presentation skill

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

By Prof. Vishnu Narayan Saxena

Department of technical education and Skill DevelopmentGovernment of Madhya Pradesh

General Management and Communication Session-1

General Management and Communication Session-1

General Management and Communication Skills-I Course The 15 Days full time Course on General Management and Communication Skills-I Was introduced in the year 2012 to equip the entrants to the profession with interpersonal and management skills and provide exposure to the contemporary issues in the ever changing socio-economic scenario. Successful completion of GMCS-I course is a regulatory requirement under Regulation 51A/72A of The Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.

General Management and Communication Session-1

Objectives: The GMCS-I Course aims to equip the entrants to the profession with some essential skills, such as- • To develop effective communication and presentation skills • To inculcate business acumen and public relation skills • To develop all round personality with mature outlook to function effectively in different atmosphere

General Management and Communication Session-1

Eligibility: Student who has registered for Articled Training on or after 1st May, 2012 and is serving first 12 months of practical training is eligible to undergo the course. Students, who have undergone existing GMCS Course, can also on their option Undergo GMCS-I by paying the required fee.

General Management and Communication Session-1

Duration: duration of the course is 15 days full time. Classes are held for 6 hours each day for 6 days a week (15 days X 6 hours per day = 90 hours). The suggested allocation of time among the broad areas of the course contents is as follows: • General Management 06 Hours • Developing Personal Traits 12 Hours • Business Communication & Presentation 48 Hours • Interpersonal & Negotiation Skills 18 Hours • Technical Skills 06 Hours

General Management and Communication Session-1

Teaching Methodology: Multiple methods including lectures, case studies, presentations, group discussions, management games, projects, mock interviews etc. should be used. Eminent person of regional/national repute may be invited for interactive sessions.




In any presentation there are two main things Presenter : Presenter is a person who delivering the lecturer or presentation on any particular topic. Audience : Audience are group of people who are listening your lecturer or participating in you presentation

General Management and Communication Session-1




Presenter : Presenter is a person who delivering the lecturer or presentation on any particular topic.

General Management and Communication Session-1

Presenter have two thing






Contents can be jugs on three parameters

General Management and Communication Session-1


Source of Information may be[a] Internet[b] Books[c] news papers[d] Survey results[e] Talk from expert[f] Experiments results etc

Information means subjective knowledge about any topics

General Management and Communication Session-1

Sequence of contents: any topic can be further divided and subdivided into subtopics and what should be the proper sequence of these subtopics Again in which subtopics which information or which contents should be covered that is very important

SEQUENCE OF CONTENTS Sequence means proper flow of contents or proper arrangementof contents

General Management and Communication Session-1


Representation means Representation refers to font size font colors ,color combination animation slide transition ,sound effect ,use of multimedia audio and video etc

Representation means tools and technology used to present yourTopics

General Management and Communication Session-1

A Good Contents Can be prepared by Preparation

Presenter should have the following qualities

[1] Voice quality : [a] Clarity of Voice [b] pronunciation [c] Voice Modulation

[2] Body Language [a] Eye Contact [b] Gesture [c] Posture [d] Face expression [e] Body movement


General Management and Communication Session-1

[3] Comfort level

[4] Coolness and calmness

[5] Audience Interaction

All above qualities can be achieved by doing Practice


General Management and Communication Session-1



Factor which can effect Presentation

What you are presenting Whom you are presenting Where you are presenting Why you are presenting How much time you have for presenting How Many Audience are their What resource available to you for presentation


What You are Presenting

General:- General means any subject of common understanding for example Pollution ,corruption , Democracy, Clean India Mission Yoga etcSpecific:- Specific means topic which can only be understand by professionals For example Satellite communication , Taxation system of India , Share market, Stock Exchange (N.S.E. and B.S.E.)

What You are Presenting

Sensitive : Sensitive Topics means which can hurts the emotions of any particular community or caste

Interesting : In which people wants to involve for there fun and pleasure for example topics related to Games, Movies , fashion etc

Whom You are Presenting

[a] Students[b] Boss[c] Customers [d] Subordinate[f] Friends[g] On Stage in any events[h] General people in park or road

Where You are Presenting

[a] In a Classroom[b] In office[c] Customers at market place[d] at any public place park,stage,Road

Why You are Presenting

[a] Delivering Knowledge[b] Convince your boss [c] Convince Your buyers to purchase[d] you want to share your ideas with your friends [g] In a Press conference a group of people [h] you are leading a group of people or motivating a group of people

How much time you have for Presenting

You want to cover a topic superficially or in depth

What Different Resources are available

[a] No Resource available.

[b] Public address system is available.

[c] White board available with marker.

[c] Multimedia , power point and all modern facalities like smart class are available.

You Should also aware about

[a] What are the key points of your presentation.[b] The Crux or conclusion of your presentation

Suppose any weather conditions or any situations changed then what points should be covered.

You Should also Plan

[a]. How you can make your presentation interactiveYou should prepare some Question answersQuiz related to your presentation You can also invite some suggestions from audienceYou can also invite audience on the stage for participate in speech or some other activities [b] How you will maintain a comfort zone for you and your audience[c] How You will maintain Decorum and Discipline [d] How you will maintain coolness and calmness

Some Important Topics Make a presentation of 30 minutes in a group of 3 people[1] Tourist spot of Himanchal Pradesh.[2] M.P. Tourism.[3] Jammu and Kashmeer.[4] Human Rights.[5] Consumer Rights.[6] Women Rights.[7] Diabetes. [8] Heart Deceases.[9] How Yoga is helpful for healthy India. [10] Make in India is helpful for developed India.[11] Tourism opportunities in India.[12] Self Employment.[13] Stock Exchange. [14] Taxation system of India.

Judgment Sheet

S.N Name of Group Members

Contents Representation Presentation

Any Questions

Thank You