Presentation to EACA

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Presentation to EACA, Warsaw, 11 June 2010


• The Social Media Revolution

The Social Media Revolution

Presentation to the EACAWarsaw

June 11, 2010

The take away

• A basic understanding of what social media is

• An introduction to the future client• The shape of the future agency

What is social media?Separation

Information Means of distribution

A brief history of information

A brief history of information

Welcome to the post-Gutenberg World

Mass information distribution costs nothing

Everyone has the tools

Content has been liberated

Answers to a problem which no longer exists

Marketing = the art of reduction

Advertising man

Web designer

A 30 second, one-to-many mass message

The King of MarketingBrand Proposition XVI

Let them eat Twitter

The end of the brand proposition and a return to

the world of storytelling

More on this later ...

Traditionaldigital marketing

The world of social media

What’s going on out there?

Not a world of information

It’s a world of connection and action

The challenge:Get the connected

crowd to support what you do, rather than replace what you do

Death by 10,000 niches

Big / Generic Small / Specific

The end of the brand proposition and a return to

the world of storytelling

The future clientAndy LarkDell Computer

“Social media is not about blogging, or wikis, or RSS or any of that sort of

stuff. It’s about how you use listening and coalescing the

conversations that are going on to inform everything you are doing...

“...It powers the fundamentals of the business – it changes everything”




We like what you doSay thanksWe don’t like what you doApologise and explain what you are doing about it

Who are you, what do you doProvide a detailed answer

Here’s how to make it betterCreate a space where this can be discussed


The future for agencies

Making candles

Providing light

The present for agencies







The Apple Story

The P&G Story


How we used to do it

Makes 5,000 “ads” every day

Content warehouse• Contains the answers to all the

questions a customer might have• Tells people what you are up to• Brings your story to life


Reductive marketingBrand propositionOne-to-many mass message

• Creating brand stories• Content which answers

questions• Making, rather than

buying, media

• The Social Media Revolution

The Social Media Revolution