
Post on 20-Jun-2015

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An Alternative Approach:The project aims to evaluate an honest and frank approach to enterprise education based on real-istic and varied career paths in the creative industries. Workshops will enable students to explore their personal values and the challenges of developing a creative practice through the presentation of alternative role models. They will develop the ability to remain resilient and forward thinking.

1. Please leave your age, sex, university, course name and year of study (e.g 3rd year)

2. Why did you choose to go to university, has it met your expectations?

3. Do you take part in any extra curriculum activities?

4. Have you ever undertaken any cross disciplinary work, how did it work?e.g work with students from other disciplines, professionals, public etc

5. What practical skills do you have? and are there any you would like to learn before you finish your course?

6. Do you feel what you do has or could have a positive impact on society? why?

7. How do you engage and make yourself known to the industry you aspire to work in? e.g twitter, email, visits, Facebook

8. How confident are you to networklack confidencequite confidentconfidentvery confident

9. Do you have a clear direction for your future? companies or jobs you aspire to work for

10. In what form do you want the snook school presented in?one day activity online module2/3 day workshop online tutoriallecture series othershort module





Frances (49)

Ross (21)

Sonia (24)

Sheila (36)

Caitlin (19)

Shiona (20)

Where are they from?

DJCAD 3rd Year Textile Design Female

20, female, Dundee uni, interior design, gonna be 4th yr student

19, Male, University of South Australia, Mechanical And Mechatronic Engineering 2nd Year

21/male/robert gordon university/architectural technology/4th year

19, Male, General Foundation Art and Design at DJCAD. 1st year.

20, Female, Duncan of Jordanstone, Dundee, Interior and Environmental Design, level 4

21, female, dundee uni, interior environmental design, starting 4th year in September.

49, female, dundee university, jewellery and metal design, 3rd year

24, female dundee university, interior and environmental design, 4th year

20, female, university of east London, dance: urban practise, 2nd year

21,male, university of dundee, interior and environmental design, 4th year

22, male, University of Dundee, 3rd year

22 male dundee town and regional planning 4th year

21, Male, Robert Gordon University, 4th year.

20, female, University of Aberdeen, LLB Law, 3rd year

23, female, university of dundee, ied, 4th year

20, Female University of Strathclyde Speech & Language Pathology, 2nd Year

19, female, university of dundee, town planning, 2nd year

24, female, masters of design

36, female, architecture student

Why did you choose to go to university, has it met your expectations?

I found a subject that I was passionate about and wanted to learn more. I felt university's structure and time scale was the best way to do it. I realised very quickly that the more I put in the more I get out. University has met my expectations but I have had to work very hard to get there. It is what you make it (to an extent)

I wanted to study further into something I enjoy, to learn more skills, become more qualified and to meet new people!

Just to further my learning and create oppurtunities for my future. Do something challenging and do something that I will be proud of when im older. Yes it has met my expectations and exceeded them in ways.

focus on a specific field of interest in the hope of gaining employment within this subject on graduating

I want to gain a degree so that I can hopefully make a career for myself in the art industry! I am excited to start and hoping that I will learn a wide range of skills in the Famous art school.

It was always my next step after school. I feel like i maybe wasn't prepared enough but in the most part it has.

I wanted a career in design and wanted to learn as much as possible to be successful.

to become a jewellery designer

because it was my next step after school, but i chose interior design because i wanted to get a job that i enjoy and do a job that i wanted to do as i previously studied accounts and hated it.

To get a degree and carry on my favourite area of study. Yes

next step after school, i chose my course because i wanted to be a designer

To get a degree, To practice design and computing, It has exceeded my expectations

To gain.experience and learn a new subject. yes it has

For better job prospects and possible progression within my chosen profession. University has met all my expectations, as what you put in is proportional to what you get out.

I enjoyed my experience of education at school and wanted to continue this in a more demanding environment. It has met my expectation. I have enjoyed studying at University so far and plan of doing postgraduate study.

mainly as it was what you do after school. i started off doing architecture and then changed to ied. if i had more experience in the design field i would have went straight to ied/a design course rather than doing architecture but my school didnt have a lot of knowledge when it came to design based courses.

