
Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Birth- Lamar, Missouri, May 8, 1884 Ancestry- Scotch- English Baptist Bess Wallace Political Party- Democrat V.P. : Alben W. Barkley (1949-1953) Military, Farmer, Banker, Timekeeper for railroad,

U.S. Senator & V.P Writer

1945- V-J Day 1945- San Francisco Conference 1947- Taft-Hartley Act 1947- Truman Doctrine Declared 1949- North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Refrigerator Toaster Fan Vacuum Maytag washer Trail Blazers

1945- war ended 1946- more then 2.2 million vows exchanged, 3.8 million babies born- 8

million more then the previous year. 1946-49 pitching the new prosperity, fashion takes off. 1947- communism becomes new threat 1949- GI Bill of rights twice as many graduates as a decade before. 1951- 22nd amendment adopted