Preparing your IT infrastructure for thanksgiving

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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IT infrastructure planning for Thanksgiving and the holiday season is a real challenge for e-commerce companies. A typical e-commerce site sees a 4x to 6x spike in user visits to its website during Thanksgiving (Black Friday and Cyber Monday). You either provision less infrastructure and risk losing out on potential sales on account of your site going down or over-provision and risk having too much of spare capacity later.



Jeff Barr Senior Manager and


Amazon Web Services

Harish Ganesan CTO and Co-Founder

8KMiles Cloud Solutions


• Retail E-commerce Landscape – Intro

• Intro to AWS

• Why consider AWS for E-commerce

• Amazon Auto Scaling Demo

• Q&A

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The Grass is definitely Green! On the Retail Landscape side

• US E-Commerce is expected to reach $278.9 billion in 2015

• 5.5 billion new customers shopped online for the first time in 2010, driving 30% of the annual online sales

• 83% say they prefer to shop online rather than go to crowded stores during Thanksgiving weekend

Forrester US Online Retail Forecast 2010 to 2015

Facts about Thanksgiving and Holiday Season

• Thanksgiving and the holiday season accounts for 60-65% of annual online sales

• E-Commerce companies see 4X to 6X of normal traffic

• 2010 Black Friday had online sales of 700 million dollars – Highest Online spending in a day so far!

Performance Matters! (More than Ever)

Gomez 2010

What is Amazon Web Services?

Amazon Web Services is a cloud computing platform that provides flexible,

scalable, and cost-effective technology infrastructure for businesses of all sizes around the world…

…utilizing the knowledge, expertise, and tools used

to run’s global web properties for over

a decade.

AWS Computing Platform

AWS is a Safe Bet

• Certifications :

– ISO 27001 , PCI-DSS Level 1, Physical /NW security

• Encryption :

– SSL Endpoints , Encrypted FS

• Access control:

– IAM , Security groups , EC2 instance isolation

• VPN :

– Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

E-Commerce: IT Challenges

1. Capacity utilization in normal times

2. Scaling and capacity planning for peak times

3. Unexpected Demand Surge

4. Lead times for leasing / procurement

Online Retail Website - Capacity Utilization during a typical week

E-Commerce: IT Challenges

1. Capacity utilization in normal times

2. Scaling and Capacity planning for peak times

3. Unexpected Demand Surge

4. Lead times for leasing /procurement

Capacity over provisioning during Holiday Season

E-Commerce: IT Challenges

1. Capacity utilization in normal times

2. Scaling and capacity planning for peak times

3. Unexpected Demand Surge

4. Lead times for leasing /procurement

Unexpected Demand Surge during Holiday season

Opportunity Cost/Total

Impact = [(%Downtime) +

0.3*(%Page Load Times >4

seconds)] * Sales

E-Commerce: IT Challenges

1. Capacity utilization in normal times

2. Scaling and capacity planning for peak times

3. Unexpected Demand Surge

4. Lead times for leasing /procurement

Lead Time for leasing / procurement

• Procurement of On-premise hardware takes over a month on average

• Leasing takes about 2-4 weeks

• Deployment may take longer depending on the complexity of your architecture

• Plan it in advance (or) front page of news papers

Which translates to the following questions for IT

–How to address scalability

–How to ensure application is Highly Available

–How to maintain performance levels

–How to optimize costs

Solution = AWS

• Scalability using Amazon Auto Scaling

• High Availability using Multiple Availability Zones (AZ) and AWS building blocks

• Performance using CDN, ELB, Caching and DB

• Cost control by pay-for-use model

Scalability using Amazon Auto Scaling

Auto Scaling Group

EC2 Instance

EC2 Instance

Elastic Load Balancer

Amazon CloudWatch

Scale Up Rule

Scale Down Rule

Scale Down

Scale Up

Predefined Scaling Activity Scale Down

Scale Up

• Align no. of instances with demand

• Flexible capacities and scaling sizes

• Save costs

• Fixed capacity

• Under utilization of resources

• Cost Leakage

Traditional Scaling

Amazon Auto Scaling

Amazon Auto Scaling benefits

• Dynamically scale fleet of EC2 instances

• Traffic spikes can be handled with ease

• Drive scaling from actual metrics

• Predefined scaling activities:

