PRESCRIPTION MONITORING PROGRAM€¦ · • Educate the population on the dangers of misusing...

Post on 20-Aug-2020

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Program Overview


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DOH Goals for Washington PMP

Prevent Prescription Drug Overdose

• Give practitioners an additional tool that provides more information for making patient care decisions.

• Provide data that can help healthcare providers recognize patterns of misuse and addiction ensuring SBIRT opportunities are not missed.

• Make sure those in need of scheduled prescription drugs receive them.

• Educate the population on the dangers of misusing prescription drugs.

• Curb illicit use of prescription drugs.

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PMP Data Collection and Access

State PMP



~ 15% w/ DEA license registered

Law Enforcement

& Licensing


~ 36% registered








*Other groups may also receive reports in addition to those listed.

-Schedules II-V controlled substances

- Daily Submission (10/1/16)

- Average 12 million records a year

* Veterinarians have separate requirements

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Not Required to Submit Data

• Licensed wholesalers, distributors, manufacturers

• Rx’d for < 24hrs or directly administered

• Prescriptions provided to patients receiving inpatient care at hospitals

• Pharmacies operated by the Department of Corrections

• Except when an offender is released with a dispensing intended for >24 hrs of use

• Federally operated facilities

• Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense or other federally operated


• Indian Health Service (IHS) & Veterans Affairs (VA) voluntarily

reporting since 2015

• Opioid Treatment Programs (42CFR)

RegistrationWA Prescription Monitoring Program

How to Register for Access (YouTube - 6 minutes, 11 seconds)

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PMP Registration

A workgroup of subject matter and technical experts from the Department of Health, Washington Technology Solutions (WaTech) and the Office of Cyber Security are gathering feedback and evaluating options in collaboration with providers and professional associations that meet our shared goals of security and patient safety. We must develop solutions that effectively balance the need for security with ease of use to support provider use of the PMP in Washington.

• Refined web access to PMP information and resources. One path for registration, access, and program information. Start from:

• Provided information on how healthcare facilities can improve access

• PMP Helpdesk provided extended hours (6:00am – 6:00pm) during roll-out of new opioid prescribing rules (Oct 1, 2018 – March 31, 2019)

• Secure Access Washington (SAW) implemented an improved user interface in this time frame that also contributed to substantial reductions in PMP registration issues and adaptive authentication errors.

Ease of Use Project (2018)

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PMP Registration

• +/- 10 minutes at a computer with internet access

• Active WA DOH issued healthcare credential number

• 1 or 2 active email addresses only you can access

• 1 or 2 phone numbers you can answer directly

• DEA # (if applicable)

• SSN #


Your PMP account is confidential, do not share your account access credentials. The PMP system allows delegation of patient query to a delegate that has created their own PMP account. Any DOH licensed or credentialed healthcare provider may register a delegate PMP account.

What You’ll Need

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PMP Registration

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PMP Registration

Start Here


Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Integration


Electronic Health Records (EHR)


Washington’s Health Information Exchange (HIE)

WA Prescription Monitoring Program

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PMP Queries and Controlled Substance Prescriptions by Calendar Year

PMP Use and Impact

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Where to Start

Information for

Integrating EHRs

Improve patient safety and patient care by getting a more complete drug history for

your patients, and information about any narcotic use, at the point of care. Through

the OneHealthPort HIE you can access Washington State Prescription Monitoring

Program (PMP) medication history information and integrate the data into your

electronic health record (EHR) without having to use a separate web portal, manually

input your information or disrupt your normal workflow.

This transaction is available to all contracted HIE clinical trading partners without

additional cost.

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PMP Use and Impact


Emergency Department Information Exchange (EDIE) End User:

Just as creating a PMP was a game changer …, pushing that

information without provider bias, without burdensome hurdles, now

pretty much mandates providers be aware of these patient's special

needs and risks.

Getting PMP Opiate Prescription Data Info

Using the PMP SystemWA Prescription Monitoring Program

Prescriber DEA Query

Prescribers enter their

DEA # upon registration,

and can have additional

DEA #’s added by PMP


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PMP Registration

handle: WADeptHealth

Massa Mathis Sara StaleyPMP Technical Assistance Specialist PMP Technical Assistance Specialist

Prescription Monitoring Program Prescription Monitoring Program

PMP Contacts
