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PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich CONTENTS

1. The Company - Profile - Visions and Social Responsibility

2. The Global Gold Market - Gold – A limited resource - Review - Gold Mining in Ecuador

3. Facts & Figures 4. The Stock 5. Management 6. The Goldmine Projects

- Yellowsur - Zaruma – Portovelo Mining District - Nicaragua Gold

7. The Green Earth Project 8. The Business & Biodiversity Initiative 9. Press Releases 2008

- 29.07.2008 Miramonte Mining AG increases the environmental goals for 2008

- 05.06.2008 Report on Exploration certifies the high potential of the Miramonte Mining Miranda Alto concession in Ecuador

- 28.05.2008 Miramonte Mining AG presents the Green Earth Project at the ninth Meeting of the Con-ference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Bonn

- 28.05.2008 Miramonte Mining AG reports on 2007 Financials

- 13.05.2008 Miramonte Mining AG fulfills all regulations of the new Mining Mandate in Ecuador

- 05.03.2008 Report on Exploration certifies the high potential of the Miramonte Mining Yellowsur gold mine project in Ecuador

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich

- 22.02.2008 Miramonte Mining AG joins the Business and Biodiversity Initiative of the German Fed-eral Ministry for Environment

Published: July , 2008

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich THE COMPANY

Profile Miramonte Mining AG is a holding company based in Zurich, Switzerland. The company runs several gold mines through the wholly owned subsidiaries Servicio de Procesamiento Minero Miproser S.A., Beneficio Cruz del Sur, Benecrusa S.A. and Explotaciones Auríferas del Sur Yellowsur Cia. Ltda. based in Zaruma and Bucay, Ecuador and Nicaragua Gold S.A. in Managua, Nicaragua. For its con-cessions, Miramonte Mining sets up separate companies, which run the gold-mining operations. Miramonte Mining has significant reserves in the famous Portovelo/Zaruma gold belt , in the Province of El Oro and Bucay in the Province of Bolivar in Southern Ecuador and in Nicaragua. In January 2006 Miramonte Mining began exploration and production of gold with 60 employees. This is not the usual approach in the gold business. Most of the other companies in Ecuador and Nicaragua have only conducted limited gold exploration to date. Visions and Social Responsibility Miramonte Mining goal is to develop into one of the leading large-scale gold producing companies in Ecuador. The management cooperates with the Dirección Nacional de Minería, DINAMI, in Ecuador. Miramonte Mining is committed to ethical and fair business dealings and promotes a corporate culture which is non-sectarian and non-political. The small cap gold-mining company conducts its business by finding, acquiring, developing and pro-ducing quality reserves in a safe, profitable and socially responsible manner. In practice, this translates into bringing long-term benefits to the communities and regions where Miramonte Mining operates. By maintaining high standards to protect human health and the environment, and working in coopera-tion with our host communities, Miramonte Mining endeavors to create sustainable, long-term eco-nomic and social opportunities.

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich THE GLOBAL GOLD MARKET

Gold – A limited resource Today, like all investments and commodities, the price of gold is ultimately driven by supply and de-mand, including hoarding and dis-hoarding. Unlike most other commodities, hoarding and dis-hoarding plays a much larger role in effecting the price; since nearly all the gold ever mined still exists and is potentially able to come onto the market at the right price. Central banks and the International Monetary Fund play an important role in the gold price. At the end of 2004 central banks and official organizations held 19 percent of all above ground gold as official gold reserves. European central banks, such as the Bank of England and Swiss National Bank, sold a total of approximately 500 tons of gold per year from the late 1990’s through 2005. In November 2005, Russia, Argentina, and South Africa expressed interest in increasing their gold holdings. With the exception of Russia, these are not viewed as significant central banks, but any move by Japan, China, or South Korea to do the same would be seen as significant. Currently the United States has 75 percent of its foreign reserves in gold, whereas China holds only approximately 1percent in gold. Although central banks do not generally announce gold purchases in advance, some, such as Russia as of late 2005, have expressed interest in expanding their gold reserves. In early 2006, China, announced that it was looking for ways to improve the returns of the official reserves. Many bulls took this as a thinly veiled signal that gold would play a larger role in China’s reserves, which they hope will push up the price of gold. It would, however, be impossible for China to increase its gold reserves by any-thing other than a small percentage, since there is simply insufficient gold available on the market.

