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AT / ON / IN (time)

Preposition Use Example

AT Time of the day at 5 o’clock

at lunchtime

at the weekend/at weekends

ON Days and dates on Friday(s)

on my birthday

IN Longer periods (months/years/seasons) in April

in the 18th


in the past

Some exceptions:

� In the morning(s) / in the afternoon(s) / in the evening(s), not at the morning(s).

� At Christmas / at Easter

IN / ON / AT (place)

Preposition Use Example

IN � Inside of (with “the”)

� Inside of (without “the”)

� Towns, cities and villages

in the room / garden

in bed / hospital / prison

in Madrid / Spain

ON On top of / over something on the floor / wall /page 7

AT � Next to

� To find yourself somewhere (without “the”)

� Profession

� To be at an event

at the door / corner

at the top (of the page)

at the end (of the street)

at home / work / university

at the doctor’s / butcher’s

at a party / meeting



• For example, if you want to say that the shop was very crowded you would say:

There were a lot of people in the shop. (= Inside of the shop.)

However, if you are giving directions to someone and you want them to turn left just

after the shop, you would say:

Go along this road, then turn left at the shop. (= When you are next to the shop, when

you go past it.)

• We use at when we say where an event takes place:

o We went to a concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

o They showed their film at the local church.

o I was at Helen’s house last night.

However, we use in when we are thinking about the building itself:

o The bar in the Royal Albert Hall was beautiful.

o I enjoyed the film but it was very cold in the church.

o The rooms in Helen’s house are very small.

• For transport we use:

o IN:

� in a car

� in a taxi

o ON:

� on public transport: on a bus / train / plane / boat

� on a bicycle / horse (= on top of it)

Complete the following sentences with in, on or at:

1. Vanessa is ______ a conference.

2. Martin is _______ hospital.

3. I saw Mary ______ her bicycle.

4. Judy is ______ the hairdresser’s.

5. He has been _____ prison for 5 years.

6. Tom wrote his name _____ the first page.

7. Her boyfriend was waiting for her _____ the end of the street.

8. She has a bathroom _____ her room.




• With the verb GET we use to and with the verb ARRIVE either in or at:

o Get to a place:

� What time did you get to London?

� What time did you get to the party?

o Arrive in/at a place:

� Country/city/town: What time did you arrive in London?

� Other places and events: What time did you arrive at the party?


Complete the following sentences with to, in, at, into, by:

1. At what time did they get _____ Paris?

2. They arrived _____ Paris _____ 5 o’clock.

3. Sophie got _____ the car and drove away.

4. I am going _____ Rome next weekend.

5. See you _____ the conference!

6. They are travelling _____ train.

Preposition Use Example

TO Movement I am going to France.

Can you come to the party?

IN Position (country / city / town) I live in France.

AT Position (events) I’ll see you at the party.

INTO Enter somewhere I got into the car.

Preposition Use Example

BY � How we do something

� How something can happen

� How somebody travels

� Next to / beside

� Passive: the subject who does the action

pay by credit card

by mistake / by chance

by car / train / boat / bus

the switch is by the door

a letter was written by Dan

a play by Shakespeare (written)




Useful vocabulary:

Types of restaurant Tipos de restaurante

drive-in restaurant restaurante autoservicio in

salir del coche

fast-food restaurant restaurante de comida rápida

self-service restaurant restaurante autoservicio

pub pub / bar

café cafetería

take-away (GB) restaurante que vende

comida para llevar

Things on a table Cosas en una mesa

plate Plato (físico)

dish plato (de comida)

