Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Supplier Quality Requirements Guide – Canoga Park March 2007.

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Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

Supplier Quality Requirements Guide – Canoga Park

March 2007

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Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

Quality Requirements GuideQuality Requirements Guide

1. Scope/Purpose of Supplier Quality Requirements Guide

2. Quality Requirement Elements

3. Philosophy

4. Process

5. Detailed Characteristic Risk Analysis Worksheet (CRAW)

6. Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW)

7. Validation Plans: Procured Product Acceptance Requirements

(PPAR) or Supplier Technical Requirements (STR’s)

8. Quality Clause Provisions

9. Data Package Submittal

10. Hardware Submittal

11. Acronyms /Glossary

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• Nothing in this Information Guide shall be construed as giving your

company contractual coverage or direction whether expressed or

implied. If there are any conflicts between the language in this booklet

and the language in your contract the language in your contract will

prevail. Your contract contains the entire agreement of the parties and

supersedes any and all prior agreements, understandings and

communications between Buyer and Seller related to the subject

matter of your specific contract.

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Scope/Purpose of GuideScope/Purpose of Guide

Scope• This guide outlines primarily “high risk” hardware purchases

• Lower risk hardware may not require every step outlined

Purpose• The purpose of this guide is to help users successfully navigate

their way through the Quality Requirements contained within the Purchase Contract

• It will provide users with an understanding of:• The quality philosophy in establishing and meeting

requirements• Steps in the process• Tips on successful accomplishment of quality

requirements• Most frequent rejections• Acronyms and language used

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Quality Requirement ElementsQuality Requirement Elements

• The Purchase Contract is used to communicate Quality

Requirements to suppliers which includes the following:

1. The elements:A. Characteristic Risk Analysis Worksheet (optional based

upon program requirements)

B. Procured Product Acceptance Requirements (PPAR) or Supplier Technical Requirements (STR)

• Includes Characteristic Accountability Worksheet based upon program requirements

2. Quality Clause Provisions

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1. Spending time up front understanding requirements,

assessing risk, and establishing proper controls

improves quality, safety and First Time Through


2. Prevention costs should be in proportion to benefit

• Higher safety, cost, and schedule risk warrants

higher prevention costs

3. Working together and good communication delivers

a better result for everyone

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Operating PrinciplesOperating Principles

1. Communication, knowledge and planning between all

stakeholders up front is critical to Supplier, Procurement,

Quality, Integrated Product Team and Product Acceptance

2. Utilize available data, knowledge, and experience to

understand operational and manufacturing risks

associated with using/building/processing hardware

3. Assure proper controls are in place to mitigate those risks

before production begins

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SSME Program Process FlowSSME Program Process Flow

PWR Q.E.identifies Inspection requirements

PWR Q.E.identifies Inspection requirements

PWR performs initial Characteristic Risk Assessment (CRAW) & PPIA determination

PWR performs initial Characteristic Risk Assessment (CRAW) & PPIA determination

Buyer sends RFQ’s , receives bids, and selects supplier

Buyer sends RFQ’s , receives bids, and selects supplier

QE & Product Team performs CRAW with supplier

QE & Product Team performs CRAW with supplier

QE creates Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW) & fills out left hand side

QE creates Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW) & fills out left hand side

Supplier fills out right hand side of CAW and gives to QE (work shall not begin until right side is approved)

Supplier fills out right hand side of CAW and gives to QE (work shall not begin until right side is approved)

Supplier identifies controls for each CAW line item (work with Sub-Tier if applicable)

Supplier identifies controls for each CAW line item (work with Sub-Tier if applicable)

Call for Source Inspection if applicable (Code Q203/Q223)Call for Government insp. If req’d per contract

Call for Source Inspection if applicable (Code Q203/Q223)Call for Government insp. If req’d per contract

