Presentatie Experiment Regelarm: Regio West-Brabant

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Presentatie over de kansen en bedreigingen van het experimentenprogramma van Regio West-Brabant, Experiment Regelarm. Er wordt behandeld waarom er een transitie plaatsvindt, welke doelen daarbij passen en op welke manier (met welke verandermethodes) die het beste behaald kunnen worden.


Opportunities and threats of transitional times or modern times

Transition long term care in Western Brabant


Why a transition? Information about the region West Brabant

and project involved

Is it just a transition? Transformational goals

How to achieve a transition and a transformation? Methods of change

Costs long term care

participatory society

Why a transition

central government


local municipalities

Deregulated transition of long term care program in Western Brabant

Goal: to translate system changes into local policy

that enables a responsive, high-quality and financially sustainable set of Long Term Care services that increasingly relies on active citizenship, prevention, self-care and client control

in other words: an effective and innovative system of local care

Participants involved

18 municipalities at least 50 professional organisations

in the social and health care services social networks, volunteers, client

support organisations health care insurer, active citizens 700.000 inhabitants of

the region

Why is a transformation needed?

Just a transition isn’t a solution less money, more demand

New ways of working, new products, new coalitions are necessary in order to build a sustainable system of local care

individual care

basic infrastructure





home environment





On what level

should services

be available?

How to empower people?

How to generate

more cooperati


How to achieve a transition and a transformation

Enable organisations and professionals in these organisations to develop new perspectives 15 experiments: co-create and learn

Facilitate and share learning experiences

Monitor progress and solutions

Methods of change

Social innovation

Wicked problems


On-line community

Social innovation

Wicked problems

complex situation and interdependencies

many stake holders, multiple contractors and vendors, many heterogeneous clients and end users

no common definition of the problem; stakeholders have radically different (world) views and different frames for understanding the problem

stake holders will not let themselves be steered in the preferred direction

stake holders make autonomous decisions, resulting in unpredictable outcomes

collaborative problem solving strategy (engage all stake holders to find the best possible solution for all stake holders)

all stake holders contribute expertise and skills

the problem is never solved definitively and solutions to wicked problems are not true-or-false, but good or bad

Wicked problem in Western Brabant


• Define and monitor strategic goals

• and

• Develop and monitor (parts of) solutions in experiments

• Do-check-do-check

Local ongoing

development and reality

Interventions on discrepancies of strategic goals

Use of insights learned from monitoring

(parts) of solutions

Wicked problem in Western Brabant

explore and exploit found (parts of) solutions

the problemdefinition at component level is individually owned by the several individual components

looking for and designing a break through strategy

development is facilitated with the strategy of the program and stake holders deal with discrepancies and insecurities themselves

stake holders create their own solutions

monitoring of progress and solutions that are found (data, experiments)

experiments show the reaction on change (bees and trees)


On-line community

Login of the community

Do’s …………….. and don’ts motivate and

inspire share your

knowledge and expertise

keep an eye on the stakes of every stake holder involved

build a diverse and influential network

be in a hurry or be impatient

flog a dead horse; go with the flow and energy

give people insufficient time to participate or reflect


1. TALK TO YOUR USERSIf you aren’t talking to your users, you’re doing it wrong. Find ways to engage your clients in program, product, and service design. The only way to be relevant is to ensure that you are grounded in the realities of your audiences. And remember that their needs change over time--you should be changing with them. If you aren’t talking to your users, you’re doing it wrong.2. LOOK UPSTREAMThe social and environmental challenges we are trying to address are often symptoms of unhealthy systems. Try to go a layer deeper in your search for impact. If you can solve the problem that’s causing the problem, you’ll be two steps ahead.3. EVALUATEThe truth hurts. But it is super helpful. Find ways to get feedback on your work and on your performance as a team member. Create metrics that produce meaningful data for your unique situation and make sure to act on your findings.4. COMMIT TO IMPACT, NOT THE PROJECTWe all have a deep emotional connection to our work. But project success isn’t the right goal. You need to focus on the impact of your work. Whether that means refining, pivoting, or torching, do what you must to serve the greater good.5. EMBED AND AFFILIATEThe challenges we face will not be addressed by any single initiative. The most successful among us embrace our connections to complementary ventures. Identify who is in your ecosystem and find ways to plug into their efforts. Affiliating with others helps to secure your position while moving the needle with greater effect. The challenges we face will not be addressed by any single initiative.6. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELFHumans enjoy sleep and sunlight and exercise, and also food and other people. Too many social entrepreneurs forget to pay attention to their personal well-being. Take a break from work and have some fun. You should look after yourself because it’s really the most important thing.7. CONNECT TO WHERE YOU LIVEEven better, connect where you live. Our local neighborhoods are the building blocks of a more sustainable world. Shop where you live. Support local artists. Do at least one thing to connect your neighborhood and, in doing so, connect the world.8. VOLUNTEERI know, you give at the office. But many of us are working on projects that are two or three steps removed from those in greatest need. Find ways to perform genuine service this year. Your time spent volunteering may have the greatest impact of anything you do--and your commitment to others will connect you to the world in surprising ways.9. TAKE A RISKThe difference between those that do and those that do not often boils down to a willingness to take a chance. Let this be the year that you step out on a limb. Walk into the unknown and trust that the pathway will appear. You’ll never know unless you try.10. INVENT SOMETHINGThe world moves ahead when people create new things. Resolve to make something new in 2013. Something that could only happen because you made it happen. You have it in you.