fork tenedor

knife cuchillo

spoon cuchara

glass vaso / copa

cup taza

jar / jug jarra

mug taza grande

bottle opener abridor

napkin servilleta

tablecloth mantel

pepper mill pimienta molida

People in a restaurant Personas en un restaurante

waiter camarero

waitress camarera

chef chef

cook cocinero

client, customer cliente



Types of meal Tipos de comida

snack tentempié

appetizer aperitivo

aperitif bebida alcohólica antes de la comida

starter / entree entrada / primer plato

main course / main cuchara

dessert postre

side dish acompañamiento

half portion media ración

full portion ración

fixed-price menu menú de precio fijo

set menu menú del día

hot meal comida caliente

full meal comida completa de tres platos

square meal comida completa de tres platos

the house special el plato de la casa

Types of drink Tipos de bebida

still mineral water agua sin gas

sparkling mineral water agua con gas

tap water agua del grifo

soft drink refresco

juice zumo

beer cerveza

red wine vino tinto

red wine with lemonade tinto de verano

tea té

herbal tea infusión

coffee with milk café con leche

small black coffee / espresso café solo

small coffee with a little milk café cortado

milk with a dash of coffee leche manchada

espresso with water added café americano

iced coffee café con hielo

coffee and brandy carajillo

rum on the rocks ron con hielo



Time of the meal Hora de la comida

breakfast desayuno

brunch brunch

lunch comida

tea merienda

dinner cena

Food preparation Preparación de la

comida rare poco hecho

medium-rare al punto menos

medium al punto

well done muy hecho

overdone / overcooked hecho de más / pasado

undercooked / raw crudo

How is food? ¿Cómo está la comida?

It’s delicious! ¡Está muy rico!

It’s good. Está bueno.

It’s so-so. Está regular.

It’s awful! ¡Está horrible!

This isn’t what I ordered. Esto no es lo que he pedido.

It has gone bad / It has expired. Ha caducado.

It’s rotten. Está podrido.

It’s very tender. Está muy tierno.

It’s hot / spicy Está picante.

It’s mild. Está suave.

It’s crunchy. Está crujiente

It’s bitter. Está amargo.

It’s sour. Está agrio.

It’s salty. Está salado.

It’s savoury. Está sabroso.

It’s tasteless. No sabe a nada.



Useful phrases:

It is important you know what to say and how to react in the following five situations:

1) Booking a table

2) Arriving at the restaurant

3) Ordering

4) Complaining

5) Asking for the bill

1) Booking a table

In order to book a table we use the following expression:

I would like to book a table for (nº of people) under the name of (name of person), please.

More examples:

• I would like to book / reserve a table for four at 8pm, please.

• I would like to book a table for two at 8 under the name of Rodríguez, please.

• Could we have a table by the window, please?

• Could we have a non-smoking table, please?

• Could we have a table away from the kitchen/toilets, please?

• Could you make sure it's a quiet table, please?

2) Arriving at the restaurant

When we arrive at the restaurant we use the following expression:

I have a table booked for (nº of people) under the name of (name of person).

More examples:

• Good evening, I have a table booked for two under the name of Rodríguez.

• Do you have the menu in Spanish, please?

• Do you have a high chair for young children, please?

• Could we have an extra chair, please?

• Could we have that table, please?

• I'm sorry but I asked for a table by the window.



3) Ordering

When we order our food we use the following expressions:

I would like the (name of dish), please. / I’d like the (name of dish), please.

I will have the (name of dish), please. / I’ll have the (name of dish), please.

Could I have the (name of dish), please.

More examples:

• What is the house special today?

• Could I see the wine menu, please?

• Which wine would you recommend?

• I'd like the chicken, please.

• For starters I'll have the soup and for the main course I'd like the roast beef.

• Could I have chips instead of jacket potato, please?

• I'll have a bottle of the South African Cabernet Sauvignon.

4) Complaining

When we want to complain about something we use the following expressions:

Excuse me, (complaint).

I’m afraid (complaint).

I’m sorry but (complaint).

More examples:

• Excuse me but my meal is cold.

• Excuse me, we've been waiting for over half an hour for our drinks.

• Excuse me, this steak is overdone, I ordered rare.

• I'm sorry but I ordered the side salad not the vegetables.

• I'm afraid this wine tastes corked.

5) During the meal

These are some expressions you can use during the meal to ask for something:



Could I have (name of thing), please.

Do you have (name of thing).

More examples:

• Could we have some more bread, please?

• Could I have some dressing, please?

• Could you pass me the salt, please?

• Do you have a pepper mill?

• That was delicious. My compliments to the chef.

6) Asking for the bill

In order to ask for the bill we use the following expressions:

Could I have the bill, please.

Could you bring me the bill, please.

More examples:

• Could I have the bill, please?

• Do you take credit cards?

• We'd like separate bills, please.

• Is service included?

• No, please. This is on me. (= When you wish to pay for everyone.)

Making food:


o We bake food in the oven. We can bake sweet food like cakes or savoury

food like meat and potatoes.


o We boil water when we heat it up to 100 degrees Celsius.


o We cook food when we prepare it. We can cook food using the oven, the

saucepan, frying pan etc.