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Review Historically, whenever a crisis threatened, the demand for physical gold increased. When dollars were fully exchangeable into gold, both were regarded as money. When people feared their bank would fail, a possible outcome was a bank run. This happened in the United States during the Great Depression of the 1930’s; which lead President Roosevelt to impose a national emergency, outlawing the holding of gold by US citizens. Paper currencies pose a risk of being inflated, possibly to the point of hyperinflation. Traditionally, currencies have lost their value in this way over time. In times of inflation, people seek to protect their savings by purchasing liquid, tangible assets that are valued for some other purpose. Gold is a good candidate in this respect. Producing more gold is far more difficult than issuing new fiat currency, additionally gold does not rely on any particular government’s health. According to the World Gold Council, annual gold production over the last few years has been close to 2,500 tons. However, the effect of official gold sales (500 tons), scrap sales (850 tons), and pro-ducer hedging activities takes the annual gold supply to around 3,500 tons. About 3,000 tons goes into jewelry or industrial/dental production. For the last few years retail investors and gold funds have taken up the official sector sales of around 500 tons. Some investors consider that supply and demand factors for gold are less relevant than with other commodities given that most of the gold ever mined is still above ground and available for sale. How-ever, supply and demand does play a role. According to the World Gold Council, gold demand rose 29 percent in the first half of 2005. This increase came primarily from the launch of a gold exchange-traded fund, as well as the jewelry industry. Gold demand was at an all-time high record. Demand from the electronics industry is rising 11percent every year, jewelry by 19 percent, and industrial /dental by 21 percent.

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Gold Mining in Ecuador Ecuador’s economy picked up after the severe financial crisis in 1999. This led to an increase of ex-tensive loans from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and in 2001 the US dollar became the official currency. This last step, the “dollarization”, was necessary in order for the gov-ernment to restore the stability of the national economy, also for the purpose of attracting direct for-eign investment. This investment allowed the country to continue to fulfill its obligations. In addition to this “dollarization”, Ecuador’s economy is primarily based on revenue from crude oil exports, direct foreign investment, money transfers from immigrants, and foreign debts on the part of the private sec-tor. The impact of these economic circumstances on the institutional structure of the mining sector in Ec-uador was soon visible. As part of the debt discharge agreement from the year 2000, the World Bank recommended the development of the mining sector. Extensive changes to the Ecuadorian Mining Act of 1991 quickly followed, subsequently assembling a completely new regulation package for the min-ing sector on April 17, 2001. In 2002 these new regulations led to greater security for tit le holders in the mining industry and reformed the tit le transfer process from exploration to mining operations through the creation of a new title register. This implementation was the responsibility of the Direc-ción Nacional de Minería (DINAMI). These new regulations encouraged investment through measures such as:

Extension of the concession periods to 30 years as well as the right to renew them Abolition of the 3 percent mineral extraction charge to the government Reform of the approval procedures for tit le transfer from exploration to actual mining Permission for foreigners to hold concessions without the need of Ecuadorian partners Establishment of legal guarantees securing the right to operate a mine once a feasibility study

has been concluded with a positive result Gold exploration and production by small private companies continue to play an important role in Ecuador’s total annual gold production. Systematic, modern exploration has only taken place to a lim-ited extent, despite the countries long history of gold mining. DINAMI publishes annual statistics for gold production, yet experts believe that many informal activities are not included in these reports. Nevertheless, gold production in Ecuador is rising.

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich FACTS & FIGURES

Head Office Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 8008 Zurich, Switzerland Tel.: +41 (0)43 500 16 23 Fax: +41 (0)43 500 16 24 E-mail: Internet:

Subsidiaries Miramonte Mining Ecuador

Malecón 512 entre Imbabura y Tomás Martínez Edificio Riviera, Torre Norte Piso 9, Ofc. 4 Guayaquil, Ecuador

Servicio de Procesamiento Minero Miproser S.A. Malecón 512 entre Imbabura y Tomás Martínez Edificio Riviera, Torre Norte Piso 9, Ofc. 4 Guayaquil, Ecuador Yellowsur Cia Ltda. Malecón 512 entre Imbabura y Tomás Martínez Edificio Riviera, Torre Norte Piso 9, Ofc. 4 Guayaquil, Ecuador Beneficio Cruz del Sur, Benecrusa S.A. Malecón 512 entre Imbabura y Tomás Martínez Edificio Riviera, Torre Norte Piso 9, Ofc. 4 Guayaquil, Ecuador

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich

Nicaragua Gold S.A. Gimnasio Hercules 3 Cuadras A Sur Varas Al Este, Casa 216 Managua, Nicaragua

Established January, 2006 Employees 60 Management Larry D. Williams (President & CEO)

Misty Castiglia (Vice President) Alberto Fierro (Director of Ecuador)

Business Year January to December

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich THE STOCK

International Security Identification Number CH0028351796

Ticker Symbol MMD.FSE Market Segment Open Market First Trading Day June 26, 2007 Capital Stock 707,800 CHF Number of Shares 70,780,000

