PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302

Post on 19-Feb-2018

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  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    Ch.2:Developing MarketingStrategies and Plans

    12/05/15 MKT 302 1

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    12/05/15 MKT 302 2

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    Phases of Value reationand Deliver!

    "ssessing #arket opportunities and$usto#er value

    hoosing the value

    Designing value

    Delivering value

    o##uni$ating value

    %ro&ing and sustaining value

    op!right ' 2013 Dorling Kindersle! ()ndia* Pvt +td, "uthori-edadaptation fro#

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    Porters Value hain

    12/05/15 MKT 302

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    Strategi$Planning %ap

    12/05/15 MKT 302 5

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    ore usiness Pro$esses

    ore usiness pro$esses in$lude4

    Marketsensing pro$ess

    e&o6ering reali-ation pro$ess

    usto#er a$7uisition pro$ess

    usto#er relationship #anage#entpro$ess

    8ul9ll#ent #anage#ent pro$ess

    8ir#s also need to look into thevalue $hains of their suppliers:distriutors: and $usto#ers,

    op!right ' 2013 Dorling Kindersle! ()ndia* Pvt +td, "uthori-edadaptation fro#

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    hara$teristi$s ofore o#peten$ies

    " sour$e of $o#petitive advantage

    "ppli$ations in a &ide variet! of#arkets

    Di;$ult to i#itate

    op!right ' 2013 Dorling Kindersle! ()ndia* Pvt +td, "uthori-edadaptation fro#

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302



  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    8igure 2,1 The Strategi$ Planning:)#ple#entation: and

    ontrol Pro$esses

    op!right ' 2013 Dorling Kindersle! ()ndia* Pvt +td, "uthori-edadaptation fro#

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    8our organi-ation level

    12/05/15 MKT 302 10

    orporate level

    Division levelusiness unit level

    Produ$t level

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    orporate and division strategi$planning

    12/05/15 MKT 302 11

    Four planning activities:

    De9ning the $orporate #ission

    >stalishing strategi$ usiness units (S.s*"ssigning resour$es to ea$h S.

    Planning ne& usinesses: do&nsi-ing or ter#inatingold usinesses (assigning gro&th opportunities*

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    De9ning the $orporate#ission

    12/05/15 MKT 302 12

    Mission4 ?hat do &e &ant to e$o#e@

    >,g,: to e$o#e one of the leadingauto#oile #anufa$turers in the &orld

    A?e organi-e the &orldBs infor#ation and

    #ake it universall! a$$essile and usefulA %oogle

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    >stalishing strategi$usiness unit

    12/05/15 MKT 302 13

    3 hara$teristi$4

    )t is a single usiness or $olle$tion of related usinesses that$an e planned separatel! fro# the rest of the $o#pan!

    )t has its o&n set of $o#petitors

    )t has a #anager &ho is responsile for strategi$ planning andpro9t perfor#an$e and &ho $ontrols #ost of the fa$tors a6e$ting


  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    % Matri

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    Di6erentiation strateg!

    De9nition"n integrated set of a$tions taken to produ$egoods or servi$es that $usto#ers per$eive aseing di6erent in i#portant &a!s

    nonstandardi-ed produ$ts for $usto#ers &hovalue di6erentiated features #ore than the!value lo& $ost,

    su$$ess depends on a 9r#s ailit! to$ontinuousl! and $onsistent upgrade thedi6erentiated features,


  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    8o$us strateg!


    "n integrated set of a$tions designed to

    produ$e or deliver goods or servi$es thatserve the needs of a parti$ular $o#petitiveseg#ent, Sele$t fe& seg#ents rather thangoing after the &hole #arket,

    T!pes of fo$us strategies4 fo$used $ost leadership strateg! (e"*

    fo$used di6erentiation strateg! (e

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    Produ$t or servi$e allian$es

    Pro#otional allian$es

    +ogisti$ allian$es

    Pri$ing $ollaorations

    12/05/15 MKT 302 2

    Marketing Alliances

  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    Marketing Plan ontents


  • 7/23/2019 PPT Slide 2, Chapter 2, MKT 302


    op!right ' 2012 Pearson >du$ation )n$ Pulishing as Prenti$e Nall

    >valuating a Marketing


    )s the plan si#ple@)s the plan spe$i9$@)s the plan realisti$@)s the plan $o#plete@