Post on 20-Mar-2016

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ND Pharma & Biotech

PreserFood TM/Sweet Forte

Natural Nutrition & Sugar Substitution

With 4 differential vegetal polysaccharides and novel fractions of Inuline in combination with micro-nutrients and certain mineral salts, is how we conform this variation over our general

formula of PreserFood TM/® SWEET.

This product is specially designed to all those sectors in need of a natural sweetener for sugar –reduced and sugar free elaborated end-products where sugar can be replaced also by a

natural sweetener that may act as “bulking agent” in relationship with the sugar processors and producers replace, something that it is not totally feasible with the use of other potent

sweetening agents as our ACEK 250 or any other high intensity-zero calorie compounds. PreserFood TM/® SW Forte is the natural choice for nutrition and flavoring every kind of its

class products and elaborates made by and for, distinction.

PreserFood TM/® SW Forte

Another Product with Quality Guarantee of ND Pharma & Biotech

1. Significantly fewer calories than sucrose, glucose or fructose.

2. Physical and chemical properties that match those of sucrose in all food applications

3. Mouthfeel comparable to sugar.

4. Freedom from adhesion to lips and tongue.

5. Freedom from toothpack (freedom from packing into crowns of teeth).

6. Proved and Clinically Tested* Presence of secondary health benefits

7. No negative side effects and completely safe at reasonable levels of consumption*

8. In the dry product, freedom from caking and clumping.

9. In the wet product no settling out or fractionation upon standing.

*Clinically Tested and Research Through e-Technowor´s clinical situation imitation computerized model.





Low calorie

Minimal gastrointestinal effect/reject

Low cost

No off-flavors

High solubility

Low viscosity


Ability to brown

Protein/Starch interactions similar to sucrose

ND Pharma & Biotech Food & Nutrition Division

Th is booklet is conta in ing in format iona l issues and promot iona l mater ia ls on ly. The in format ion conta ined does not const i tute or sha l l be used to construe any k ind of guarantee of speci f ic propert ies of products descr ibed and/or depicted here in or the i r su i tab i l i ty for a part icu lar pretended use or appl icat ion. The products and serv ices depicted here are subject and protected by certa in industr ia l , in te l lectua l and propr ietary r ights. Qual i ty of our products is guaranteed by our Genera l Sales Condit ions. PRESERFOOD TM/® SWEET and PRESERFOOD TM/® SW FORTE are reg istered TRADE MARKS by the owner of r ights and used under l icense by ND Pharma & Biotech Co. Ltd. & subsid iar ies.

©2013 ND Pharma & Biotech