Assemble Data Package and scan into Electronic Certificate of Conformance

Assemble Data Package and scan into Electronic Certificate of Conformance

Submit E C of C for PWR Review

Submit E C of C for PWR Review

PWR notifies supplier of OK to Ship when E C of C is approved

PWR notifies supplier of OK to Ship when E C of C is approved Supplier sends

hardware to PWR

Supplier sends hardware to PWR

Receiving Inspection assures documentation complete, checks I.D. and damage

Receiving Inspection assures documentation complete, checks I.D. and damage

R.I. shows acceptance in database, sends part to stock, and supplier is paid

R.I. shows acceptance in database, sends part to stock, and supplier is paid

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier

Supplier builds hardware

Supplier builds hardware

1 2 3 4

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9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

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PWR QE Identifies Product Acceptance RequirementsPWR QE Identifies Product Acceptance Requirements

1. Hardware need is identified

2. Hardware is classified:

• High risk

• Low risk

3. Based on risk level, varying levels of inspection

requirements are applied

4. Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Inspection

Requirements are located in the Procured

Product Acceptance Requirements (PPAR or


PWR Q.E.identifies Inspection requirements

PWR Q.E.identifies Inspection requirements


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PWR Performs Risk AssessmentPWR Performs Risk Assessment

PWR performs initial Characteristic Risk Assessment (CRAW)

PWR performs initial Characteristic Risk Assessment (CRAW)

21. The most critical characteristics are identified

2. Critical characteristics are those drawing or specification

requirements which if nonconforming:

• Lead to SSME explosion and therefore loss of life and Shuttle

3. Potential process pitfalls are identified with their impact

4. Risk is assessed to determine

• The likelihood of ‘Occurrence’ of the nonconformance

• The ‘Severity’ of risk if the nonconformance occurs

• Ability to ‘Detect’ the flaw before the hardware is used

5. High risk numbers require more control

6. The Preliminary CRAW is performed by PWR

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Overview: Characteristic Risk Analysis Worksheet (CRAW)Overview: Characteristic Risk Analysis Worksheet (CRAW)


NumbersVariation & Effect Controls

CharacteristicsListed Here

PWR performs initial Characteristic Risk Assessment (CRAW)

PWR performs initial Characteristic Risk Assessment (CRAW)



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Overview: CRAWOverview: CRAW

Important CRAW Classifications:

• Critical Characteristic: Final level verification of a

FMEA/CIL inspection or test (e.g. last time performed)

• Primary Characteristic: Interim level verification of a

FMEA/CIL inspection or test (e.g. 2nd to last time


• Key Characteristic: Important characteristic to be

managed using statistical process control (SPC)

• Significant Characteristic: Important characteristic

requiring special controls/management

PWR performs initial Characteristic Risk Assessment (CRAW)

PWR performs initial Characteristic Risk Assessment (CRAW)


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Buyer Sends RFQ & Selects SupplierBuyer Sends RFQ & Selects Supplier

1. Buyer will send out a Request for Quote with:• Drawings, specifications, Partial PPAR/STR and

documentation requirements

2. Buyer informs supplier change control - supplier designed

(RF020) or Buyer Designed (RF021)

3. Buyer informs supplier that contract will be awarded after

CRAW and Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW) are

Preliminary/Complete and approved by PWR Quality Clause


Buyer sends RFQ’s , receives bids, and selects supplier

Buyer sends RFQ’s , receives bids, and selects supplier


*SSME quality clause

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PWR Performs CRAW with SupplierPWR Performs CRAW with Supplier

1. A face-to-face or teleconference meeting with the supplier is

set up

2. PWR Engineering, Manufacturing, and Quality review the

CRAW with the supplier

3. The supplier adds their expertise to the discussion including

non-conformance history

4. The CRAW is revised to reflect any additional concerns voiced

by the supplier

QE & Product Team performs CRAW with supplier

QE & Product Team performs CRAW with supplier


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Selected CharacteristicsFrom CRAW are listed


PWR Fills Out RequirementsPWR Fills Out Requirements Supplier Fills Out Process Control, Acceptance Method

Supplier Fills Out Process Control, Acceptance Method

CAW is CreatedCharacteristic Accountability WorksheetCAW is CreatedCharacteristic Accountability Worksheet

