Presentación 4 mirian

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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  • 1. PUEBLA
  • 2. That chula is Puebla
  • 3. Location
    Located in the central-eastern Mexico. Bordered on the east by the state of Veracruz on the west by the states of Hidalgo, Mexico, Tlaxcala and Morelos and south by the states of Oaxaca and Guerrero. Puebla is a landlocked sea.
  • 4. Its area is 34,251 km , in which live more than five million people, who make this state the fifth most populous state. The state capital is Puebla de Zaragoza, Mexico's fourth largest city by the number of its inhabitants.
  • 5. The Church San Francisco
    Founded by the Spanish on April 16, 1531 under the name of Puebla de los Angeles. The legend says that angels came in a dream to JulinGarcs, first bishop of Tlaxcala, and pointed the place where he found the new Spanish population
  • 6. The strong
    There are many beautiful places in Puebla, one of them are The Strong. Here they fought against the French.
  • 7. The planetarium
    The planetarium is a place visited by schools, as surprising as projected by various documentaries and movies here.
  • 8. The Battle of May 5
    In May 5, 1862, when Mexican forces led by General Ignacio Zaragoza (In the hills of Loreto and Guadalupe) defeat the French army considered the "most powerful army in the World. Each year there are parades recalling the triumph of the poblanos.
  • 9. The Cathedral
    Puebla Cathedral in 1649, declared a World Heritage Site. Measured with depth below 70 kilos. The bell weighs 572 kilos Maria with 572 grams and its tongue weighs 8 tons, the bell for his great weight to the legend that was raised by angels.
  • 10. The Popocatepetl and The Iztaccihualtl
    According to legend, Popocatepetl was to fight the tlaxtaltecas and returning Iztaccihualtl would marry. But he was told he had died and she died of sadness. Kneeling before her, the Eternal City. So they became the two mountains. Never separated.
  • 11. The Chinas Puebla
    China's Puebla was a character in the colonial era. She was a princess from India, kidnapped by phytate, making him her slave. A couple of poblanos bought it to have as a daughter. She became famous for her beauty and dress in the style Indu. But she had visions and seen as a prophet, died at age 82, smelling of holiness.
  • 12. In stage Cuauhtmoc and The team Puebla
    Our team "The Strip", the team of football of Puebla. Cuauhtmoc In stage one of the largest in Mexico, soccer games are played each week.
  • 13. The great pyramid of Cholula
    The great pyramid of Cholula, is said to be the largest pre-Hispanic construction of the world. There has been discovered in its entirety, because the Spanish land capped simulating a hill and at its tip built a church where they worship the Virgin of Remedies.
  • 14. Gastronoma
    We can not forget the rich cuisine of Puebla, mole poblano is delicious, as well as the traditional chiles in walnut sauce. Just to mention a few, but there are more.
  • 15. Angelpolis
    Angelpolis is the largest shopping and beautiful Puebla, there are residential subdivisions, corporate, commercial centers and vertical construction in the area made it necessary to provide adequate road infrastructure.
  • 16. Acatzingo
    In Puebla is my dear Acatzingo. It says we have the oldest baptismal font from the colonial era, in 1525, made in one piece. This font has been in the Franciscan ex-convent, XVI century.
  • 17. Traditions
    The church is sixteenth century, there is dedicated to the Virgin of Sorrows, and every year he celebrates, making carpets sweets, fruit, flowers, etc.. Besides, all the inhabitants go to kiss the image of the Virgin.
  • 18. The portal
    We also have the largest portal latnoamrica, 47 arches. also the sixteenth century. There is a hill where the church of the Virgin of Fatima, which is the navel of the city of Puebla, but would not stop talking about my beautiful town.
  • 19. The angelss Puebla
    This is just some of my beautiful Puebla, but not or only, conclude that it is one of the most beautiful states of Mexico