Presentation Of Ceip Catalunya

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Presentació de l'escola Ceip Catalunya a la reunió de Berlín dins dels actes del projecte Europeu Divis


Who are we? Presentation of the country, village, school

Divis Project: Ideas for the 2008-09

Ideas for the 2009-2010

Experiences of former years




Course 2008-2009Project of Llobregat’s riverExperiences of the Catalan schools Video of the school for newcomers

Course 2009-2010Workshops of video with the childrenTo Put in practice the experiences of the Divis


The project of the Llobregat’s river

This year, the children in the 4th grade are working on a project about the health of the Llobregat River, the one that flows through our village. They will do many activities and they will use different techniques to study it, among them the video.

They will check if its health remains the same from beginning to end. Once they have realized that there are differences, they will try to find the reasons why. And also they will find out what are the consequences of the human activity along its course.

This study will be done inside the curricular area of Social and Natural Studies, which this year is focused on the study of the area.

Throughout this Project we count with the collaboration of the “Camp d’Aprenentatge de l’Alt Berguedà”. The “Camp d’aprenentatge (“learning bases”) are educational services belonging to the Education Department of the Government/Generalitat of Catalonia, that offers the teachers and schools the chance of developing work projects for the study and experimentation of the environment in Catalonia.

The 4th grade pupils stayed during 3 days in this “learning base”/camp d’aprenetatge and had the opportunity to discover and study the river source and check its health in the upper course. At the same time, this was also a good chance for sharing and improving the relationship teacher/pupil.

The teachers in the Camp d’aprenentatge that worked with the children those three days, will be also collaborating with us during the school year in the study of the river.

This project will be done in 3 languages: our language, Catalan, the other official language which is Spanish, and in English.

Another main aim of this project is that children use the video resources for learning.