� FRY:

o We fry food when we cook it in a frying pan.




o We can grill food in the oven to make it tasty.

Some idioms:

� to grab a bite to eat

to go out to eat

Do you want to grab a bite to eat before we see the movie?

� it’s on someone

paying for a meal/movie etc. for someone else

Don’t worry about paying for dinner. It’s on me.

� to treat someone

to pay for a meal/movie etc. for someone else

You don’t need to bring any money with you tonight. I’ll treat you.

� to be starving

to be really hungry

I need to eat something. I’m starving.

���� to be so hungry one could eat a horse

to be really hungry

I haven’t had time to eat yet. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.

���� to be mouth watering

to be really delicious

Wow! Whatever you are cooking smells mouth watering.

���� to skip a meal

to miss a meal

I skipped breakfast today, so I’m really hungry.

���� to go halfers

to split the cost of a meal

We’ve been dating for a long time, so we usually go halfers.




Useful shopping phrases:

It is important you know what to say in the following five situations:

1. Finding a shop

2. Asking for the opening hours of a shop

3. Shopping for clothes

4. Paying

1. Finding a shop

In order to find a shop you can use the following expressions:

Where can I find a (shop)?

Is there a (shop) in the area?

Where’s the nearest (shop)?

More examples:

• Can you recommend a good clothes shop?

• Where can I get pet food?

2. Asking for the opening hours of a shop

In order to ask for the opening hours of a shop you can use the following expressions:

What time do you open/close, please?

More examples:

• What are your opening hours? = We’re open 24/7 (24 hours a day/7 days a week).

• Are you open all day? = We’re closed at lunchtime, between 12 and 2pm.

• Are you open on Sundays? = No, we’re open from 9am until 6pm, Monday to Friday.



3. Shopping for clothes

In order to shop for clothes you can use the following expressions:

Excuse me, can you help me?

Excuse me, I’m looking for a (clothes).

Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find (clothes), please?

More examples:

• Could you tell me where the (name of department) is? = It’s straight ahead.

• Is there somewhere I can try this on, please? = The changing rooms are over there.

• Does it suit me? = It’s too long/short/tight/loose.

• Do you have this in a (larger/smaller) size, please? = Yes, certainly.

• Do you have a refund policy? = You can bring it back and exchange it or get a

refund within 2 weeks if you keep the receipt.

4. Paying

When paying at a shop you can use the following expressions:

Do you take debit/credit cards?

Could I have the receipt, please?

More examples:

• Does it have a warranty?

• Can I pay by cheque?

• Could I have a VAT receipt, please?

• Could I leave my bags here and pick them up later?




Do you like shopping? (NOTE: it is not go to shopping but go shopping). Let’s read the

following text and have a look at some vocabulary related to shopping:

Do you have money to spend on clothes? If you not, you can still

enjoy window-shopping. It’s free! When you window-shop, you just look at all the

things for sale in a shop without intending to buy anything.

If you do have money to spend on clothes, do you prefer to wait for a sale or do

you shop when you need something? If something is for sale, you can buy it for

money. If something is on sale, the price has been reduced from the original price.

When you find a piece of clothing you like in a shop, it’s a good idea

to try it on first before you buy it. You want to make sure that it fits. If you want

to try something on, find a shop assistant and ask: Can I try this on? or May I try this

on? The shop assistant will show you to the changing rooms (also called “fitting

rooms” or “change rooms”). While you are trying the clothes on, the shop assistant

sometimes asks: Does it fit? Would you like to try it in another size?

When you have decided to buy something, take all your items to the cash

desk (also called “cashier”) to pay for them. When it comes to paying you have three

options: you can pay by debit card, use your credit card or pay cash. Most places

accept a cheque, but almost nobody uses cheques to pay for things in a shop anymore.

The cashier will put your new clothes in a paper or plastic bag, and then you get

to take your new clothes home!

Idiomatic expressions:

window shopping

(noun) = When people go window shopping, they look at things in shop windows,

without actually purchasing anything.

I haven't been paid yet, so I can only go window shopping.



shopping therapy

(noun) = this occurs when you go shopping and buy yourself things in order to make

yourself feel better (when you are sad or unhappy)!