QE creates Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW) & fills out left hand side

QE creates Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW) & fills out left hand side

Supplier fills out right hand side and gives to QE CAW (work should not begin until right side is filled out)

Supplier fills out right hand side and gives to QE CAW (work should not begin until right side is filled out)

Supplier identifies controls for each CAW line item (work with Sub-Tier if applicable)

Supplier identifies controls for each CAW line item (work with Sub-Tier if applicable)

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Widget, Casting Name1234567

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CAW is CreatedCharacteristic Accountability WorksheetCAW is CreatedCharacteristic Accountability Worksheet

1. QE takes high risk items identified in CRAW and lists them on

the left hand side of the Characteristic Accountability

Worksheet (CAW)

2. The supplier is required to identify appropriate controls on the

right hand side of the CAW

3. No work can begin on any particular characteristic listed until

the controls for that characteristic are identified and approved

by PWR

QE creates Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW) & fills out left hand side

QE creates Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW) & fills out left hand side

Supplier fills out right hand side and gives to QE CAW (work should not begin until right side is filled out)

Supplier fills out right hand side and gives to QE CAW (work should not begin until right side is filled out)

Supplier identifies controls for each CAW line item (work with Sub-Tier if applicable)

Supplier identifies controls for each CAW line item (work with Sub-Tier if applicable)

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4. For NDT Technique Sheets (T.S.):

• Prime supplier sends T.S. to the QE focal

• QE focal will submit to PWR NDT for approval

• Any issues should be worked directly between NDT and

Supplier performing the NDT operation

• Approved T.S. is returned to QE Focal and flowed back to

Prime Supplier

• Note: Technique Sheet must be submitted on E C of C and

with the hardware

QE creates Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW) & fills out left hand side

QE creates Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW) & fills out left hand side

Supplier fills out right hand side and gives to QE CAW (work should not begin until right side is filled out)

Supplier fills out right hand side and gives to QE CAW (work should not begin until right side is filled out)

Supplier identifies controls for each CAW line item (work with Sub-Tier if applicable)

Supplier identifies controls for each CAW line item (work with Sub-Tier if applicable)

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CAW is CreatedCharacteristic Accountability WorksheetCAW is CreatedCharacteristic Accountability Worksheet

Frequent Rejection

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5. For CAW’s Quality Provision Q235 requires:

• Controls to be utilized as listed in “Control” block

• Verifications to be performed as listed in “Verification” block

• Any changes to controls or verifications be submitted to PWR

for approval prior to implementation

• Submit the approved CAW along with a statement on their

Certificate of Conformance that they have processed the

hardware as documented on the CAW

QE creates Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW) & fills out left hand side

QE creates Characteristic Accountability Worksheet (CAW) & fills out left hand side

Supplier fills out right hand side and gives to QE CAW (work should not begin until right side is filled out)

Supplier fills out right hand side and gives to QE CAW (work should not begin until right side is filled out)

Supplier identifies controls for each CAW line item (work with Sub-Tier if applicable)

Supplier identifies controls for each CAW line item (work with Sub-Tier if applicable)

5 6 7

CAW is CreatedCharacteristic Accountability WorksheetCAW is CreatedCharacteristic Accountability Worksheet

Frequent Rejection

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P.O. is ReleasedP.O. is Released

1. P.O. is released with:

• Quality Clause Provisions

• PPAR/STR including CAW if required

• Drawings and Specifications, Outstanding Engineering Orders

2. No changes should be made to supplier drawings, processes

or CAW characteristic controls without notification and

approval from PWR

• Controlling Configuration Codes

• Q235, RF020, RF021

3. The following pages provide tips on navigating through the

Quality Clause Provisions, PPAR/STR and CAW

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


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P.O. is ReleasedP.O. is Released

1. Understand the requirements

• Quality Clause Provisions noted

• Drawings, specifications and Outstanding Engineering Orders

• PPAR/STR & CAW (as applicable)

