Preparing for your portfolio class

Post on 25-Feb-2016

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Preparing for your portfolio class. IMD432 Senior Portfolio . Question and Answer session. Senior Portfolio, IMD 432 bachelor’s students: fourth academic year; final course in the core curriculum . Introduction. Interactive Portfolio Resume, Business Card, Cover Letter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Preparing for your portfolio class

IMD432 Senior Portfolio

Question and Answer session


Senior Portfolio, IMD 432

bachelor’s students: fourth academic year; final course in the core curriculum

Interactive PortfolioResume, Business Card, Cover Letter

Marketing, Networking, PromotionYour identity (revised or fresh?)

Major Components

How can I use this course for growth—and not simply a rehash of what I already know?

How can I go further in this course than any other courses?

How will this course help me rationalize, use introspection, and help me develop out my unique style?


Composition Typography Color Technical Skill Planning Usability

Important aspects

Quality Presentation Interactivity Written Content/Tone

Production Quality Past Work

Must have permission to use outside sources or use proper citation

Check library resources first and other public domain sources

Original Work

Do I want to work as independent artist or do I want to work for someone else?

Do I want to continue my education?

What are my weaknesses and strengths?

Will I relocate?How can I expand my network?More questions

Consider factors like the location and company culture

Examples of Goals to gain employment in web-based programming to start an independent design studio to attain clients seeking websites (small business)

Examples of objectives Within six months, submit resume and portfolio to

10 organizations Within one year, establish web design business

and market website to attain at least 50 unique hits per month

Your portfolio’s

Objectives and Goals

In the portfolio class, focus is on your personal portfolio

Throughout your program you have produced work through fictional or real clients, pro bono, etc.

Revising your work: previewing the Before and after

Past Work

A mentor is a professional in the field, a teacher, an organizational leader

Relationship is formal or informal Someone whose judgment you value Mentor assists you with important concerns There is respect and appreciation Mentor provides career advice, advice on

developing your resume or portfolio Mentor shows you how to set goals, make a

schedule Show your appreciation!

Find your mentor

Finding mentors and the mentor relationship

Join WDIM/Portfolio group in Connections

Connect with your instructors (LinkedIn)

Word-of-mouth: family, friends, friends of friends (6 degrees of separation)

Conferences, articles- stay currentPromotion, Marketing & Networking

75% of jobs are not advertised through the traditional job market.

Focus your portfolio: are you a programmer or Designer?

Interviewing - preparation, organization, timing; discuss the motivations and decisions behind the work (documentation/design journal)

Promotion, Marketing & Networking

75% of jobs are not advertised through the traditional job market.

Master Adobe Creative Suite Advanced Programming User Experience: usable and creative Critique Quality over quantity Marketing


Final Points to remember

Links and other resources