Ppt chccom504 b workplace communication module 4 v 22.3.13

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Module 4: Managing the youth Work


CHCCOM504B: Develop, Implement and Promote Effective Workplace Communication

1 (c) Copyright CTA CHCCOM504B, MODULE 4 Version 1 Date: 22/3/2013


Communication is the word we use to describe the transmission of information and intent between people

What is the difference between communicating information and communicating intention. Discuss

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Information and Intent

Information – issues, details, facts, thoughts

Intent – feelings, attitudes, ‘hidden requests’

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Information Flows Between Us

• Intent is what stops information from being received

• If we have an intent of putting someone down with our information, the information may not be received Invisible walls of protection will stop the information

• If the person receiving the information has an ‘intent’ of self protection, they may not listen to anything because they perceive information as a ‘threat’ even if it is not

• Intention of the giver and receiver is the invisible part of communication. Intent is the most important part of communication.

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Communication Barriers

There are some barriers to communication that are not intentional

• The language or accent that we speak with i.e. Greek, English, Indigenous language etc.

• Discuss difficulties in communication that can occur due to language differences

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Other Communication Barriers…

Speech impediments, mouth won’t work well

Some people may have problems in speaking the production of sounds and words may be muffled due to the shape and function of their mouth

When people have a stroke this can effect their speech for example

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Other barriers Cont… Style of communication, auditory, visual or

acted out (We all have our styles)

We learn in different ways and we communicate in different ways

Many indigenous people use subtle body gestures to indicate what they mean, rather than depending on words

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Other Barriers Cont…

• Ability level – some people may take longer to understand information than others

• Some people find complex ideas or words very difficult to understand - their gifts may not be in verbal areas

• Some people are intellectually disabled or have hearing loss

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Other Barriers Cont…


If someone is good with computers and knows all about them, they may describe things very well, but if you have no knowledge of it then you won’t understand

Our experiences in life can separate us, we simply don’t know what the other person is talking about… we have no experience with it

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Communication Barriers

Some barriers to communication that are due to ‘intent’

Culture is the way we have experienced the world and there is emotion which is attached. This can get in the way of communication

Inferiority attitude

Power and superiority attitude

Past ‘baggage’ which stops us from experiencing ‘reality’ and stops us from communicating without an ‘angle’

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Our Angle

In our communication with others we can have an angle

Our angle may be to show the other person we are important

Our angle may be to flatter the other person so that they will like us

Our angle has to do with hidden emotional needs

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Our Angle cont.

Think of some people in your life…

• What is your ‘angle’ in communicating with them

• Is it good communication (satisfying)?

• What do you really want to communicate?

• How can you let your ‘angle’ go?

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Aggressive people

• What’s their ‘baggage’, or ‘angle’ in communication?

• How can we communicate effectively with an angry or aggressive client? Discuss

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Shy or Withdrawn People

What’s their baggage, or angle in communication?

How can we communicate effectively with a shy or withdrawn client? Discuss

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Passive / Aggressive / Assertive

Sometimes communication is described in this way

When under threat in a communication situation, often people react either passively (won’t stick up for themselves) or aggressively (angry or forceful)

To be calm and hold your ground is the most effective way of communicating when under threat… its called being assertive

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Communication Styles

• Provide examples from your own life when you have noticed these 3 forms of communication when in a threatening situation

Discuss in the group

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Communication Styles

Imagine the results when bringing up children:

Passive parent…

Aggressive parent…

Assertive parent…

What effects would these communication styles have on children and teenagers?

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Communication Models

There are lots of ways of looking at communication styles

Another one which is good to show kids is taken from animals

Its not a bad way for adults either, as it is less threatening to identify with an animal, yet we can still learn from the examples!

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Dominant Conflict Reaction Styles

• Avoiding

• Smoothing

• Compromising

• Forcing

• Problem solving

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Conflict Reaction Style

The ideal response is ‘problem-solving’ in this model, although there is obviously a place for each of the other styles

It is assumed that understanding ourselves will help us to modify our usual behaviour

Find your predominant style and attempt to move to another form of conflict resolution for a week.

See what happens…

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Conflict is a natural part of life... Why do you think conflict occurs between people?

Discuss positive and negative ways people deal with conflict

Dominant Conflict Reaction Styles have been described. After thinking about this:

How you have used each of these styles in your communication with other people?

Which of these styles do you feel you most often use? Why do you think you use these particular styles?

Think about why it may work for you. What reactions are you trying to get from other people?

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Communication Breakdown

Choose one disability and describe how the communication may break down because of this disability...

