Presentation Governance Grievances & Insurance. Governance.

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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& Insurance



• Is the system by which organisations are directed and managed.

• Influences how the objectives are set and achieved.

• Spells out the rules and procedures.• Determines how to optimise and monitor



• Clarity of Governance Roles• Effective Decision Making Processes• Effective Process Controls• Continuous Improvement• Transparency and Accountability

Principles of Governance

• Clearly outline the responsibilities and powers of the key positions in governance roles.

• The Committee shall act in accordance with the Centre’s Deed of Operation, Constitution and the Association’s Rules & Regulations.

• Individual Committee members hold NO authority to act alone. All authority rests with the Committee

Clarity in Governance Roles

• Have a Strategic Plan and allow all members input into the Strategic direction of the Centre.

• Structure the Committee with a good mix of skills and expertise related to the various functions of the Centre.

Clarity in Governance Roles

• Document & follow meeting processes. (quorums, notices of meeting, voting rights, conduct of meeting, frequency & location etc...)

• Prepare & follow the Agenda at meetings.• Document all meetings.

(take meeting minutes and have a clear record of any decisions made)

• Ensure all relevant documents & information has been tabled prior to making decisions.

• Develop and follow a calendar listing annual activities.• Any sub committees formed should be given clear terms of


Effective Decision Making

• Create a Strategic Plan(Set key objectives, performance measures, core values & ethics)

• Set expectations of Committee members.• Put processes in place to monitor & evaluate financial & non-

financial performances.• Risk Management & Compliance Strategy

(ensure the organisation complies will all relevant external statutory bodies and internal processes)

• Have a Constitution/Deed of Operation that is clear & not overburdened with processes which are better placed in Policies & By-Laws.

Effective Process Controls

• Regular self assessments of the Committee's performance.

• Ensure Committee members are covered by insurance.

• New Committee members should have an induction process.

• Committee members access to information is approved & documented correctly.

Continuous Improvement

• Committees should always:– Show leadership, integrity and good judgment.– Act in the best interest of the Centre as a whole.– Demonstrate transparency, accountability and responsibility to members.– Provide an Annual Report including how the centre is tracking and sufficient

financial information to allow members to make informed decisions on the committees performance.

• Members should be:– Consulted & involved in the development of a Strategic plan.– Well informed and actively involved in activities.– Able to approve, monitor & review financial performances

Transparency & Accountability

• All members of Boards and Committees are trustees of its members.

• Effectiveness is the ability of all to work together as a team.

Transparency & Accountability




• Treat all participants as you like to be treated.• Co-operate with your fellow Athletes, Officials

and Coaches.• Respect the rights and dignity of all Members.


• At training• At Competition Meets• With other Athletes• With Officials• With your Coach• At Presentation Days


• Verbally abuse any person.• Make racist/sexist jokes or comments.• Allow offensive pictures or graffiti to be visible.• Look at or touch in ways that make individuals feel

uncomfortable.• Make uninvited sexual comments that offend,

intimidate or humiliate.• Discriminate against or harass any one.


• Discuss and try to resolve the issue with those involved with the emphasis on resolution not punishment.

• Discuss the issue with a Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO).

• Lodge a written complaint at the level at which the incident occurred i.e. Club/Centre/Region

• If not satisfied with the resolution, appeal to the next level.

INVESTIGATION PROCESS• Appoint an Investigator (usually an Executive member of

Club/Centre/Region).• Complainant interviewed.• Respondent is advise of complaint and given the opportunity to respond.• The Complainant and the Respondent may have their own chosen support

person throughout this process.• If dispute over facts other members made be interviewed as well.• Investigator completes a report documenting the complaint, investigation

process, evidence, finding and/or recommendation.


• If either party are not satisfied with the result they can appeal to the next level.

• The same process as outlined in the ‘Investigation Process’ is followed at the level up to Association Level.


• This is at Association (State) level• Out of the Grievance Panel (Approx 12 members), 3 panellists will

be appointed to convene for hearing of the complaint.• The Complainant and Respondent will be advised in writing of

– Date, time & venue– Details of the complaint– Verbal or written submissions can be made– outline of possible penalties that may be imposed.– Legal representation will not be allowed.

GRIEVANCE PANEL HEARING CONT...• The Grievance Panel Chairperson will:

1. Call the hearing to order.2. Read out the complaint.3. Shall have the power to stop further involvement of any person if there is unreasonable or

intimidatory behaviour.4. Announce the decision at the conclusion of the hearing.

• The Complainant and Respondent will have an opportunity to describe the events, call witnesses and ask questions.

• After all evidence has been presented the Grievance Panel will make its decision in private.• All decisions of the Grievance Panel will be by majority vote.• Within 48 hours the Grievance Panel Chairperson will:

1. Provide to the General Manager a copy of the decision including any disciplinary measures imposed.

2. A letter to the Respondent reconfirming the Grievance Panels decision and any disciplinary measures imposed.


• The Tribunal consists of the full Board of Management.

• The same process as outlined in ‘Grievance Panel Appeal’ will be followed.

• The Tribunal’s decision will be final.


