Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En


  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En



    INVEST is a Romanian company, based in Cluj County. Its activity started in 1998, as aprovider for electrical works, most of the clients at that time, being private persons.

    INVEST started as a family bussines. Finaly, INVEST obtained its position on the market, asa result of the good quality works which were provided to its clients. The direct involvmemtof the management in its activity, design, execution and maintenace, was also a majorelement in keeping the quality to high standards till this moment.The company grew through the years and continuously improved and extended its area ofservices provided to the clients.The company met many times new situations, but INVEST team always completed its worksuccesfuly. If we were not prepared for a situation, thanks to the flexibility we use to workwith, we learned, adapted and we did our job , finally to have our client satisfied.INVEST's main qualities, recognized also by previous clients, are: Dedication andInvolvment, Good Work and Meeting Deadlines, Respect for the Clients and for our Work,Flexibility and Profesionalism

  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En


    Consultancy Design Execution Testing Maintenance - Area of works:

    electrical infrastructures on low, medium and high voltage automation sistems fire prevention installations access control sistems HVAC PV and micro-wind sistems civil works management tehnical DueDiligence Projects Verify

  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En


    Some of our works:

    No. Type of works Beneficiary

    1 Power Supply, installation of transformation points 63-630 KVAfor general public purposes


    o S.D.E.E. Cluj;

    o S.D.E.E. Bistria;

    o C.E.M.J.T. Dej, Gherla;

    o CITY HALL of Dej;

    2 Electrical connections LEA, LES 20kV o S.D.E.E. Cluj- Napoca, Vntori, Valea Cprioarei,Lunca Viagului, Huedin, Moldoveneti;



    o Solar Plant TCV Impex

    o Solar Plant ACV Solar Energy

    o Solar Plant ACV Solar Technology

    o Solar Plant Irom Industrie SRL

  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En


    No. Type of works Beneficiary

    3 Power Supply, installation of transformation posts 63 - 3x 2000KVA for industrial and economic interest

    o S.D.E.E. Cluj;

    o FROSYS SRL Cluj;


    o Bussines Center - POWER CENTER Cluj;

    o ROTTAPRINT SRL Apahida, Cluj;

    o KAUFLAND ROMNIA Bistria;

    o SWISSPOR SA, Ploieti;

    o SC Fujikura Automotive SRL

    o SC Arc PARC Industrial SRL

    4 Design, power supply and execution of electrical installationsusing the Regional Development North West Programme(developing the potential of the salt lakes spa)

    o CITY HALL of Dej;

    o CITY HALL of Beclean ;

    o CITY HALL of Cojocna;

  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En


  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En


  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En


    In 2010, INVEST signed a contract for maintenance services for all the installations in

    operation, with the leading Hypermarkets brand on the Romanian market. Another reference for the company is the commissioning of two Wastewater TreatmentPlants Transilvania under a very difficult deadline. The design and execution required asubstantial effort from the company.

    Tetarom Panel - Wastewater treatment plant Turda

  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En


    Maintenance illumination installation Arc Parc Industrial

    INVEST offers complete solutions and support for itsclients to find the best technical and economical solutios forthe purpose of the investment.

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    SPV development:

    ACV Solar Technology - 5.98MWp Solar Plant 3.48MWp General layout PV Plant

    INVEST developed 5 Ready-to-Build SPV Projects (38MW), for different investors andparticipated at the construction of two of them. Our experince in electric works, helped theinvestors to obtain the commissionig of the plants very fast, considering also the Romanianlegislation's issues at the moment. Besides the technical part of theese projects we alsofocused on the legal part of the projects, in a Joint-Venture with a reputable law firm fromBucharest

  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En


    Quality and accreditations

    The company strictly follows the European QualityManagement System Integrated and tries to improve the activity constantly. We work andthink under the motto: " Anyone who stops improving has stopped being good "

    Besides the necessary technical equipment specific to this activity, our company has itsown utility vehicles and equipment.

    The company is a provider accreditedand certified by ANRE Bucharest for design and execution, on the entire Romanian

    territory, of the 0.4 - 110kV electrical networks.

  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En


  • 8/10/2019 Presentation INVEST ElSpe Short En


    INVEST team is looking forward for acollaboration with you

    Thank you very much for your attention!