2. Assure proper documentation is maintained throughout build

• Certifications

• Processing

• Inspections

3. Contact the Buyer if there are any discrepancies or

inconsistencies with RFQ package

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


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Quality Provisions TextQuality Provisions Text

1. Look Up Quality Clause Provisions

2. Obtain proper BTP or PPAR Rev & Seq.

3. Note serialization requirements

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier

8• Steps to reading & understanding Quality Provisions

Contract will state either a BTP with an embedded PPAR/STR or Standalone PPAR

Frequent Rejection





/ PART NUMBER BTP ID REV SEQ BTP TYPE / ---------------------- --------- --- -------- --------------- /

R085659D1 BTP-001 009 1 PRODUCTION Q008Q019 Q072 Q078 Q093 Q205 Q207Q217 Q218 Q227 Q232 ROCKETDYNE UNIQUE SERIALIZATION REQUIREMENTS:/ PART NUMBER QTY TYPE PROVIDED BY ----------------- ------ -------- ----------- ------------------- { R085659D1 } { 1X } F/R FOUNDRY

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Quality Provision ClausesQuality Provision Clauses

• Most Frequent Quality Code Rejections

• Code Q219 (All Programs)

• Material Review statement not on C of C

• Code Q220 (SSME program)

• Technique sheets not included

• NDT certifications missing

• Traceability from inspection to hardware is missing

• Dates are incorrect

• Code Q235 (SSME Program)

• Approved CAW not submitted with E C of C or data package

• Missing statement on Certificate of Conformance that hardware has been processed as documented on the CAW

Frequent Rejections

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


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Access Technical Information through Supplier PortalAccess Technical Information through Supplier Portal

Full PDF viewOr specific Sections of

Validation Plan(PPAR)viewing

Full PDF viewOr specific Sections of

Validation Plan(PPAR)viewing


P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


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PWR Inc.Stamp/Date

QE xxx 818-586-xxxx

Technical Documents

Link to Image

Supplier PortalUser clicks onHyper link and

Technical documentis displayed

Technical Documents

Link to Image

Supplier PortalUser clicks onHyper link and

Technical documentis displayed

Access Technical InformationAccess Technical InformationP.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


1234567 Widget, Casting Name

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Technical Documents

Link to Image

Supplier PortalUser clicks onHyper link and Dwg. displayed

Access Technical InformationAccess Technical Information P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


Widget, Casting Name1234567

1234567.drw 1.33.01.cgm1234567.drw 1.33.02.cgm1234567.drw 1.33.03.cgm1234567.drw 1.33.03.cgm1234567.drw.1.33.04.cgm1234567.drw.1.33.05.cgm1234567.drw.1.33.06.cgm


1234567-asm 1.12.igs

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Read Drawings & SpecificationsRead Drawings & Specifications

• Suppliers are required to work to the drawing or specification revision identified in the Reference Documents section of the PPAR/STR• If not specifically listed in Reference Document Section use

the latest revision of drawings and specifications at time of release of contract

• SSME also requires per RL00144 that where called out on drawing, certain revisions of specifications be used as listed in the RL00144 specification

• Do not use superseding industry standards in lieu of obsolete military standards• Obsolete specifications can and should be used if called out on

drawing• If unable to use obsolete standard, contact PWR QE for suitable

replacement which requires a design change Current Problem

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


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PPAR Procured Product Acceptance RequirementsPPAR Procured Product Acceptance Requirements

• The PPAR/STR contains most of the elements that will be used to accept the hardware (excluding the Quality Clauses)

• Verify Requirements (first page)• CSP verifications• Material• ASL verifications• Identification & Serialization requirements

• Reference Documents• Drawings, Specs and revisions to be used, as applicable Outstanding

Engineering Orders• Special Instructions

• Helpful notes regarding complex requirements• Characteristic Accountability Worksheet

• Identifies agreed upon controls in the way of tooling, planning, NDT technique sheets etc.

