Prelegere Trauma ENG

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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pentru stomatologi


  • Radiology of maxilo-facial trauma

  • Fractures of facial cranial bones are part of the most numerous of skeletal diseases. Their number in the other pathologies of facial and skull in the total number of traumas has tendency to permanent increase. Increases in so far complication technical base of human activity, urbanisation, increasing considerably the number of vehicles.

  • One of the main causes of increasing traumatism is road accident, which leads to the most serious injuries. The mass base of the affected population is a young age and capable of working. Errors in the treatment of these patients develop complications, and most often is meeted posttraumatic osteomyelitis, skeletal deformation and vital organs disfunction, often related to diagnostical errors, especially in radiological diagnosis.

  • For description convenience is useful to divide facial skull injuries in fractures of the superior, middle and inferior zones. Injuries of superior zone are fractures of the walls of frontal sinus supraorbital fractures. In the middle zone there are fractures of the facial skull, located above oclusional plan of superior jaw to the upper wall of orbits. Fractures of the mandible are located in the inferior zone. Fractures of the facial skull together with fractures of the brain skull and other bones are the group of associated fractures.

  • Affected bone structures in maxilo-facial traumatism.

  • 1. Semiaxial projection2. Antero-posterior projection3. Profile projection4. Axial projection of the maxilla 5. Panoramic radiograph6. CT - scan

  • mandibular fractures

  • Reflected fractures

  • Fracture in place of direct action force.

  • Articular condyle fracture

  • Mandibular dynamic consolidation allows to recommend the following for making a radiogram control: 1.After imobiliztion. 2.After 7 days. 3.follows the intervention with 1.5 months.

  • Isolated injury of maxilla

  • Intermaxillary disjunction

  • Le Fort 1.

  • Le Fort 2

  • Le Fort3

  • Zigomatico orbital Compound fracture

  • Compound fracture of left the zigomatico-orbit with orbital compression in the left

  • zigomatic bone fracture in right side with intra orbit fragments depression.

  • Compound fracture of zigomatic-orbit with inferior wall fractue of eye, eye globe, maxilar sinus compression.

  • Superior zone fractures includes supraorbital fracture and walls of frontal sinuses

  • Nasal bone injury

  • Trauma by firearm, combined with the total destruction of the nasal pyramid, vaults Palatine, perpendicular Lamella of ethmoid, vomer, sphenoid Sinus, maxillary sinus, alveolar processes, mandible.