Practical part of my master thesis in corporate communication

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"Creation and development of the corporate design for a new intercultural association in the province of Vorarlberg, Austria"


House of Cultures in Vorarlberg


Creation and development of the corporate design for a new intercultural association in the province of Vorarlberg, Austria

Submitted by Jimena Dupré Arroba, B.A.Identification number: 0810253014at the University of Applied Sciences VorarlbergMaster in Corporate CommunicationSupervised by Dr. Cornelia Lund and Dipl. Des. Alexander Rufenach

Dornbirn, July 2011


Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines Corporate Design für eine neue interkulturelle Assoziation in Vorarlberg, Österreich

eingereicht von Jimena Dupré Arroba, B.A.Personalkennzeichen: 0810253014durchgeführt an der Fachhochschule Vorarlberg (, Master-Studiengang InterMedia, betreut von Dr. Cornelia Lund und Dipl. Des. Alexander Rufenach

Dornbirn, im Juli 2011

Das Urheberrecht liegt beim Autor/bei der Autorin. Die Fachhochschule Vorarlberg hat zeitlich, räumlich und kausal unbeschränktes Werknutzungsrecht für alle Verwertungsformen gemäß § 15 – 18a UrhG.



1. House of Cultures - an intercultural platform for encounters in Vorarlberg1.1 Background and history of the House of Cultures1.2 House of Cultures in Vorarlberg1.3 Organization and structure1.4 Core values statements1.5 Topics and activities1.6 The personality of the association 1.7 Target group

2. Brand identity: Design concept 2.1 Brand platform and brand identity2.2 Brand compass2.3 Matrix theme2.4 Morphological matrix2.5 Brainstorming logos overview2.6 Brainstorming posters, moodboards and ideas 3. Key visual3.1 Brand logo - Horizontal and vertical version3.2 Brand logo in grid - Vertical version3.3 Brand logo in grid - Horizontal version3.4 Brand colors3.5 Brand typography3.6 Use of typography in block text3.7 Marginal space in logo horizontal version3.8 Marginal space in logo vertical version3.9 Correct aplication of the logo with diverse background3.10 Incorrect aplication of the logo with diverse background3.11 Brand logo minimun scale3.12 Brand name minimun scale3.13 Correct uses of the brand logo and its aplications in minimun scale3.14 Incorrect use of the logo as primary brand symbol3.15 Secondary brand symbol with diverse aplications3.16 Flexibles element - Pictograms used in the posters3.17 Use of typography in posters






4. Visual applications: Layout system4.1 Letter A4 with envelope4.2 Letter A4 with envelope (B/W)4.3 Business cards4.4 Folder with Cds4.5 Digital applications – Word documents and Power Point presentations4.6 Signage system

5. Brand experience5.1 Posters5.2 Guerrilla marketing5.3 Website5.4 Social network applications




House of Cultures an intercultural platform

for encounters in Vorarlberg


1.1 Background and history of the House of Cultures

House of Cultures began as a pilot project in 2008 under the name of “Bewegung-Begegnung”. The project “Bewegung-Begegnung” was an initiative of the Latin-American association “Tierra Madura” in cooperation with relevant cultural institutions, important individuals from the cultural and business sector of this province and the local governments of the district of Lustenau and Götzis.The objective of the project “Bewegung-Begegnung” (2008-2010) was to organize and to promote different kind of activities and events with the focus on the achievement of a better communication and integration between all immigrants living in Vorarlberg and the local people.

1.2 House of Cultures in Vorarlberg

House of Cultures is a new association formed by the members of diverse cultural associations in the province of Vorarlberg. House of Cultures is an intercultural platform for all individuals living in the province of Vorarlberg. The members of House of Cultures are the directors of the Turkish, the African, the French and the Latin-American associations in the province of Vorarlberg, as well as individuals and experts of the cultural, social, and political and business sectors in the province of Vorarlberg.

1.3 Organization and structure

Two groups compose the new intercultural association House of Cultures: the council of the cultures and the advisory board of the cultures. The members of the different cultural associations in this province integrate the council of cultures for example the Turks, the African, the French and the Latin-American associations.Experts from different fields integrate the advisory board of the culture for example: business, language, arts, music and marketing.