– Describe the client’s difficulty

– Describe the worker’s difficulty

– Describe the family’s difficulty dealing with the person with this problem

– Describe the community’s response to the person with this disability

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Personality Differences in Communication

We all have different personalities

Some people are shy, some are really outgoing

Some people are thinkers and logical, some are feelers and care deeply about people

Some people love details and others enjoy looking at the overall picture

Some people love to do lots of things at once and others like to finish one thing at a time

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Personality Types

Understanding each other can really help us in communicating effectively

There have been different theorists who have put together ideas of how people are different in their personalities

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Love Languages

One of the nicest personality theories is represented with the idea that we all have different ways that we give and receive love

Love Languages by Gary Chapman is a very positive way to view these differences and to find ways to help us communicate with people who are different to us

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The Five Languages of Love

Physical touch – hugs, cuddles etc.

Saying nice things to people

Giving gifts

Spending special time with someone

Doing special things for people to serve them or help them

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What is your love language?

• Discuss

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Effective Communicate with Clients and Staff

Now we have looked at some of the dynamics of communication… we need to consider the importance of communication according to usual procedures in the workplace

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Communication in the Workplace

Do we talk about work issues on a casual basis?

Do we send an email, a text message, a formal memo or skype message? Do we have group calendars? etc.

If the ‘ways’ that have developed over time in the workplace to communicate with colleagues are not effective… bring this up in a staff meeting or with the boss/senior and look to trouble shoot on ways of overcoming difficulties

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Communication in the Workplace

More fights, misunderstandings and hurts occur due to poor communication in the workplace between colleagues than problems between staff and clients…

We NEED to work on creative communication patterns in the workplace FIRST… if we do this right our ways of communicating with clients will be a piece of cake!

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Communicating with Clients

They say never let a phone ring more than 3 times if you want to provide a sense to your clients that they are important!

Phone manner is obviously an important point as well

Systems of getting back to phone clients is as important as taking the first phone call

Keeping our note taking and our systems clear in communication with our clients… data bases, message pads etc. are all part of the necessary communication systems that can let us down!

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Contribute to the Implementation of Effective Communication Strategies Reviewing communication both with staff and with

clients should be at the top of the list of every staff meeting…

Implementing better strategies should also be our follow through!

Assist new staff members or those out of the loop to know what the office processes are… be helpful

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Use Specific Communication Techniques to Maintain Constructive


Trust and listening to others is basic to communication

If things get out of control, bring in a MEDIATOR!

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Facilitate Discussions

Encourage everyone to have their say… if some people need time to digest issues then allow this to ensure those who talk before they think don’t hog all the airtime while those who think before they talk get frustrated…

Follow agenda points in discussions, so that all points are actually covered and discussions don’t become fruitless free for alls...missing important points

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Identify Communication Strategies to Build Relationships with Clients

You may at times have people within an organisation who are involuntary or present communication challenges

You may have mandated clients in a mediation… who don’t want to be there

Humour, down to earth attitudes and behaviour, gentle friendliness can all help to put the person at ease

Treat people like they are neighbours… as if you would have a relationship with them for the next 20 years… this will keep you on track in providing quality communication

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Contribute to the Development of Effective Communication Strategies

In addition to basic communication skills - at a Diploma level - Youth workers are expected to manage other staff and the organisation and to demonstrate advanced communication skills such as the following:

1.1 Develop, promote, implement and review strategies for internal and external dissemination of information, as required, to maximise individual and organisation effectiveness

1.2 In developing and implementing strategies, address special communication needs to avoid discrimination in the workplace

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Contribute to the Development of Effective Communication Strategies

1.3 Establish channels of communication and review regularly to ensure staff are informed of relevant information in a timely way

1.4 Provide coaching in effective communication to staff as required

1.5 Use negotiation and conflict resolution strategies where required to promote effective operation of the organisation

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Contribute to the Development of Effective Communication Strategies

1.6 Negotiate issues with key stakeholders, clients and staff to facilitate mutually acceptable outcomes

1.7 Maintain relevant work-related networks and relationships to meet client needs and organisation objectives

1.8 Ensure all communication with clients and colleagues is appropriate to individual needs and the situation and promotes achievement of organisation objectives

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Represent the Organisation to a Range of Groups

2.1 Present relevant, appropriately researched material in internal and external forums, in a manner that promotes the organisation and is adjusted as required to meet audience needs

2.2 Ensure presentations are clear and sequential and delivered within a predetermined time, and utilise appropriate media to enhance the presentation and address audience needs

2.3 Respond to questions from the audience in a manner consistent with organisation standards

2.4 Respect and consider differences in views in a way that values and encourages contributions of others

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Facilitate Group Discussions

3.1 Define and implement mechanisms that enhance effective group interactions

3.2 Routinely use strategies that encourage all group members to participate, including seeking and acknowledging contributions from all members

3.3 Routinely set and follow objectives and agendas for meetings and discussions

3.4 Provide relevant information to groups as appropriate to facilitate outcomes

3.5 Evaluate group communication strategies to promote ongoing participation of all parties

3.6 Identify and address the specific communication needs of individuals

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Facilitate Work Group Interaction

4.1 When conducting meetings, clarify purpose, agree procedures, negotiate roles and responsibilities, adhere to agreed timeframes and maintain equality of participation and input by group members

