Prelims, MELA Quiz 2017, MIT, Manipal

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Ab toh MELA lagegaby

Shriya Atmakuri

Mukund Poddar


This is a rules slide

Every quiz needs a rules slide, we were told.

This is the first time I am conducting a quiz, so I don’t know

But I hear Mod...oops QM is God

Also, partial points only when we deem it valid.


Carlos Munoz Portal, 37, was found slain in his car on an unnamed dirt road in the

community of San Bartolo Actopan in northeast Mexico state on September 11.

The circumstances of his death and who could have been involved remain

unclear, but the complexity of the case underscores the dense web of criminal

activity and organizations present in that part of central Mexico.

Why is this incident mentioned in a MELA quiz?


Which show’s popularity with the Chinese audiences is being reported with the

following headlines:


John Oliver, in his wildly popular show Last Week Tonight, talked about the taking

down of confederate statues from the southern states in his episode on 8th

October. During this show, he said, “All people, living and dead, exist on what I’m

going to call call the Hitler-X spectrum from bad to good,” Oliver joked, showing a

good-to-bad grid with Hitler’s face at one end and X’s mug at the other.

This was to show X’s general image as an overall Mr Goody-two-shoes. Which

very prolific actor did he cast in this role?


Samuel Langhorne Clemens was a fast friend of Nikola Tesla’s, and a very

famous person in his own right, if not more. However, we all know him by a

different name. The story Clemens promulgated for choosing this name was about

how he used to work as a steamboat pilot, and one of his duties was checking the

depth of the river, a practice known as “_______ the _____”. However recent

sources mention how he was an avid reader of a humour magazine Vanity Fair,

not the one we know. The name he chose appeared in this magazine a full two

years before he first used it.


In Victorian England, this festival was a very marginal affair, and while Price

Albert’s marriage with Queen Victoria in 1840 brought a lot of German customs

over, this festival was still a small part of it. The commercialisation of this festival

can largely be attributed to this piece of work, which brought in the aspects of

charity that often characterises it today.

The author is additionally credited with popularising the term X to the point he

might as well have coined it.

Identify the work.


During the release of the album a lot of rumours were circulating on various

college campuses (their primary audience) about a certain band-member’s death.

It is claimed that the band was looking to capitalise on these rumours with this

album cover, where a figure in white was to signify clergy, another in black, the

pallbearer, the third in line and barefoot was the dead member, and the last one

was the gravedigger.


North Korea recently (within the last decade) celebrated the centenary of its

founding. As part of the state narrative, this year was supposed to be prosperous

for not just their country, but the entire world to be erupting in joy. However, a

certain Hollywood movie largely undercut this narrative with its gory depiction of

the times involved. As a result, North Korea banned any form of this movie from

playing in the country.

Which movie?


Moore stated that he felt that X was meant to be a person of color, he stated: "The

more you see X go through the process of losing control of herself and then

becoming a physical threat, the more glaringly apparent it becomes that, unlike

her sisters, X is coded as a person of color. Everything about X is designed to set

her apart from the original __ _. One imagines it’s to signal that she’s a new kind

of __ meant to be more reflective of the show’s diverse audience. She’s taller, has

skin a shade of brown that’s deeper than a tan, purple eyes, and electric blue hair.

X reads as distinctly non-white and decidedly multi-ethnic."

Id X


On Sep 28th this year, George RR Martin tweeted "Another wedding to plan"

alarming many Game of Thrones fans for obvious reasons.

What event prompted this tweet?


In an interview with The Rolling Stone, Alex Chilton was asked “What do you think

of ______’s cover of In the Streets?”

His reply was “I have never heard it”, prompting the question, “So you don’t watch

the show?”

Chilton said “No, but I get $X everytime it airs, so to me it is ‘___ ___ Show’ ”

What is the show being talked about?


This song is inspired by the happenings over Lake Geneva on the night of

December 4, 1971. The band was sitting at their hotel window watching a Frank

Zappa concert taking place across the lake (one of the bandmembers was a part

of the audience there), when tragedy struck the concert due to human folly.

Claude Nobs was helping out clear the venue, pulling kids out of the ground and

helping them out; something for which he has been immortalised as “Funky

Claude”. Identify the song.


In a recently released “romantic” novel, the classic book Tess of the D’Ubervilles

by Thomas Hardy forms a “plot-point”. The male protagonist gifts a first edition

copy of this book to the female protagonist in an effort to win her over. The female

protagonist is a Lit major.

Name the novel.


In the song American Pie by Don

McLean (get your heads out of the

gutter people), he mentions a

certain event in 1959 where a

plane crash killed three musicians:

Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and

J.P. Richardson.

By what name is this event well



How is this cafe in

Arles, France

immortalised in

the world of art?