• Change Revision Record• Notes changes made to PPAR

• Inspection Requirements• Source • NDT Source • NDT Receiving • Receiving Inspection

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


Note:The PPAR/STR does not contain all requirements but all requirements must be met.

Note:The PPAR/STR does not contain all requirements but all requirements must be met.

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PPARVerify RequirementsPPARVerify Requirements


Verify Requirements Tips1. Assure approved sources are used for ASL and CSP related processes and

materials2. Assure certifications contain proper specification numbers, revisions, and

dates3. Assure hardware is identified properly (#1 rejection at receiving)

Verify Requirements Tips1. Assure approved sources are used for ASL and CSP related processes and

materials2. Assure certifications contain proper specification numbers, revisions, and

dates3. Assure hardware is identified properly (#1 rejection at receiving)

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


Frequent Rejection

PWR Inc.

1234567 Widget, Casting Name


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PPARReference DocumentsPPARReference Documents

Reference Document Tips1. Work to the revision listed – if not listed then use latest revision2. Do not use superseding specifications – stick with basic spec number3. Specification RL00144 requires certain first and second tier spec revisions to be used –

check drawing bug note and specs to determine which specs are affected.

Reference Document Tips1. Work to the revision listed – if not listed then use latest revision2. Do not use superseding specifications – stick with basic spec number3. Specification RL00144 requires certain first and second tier spec revisions to be used –

check drawing bug note and specs to determine which specs are affected.

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


Widget, Casting Name1234567


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PPARSpecial InstructionsPPARSpecial Instructions

Special Instruction Tips1. Read Special Instructions to get some helpful clarification on:

• Requirements that may not be listed on drawings/specs• Sequence of operations• Complex requirements• Government & NDT Source requirements

Special Instruction Tips1. Read Special Instructions to get some helpful clarification on:

• Requirements that may not be listed on drawings/specs• Sequence of operations• Complex requirements• Government & NDT Source requirements

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


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PPARChange ActivityPPARChange Activity

Change Record Tips1. Identifies why revisions are made

Change Record Tips1. Identifies why revisions are made

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


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CAW Tips1. Assure that controls listed are in fact used including proper revision2. Any changes to controls must be approved by PWR as required per *Q2353. Submit approved CAW on E C of C and with data package

CAW Tips1. Assure that controls listed are in fact used including proper revision2. Any changes to controls must be approved by PWR as required per *Q2353. Submit approved CAW on E C of C and with data package

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


Frequent Rejection

*SSME Quality Clause

1234567 Widget, Casting Name

Housing per xxx

Material per xxx

Allowable alternate




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PPARSource Inspection ReportPPARSource Inspection ReportInspection Tips1. Assure that all Source Inspections are performed and a copy of those buy-offs is

submitted2. Review all inspection requirements to understand what will be required and

inspected for approval

Inspection Tips1. Assure that all Source Inspections are performed and a copy of those buy-offs is

submitted2. Review all inspection requirements to understand what will be required and

inspected for approval

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


1234567 Widget, Casting Name

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PPARReceiving Inspection ReportPPARReceiving Inspection Report

P.O. is released to supplier

P.O. is released to supplier


1234567 Widget, Casting Name

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Example STR(Supplier Technical Requirements)

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Configuration Baseline

•STR number & rev

•Supplier Name & Approvals

•Drawing & Part number

•Part name

•Outstanding EOs

Configuration Baseline

•STR number & rev

•Supplier Name & Approvals

•Drawing & Part number

•Part name

•Outstanding EOs


state onlyfor Bids,


CompleteSupplier may work


ABC company or Generic


1234567 Widget, Casting Name

1234567, Rev. 001, Seq. 1

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STRApplicable Requirements List

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Applicable Requirements List

General Provisions

• Applicable specifications

Applicable Requirements List

General Provisions

• Applicable specifications

Applicable Requirements List – The Integrated Product Team lists outThe applicable first tier and lower tier

Spec’s required for product acceptance

Supplier Technical Requirements – Validation Plan

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Applicable Requirements List

Product Requirements

• The set of documents required to build and validate the product

• Critical process and material specifications are identified

• Applicable CSP/ASL special management requirements (Requires Cert.)