4.2 Seek feedback on operation of group processes, encourage suggestions for change and implement appropriate action

4.3 Provide feedback in a supportive manner appropriate to individuals and the group

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Use Specific Communication Techniques to assist in Resolving

Conflict 5.1 Use strategies to facilitate conflict resolution

5.2 Use communication skills and processes to identify and address barriers to communication and explore issues and background to the conflict

5.3 Use effective skills in listening, reframing, providing feedback and negotiating to support exploration and clarification of issues

5.4 Seek agreement on processes to be followed to resolve conflict within scope of own abilities, skills and work role

5.5 Make referral for conflict resolution and mediation as appropriate

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Produce Quality Written Materials

6.1 Ensure writing is succinct and clear and presented in a logical and sequential way to match audience needs and the purpose of the document

6.2 Ensure all written documentation produced addresses organisation guidelines and current accepted standards of writing in line with purpose

6.3 Prepare and provide appropriate and timely advice to management and clients as required

6.4 Where individual skill levels do not match workplace requirements, take appropriate remedial action, including seeking assistance and additional training

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Conduct Interviews

7.1 In conducting interviews and formal discussions, make an effort to ensure that appropriate structures, timeframes and protocols are mutually agreed and adhered to

7.2 Use effective questioning, speaking, listening and non-verbal communication techniques during discussions and interviews, to ensure the required information is accessed or message communicated

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Conduct Interviews

7.3 Give feedback and advice in a way which reflects current identified good practice

7.4 Conduct interviews and formal discussions with due regard to individual differences, needs and rights

7.5 Use appropriate complaints management, grievance and counselling procedures to deal with serious problems

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Youth Workers need to Demonstrate a Knowledge of:

Effective communication strategies and techniques to address barriers and build and maintain relationships

Recognition of communication styles of individuals

Basic group dynamics and facilitation of group discussion

Cross cultural communication protocols

Non-verbal communication strategies

Communication techniques to maintain constructive interactions

Barriers to communication

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Essential Knowledge for Youth Workers

Knowledge of different communication styles and techniques

Different interview techniques

Effective interpersonal, written and

oral communication

Negotiation techniques

Group development processes

Conflict resolution strategies and techniques

Research techniques, including social research

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Youth Workers need the Following Essential Skills:

Provide evidence that all communication with clients and colleagues is appropriate to individual needs and the situation and promotes achievement of organisation objectives

Use strategies to meet particular communication needs/difficulties

Address individual issues in a timely way and in a manner which maintains the integrity of the individual

Know when to provide referrals to conflict resolution and mediation

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Youth Workers need the Following Essential Skills:

Establish and maintain appropriate network of clients

Incorporate the requirements of specific groups in all client service work

Communicate professionally with other professionals

Work effectively with clients and service providers

Assess cultural communication protocols

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Youth Workers need the Following Essential Skills:

• Demonstrate application of skills in: – self-reflection

– principles and practices of client service delivery

– effective workplace writing

– effective presentation techniques

– effective communication techniques effective interviewing

– effective group management processes

– conflict resolution and negotiation

• Use relevant information technology effectively in line with workplace health and safety (WHS) guidelines

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Other Complex Skills Include:

Reflective and active listening, respectful responding, empathy, feedback and rapport

Addressing communication barriers through application of a range of strategies

Recognition of non-verbal triggers Clarification of boundaries of work role Apply oral communication skills required to fulfil job

roles as specified by the organisation/service Skills in asking questions, providing clear information,

listening to and understanding workplace instructions, and clarifying workplace instructions when necessary

Service/organisation may require competence in English or community language, depending on client group

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Communicate Effectively Includes:

• Effective use of questioning, speaking, and listening and non-verbal communication techniques

• Identifying and evaluating what is occurring within an interaction in a non-judgemental way

• Making decisions about appropriate words, behaviour, posture

• Using clarifying, summarising questions

• Putting together a response that is culturally appropriate

• Expressing an individual perspective

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Communicate Effectively Means:

Expressing own philosophy, ideology and background and exploring the impact of this on the communication

Exploring and unpacking problems

Using active and reflective listening appropriately

Providing sufficient time to enable stories to be told

Providing summarising and reflective responses in conflict situations

Confirming that required information is accessed or message communicated

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Non-verbal communication includes: Gestures


Facial expression

Interviews may include: Discussion of staffing issues

Routine information collection

Maintaining confidentiality


Non disclosure


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Established procedures may refer to: Commonwealth and State legislation International conventions relating to the rights of

individuals Organisation policy and procedures Relevant program standards Duty of care and ethical practice

Presentation of information includes: Clarity Appropriate sequencing Delivery within an appropriate time Utilising media to enhance presentation, if appropriate Addressing audience needs

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Opportunities will include:

• Allowing sufficient time to hear individual stories

• Encouraging a full exploration of issues

• Encouraging validation of individual issues

Additional parties may include:

• Trusted friends

• Case workers

• Family members

• Nominated adults

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