• Grievance and Member Protection Policy• Regulation 16 - Complaint Handling, Appeals

and Hearings• Available on LAVic Website



Little Athletics Victoria

Insurance Presentation

July 2011

Overview of Presentation

• Overview of Willis

• What insurance cover is in place- Personal Accident & Injury Insurance- Liability- Association Liability (Directors & Officers Liability)- Equipment Insurance- Money

• What to do in the event of a claim

• Current trends

• Risk Management

• Frequently asked questions

• Willis servicing team

PoliciesMembers / Officials• Personal Accident• Public & Products Liability (Professional Indemnity)• Association Liability

State Offices / Centres• Money• Property & Equipment

Accident / Injury Insurance

Scope of Cover• Competing in official centre, state and national events.

• Organised training.

• Travelling directly between activities as above, and your residence or place of employment.

• Staying away from your home district during a tour for the purpose of participating in sanctioned activities.

• Engaging in voluntary, administrative or organised social activities.

Important Note: Personal Accident insurance does not apply to parent races.

Key Features – Accident Insurance

• Death and Permanent Disability benefits $150,000 ($20,000 for under 18).

• Quadriplegia and Paraplegia benefits $250,000.

• Non Medicare Medical 100% up to a maximum of $10,000 per injury. $25 excess.

• Cover for treatment such as:-- Physiotherapy- Chiropractic- Dental- Private hospital

Key Features – Accident Insurance (cont..)

• Loss of wages 80% up to a maximum of $1,000 per week. 7 day excess.

• Other benefits available include;- Student Assistance Benefit- Home Help Benefit- Out of Pocket Expenses

• Insurer: ACE Insurance Limited

Conditions• Government prohibits insurance on Medicare expenses.• Cover only applies for 104 weeks from the date of injury for Loss of Income.• Cover only applies for 52 weeks from the date of injury for Non-Medicare

Medical expenses.

Liability InsuranceScope of CoverIndemnify the insured in circumstances where, subsequent to a “negligent act”, they become legally liable to pay compensation for:-

• Personal Injury • Property Damage• Legal costs and charges

Key Features - Liability Insurance

• Public Liability $20,000,000

• Professional Indemnity $5,000,000

• Care Custody & Control $100,000

• Insurer: Australis Group Underwriting Pty Ltd on behalf of QBE Insurance (Australia) Ltd.

Excess• Personal Injury $1,000• Property Damage $1,000

* Excess is to be paid by the centre at the settlement of a claim unless otherwise agreed.

Association LiabilityThree Combined Covers1. Directors & Officer’s Liability-“Wrongful Act” committed whilst acting as

Director or Officer.

2. Professional Indemnity-Breach of Professional Duty.

3. Employment Practices Liability-Related to employment, discrimination and sexual harassment matters.

• Limit of Indemnity $1,000,000 any one loss and $1,000,000 in the aggregate (i.e in total for the year).

Insurer: Chubb Insurance Company of Australia

Excess: $5,000 each and every claim.

MoneyMoney in transit to and from the premises $10,000

Money on the premises during normal business hours


Money on the premises outside normal business hours


Money on the premises while such money is contained in a locked – safe or strongroom


Money in Personal Custody $10,000

Excess $100 each and every claim

Risk Management• Your sport is varied and spread over a large area which is a challenge to


• Insurance shouldn’t justify doing things that are high risk.

• Still take out private health insurance.

• Insurance claims higher premiums orhigher than premium collected = reduced coverage in

future years.

Equipment InsuranceWhat is Covered: All property belonging to your Centre of every description.

This includes sporting equipment, buildings, contents and stock.

Cover: Section OneLoss or damage as a result of fire and perils, theft, accidental

loss, collision and overturning of conveying vehicle.Maximum benefit $75,000 anyone claim.

Section TwoMachinery breakdown of any motors (e.g fridges, freezers, air

conditioner etc). Limit $3,000 any one claim.

Section ThreeSpoilage of frozen foods as a result of machinery breakdown.

Maximum benefit $1,000.

Equipment Insurance (cont..)

Excess: $250 each and every claim.

Location: Anywhere in Australia.

Basis of Settlement: New for old.

Special Note:Create a list of equipment and replacement values.

What to do in the Event of a Claim

• Contact Willis for any existing (i.e submitted to the previous broker) and new claims. Willis (02) 9285 4111 or 1300 945 547.

Accident / Injury• A claim form will need to be completed and signed by centre and

State Association.• Include paid receipts.

Liability• Do not admit liability.• Contact Willis as soon as possible.

Equipment• Contact Willis (02) 9285 4111 or 1300 945 547.

Industry Trends• Liability claims in Sport have reduced by 65%.

• Personal Accident/Sports Injury claims have increased.

• Speed of sport has increased and is resulting in more injuries and claims.

• Medical costs have increased and are impacting on claims.

Frequently Asked Questions

• How do I obtain a Certificate of Currency?

• Does the Liability insurance cover our Lease Agreements?

• What is deemed official training?

• How long do we need to keep member records and incident reports?

• What type of Fundraising and social activities are covered?