I’m really upset about breaking up with my boyfriend. I need some shopping therapy!

a shopping spree

(noun) = you spend a lot of money and do a lot of shopping in a short amount of time.

She went on a shopping spree this afternoon! It looks like she bought everything in the shop.

to shop till you drop

(verb expression) = to spend so much time and so much money shopping that you are

physically and financially tired, you are ready to drop from exhaustion! You are so tired

that you can’t shop anymore!

If you go to London with Sarah, you'll shop till you drop, so take comfortable shoes!

to shop around

(phrasal verb) = before buying an expensive item (like household appliances or a car),

you visit a number of shops selling similar articles in order to compare prices and


We shopped around before buying the microwave, and we found that Teka had the best deal.

to shoplift

(verb) = to steal something from a shop (to take something without paying for it).

My son was caught shoplifting. He stole a £100 jacket from Abercrombie & Fitch.





1. Fill in the blanks with one of the following prepositions of time: at, on, in.

1. He likes to go horseriding _____ the weekends.

2. They usually go out _____ Friday.

3. His birthday is _____ November.

4. Richard and his family go to church _____ eight o’clock.

5. My granddad was born _____ the 1920s.

6. He usually watches television _____ the evenings.

7. Do you give each other presents _____ Christmas?

8. He wants to become a doctor _____ the future.

2. Complete the sentences with one of the following prepositions of place: in, on, at.

1. Liz was waiting for Fred ____ the bus stop.

2. The children are playing _____ the back garden.

3. The concert took place _____ the Royal Palace.

4. The dog is laying ____ the floor.

5. I have a friend who lives _____ a small village in the mountains.

6. Martha wasn’t _____ home when her friend phoned her.

7. When you leave the hotel, please leave your key _____ reception.

8. He fell down the stairs and is now _____ hospital.

9. There were many people _____ the shop.



10. The toilets _____ the Royal Palace were very big.

11. They stuck the posters _____ the notice board of the classroom.

12. Angela’s house is the white one _____ the end of the street.

13. Go along this road, then turn left _____ the shop.

14. Write your name _____ the top of the page.

15. Mike is _____ the chemist buying some medicines.

3. Complete the following sentences with: to, in, at, into, by

1. Please call me when you get ____ London.

2. I called him ____ mistake.

3. He lives ____ the United States.

4. What a beautiful painting ____ Rembrandt!

5. He arrived _____ the ceremony when everybody had left.

6. Can you please send me the books ____ post?

7. My brother is going ____ California next month.

8. Call me when you get _____ the party.

9. As soon as they left the club, they got ____ a taxi.

10. I saw Ellie ____ the festival.

11. I arrived _____ Berlin in the evening.

12. Can you come ____ the party?

13. Have you ever been bitten ____ a dog?

14. He always comes to university ____ bus.

15. Can you please pass me my coat? It is ____ the window.




1. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

fast food, cookbook, recipe, dish, menu, bill, ingredients, service, waiter, tip, dessert,

restaurant, order, medium-rare, meat

I really hate __________. I prefer to go to a good _________ that serves everything,

including the _________, using the best _________. Sometimes, I like to ________

something that I have tried at home. First, I look up the _________ in the _________

and then I cook the _______. Next, I go to the restaurant, and when the ________

comes to my table I ask for the ________ and order what I have already cooked at

home! That way I can be certain that I will enjoy what I order. If I go for ________ I

always ask for it __________. At the end of the evening, it's time to ask for the _____

and, usually, if the _____ has been good, it's a good idea to leave a 15%-20% ______.

2. Choose between the words given below to complete the dialogue between Julian

and Kate.

tip, would you like to, overdone, recommend, take-away, appetizer, aperitif, dessert,

booked, bill, order, starter, compliments

It's 8pm. Julian and Kate are out celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. They

have just arrived at the restaurant.

Julian: Well here we are. What do you think?

Kate: It's lovely Jack. Are you sure we can afford it?

Julian: Yes, don’t worry my darling.

The waiter arrives.

Waiter: Good evening sir, madam.

Julian Good evening. We have a table __________ for two under the name of




Waiter: Yes sir. May I take your coats?

Waiter takes their coats and hangs them up.

Julian and

Kate: Thank you.

Waiter: You’re welcome. Would you like to come to the table or would you prefer

to have something before at the bar?

Julian: I’m thirsty, I wouldn't mind an _______________.

