Presentation of athens legend,legends of girls

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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The origins of the name of Athens, legend with Athena and Poseidon.


Athena and Poseidon f ighting for the capital ’s name

Heroes or heroines are usually born in an extraordinary way .

For instance, Aphrodite was born from the foam of the sea. Actually thatʼs why her second ancient Greek name is Cypris(meaning foam).

The heroine we are going to talk about is Athena the goddess of wisdom, in fact she is the main character in the following myth which we are going to describe in the following lines.

Centuries ago king Cecrops, the f irst king of Athens, tr ied to f ind the guardian God of the c ity. He cal led on Athena and Poseidon

because both des ired to become the patron of the c ity .

At this point we ought to refer who Poseidon was, he was the god of the sea and the protector of sailors.

Additionally, Athena and the latter began a contest, so they could claim the city. The Gods, king Cecrops, and the others gathered at the Acropolis. Poseidon struck the earth with his trident and gifted the local people with the Erekhtheis Sea. The people who were present at that time liked it at first, but after tasting it they didnʼt like the salty water. Then, Athena planted an olive tree, which gave people oil, wood, olives-food and building material.

  Cercrops preferred Athenaʼs gift. As a result, Athena became the protector of the city.

Having lost the contest Poseidon was angry and he flooded Attica with salty water.

To sum up Athena gave her name to the city, which was Athens, the capital of Greece.

Sources:-Google Images

-Star Wars Episode II Soundtrack - Across the Stars (youtube) Program used:OpenOffice 3.3

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