Presentation (Data Store)

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  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)


  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)


    C O N T E N T_

    Time Line/Development of Storage Media.

    Hard Disk_Exposed.

    What are various Manufacturers working on.

    Scientific Innovation.

  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)



    RAMAC ,the opener of HardDisk was the invention ofa project led by Rey Johnson.

    The Drive has a storing capacity of 5MB @ $10000 permegabyte.

    RAMAC uses 50 24-inch platters that spun at 1200revolutions per minute.

    RAMAC 305 system was about two refrigerators in widthand quite as tall, and it weighed almost a ton.

  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)



    The platters are round magneticplate revolving inside the HardDisk.

    HardDisks contain an array ofplatters.

    Platters are typically made usingan aluminium or glass and ceramic.

    The platter rotates at the speed

    of 1000RP

    M.This rate variesdepending upon the model of harddrive.

  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)


    Moving forwardin DateLine_

    IBM announces the 3340,the first modernWinchester hard drive, which has a sealed assembly,lubricated spindles, and low-mass heads.

    Although modern disk drives are faster and holdmore data, the basic technology is the same.

    Some years later, RAID (Redundant Arrays of

    Independent Disks) technology came to existence.

  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)



    RAID is a technology that provides

    increased storage functions and reliabilitythrough redundancy. This is achieved bycombining multiple disk drive componentsinto a logical unit, where data isdistributed across the drives in one ofseveral ways called "RAID levels".

    RAID 0 delivers faster performance bysplitting data across multiple drives. Itsdrawback is that if one drive fails, thedata on all drives is lost.

    RAID 1(minimization of downtime) heredata is mirrored across multipledrives. It is a popular alternative, if adrive goes bad.

  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)



    This uses interference of light in light-sensitive crystals tostore data.

    The digital information is stored within the entire volume of

    the storage device, not just on the exposed surface.

    Holographic data storage is three dimensional, instead of twodimensional.

    It can store as much as one terabyte of data in a device justabout half the size of your thumb.

    Holographic technology reads and writes a million bits of datain parallel, instead of the traditional 1 bit at a time.

  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)


    Holographic storage devices use alaser beam to store data.

    This uses interference of light inlight-sensitive crystals to store data.

    The beam is split into two by a beamsplitter.

    The beams pass through asemi-transparent crystal which actslike a filter to turn light into readablebits of data.

    After the laser's original beam issplit, one part is deflected toward thefilm plate and the other is bouncedoff the object. When the beamsreconverge, they form a lightinterference pattern that is recorded.



  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)


    HOLOGRAPHIC MEMORY(continued)_

    Capacity of a Holographic Disk is estimated to be 27times more of DVD.

    And data transfer rate of 25 times faster, thentraditional.

    The Research on Holographic Memory is nothing new,it has been going on since 1960s. With the initiationdone by Pieter Heerden.

    Holographic storage devices couldn't come into themarket because the technology is quite expensive andcouldn't compete with magnetic and optical storage

  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)



    In this, individual molecules and nano-wires are usedto create large arrays of memory bits.

    Each molecule acts like a switch that can be either in

    the off or on state, thus representing digital data.

    With this technology, up to 50 times more data canbe crammed into the same storage space as today'smagnetic storage devices such as hard disks.

    Using lasers and the BACTERIORHODOPSIN proteinmolecule, the W. M. Keck Center for MolecularElectronics has built a molecular memory device holdingseveral hundred megabytes.

  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)


    Moving forwardin DateLine_

    Toshiba launches MK2001MTN, the first 0.85-inchHard Drive.It stores 2GB of Data on a single platter, and uses

    Serial ATA interface.

    Some years later came the MK4007 GAL.It stores 40GB of data on a 1.8 inch of platter, italso became the first hard drive usingPerpendicular Magnetic Recording.

  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)


    Serial ATA(Advanced Technology Attachment)_

    Is a interface for connecting host busadapters to mass storage devices.

    Provide point to point channel communicationbetween mother board or the main board andthe drive.

    SATA also has a far lower power requirementof just 250 mV compared to PATA's 5-voltrequirement.

    Provides data-tranfer-rate of upto600Mb/sec.

    Cables are very thin with small 7-pinconnectors.

  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)


    Perpendicular Recording_

    Perpendicular recording candeliver more than threetimes the storage density oftraditional longitudinal


    Perpendicular recording ispredicted to allow informationdensities of up to around 1Tbit/sq. inch as compared tothe traditional longitudnal diskwhich has a recording densityof 100 to 200 Gb/sq.inch.

  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)


  • 8/7/2019 Presentation (Data Store)


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