Waiter: Please follow me, I'll bring you the menu in a moment so that you can

start having a look.

Julian and Kate order their drinks at the bar and sit down to look at the menu.

Kate: Oh dear Julian, it's all in French!

Julian: Well that's what we're paying for. Don't worry I've got an idea.

Waiter: Are you ready to ______________ sir?

Julian: Not really. Could you _____________ something.

Waiter: Certainly sir. The fresh lobster is particularly good this evening, and as a

____________ may I recommend a light consommé?

Julian: Sounds lovely, what do you think dear?

Kate: Oh yes, I love lobster.

Waiter: So, that's two consommé and two lobsters. ________________________

look at the wine menu?

Julian: Why don't you bring us what you think will go best. Nothing too

expensive though.

Waiter: No problem sir. I'll call you as soon as your table is ready.

The waiter walks away.

Kate: You are clever Julian, but what about the ____________.



Julian: Don't worry, they bring round a sweet trolley, so we just point at what

we fancy!

A while later Julian and Kate have finished eating and are drinking their coffee.

Waiter: Was everything to your satisfaction?

Julian and

Kate: Yes, lovely thank you.


The whole meal was delicious, our _______________ to the chef.

Unfortunately we have to be back for the baby-sitter so could you bring us

the ___________?

Waiter: Certainly sir, I'll bring you the bill. Would you like me to order you a taxi.

Julian: Yes that would be great, thank you.

Kate: What a nice man, we must leave him a good ____________.

Julian: Yes, of course.

3. Write the correct the letter which matches the sentence in the answer box.


1. I’m starving. I think I’ll go and_____________________.

Do you want to come with me?

A) mouth watering

2. Last time we went out, you treated me. Tonight, it’s

___________ me.

B) treat

3. Don’t worry about money. I’ll __________ you to

dinner tonight.

C) skipped

4. I think I’ll have an appetizer before my


D) grab a bite to eat

5. Before my main course, I’ll have the chicken wings to


E) entrée

6. I haven’t eaten anything today. I’m


F) main

7. He never treats me! He always wants to


G) on

8. Wow! I’m starving. I’m so_________________________


H) start



9. Would you like to have an __________________ before

your main course?

I) hungry I could

eat a horse

10. What a lovely smell! What are you cooking? It smells


J) starving

11. I _________________ breakfast yesterday and I was

starving by 11am!

K) go halfers


4. Choose between the words given below to complete the two conversations

below. The first one is between Kate and her younger son Paul at the shops. The

second is between Kate and a shop assistant.

receipt, fit, try it on, can you help me?, shops, refund, small, change, do you have,

customer service desk

It's Saturday morning and Kate is going shopping with her younger son Paul.

Kate: Paul, I'm going to the ___________. Is there anything you want?

Paul: Yes please! Can you pick up my magazine from the newsagents?

Kate: Of course. Do you want to come with me?

Paul: No way, I'm going round to Mike's house, sorry.

Kate: No problem. I'll be about an hour, be home by 5 o'clock at the latest.

Paul: O.K. I'll see you later.

A bit later......

Kate: Paul, are you home?

Paul: Yes mum, I'm upstairs.

Kate: Come down here, I bought you a new Nike T-shirt, I want you to ___________.

Paul: Nike? Great, I'm coming!



A few minutes later.....

Kate: Well, does it _________?

Paul: I think it's a bit too _________.

Kate: Let's have a look. Hmmm, I think you've grown again! I’ll take it back to the shop

and see if I can ____________ it.

It's Saturday evening and Kate has to return the T-shirt.

Kate: Excuse me, ____________________?


Assistant: Yes of course, what can I do for you?

Kate: I bought this T-shirt for my son this afternoon, but it doesn't fit him, it's

too small.


Assistant: Do you want to change it or get a _____________.

Kate: I'd like to change it for a larger size. _________________ these in large?



I'll just check. Let's see, yes we have large or extra-large, which would you


Kate: I think large will be fine, it's for my son.



That's fine, if it doesn't fit just bring it back again. If you take it to the

_______________________, they'll sort it all out for you.

Kate: Thank you. Just as a matter of interest, do you give refunds?



Yes, of course. You can bring any clothing items back up to three weeks

after purchase, but you must keep the ______________.

Kate: I see, thanks again.


Assistant: You're welcome.