• Periodic (daily traffic surge)

• One-time (special advertising to drive traffic)

Solution = AWS

• Scalability using Amazon Auto Scaling

• High Availability using Multiple Availability Zones (AZ) and AWS building blocks

• Performance using CDN, ELB, Caching and DB

• Cost control by pay-for-use model

Source : AWS

AWS Security Groups

DB Master

AWS Elastic Load balancer AZ: US-EAST-1a

Read Slave 1


Read Slave 2

DB Standby


Auto Scaling Auto Scaling

Cache Clusters Cache Clusters

Web/App EC2 Web/App EC2

HTTP/S requests hit the Amazon Load Balancer

from the browser or mobile devices

Infrastructure is spread across Multi AZ’s of AWS inside a Region


AWS Elastic Load balancer directs requests to EC2 instances across Multiple AZ’s


Amazon AutoScaling automatically launches new EC2 instances across Multiple AZ’s


Amazon RDS is configured with Multi AZ Hot Standby and Read Replica’s


Leverage AWS Building blocks

• Inherently Fault Tolerant

– Amazon S3

– Amazon CloudFront

– Amazon CloudWatch

– Amazon SimpleDB

– Messaging

• Simple Queue Service (SQS)

• Simple Notification Service (SNS)

• Simple Email Service (SES)

Solution = AWS

• Scalability using Autoscaling

• High Availability using Multi AZ and AWS building blocks

• Performance using CDN, ELB, Caching and DB

• Cost control by pay-for-use model

Content Delivery Networks

• Use Amazon CloudFront to distribute content with low latency and high data transfer speeds

Source : AWS

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

• ELB does not ramp up rapidly

– Pre warm your Amazon Elastic Load balancers for the big day

• SSL offloading on ELB


• Use Caching technologies

– Amazon ElastiCache (beta)

– Memcached / Membase

Database performance

• Add Multiple Read Slaves to Relational Database Service (RDS)

• Scale Up RDS with ease

• Shard RDS (or) RDBMS

• Multiple EBS disks in RAID configuration

Solution = AWS

• Scalability using Autoscaling

• High Availability using Multi AZ and AWS building blocks

• Performance using CDN, ELB, Caching and DB

• Cost control by pay-for-use model

AWS is Cost effective

• Cost Flexibility

• On demand

– Pay only for what you use

– No upfront commitments

$33 $33 $33


$15 $15 $15












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Traditional Hosting Amazon Web Services

Cost Comparison (Traditional vs. AWS)

Assumption: Normal Traffic: 10 quad core servers (extra large) Holiday Traffic: 50 quad core servers (5 times normal traffic) On AWS: 18 hours of Peak Traffic 6 hours of Normal Traffic

Total percentage savings during Holiday season by

switching to Cloud


With AWS you can keep Costs low: - Move from Cap-ex to Op-ex - Scale on-demand (no upfront commitments)

AWS use cases for E-commerce apps

• Run your entire application on AWS

• Run AWS as your extended Data Center (DC)

• AWS as Primary site and Existing DC for Disaster Recovery (DR-Hot )

• AWS for Disaster Recovery (DR-Cold, Warm, Hot)

Web Services SOAP, Rest , JSON


Amazon VPC

AWS Infrastructure Existing Data Center

Production Content Search Catalog Recommendations Social apps Shopping Analytics Comparisons Mobile Site Others Browse only site Test/Dev Infra Configuration Mgmt

Production Inventory Order Management Payment Fulfillment Customer Service

AWS benefits for IT

• Scale capacity on demand

• Derive value from good architecture

• No fear of lost sales because of slow load times or server being unavailable

• Focus on product and business

• Turn fixed costs into variable costs

• Cost Effective


• AWS is the right fit for e-commerce applications

• AWS provides cost-effective infrastructure to handle any level of traffic

• Multiple approaches and use cases to leverage

AWS in addition to existing IT

• Architecture is critical

• Time to get started for this season is NOW

8KMiles - Who we are

• Amazon Web Services Partner

• Help companies leverage Cloud Computing

• Expertise across the entire suite of AWS products

• Team of experts located in United States, India &




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Amazon Web Services

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