Applicable Requirements List

Product Requirements

• The set of documents required to build and validate the product

• Critical process and material specifications are identified

• Applicable CSP/ASL special management requirements (Requires Cert.)

Supplier Technical Requirements – Validation Plan



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STRCharacteristics Accountability

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A summary document of the . . .

• Classified characteristics – Key, Critical or Significant product characteristics

– Process Control -- the methods and in-process verifications used to monitor and manage the variation inherent in the production processes

– Seller Product Validation - Final product acceptance and related data requirements

A summary document of the . . .

• Classified characteristics – Key, Critical or Significant product characteristics

– Process Control -- the methods and in-process verifications used to monitor and manage the variation inherent in the production processes

– Seller Product Validation - Final product acceptance and related data requirements

Supplier Technical Requirements – Validation Plan

Marking and IdentificationPer …..

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Characteristic Accountability (as applicable) Basic Info Product Characteristics

Item No.—

Dwg. Ref. —

Char. Type

Characteristics, targets,(specifications and requirements

asreference only)

Lower edge trim0.005 +/- .005

Upper edge trim0.005 +/- .005










Material Integrity --Plating adhesion SIG(Protect from hydrogen embrittlement)

Product Verification & Data

1. Product Verification

2. Data Maintenance3. Data Submittal

Product Verification & Data

1. Acceptance requirements performed by the supplier prior to shipment

2. Data to be maintained by the supplier relative to the product acceptance

3. Related data that mustbe submitted with the product to PWR-Canoga Park

3. Histogram -- distribution of all parts shipped

3. Submit C of C with each shipment

3. none

1. 100% inspect

1. Verify use of CP790; Accept and ship based on SPC data

1. 100% verify process performed per MPP NP98765

2. Maintain SPC data

2. Maintain inspection data

2. DNA

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STRReceiving and SourceProduct Verification

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Source Validation Plan

• Validation items that will be accomplished by PWR representative at the supplier facility

Source Validation Plan

• Validation items that will be accomplished by PWR representative at the supplier facility

Supplier Technical Requirements – Validation Plan

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Receiving Validation Plan

• Completed at receipt

Receiving Validation Plan

• Completed at receipt

Supplier Technical Requirements – Validation Plan

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Supplier Builds HardwareSupplier Builds Hardware

1. For any quality issues during build, please contact the Buyer

• The Buyer will contact the responsible Quality Engineer

• The Quality Engineers name and phone number can be found

on the PPAR

2. For any other issues contact your Buyer listed on the P.O.

• The Buyers name and phone number can be found on the

face of the Purchase Order

Supplier builds hardware

Supplier builds hardware


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Supplier Builds HardwareSupplier Builds Hardware

1. When PWR Source inspection is required as denoted by Code

Q203/Q223 use Supplier Portal to request source visit

2. When Government inspection is required as denoted by

Code *Q202 call the local DCMA and arrange the visit

3. Government Inspection Definitions• Witness: Watch contractor perform operation, inspection, test,

process, etc.• Inspect: Independent, hands-on government Inspection.• Verify: Review of recorded data (inspection, test, etc.) for

conformance to specifications, procedures, test plans drawing requirements, etc.

Call for Source Inspection if applicable (Code Q203)Call for Government insp. If req’d (Code *Q202)

Call for Source Inspection if applicable (Code Q203)Call for Government insp. If req’d (Code *Q202)


*SSME Quality Code

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Supplier Builds HardwareSupplier Builds Hardware

4. PWR Inspection Definitions

• Witness: To be present during and to observe an inspection,

test, or other examination performed by the supplier at the

supplier’s facility.

• Inspect: To obtain dimensional or other data by means of

direct measurement, gauging, testing, or examination of

product hardware, and then to compare that data with

applicable requirements to determine compliance.

• Verify: To examine or review inspection or test data,

documentation or other evidence of compliance that is

furnished by the supplier along with the product hardware to

which it refers.

Call for Source Inspection if applicable (Code Q203)Call for Government insp. If req’d (Code Q202)

Call for Source Inspection if applicable (Code Q203)Call for Government insp. If req’d (Code Q202)


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Assemble the Data PackageAssemble the Data Package

• Tips on Assembling the Data Package

1. C of C• Include Q219 MR Statement• Include Q235 CAW Statement• Include RF020 or RF021 - No changes made statement

2. Certifications• Assure all certifications are included in E C of C• Assure certs complete, accurate and dates match• Assure Q220 NDT certs are compliant with code• Approved Technique Sheets are submitted

3. PPAR• Submit complete PPAR (all pages)

4. Acceptance• Submit evidence of all buy offs including Government

Assemble Data Package and scan into Electronic Certificate of Conformance

Assemble Data Package and scan into Electronic Certificate of Conformance


Frequent Rejections

Frequent Rejections

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Tips to Improve E C of CFirst Time ThroughTips to Improve E C of CFirst Time Through

• Frequent Rejections of Electronic Certificate of Conformance

1. Violations of Quality Code Q220• Assure technique sheets are included• Assure all NDT certs are included• Assure information required per Q220 is on the cert

2. Missing Documentation

3. Documentation errors

4. Dates incorrect• Assure dates on certs and in E C of C are in sync

5. Violations of Quality Code Q219• Assure MR statement is on C of C

6. Violations of Quality Code Q235

Assemble Data Package and scan into Electronic Certificate of Conformance

Assemble Data Package and scan into Electronic Certificate of Conformance


Frequent Rejections

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Tips to Improve E C of CFirst Time ThroughTips to Improve E C of CFirst Time Through

• Assure package is complete prior to scanning

• Refer to Scanning Guideline on line

• Submit E C of C using Supplier Portal

• T1 or DSL lines are best for download speed

• If problems occur during download please contact the Supplier Portal help desk

• A double check to assure all proper documents have been included is advisable

Submit E C of C for PWR Review

Submit E C of C for PWR Review


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Tips to Improve Product SubmittalFirst Time ThroughTips to Improve Product SubmittalFirst Time Through

• Rejections at Receiving Inspection1. Identification errors

• Typos, Omissions, Wrong chemical etching, Missing Identification and/or serial numbers, wrong location on hardware

• Tip: Visually verify against the Purchase Order and drawing that the Part and serial numbers match each other and that they meet the drawing requirements

2. Quality Code Q207 (Material Testing Report)

• Assure test reports are submitted and meet chemical and physical specification requirements

• Include: Manufacturer's Name, Specification No., Rev. Change and Date, and Lot Number

3. Assure all E C of C documents that were submitted are delivered with the hardware along with X-Ray film if applicable

PWR notifies supplier of OK to Ship when E C of C is approved

PWR notifies supplier of OK to Ship when E C of C is approved

Supplier sends hardware to PWR

Supplier sends hardware to PWR

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Frequent Rejections

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• We are always looking for ways to improve so if you have comments or suggestions regarding this guide please contact:

• Neil Bussiere• (818) 586-6664•

• Margaret Lunsford• (818) 586-1418•

Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne


1. Acronyms2. Glossary

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ASL: Approved Source List for Material

AGL: Activity Guide List (DCMA)

BTP: Buy-To-Package

CSP: Certified Special Process

CAW: Characteristics Accountability Worksheet

CRAW: Characteristics Risk Analysis Worksheet

C of C: Classification of Characteristics

C of C: Certificate of Conformance

CIL: Critical Items List

E C of C: Electronic Certificate of Conformance

FMEA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis


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GMIP: Government Mandatory Inspection Points

IDCR: Inspection Discrepancy Control Record

NOR: Notice of Rejection

PCA: Process Characteristics Accountability

PCB: Process Change Board

PPAR: Procured Product Acceptance Requirements

PPIA: Process-Product Integrity Assessment

SMPP: Supplier Material Processing Procedure

RTS: Return to Supplier


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Approved Source List (ASL) ASLs identify the sources of supply from which materials or standard parts controlled by designated PWR specifications may be procured. The supplier should use only those suppliers listed on the Approved Source List for those materials or parts.

Activity Guide List (AGL)Government source inspection flow down from the customer. These are Government mandatory inspection points and must be identified in AGL report. They are required typically on NDT inspections Radiographic, and Penetrant inspections. If the government representative asks for inspections other than specified on the AGL and PPAR, contact the buyer.

Buy-To Package (BTP) The Buy-To Package is a collection of all the information and requirements needed to produce and identify an article of hardware. The BTP contains the Procured Product Acceptance Report with the embedded Characteristic Accountability Worksheet or Supplier Technical Requirements.

Certified Special Process (CSP) Certified Special Process (CSP) are designated processors to perform special processes. CSP’s are designated as such on the cover of the specification for PWR designed specifications. Approved processors will be found through Supplier Portal. Although suppliers must be chosen from the list their work must be managed by the prime contractor who has ultimate responsibility for the work performed. If the supplier has another vendor that they prefer to work with they must submit that name to PWR for approval.


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Characteristics Accountability Worksheet (CAW)Characteristics Accountability Worksheet is used to identify the most critical product characteristics and manage their production to preclude nonconformance. Characteristics are identified and controls applied to assure that hardware is built right the first time through.

Characteristics Risk Analysis Worksheet (CRAW)Characteristics Risk Analysis Worksheet is a form and process for assessing the riskassociated with the variation of individual product characteristics. When such variations could result in a significant, adverse effect on product quality, special controls must be instituted to mitigate the risk. Characteristics that receive a high risk number are transferred to the CAW to identify and approve controls.

Classification of Characteristics (C of C) (SSME program reference:)Classification of Characteristics is a method of recognizing characteristics that have been determined to pose some operating risk, as identified in the FMEA/CIL, in order to properly control their manufacture and inspection. Characteristics are classified as:

Critical: It is in the FMEA/CIL and this is the last time we have to assure conformancePrimary: It is in the FMEA/CIL and this is the next to last time we have to assure conformanceSignificant: It is not in the FMEA/CIL but poses some manufacturing risk


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Certificate of Conformance (C of C)A document provided by the supplier that assures all drawing and specification requirements have been met.

Critical Items List (CIL)List of critical components that if built improperly may result in catastrophic failure and the inspections that assure proper build.

Electronic Certificate of Conformance (E C of C)The Electronic method of submitting a Certificate of Conformance through the Supplier Portal and any applicable required documentation/certifications/inspections & tested required to validate the purchase as defined by the purchase contract.

Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA)An assessment performed to understand which hardware conditions may lead to failure.

Government Mandatory Inspection Points (GMIPs)Inspection points that are imposed by the Government (NASA) and verified by local DCMA personnel.

Inspection Discrepancy and Correction ReportA document used to report and correct hardware/documentation that violates drawing or specification requirements.


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Notice Of RejectionA document used to return procured product to a Supplier. The form is required to be submitted back to PWR with the return of the corrected product.

Process Characteristics Accountability (PCA)The PCA is used to enhance the level of control for selected processes. These documents are required to document actual sequence and nature of manufacturing, inspection, and in-process controlled operations required to ensure the integrity of the process or inspections method.

Process Change Board (PCB)This procedure establishes the basic system requirements for managing changes to customer and internal baselined documents that control the physical or functional characteristics or processes of our products. Program specific requirements/procedures are defined in the program specific Program Appendices identified below. These appendices shall comply with the basic requirements defined in this procedure.

Rejection Tag Used to document nonconformances found by PWR during the Source or Receiving Inspection Process including Electronic Certificate of Conformance as applicable.

Supplier Material Processing ProcedureThe SMPP is used to document the actual sequence and nature of manufacturing, inspection, and in-process control operations required to ensure the integrity of the process or inspection method.