Because I wanted to be a Speech and Language Therapist and this requires a degree in this area

I choose to go to unversity because it was a natural lead from school and i enjoyed geography at school, better than i thought it would be.

I wanted to have a skilled job with expert knowledge, in order to get this I knew I had to go to university to find people who could help me. I also knew I had to go to university as I knew the type of jobs I wanted to apply for would ask for special qualifications

when i first went to university straight from school it was expected because i was clever and my father never had the chance to go so he push for all of his children to go - i wasn't really given much choice, but this time round because i had been out of work for so long i felt i had to get a qualification that was recent to help me get a that companies didn't think she's a middle age lady who hasn't worked for years and has forgotten everything that she knew. No i don't think that the course has met my expectations, i thought we would get taught much more technical stuff, on construction, regulations, services and more proper training on the computer programmes. i was hoping i would learn more technical skills to help bring my knowledge up to date, we have achieved a bit this year but not as much as i had hoped. in comparison to architecture its much different and its interesting, a different ways of looking at things. - have a concept before you design. although i would rather do research all along the project rather than just at the begining

Do you take part in any extra curriculum activities?

I teach and compete for the university sailing club.

As part of uni no, I frequent the gym though if that counts?

Yes, train from 7 - 14 times a week for kayaking and sometimes social basketball with mates for a bit of fun.




Due to ill health my studies were a priority during my first couple of years at uni. Once I got into third year my spare time was limited due to the amount of course work.

No, not with the university

if you include going to events theatre held outwith university for examples the pecha kucha night and if i could i would like to do some of the courses at the DCA. but the timing isn't good because its when im on holiday or when im am at university or working at the weekends,hopefully something i can get around to. but there is always an excuse to put it off.

Yes, dance

yes, many different things as i know its going to be difficult to get a job once i graduate, so i am trying to get myself known as much as possible as i believe it will help.

Freelance design, User center

Yea. student president

I took part in school exhibition meetings, helping with decision on final year exhibitions of work.

Charity work, primarily fundraising.

rowing, running.

Not this year but I intend to do a sport next year


Yes, I love to take part in any social design event like the global service jam. I will try to start my own social design events as well but right now I don't feel like I have time to because of my masters, I can't wait until I graduate so that I can create more of these types of events. I also help out my lecturers with their workshop events for the NHS.

no not really university is quite full on, I just to do a lot of craft and felt work and sell it at craft fairs.

is there anything you would like to learn to be good at that your university has not taught?

yes, i have lot to learn…jewellery techniques, businesses- how to set them up,marketing and print motion

yes, i want to know how to do animations properly using after effects, photography, but these are not things i would expect from my course, but little extra things i would like to do and the facilities are there if you wanted to do it.

design in the market course is good and helps to think about how to get a job or start up a business, this is something the university should have brought in sooner. Studying interior design i think they should each us more skills about physical design, structures and technical drawings.

interview techniques,presentations,work experience- help to find a placement or to be made part of the course

Have you ever undertaken any cross disciplinary work, how did it work? students from other disciplines, professionals

all the time, will interior students and textiles students- but i don't think it works very well because the courses still seem very set in their ways

I have worked with a medical student, this was hard but rewarding. I learned a lot, including that collaboration is a challenging thing to do well. I have also worked with a mixture of professionals and researchers designing a game. The people I worked with on this made it a very pleasant and enjoyable experience. Although collaborations must be professional, the right combination of personalities is key.

Yes, worked with other design students(textile, jewellery etc) for a previous project - they worked differently but it was interesting to see if we could learn things from each other. I have worked with the public in the sense that research info can be valuable from them as they could be the prime user you're designing for, some times they're helpful and sometimes they're not.

Responses collated...


one day activitiy


online module + one day activity


lectures series 2/3 day work-shop

11 5

short module


online tutorial

“Possibly if I had more information and if I had a

clearer idea about what I was wanting to do when I finish university”.

“Yes, £10 at the most, for a day”.

“Yes I would pay and if it was something I was wanting to learn or beneficial to learn, but I would be wanting value for money but would depending on how much?”.
