Prepared by Dr. Mohamed Ismail Elsehamy The Initiative ... · Dr. Mohamed Ismail Elsehamy The...

Post on 21-Jul-2020

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Ministry of State for Environmental Afairs

Prepared byDr. Mohamed Ismail Elsehamy

The Initiative Director

The current status of waste management system in Egypt

First, solid waste generation rates

Estimated financing gap at least 35 %

The response of MSEA to the problem of MSWM


• To stop environmental degradaton resultng from the improper management of waste.

• To reduce the negatve environmental impacts from the accumulaton of waste in the streets by improving service combining residental based on changing the behavior of citzens.

• To convert waste into resources that can maximize the use of its components.

• To create a new jobs for youth.

Operatonal Procedures

Technical aspects

• Determine the geographic ranges of workSetng standards for the division of work ranges.

• Preparaton of digital maps dividing the work ranges.

• A locate intermediate statons.

• Inventory of companies operatng or wishing to perform the service.

• Review work plans.

محطة مناولة

البيوجاز محطه توليد غازمصانع السماد

تنمية موارد الطاقةتنمية الثروه النباتية

غاز البيوجازسماد عضوى


فرز المخلفات غير العضوية

RDF use as an alternative fuel in cement factories

Operatonal Procedures Contnue

Financial, legal and insttutonal aspects:

• Calculate the estmated cost of service

• Modeling contracts balanced

• The preparaton of a unifed law includes all aspects associated with the implementaton of the system.

• A clear roles and responsibilites

Operatonal Procedures Contnue

Awareness and media

• Identfy the basic components of the awareness campaign at all levels

• Preparaton of informaton materials that serve the system

• Posters, brochure and other.


1. Improve the level of hygiene neighborhoods Dokki and Agouza and north Giza.

2. Operatons combining the high level of residental and reduce the accumulatons in the streets.

3. Improvement of the service provided .

4. Raise the efciency of recycling and treatment.

5. Less expensive in the safe disposal of waste


6. 111 companies in the three neighborhoods , including new companies operate for the frst tme .

7. Provide more than 1,500 jobs.

8. Raise awareness among citzens about the importance of separaton and utlizaton of waste recycling .

9. Companies train workers for the sound management of waste.

10. Encourage investors to invest in waste .


• Encourage small companies to work in the feld of service combining residental

• Separate contracts for collecton services, transportaton and hygiene service contracts for treatment and disposal of municipal solid waste to run more than a company specializing in this feld.

• Change the strategy put waste recycling factories in bidding for rent, which led to the suspension of all the factories to the futlity of running without a fee for processing.

• Coordinaton with the cement factories to expand the use of the rejected due to sortng and recycling of municipal solid waste to be used as an alternatve source of energy in the cement factories.

Some photos of the official opening of

the initiative in Giza Governorate

The signing of a cooperation protocol between the Ministry of

State for Environmental Affairs and the Giza Governorate

Prime Minister's Opening the initiative in Dokki district on March 8, 2014

Signing of contracts between the Head of District Dokki and companies

District Opening of Al Agouza

Thank you