4. Split AdGroups for Maximum Relevancy with WordStream


AdGroup 1

AdGroup 2

AdGroup 3

AdGroup 4

Summary: The 8 Metrics That Matter for PPC


A. Focus on the 8 PPC Metrics that matter:

• Quality Score, Click-Through Rate, Impression Share, Account Activity, Long-Tail Keyword Optimization, Negative Keyword Usage, Ad-Text Metrics, Conversion Rate & Landing Page Metrics

B. Leverage tools and automation to enable PPC best practices which will improve your return on investment (ROI) on paid search

C. The best PPC accounts take time to build and maintain. It’s an ongoing process. For best results, dedicate at least 20 minutes / week towards AdWords account optimization (or get WordStream or Perry Marshall to do the work for you!!)

Live Poll Question #2


Q: Would you like…

• A free AdWords account audit and help in understanding your score with a certified AdWords Professional

• A free trial of WordStream PPC Advisor

• A demo of WordStream PPC Advisor

• AdWords Training Information from Perry Marshall!

Your Questions


Thank you for attending WordStream’s webinar on: The 8 Metrics

That Matter for PPC. #ppcmetrics

Evaluate your account against the 8 PPC metrics that matter today!


Don’t forget to sign up for our Free Trial:


Or contact us directly: Larry Kim



Perry Marshall