1.4 Core values statements

MissionThe mission of the new intercultural association House of Cultures is to meet and work together with people from different cultures, professions and ages. We offer a place and a platform for meeting, networking, hear and pronounce the voice of people from different backgrounds living in Vorarlberg. The House of Cultures combines regionalism with international economy and fair trade.


VisionThe vision of the new intercultural association House of Cultures is to construct a center for intercultural competencies, where all people get together to develop a unique society in the province Vorarlberg.

ValuesAs a learning association, we maintain a respectful interaction with each other. We respect the diversity of cultures and we live in a sustainable management of authenticity inside and outside of the association. In our thoughts and actions, we are guided by the principles of universal human rights.

1.5 Topics and activities

The House of Cultures covers social, political and businesses topics in the region of Vorarlberg. These topics or fields are:

1. Language, education (Kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, VH, higher education schools and FH) and youth.2. Art (Exhibitions, sculpture, painting, international artists, graphic).3. Performing arts (Choral music, concerts, lessons, dance workshops in schools. Festival with local clubs).4. Cuisine (Workshops, food, drinks)5. Religion, intercultural prayer (Latin American Christmas, Misa Criolla, dialogue of religions)6. Communication, public relations and media (radio Proton)7. Sports (Cup of nations, training, cooperation with associations)8. Festivals (Ball der Kulturen-Spielboden, Feldkirch Festival and Bregenzer Festspiele, Sommer am Platz in Lustenau)9. Intercultural community garden.10. Arts & crafts (Jewelry, ceramics, textiles, hand made paper)11. Age and migration (Cross-cultural aspects in the 3rd generation of immigrants)12. New development cooperation, climate change, migration, asylum, economy, fair trade and Ambassador.13. Dornbirn Autumn fair14. Social and orientation (Cooperation with other organizations and cultural associations)


Annual events of the association:

Weltzelt Dornbirn September Culture & Bus.Fußballturnier Klaus July Sport & SocialFH Lehrveranstaltung Dornbirn May Culture & Educ.Ball Dornbirn February Culture & SocialFeldkirchfestival Feldkirch May/June Culture & MusicFiesta Latina Schaan September Culture & SocialFest der Kulturen Bregenz September Culture & SocialFest der Kulturen Rankweil July Culture & Social

1.6 The personality of the association

The main characteristics of the association House of Cultures has been established as: Active - Innovative - Respectful with individuals and nature no matter gender, age, religion, race or socio-economic class – Cooperative and Authentic.

1.7 Target Group

The target groups of the House of Cultures are:• Cultural associations in Vorarlberg • Vorarlberg's native people • Foreigners (people with diverse backgrounds) • Media, politics, economic and educational institutions

Brand identity: Design concept


2.1 Brand platform and brand identity

Benefit + Reason why

Network: Promote involvement.

Promotion and development of the talents of our citizens.

Innovative projects, ideas and activities.

Platform for exchange of information and teamwork between politicians, the business sector and the society.

Strengthening of the site Vorarlberg.

What does the House of Cultures?

House of Cultures is the first intercultural platform for culture and communication in the province of Vorarlberg. Our mission is to work together with politicians, the business sector and the civil society in Vorarlberg.




Brand profile

Brand name

Brand logo with claim

Corporate colours and typography

Visual applications: Layout system

Brand experience: Posters, guerrilla marketing, website, social media

How is the House of Cultures?

Open, diverse, cooperative, friendly, fresh, interactiv and innovativ.




2.2 Brand compass

Network:Exchange platform

(Political, economic, social)Increase in activity

Innovation comes from the diversity

Promotion:Talents, contacts,


Diversity is our advantage


2.3 Matrix theme

Activitiesin Vorarlberg

We work with allcitizens in the province of Vorarlberg, nomatter race, gender,religion or culture

We interconnectpeople, cultures and fields

We promote openness to newexperiences as well as knowledges

We promote cooperation through the team work with people coming from different fields and cultures

We promote new creative ideas and projects in the fields of communication, culture, business and politic

Our interconnection takes place once the cooperation begins

We promote innovation by the team work with different cultures and fields

We work with mono cultural associations, the local government, institutions and the business sector in the province of Voralberg

We promote new innovativ projects in the fields of culture, communication, business and politics


Values Cooperative Innovative




2.4 Morphological matrix



2.5 Brainstorming logos overview


and much more...


