Presentation 5 - Standard Yearbook Design.ppt [Read-Only] - WordPress… · 2010-10-14 · 3...

Post on 15-Jul-2020

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Standard YearbookLayout and Design

Layout LingoLayout Lingo

Yearbook pages are not designed page bypage but by spread

Use templates

The pica (6 picas = 1 inch, 1 pica divides into 12 points)


Exterior Margins



Elements of a SpreadElements of a Spread




Body Copy


White Space

Design Elements


Elements of a SpreadElements of a Spread

Elements of a SpreadElements of a SpreadPhotographs Action Photographs – catch the eye and tell a story Reference Photographs – record important information Dominant Photo – 2.5 times larger than any other photo

Copy Usually 10 point type Not placed in large block but broken into smaller columns Copy can include listings, surveys and quotes


Elements of a SpreadElements of a SpreadPhotos and Copy

Elements of a SpreadElements of a SpreadWhite Space Planned White Space – exterior margins and interior spacing Unplanned White Space – trapped white space

Captions Explain the content of the photos Placed around the perimeter of the spread

Headlines Primary Headline – 48 points or larger Secondary (sub) Headline – 14 to 16 point type


Catching and Keeping EYESCatching and Keeping EYES

Centre of visual interest = Dominant photo

Reader entry points


Circuit of the page

Spread linkage

White space

Catching and Keeping EYESCatching and Keeping EYES


Column DesignColumn Design Magazines and newspapers use columns to break up pages It gives a publication consistency It makes it easier to avoid trapped white space Any number of columns can be used, separated by one pica

margins Columns should remain consistent throughout the whole book or at

least the section

Laying Out A SpreadLaying Out A Spread

This is a fantasticcaption and is lettingthe reader know thewho, what, when,where, why and how.

This is a fantastic caption and isletting the reader know the who,what, when, where, why and how.

This is a fantasticcaption.

This is a fantasticcaption and is lettingthe reader know thewho, what, when,where, why and how.

This is a fantasticcaption and is lettingthe reader know thewho, what, when,where, why and how.

This is the storythat will tell thereader all aboutmy sisterJacqueline’s visitout west. This isthe story that willtell the reader allabout my sisterJacqueline’s visitout west.

This is the storythat will tell thereader all aboutmy sisterJacqueline’s visitout west. This isthe story that willtell the reader allabout my sisterJacqueline’s visitout west.

This is the storythat will tell thereader all aboutmy sisterJacqueline’s visitout west. This isthe story that willtell the reader allabout my sisterJacqueline’s visitout west.



General Page GuidelinesGeneral Page Guidelines

Use of columns

Use rectangular photos

Consistent internal margins

Consistent external margins

Should have dominant photo

Should have eye/horizon line

Peripheral white space

10 Rules of Design10 Rules of Design Establish your columns, font styles and interior and exterior

spacing Place your folios (if not already part of your template) Place your dominant photo Establish your eyeline (drag down guides) Decide where your body and headline will be placed Place your supporting photos Add captions around the perimeter of the placed photos Add your body copy, broken into columns and ensuring that you

have no trapped white space Create your headline – match them to the action in the dominant

photo and relate to your theme Stand back and look and check


Before Spread is CompleteBefore Spread is Complete Is the spread set up with the right number of columns?

Does every element fit exactly into columns?

Are all the elements exactly one pica apart from one another?

Is all the white space planned, or is there an trapped white space?

Are there at most two bleed photos on a spread?

Is there a caption next to each photo and does it answer the 5W’s?

Is the copy and headline at the outside edge of the spread?

Does the headline match the action in the dominant photo?

Is there a clear and distinct eyeline in the spread?

Does it look good from five feet away? (switch to preview mode)

Final ReminderFinal Reminder

However you choose to design yourbook, just remember to