Preliminary Magazine Research

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Preliminary Magazine Research

This newsletter cover makes sure that the logo stands out from the page.

The headline is made to catch the audiences eye.

The photo’s are clear and easy to see.

This magazine makes the logo stand out from the page.

The picture is made to stand out with a orange outline.

The main story is one of the biggest pieces of info on the page. This is to make the audience want the magazine.

Each story has a different colour to help the magazine stand out.

The website of the magazine is shown for the audiences use.

Different fonts are used to help the magazine to entice its audience.

The shot of the basketball players taken is a medium shot/long shot.

The information shown covers a range of areas to attract customers.

The pictures shown cover 3 different areas that the magazine covers.

Different fonts and colours are used to make sure that the stories stand out. This could be improved if they made exclusive stories larger, and maybe at an angle.

This shot is a medium shot.

The magazine does not wow me when I look at this contents. It is neat and sophisticated but does not stand out.

The images shown are not great, and due to the magazine not standing out, the images don’t suit the magazine.

The whit background stands out a lot more than the actual information and images. It should be the other way around.