2.6 Brainstorming posters, moodboards and ideas overview


Key visual


3.1 Brand logo - Horizontal and vertical version


2,54 cm in 8 subdivisions

3.2 Brand logo in grid - Vertical version

Typography brand name : "Haus der Kulturen"MonakoStroke: 0,5 pt.Color: Black 100%

Typography Claim : "Plattform für Begegnung in Vorarlberg"Corbel - RegularColor: Black 100%


C 0M 100Y 0K 0

C 0M 0Y 100K 8

C 100M 0Y 0K 0

Pantone Magenta 100%

R: 222 G: 0 B: 123

Pantone 108 C

R: 213 G: 213 B: 0

Pantone Cyan 100%

R: 27 G: 157 B: 224

* Transparent effect: Multiply

3.3 Brand logo in grid - Horizontal version

3.4 Brand colors


3.5 Brand typography

Brand name Monako

Plattform für Begegnung in Vorarlberg

Claim Corbel - Regular


3.6 Use of typography in block text


Natur? Ori acerit quis escilicabo. At quidel idelique cor aut expliquodio ea quatecta nonecum labo. Ut estrum que volupictur? Ulpa voluptatum ab is quosam re modita con consequodit autem harchit ullaute nimodis quisquas soloreptia seristio occum re evendant asit fugiae re pa inus repe pro essimus, ut plit, optur as rae volorro magnihic te re denis re expersp erumqui ditatet autem volore nonsedi genisque sandia quid quo eaquidigenim iur magnis accaboriti nit a pliquun ditio.

Figue 1: olorro magnihic te re denis.

1. Haak, Elena. "Branding" (2008).

Headline: Corbel - Bold, 10 pt, 12 interspace

Block text: Corbel - Regular10 pt, 14 interspace

Caption: Corbel - Regular, 8 pt, 9 interspace

Footnote: Corbel - Regular,

8 pt, 9 interspace


3.7 Marginal space in logo horizontal version

The margins for the use of the logo with background will be defined by taking 2 subdivision by each marginal side. (See 3.9 : correct application of the logo with diverse background)


3.8 Marginal space in logo vertical version


3.9 Correct aplication of the logo with diverse background


3.10 Incorrect aplication of the logo with diverse background


3.11 Brand logo minimun scale

80%4,8 x 2,08 cm

60%2,8 x 1,248 cm

100%6 x 2,6 cm

50%1,4 x 0,6 cm


3.12 Brand name minimun scale




10,6 pt 11 pt, 50 interspace

0,5 stroke




3.13 Correct uses of the brand logo and its aplications in minimun scale







3.14 Incorrect use of the logo as primary brand symbol


3.15 Secondary brand symbol with diverse aplications


3.16 Flexibles element - Pictograms used in the posters


3.17 Use of typography in posters

Headline: Helvetica with extra effect

Copy text: Corbel - RegularThe size of the typography depends on the format of the posters. It is important to apply two points more for the interspace. For example: 24 pt, 26 interspace or 30 pt, 32 interspace.

Extra info: Corbel Bold. The size of the typography for the extra information will be the same as the size used in the copy text.

Posters headline: HelveticaTempedit parum que volenit atiamuscid qui recaborro te dolorio nsequae pelendi volorunt.Pid et lacepta sitatquam am sim ut laciur, odi rese volorep ellentibus dolessu metur, iunt idisinto vide con estia velesciis voluptatiam sequias ex estectu repudam doluptatas recum sitaectat porum, ut volupta quatiat.

Sa. 28. Februar 2011Dornbirn Station

Visual applications: Layout system


4.1 Letter A4 with envelope




4.2 Letter A4 with envelope (B/W)


4.3 Business cards 8,5 x 5,5 cm


4.4 Folder with CDs


4.5 Digital applications – Word documents and Power Point presentations


4.6 Signage system


Brand experience


5.1 Posters





5.2 Guerrilla marketing


5.3 Website


5.4 Social network applications