Presentation scream

Post on 11-May-2015

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9 Frame Analysis of Scream

Victoria Robinson

This is the first shot I think is important in this opening sequence as it establishes where the film will be set. The shot is a medium shot, which then pans up to the girls face. In the shot frame the phone is the only thing that is shown, this suggests that a phone or phone call will be the base of this film. This gives the audiences an idea of what type of sub-genre the film will follow. In the case of Scream it is a physiological thriller.

I choose this shot as it is the first time we are introduced to what seems to be the main character. She is a young, pretty female, this is a convention of a thriller movie, to involve a young, good looking girl to attract both genders. The girl at this point has just picked up the phone, as most people would do. As this is a thriller film the audience already have a idea of who will be at the other end of the phone. This again is a typical convention of a thriller. However although this is the case the girl looks happy and care free at this point, this is shown by a medium shot, we get a full view of the girls reactions.

This shot is shown after the girl has just put the phone down. The long shot shows a empty garden. However the swing is moving by its self this indicates that someone is watching the girl or in her garden due to the previous phone call we know something is going to go wrong. The lighting shows the audience that it is night time, this is a typical convention of a thriller film, this time of the day is usually used as it creates a creepy atmosphere as we cant see the garden and surroundings clearly.

This shot again shows the girl on the phone again. She picks the phone up care free and is openly talking to the unknown number on the other end of the phone. Her surroundings show that she is home alone as there is no motion from any other characters. In this shot we get to see what the girl is wearing, it seems to be something that a teenage girl would typically wear. I think the way the girl is dressed suggests she is vulnerable as the clothing is quite young looking.

This shot shows the girl handling a sharp knife, this puts her in a vulnerable situation and sets the tone for the upcoming action. Whilst this is happening the girl is still talking on the phone with the stranger, again highlighting her stupidest and vulnerability. She seems to be indulging in talking to this male, this is shown by her facial expressions. She seems to be enjoying talking to the male and has no urgency to put the phone down.

This is the first shot when the girl realizes that she is talking to a strange man. This medium close up shows her facial expressions perfectly. It is still clear that the girl is alone, due to her surroundings. She now reacts to the phone call this is shown by her facial expressions. This shot being an example.

This shot shows the girl is increasingly getting worried as she is checking her surroundings. The male on the phone is getting aggressive suggesting he is somewhere close to her. She has tried to put the phone down but he constantly is ringing her. Her reactions shown by close ups demonstrate to the audience that the girl is now worried for her safety after earlier locking all doors.

This shot follows on from the male telling the girl he can see her she frantically locks all doors this is shown through a medium shot as it shows all action but we do not loose the girls facial expressions. All this action clarifies to the audience that the girl is now scared and worried for her safety. We also get clarification that the girl is alone as by now she would of told someone else. The lighting used again proves to the audience that it is night time and dark in the house. This puts her in a vulnerable sate making her a easy target.

The last shot I have decided to focus on was this. By using a close up the audience fully understand the girls panic. At this point it is evident that the male on the other end of the phone is stalking this young girl and watching her. Which clarifies audiences previous thoughts that he was stalking her. The girl begins to realize that he is close to her and gets hysterically emotional. This is shown in this shot by her facial expressions. The girl is stood in front of clear glass window putting her on full show to her stalker. Again exposing her to the stalker and making her very vulnerable.