This form of art derives its name from the town of X in the state of Tamil Nadu. It is

primarily used to depict various deities and uses coloured stones and gold foil to

depict the grandeur of the entities. It also uses putty to create a raised effect in

some parts of the painting to give it a 3D effect.

Identify the art form.


Danielle Bregoli appeared in a reality show last year, during which the host was

trying to convince her to mend her ways. After an alleged period of reform, she

has reportedly gone back to her old ways, but in a more moderate level.

However, the smart teen used the fame she gained to leverage her directionless

music career. However, in yet another example of the internet trumping all logic,

Danielle bagged a multi-million dollar, multi-album deal with Atlantic Records, the

label that used to produce the like of Led Zeppelin.

What cause this shithead to gain her fame?


Identify the object that was at a center of a petition in 2016, when a Pakistani

lawyer called for India to return it to Lahore, where it allegedly belongs. This object

is important for two main reasons, academically speaking. The first is that is

shows the extent of metal workmanship achieved at the era it is from, and the

second is that it shows the evolution of a specific art form there.


X and Y are today regarded as geniuses and linked to the turn of the century

(19th-20th) “Art Nouveau” and Surrealist movements. Both were initially ridiculed

by contemporary art critics for their daring ingenuity. Both were deeply committed

to a strong sense of Catalan national identity.

X created buildings that lived, “breathed” and moved. He transformed the

“modernist movement” of architecture at the end of the nineteenth century into a

stunning art form admired throughout the world. Y was regarded as a skilled

draftsman but his genius lay in the composition of striking and bizarre images in

his surrealist work although some of his techniques imitated those of Renaissance

painters such as Velazquez

Appropriately, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, named their 2007 exhibit on

Catalan art as ‘Barcelona and Modernity: X to Y’


X was initially named Les Échassiers ("The Waders"). They toured Quebec in

1980 as a performing troupe. Their initial financial hardship was relieved in 1983

by a government grant from the Canada Council for the Arts, as part of the 450th

anniversary celebrations of Jacques Cartier's voyage to Canada.

X expanded rapidly through the 1990s and 2000s, going from one show to 19

shows in over 271 cities on every continent except Antarctica. The shows employ

approximately 4,000 people from over 40 countries and generate an estimated

annual revenue exceeding US$810 million. The multiple permanent Las Vegas

shows alone play to more than 9,000 people a night, 5% of the city's visitors,

adding to the 90 million people who have experienced X's shows worldwide.


2001: A Space Odyssey


Carlos Munoz Portal, 37, was found slain in his car on an unnamed dirt road in the

community of San Bartolo Actopan in northeast Mexico state on September 11.

The circumstances of his death and who could have been involved remain

unclear, but the complexity of the case underscores the dense web of criminal

activity and organizations present in that part of central Mexico.

Why is this incident mentioned in a MELA quiz?

He was a location scout for Narcos


Which show’s popularity with the Chinese audiences is being reported with the

following headlines:

House of Cards


John Oliver, in his wildly popular show Last Week Tonight, talked about the taking

down of confederate statues from the southern states in his episode on 8th

October. During this show, he said, “All people, living and dead, exist on what I’m

going to call call the Hitler-X spectrum from bad to good,” Oliver joked, showing a

good-to-bad grid with Hitler’s face at one end and X’s mug at the other.

This was to show X’s general image as an overall Mr Goody-two-shoes. Which

very prolific actor did he cast in this role?

Tom Hanks


Samuel Langhorne Clemens was a fast friend of Nikola Tesla’s, and a very

famous person in his own right, if not more. However, we all know him by a

different name. The story Clemens promulgated for choosing this name was about

how he used to work as a steamboat pilot, and one of his duties was checking the

depth of the river, a practice known as “_______ the _____”. However recent

sources mention how he was an avid reader of a humour magazine Vanity Fair,

not the one we know. The name he chose appeared in this magazine a full two

years before he first used it.

Mark Twain


In Victorian England, this festival was a very marginal affair, and while Price

Albert’s marriage with Queen Victoria in 1840 brought a lot of German customs

over, this festival was still a small part of it. The commercialisation of this festival

can largely be attributed to this piece of work, which brought in the aspects of

charity that often characterises it today.

The author is additionally credited with popularising the term X to the point he

might as well have coined it.

Identify the work.

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens


During the release of the album a lot of rumours were circulating on various

college campuses (their primary audience) about a certain band-member’s death.

It is claimed that the band was looking to capitalise on these rumours with this

album cover, where a figure in white was to signify clergy, another in black, the

pallbearer, the third in line and barefoot was the dead member, and the last one

was the gravedigger.

Abbey Road


North Korea recently (within the last decade) celebrated the centenary of its

founding. As part of the state narrative, this year was supposed to be prosperous

for not just their country, but the entire world to be erupting in joy. However, a

certain Hollywood movie largely undercut this narrative with its gory depiction of

the times involved. As a result, North Korea banned any form of this movie from

playing in the country.