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich MANAGEMENT

Larry D. Williams (President & CEO ) Larry Williams is a senior management professional with over 20 years experience in business development, human resources, marketing, sales, and executive management. He started his career in 1983 as a technical, certified orthotist at Missoula Orthotics and Prosthetics in Missoula, MT United States. In 1993 Larry Williams acquired and expanded the operations of Missoula Orthotics and Prosthetics. He executed a series of business development initiatives that expanded sales, opened new markets, and built new distribution channels. By redefining the organizational structure, the company produced impressive results. The multi-faceted experience and visionary leadership of Larry Williams are qualities he dedicates to the ambitious gold mining company Miramonte Mining AG. As President & CEO, Larry Williams leads operations with responsibility for bottom-line factors, including long-range planning and directs all operations of the business with domestic and international interest. He navigates the Miramonte Mining AG management team, multiple district managers and the workforce in Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Switzerland. Larry Williams has a commendation of the University of Montana as a Guest Lecturer and an ABC Certification in prosthetics, orthotics and pedorthics from the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), USA.

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Misty Castiglia (Vice President) Misty Castiglia is an accomplished executive with domestic and international experience in business operations. She started her career in 2004 as a project manager of Monte Verde, Las Vegas, to implement a new security program, run risk analyses, and establish fully computerized security operations. After co-founding and managing Rotterdam Security, Las Vegas, as COO Misty Castiglia became an executive consultant re-sponsible for developing marketing strategies for IPO and business succession plans. Since 2007 Misty Castiglia runs the international business of Miramonte Mining AG in South America. Experienced in both strategic planning and tactical management she advances the gold mining projects in Ecuador and Nicaragua. Furthermore, she initiated the Green Earth Project in 2007 in order to protect the environment and provide education and support to the communities surrounding the property of Miramonte Mining AG in Ecuador and Nicaragua. Misty Castiglia received the Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice and Bachelor of Arts in German at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich THE GOLDMINE PROJECTS

The volume of gold in the earth’s crust is 4 mg/t, in seawater there is a concentration of 0.01 mg/m3. The gold deposits are distributed over the entire planet, with South Africa currently leading the way in the amount of gold mined. The excavation of mined gold, however, is only profitable when one ton of stone or ore contains at least 5 grams of gold. One ton of ore from the areas worked by Miramonte Mining AG contains an average of 8 grams of gold. Miramonte Mining AG currently has gold reserves estimated at 1.5 million ounces. In the gold region of Portovelo/Zaruma, Miramonte Mining AG has been extracting ore since the beginning of 2006 for the sole purpose of acquiring gold. This region in Ecuador is an under-explored area in which there are still extensive gold deposits. The history of gold mining in this area goes back many centuries – to the age of the Incas. Miramonte Mining AG holds concessions through its subsidiaries, Servicio de Procesamiento Minero Miproser S.A. and Yellowsur Cia Ltda. To the north of Zaruma, the company operates seven mines and several more close to the town of Bucay. In December 2007, the portfolio of concession areas was expanded outside of Ecuador with the purchase of Nicaragua Gold SA. Yellowsur Near to the town of Bucay – 70 kilometers east of Guayaquil and 110 kilometers north of the mining areas near Zaruma – is the Yellowsur gold mine. The concession area covers 1,400 hectares. Yellow-sur is noted for its outstanding gold values of 4 to 130 grams of gold per ton of ore. Miramonte Mining AG attaches great significance to infrastructure that is already in place and opera-tional: Yellowsur has lodging, access to the mines, and a processing line comprising crusher mills, an activated carbon system, as well as cyanide tanks for gold extraction. There are five entrances to the underground mining with one main shaft. When the plant is running at full capacity it is possible to process 40 tons of ore per day. This capacity may be increased significantly with the implementation of only a few measures.

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Zaruma – Portovelo Mining District The Miranda mine was originally owned by a mining individual who held ownership of the property for over thirty years. Some rudimentary tunnels and mining activity took place over this period, but no significant volume of ore was extracted. In the beginning Miramonte Mining AG utilized the existing mining works, tunnels, raises, and shafts to access the gold bearing veins. These tunnels have been improved by the utilization of advanced engineering technology to serve the mining requirements of the project. The Miranda concession is the key to the neighboring four concession areas, as it is located on a mountaintop and is connected to the most tunnels. The concession area towards the north and also the concession areas towards the south are accessible via the Miranda tunnels. In December 2007, Miramonte Mining AG began expansions in order to enhance the company’s processing plant in Por-tovelo/Zaruma. This includes the expansion of the current milling process and also the implementation of a new Flotation System. This Flotation System will allow the plant to now recover 93-97% of the copper, 80-86% of the silver and 70-75% of the gold. Nicaragua Gold Nicaragua Gold S.A. was founded in 2006. The company owns the concession for a 300 hectare proc-essing area in the gold region of Santa Domingo in Nicaragua. