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Post on 26-Jul-2015

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I have chosen to do my unit 21 project on photograph as I enjoy going out with my camera and capturing what I see.I would also like to widen my skills with the technology involved in using camera. I have narrowed my decisions down to 4 types of photography.• Fashion• Portrait• Wildlife • Black and white I am going to take taster images of all three and decide what one will be doing for my final.

• I am going to conceder merging fashion and black and white together to get new more interesting type of images to present.

Working Title

• Étoiles• This is the French word for stars. I am going

to use this word because the images I am recreation of famous people.



• I have chosen to recreate portrait images of 2 famous people in my own way.

• My own way would be choosing models with different colour.• Slightly different clothes to show

difference. • This will be a good contrast.• eg. On the next slide.


• I have chosen to slightly copy images of famous people whether for being a model, actor/ actress but the images are going to be in my own way in my own way.• My own way would be choosing

models with different colour hair, clothes. Different settings.

Style or Approach:

• The style that I am going for is black and white/natural images. I am going to do 5 female images and 5 male images.

• I am going to do the girl images in black and white as I feel it brings out the best features.

• And the guy images I’m going to leave in a more natural colour so that there is a clear contrast.


• Hollywood fans • fans of the original models • young people• photography people


• 20 images • 10 of originals • 10 of my black and white images