Which movie?



Moore stated that he felt that X was meant to be a person of color, he stated: "The

more you see X go through the process of losing control of herself and then

becoming a physical threat, the more glaringly apparent it becomes that, unlike

her sisters, X is coded as a person of color. Everything about X is designed to set

her apart from the original __ _. One imagines it’s to signal that she’s a new kind

of __ meant to be more reflective of the show’s diverse audience. She’s taller, has

skin a shade of brown that’s deeper than a tan, purple eyes, and electric blue hair.

X reads as distinctly non-white and decidedly multi-ethnic."

Id X

Bliss (The New Powerpuff Girl)


On Sep 28th this year, George RR Martin tweeted "Another wedding to plan"

alarming many Game of Thrones fans for obvious reasons.

What event prompted this tweet?

Engagement of Kit Harington and Rose Leslie


In an interview with The Rolling Stone, Alex Chilton was asked “What do you think

of ______’s cover of In the Streets?”

His reply was “I have never heard it”, prompting the question, “So you don’t watch

the show?”

Chilton said “No, but I get $X everytime it airs, so to me it is ‘___ ___ Show’ ”

What is the show being talked about?

That 70’s Show


This song is inspired by the happenings over Lake Geneva on the night of

December 4, 1971. The band was sitting at their hotel window watching a Frank

Zappa concert taking place across the lake (one of the bandmembers was a part

of the audience there), when tragedy struck the concert due to human folly.

Claude Nobs was helping out clear the venue, pulling kids out of the ground and

helping them out; something for which he has been immortalised as “Funky

Claude”. Identify the song.

Smoke on the Water


In a recently released “romantic” novel, the classic book Tess of the D’Ubervilles

by Thomas Hardy forms a “plot-point”. The male protagonist gifts a first edition

copy of this book to the female protagonist in an effort to win her over. The female

protagonist is a Lit major.

Name the novel.

50 Shades of Grey


In the song American Pie by Don

McLean (get your heads out of the

gutter people), he mentions a

certain event in 1959 where a

plane crash killed three musicians:

Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and

J.P. Richardson.

By what name is this event well


The Day the Music Died


How is this cafe in

Arles, France

immortalised in

the world of art?

Cafe Terrace at Night by Van Gogh


This form of art derives its name from the town of X in the state of Tamil Nadu. It is

primarily used to depict various deities and uses coloured stones and gold foil to

depict the grandeur of the entities. It also uses putty to create a raised effect in

some parts of the painting to give it a 3D effect.

Identify the art form.

Tanjore (from Thanjavur)


Danielle Bregoli appeared in a reality show last year, during which the host was

trying to convince her to mend her ways. After an alleged period of reform, she

has reportedly gone back to her old ways, but in a more moderate level.

However, the smart teen used the fame she gained to leverage her directionless

music career. However, in yet another example of the internet trumping all logic,

Danielle bagged a multi-million dollar, multi-album deal with Atlantic Records, the

label that used to produce the like of Led Zeppelin.

What cause this shithead to gain her fame?

How Bow Dah


Identify the object that was at a center of a petition in 2016, when a Pakistani

lawyer called for India to return it to Lahore, where it allegedly belongs. This object

is important for two main reasons, academically speaking. The first is that is

shows the extent of metal workmanship achieved at the era it is from, and the

second is that it shows the evolution of a specific art form there.

Bronze Dancing Girl


X and Y are today regarded as geniuses and linked to the turn of the century

(19th-20th) “Art Nouveau” and Surrealist movements. Both were initially ridiculed

by contemporary art critics for their daring ingenuity. Both were deeply committed

to a strong sense of Catalan national identity.

X created buildings that lived, “breathed” and moved. He transformed the

“modernist movement” of architecture at the end of the nineteenth century into a

stunning art form admired throughout the world. Y was regarded as a skilled

draftsman but his genius lay in the composition of striking and bizarre images in

his surrealist work although some of his techniques imitated those of Renaissance

painters such as Velazquez

Appropriately, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, named their 2007 exhibit on

Catalan art as ‘Barcelona and Modernity: X to Y’

X- Anthony Gaudi Y- Salvador Dali


X was initially named Les Échassiers ("The Waders"). They toured Quebec in

1980 as a performing troupe. Their initial financial hardship was relieved in 1983

by a government grant from the Canada Council for the Arts, as part of the 450th

anniversary celebrations of Jacques Cartier's voyage to Canada.

X expanded rapidly through the 1990s and 2000s, going from one show to 19

shows in over 271 cities on every continent except Antarctica. The shows employ

approximately 4,000 people from over 40 countries and generate an estimated

annual revenue exceeding US$810 million. The multiple permanent Las Vegas

shows alone play to more than 9,000 people a night, 5% of the city's visitors,

adding to the 90 million people who have experienced X's shows worldwide.

Cirque du Soleil