PPP Unit: Career Topic: Future Career M3 by ETM

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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  1. 1. Topic: Future Career Matthayomsuksa 3
  2. 2. Vocabulary
  3. 3. plan (v.)
  4. 4. interested (adj.)
  5. 5. graduate (v.)
  6. 6. musician (n.)
  7. 7. manage (v.)
  8. 8. tour guide (n.)
  9. 9. Structure How to use infinitive and gerund?
  10. 10. How to use infinitive and gerund? Infinitive is form of verbs that acts like noun and forms with to. to walk, to talk, to think, to listen, to speak To speak English is necessary for students.
  11. 11. How to use Infinitive? often uses when actions are unreal, abstract, or future follows these verbs need, plan, expect, want, hope Ex: He needs to attend meetings. I plan to get a new job. She wants to supervise people.
  12. 12. Gerund is form of verbs that acts like noun and forms with ing. walking, talking, thinking, listening, swimming Ex: Swimming is a good exercise. How to use Gerund?
  13. 13. often uses when actions are real, concrete, or completed follows verbs enjoy, dislike, avoid, feel like Ex: He enjoys using the Internet. follow phrases be afraid of, be good at, be interested in, be tired of, be nervous about Ex: Theyre good at writing reports. Ex: Hes tired of taking business trips. follow prepositions Ex: She got the money by selling the car.
  14. 14. Conversation
  15. 15. Conversation A : What are you planning to do after you graduate? What kind of work do you want to do? B : Well, Im interested in business. A : What kind of business? B : The music business. A : Thats interesting. Are you good at working with people?
  16. 16. B : I think I am. Id like to work with musicians. Im interested in managing them and helping them become famous. What about you? What are you interested in? A : Im really interested in travel. I also like to read and learn about new places. B : Have you thought about going into the travel business? You could be a tour guide or something like that.
  17. 17. Activity Production Practice
  18. 18. ?
  19. 19. Make a group of 3 and come to get the vocabulary cards from teacher. Listen to the vocabulary meanings sound. Think about what word is it. Listen to the signal from teacher, then stick the correct word on the board. Check the answer together, if you can answer correct you will get 1 point.
  20. 20. Example My job is to teach, especially in a school or college. I am a teacher.
  21. 21. 1.
  22. 22. 2.
  23. 23. 3.
  24. 24. 4.
  25. 25. 5.
  26. 26. 6.
  27. 27. I lead others on a short trip round a place. Who am I? I am a tour guide. 1.
  28. 28. I am skilled in playing music, usually as my job. Who am I? I am a musician. 2.
  29. 29. My job is to design new buildings and advise in the construction. Who am I? I am an architect. 3.
  30. 30. I tell actors in a movie or play how to play their parts. Who am I? I am a director. 4.
  31. 31. I trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital. Who am I? I am a nurse. 5.
  32. 32. I do my job in an office rather than in a factory. Who am I? 6.
  33. 33. Interview
  34. 34. Make a group of 4. Interview your classmates about their jobs in the future. Back to your group and discuss about information that you get from interview. Summarize your information by created pie chart. Present your work in front of the class.
  35. 35. Example: