Pre-History & the Neolithic Revolution€¦ · The Natural Environment By 13,000 B.C.E., Homo...

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Chapter 1

Pre-History & the

Neolithic Revolution

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Forming the Complex Society

■ Basic development:

❑ Hunting and foraging

❑ Agriculture

❑ Complex society

■ Key issue: surplus food surplus capital

■ Major development of first complex societies

3500 B.C.E. – 500 B.C.E.

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Global Migrations

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The Natural Environment

■ By 13,000 B.C.E., Homo sapiens in every inhabitable

part of the world

■ Archaeological finds:

❑ Sophisticated tools

■ Choppers, scrapers, axes, knives, bows, arrows

■ Cave and hut-like dwellings

■ Use of fire, animal skins

■ Hunted several mammal species to extinction

❑ Climatic change may have accelerated process

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❑Economy & society of hunting & gathering peoples

■Economic life

❑Prevented individuals from accumulating

private property

❑Lived an egalitarian existence

❑Lived in small bands, about thirty to fifty

members in each group

Paleolithic Society

Paleolithic Era (“Old Stone Age”)

■ Evidence:

❑ Archaeological finds

■ Nomadic existence precludes advanced civilization

❑ Division of labor along gender lines

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Relative Social Equality

■ Nomadic culture precludes accumulation of

land-based wealth

❑ Relatively egalitarian existence

❑ More likely determinants of status: age, hunting skill,

fertility, personality

❑ Possible gender equality related to food production

❑ Men: protein from hunting

❑ Women: plant gathering

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Big-Game Hunting

■ Evidence of intelligent coordination of hunting


❑ Development of weaponry

❑ Animal-skin disguises

❑ Stampeding tactics

■ Lighting of fires, etc., to drive game into kill zones

■ Required planning, communication

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Creativity of Homo sapiens

■ Constructed flexible languages for communication of

complex ideas

■ Increased variety of tools – stone blades, spear throwers,

sewing needles, barbed harpoons

■ Fabricated ornamental beads, necklaces and bracelets

■ The bow and arrow – a dramatic improvement in humans’

power over nature

■ Cave paintings

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Neolithic Era (“New Stone Age”)

■ Relied on cultivation for subsistence❑ Men: herding animals rather than hunting

❑ Women: nurturing vegetation rather than foraging

■ Spread of agriculture ❑ Slash-and-burn techniques

❑ Exhaustion of soil promotes migration

❑ Impact: Transport of crops from one region to another

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Origins and Early Spread of Agriculture

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Agriculture and Population Growth

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Early Agricultural Society

■ Emergence of villages and towns

■ Discoveries at Çatal Hüyük – a prominent village

located in Turkey, occupied 7250-5400 B.C.E.

❑ Pots, baskets, textiles, leather, stone, metal tools, wood

carvings, carpets, beads, and jewelry

■ Development of crafts – pottery, metallurgy, and

textile production

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Social Distinctions

■ Accumulation of landed wealth initiates

development of social classes

■ Individuals could trade surplus food for valuable


■ Archaeological evidence in variety of household

decorations, goods buried with deceased members

of society at Çatal Hüyük

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Neolithic Culture

■ Farmers closely observed the natural world – an

early kind of applied science

■ Elements of natural environment essential for


■ Archaeological evidence of religious worship:

thousands of clay figurines, drawings on pots, tool

decorations, other ritual objects

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The Origins of Urban Life

■ Craft specialization

■ Social stratification

■ Governance

■ Development of the city – a gradual process

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Chapter 2

Early Societies in Southwest

Asia and the Indo-European


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■ “Between the Rivers”

❑ Tigris and Euphrates

■ Modern-day Iraq

■ Cultural continuum of “fertile


■ Sumerians the dominant people

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The Wealth of the Rivers

■ Nutrient-rich silt

■ Key: irrigation❑ Necessity of coordinated efforts

❑ Promoted development of local governments

❑ City-states

■ Sumer begins small-scale irrigation 6000 B.C.E.

■ By 5000 B.C.E., complex irrigation networks❑ Population reaches 100,000 by 3000 B.C.E.

■ Attracts Semitic migrants, influences culture

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Sumerian City-States

■ Cities appear 4000 B.C.E.

■ Dominate region from 3200 to 2350 B.C.E. they

evolve into city-states (control of surrounding


■ Ziggurat home of the god

❑ Uruk

Attacks by others led to wall building and

military development

Kingships evolve with cooperation of noble


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The Ziggurat of Ur

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Political Decline of Sumer

❑ Sargon of Akkad (2370-2315 B.C.E.)

■ Seizes trade routes and natural resources

■ Hammurabi of Babylon (1792-1750 B.C.E.)

❑ Centralizes bureaucracy and regulates taxation

❑ Capital is Babylon

❑ Law Code: law of retribution and importance of social


❑ Used local governors to maintain control of city-states

■ Babylonian empire later destroyed by Hittites from Anatolia,

ca. 1595 B.C.E.

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Legal System

■ Code of Hammurabi

■ Established high standards of behavior and stern

punishment for violators

❑ Lex talionis – “law of retaliation”

❑ Social status and punishment

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Later Mesopotamian Empires

■ Assyrians use new iron weaponry

■ Powerful army; professional officers (merit), chariots, archers, iron weapons

■ Unpopular rule leads to rebellions; ends 612 BCE

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Mesopotamian Empires, 1800-600 B.C.E.

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Technological Development in


■ Bronze (made from copper and tin), ca. 4000


❑ Used in weapons and later agricultural tools

■ Iron, ca. 1000 B.C.E.

❑ Cheaper than bronze

■ Wheel helps trade, carts can carry more goods

further 3500 B.C.E.

■ Shipbuilding: maritime trade increases in all


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Social Classes

■ Ruling classes based often on military prowess❑ Perceived as offspring of gods

■ Priests and priestesses rule temple communities with large incomes and staff

■ Free commoners❑ Peasant cultivators

❑ Some urban professionals

■ Slaves❑ Prisoners of war, convicted criminals, debtors

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Patriarchal Society

■ Patriarchy: “rule of the father”

■ Men as landowners, relationship to status

■ Hammurabi’s code: men are head of household

❑ Right to sell wives, children

■ Double standard of sexual morality

❑ Women drowned for adultery

❑ Relaxed sexual mores for men

■ Social mobility for women: Court advisers, temple priestesses,

economic activity

■ Introduction of the veil at least ca. 1500 B.C.E.

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Development of Writing

■ 2900 B.C.E. Sumerians create writing system

■ Cuneiform: “wedge-shaped”

❑ Preservation of documents on clay

❑ Declines from 400 B.C.E. with spread of Greek

alphabetic script

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Uses for Writing

■ Trade

■ Astronomy

■ Mathematics

❑ Agricultural applications

■ Calculation of time: 12-month year, 24-hour day, 60-

minute hour

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Mesopotamian Literature

■ Epic of Gilgamesh, compiled after 2000 B.C.E.

■ Heroic saga

■ Search for meaning, especially the afterlife

■ This-worldly emphasis

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The Early Hebrews

■ Early Hebrews are pastoral nomads between

Mesopotamia and Egypt

■ According to Hebrew scripture, Abraham

migrated to northern Mesopotamia ca. 1850 B.C.E.

■ Parallels between early biblical texts, code of

Hammurabi: law of retribution and flood story

■ King David (1000-970 B.C.E.) and Solomon

(970-930 B.C.E.)

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Moses and Monotheism

■ Twelve tribes become Israelites

■ Moses introduced monotheism, belief in single


❑ Denied existence of competing parallel deities

❑ Personal god: reward and punishment for conformity

with revealed law

❑ The Torah (“doctrine or teaching”)

❑ The Ten Commandments: moral and ethical standards

for followers

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Foreign Conquests of Israel

■ Assyrian conquest, 722 B.C.E.

❑ Conquer Israel in north and Judah in south

❑ Deported many inhabitants to other regions

❑ Impact of Diaspora: Jewish race will be blamed for

negative events throughout history

■ Babylonian conquest, 586 B.C.E.

❑ Destroyed Jerusalem

❑ Forced many into exile

❑ Israelites maintained their religious identity and many

returned to Judea

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Israel and Phoenicia, 1500-600 B.C.E.

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The Phoenicians

■ City-states along Mediterranean coast after 3000


■ Little agriculture; live on trade and

communications networks

■ Sea trade most important; get raw materials, trade

for manufactured goods

■ Extensive maritime trade

❑ Dominated Mediterranean trade, 1200-800 B.C.E.

■ Development of alphabet symbols: Simpler

alternative to cuneiform/foundation for English language

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Indo-European Migrations

■ Common roots of many languages of Europe,

southwest Asia, India

■ Implies influence of a single Indo-European


❑ Probable original homeland: modern-day Ukraine and

Russia, 4500-2500 B.C.E.

■ Domestication of horses, use of Sumerian

weaponry allowed them to spread widely

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Indo-European Migrations 3000-1000 B.C.E.

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Implications of Indo-European

Migration Hittites migrate to central Anatolia, ca. 1900 B.C.E., conquer Babylonian empire 1595 BCE


Horses, chariots with spoked wheels


Migrations to western China, Greece, Italy also significant

Other migrations: Greece, Italy, central Europe, western Europe, Britain

All pastoral agriculturalists

All speak related languages and worship similar deities

Later wave of migrations to Iran and India (Aryan)