Presentation about poland

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Presentation about Poland

The group of Polish students from Niedzwica Duża.

Who are they ?

About Poland : Poland borders are : Germany on the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia on the south, on the east Ukraine and Belarus, north east of Lithuania and Russia.

Not many people know that Marie Curie was Polish, was also our countryman Pope John Paul II. And now we learn more about Poland.

The Poles are nice, happy and have a great heart. They are Catholic and last year they met a terrible tragedy. There was a plane crash which killed the highest authority of the country : The President and other important people.


Polish listen David Guetta and Rihanna, as us

They listen to reggae, hip hop

They don’t know other french singers

FOOD of the Poles

The most popular food in Poland is a chicken soup, a beetroot soup and dumplings.Their group likes to eat pancakes and other sweet desserts.Few people in Poland are on a diet.

Easter in Poland

In Poland, Easter is a special time of year. The Polish offer a beautifully decorated basket to the church. Then, they put the basket on the table (święconką). The morning of Easter usually starts with sharing. The tradition for Easter in Poland states that girls who get caught and soaked with water will marry within the year.

Free timeLike us ,the Polish students do the same activities :they spend time with friends ,they listen to music,they do sports, they play computer games .

School Polish have the same educational system as French but they have

religion lessons on top. There are 6 years education when they are Primary School. Class I-III , they have only one teacher whereas class IV-VI , they have

teachers teach different subjects : Polish language, modem foreign language, mathematics, Nature , history and society , music, art, techniques , It , sport religion and education for family life.

When they are in Middle School , they have just 3 years education. Then , when they are in secondary schools, they have 2-3 years

educational . Their School is divided into vocational school , secondary and technique

colleges. The annual (biannual) evaluation of the classification of classes, ranging

from primary school class IV. In grades I-III primary school assessment are prepared. Evaluating the

current during the year and sets out an interim evaluation of the school statutes.

They have vicinity the same holidays as french.