Presentation for leicester award

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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2. CONTENT Use of social media: Then and Now My Personal Brand Reflections Feedback - Tutor & Peer Career Plans and Personal Development My Online Presence 3. SOCIAL MEDIA USE: THEN 4. SOCIAL MEDIA USE: NOW 5. SOCIAL MEDIA USE COMPARISON THEN NOW Primary usage Personal only Professional and Personal Main role Observer Active participant Self- Promotion Minimal Purposeful and Evident Amount of time and energy spent Small Fair amount 6. MY PERSONAL BRAND Blog 101 Things About Autism Leicester Award Twitter LinkedIn 7. REFLECTING ON MY PERSONAL BRAND Dedicated 101 Things About Autism Twitter, LinkedIn Well-rounded CV Experience, Awards, Interests Capable CV: Education, Experience, Skills 8. MY PERSONAL BRAND Tutor Feedback Personal brand: Outlined what I would like to get out of the brand but not what I want others to get out of it Volunteering: research positions online or talk to careers services Personality type: look further into what my type means and how it links to career plans 9. MY PERSONAL BRAND Peer Feedback Blog posts for the ONE Programme drift away from the major topic of the blog Blog posts could be improved by the addition of labels The blog lacked a link to me as a person e.g. About Me section, links to social media profiles 10. HOW MY CAREER PLANS HAVE GROWN Better use of social media to broaden my connections Maintenance of online CV Provide evidence of personal development as reflective blog posts 11. MY ONLINE PRESENCE What have I learnt? - Be active: aim to be the one in control How will my online presence help me to meet my goals? - Foster a robust professional presence - Express my personal views What will I do next? - Maintenance of blog - Continue to forge links with those who have similar goals to mine 12. SUMMARY Personal brand Feedback Greater acceptance of social media Online presence plan for the future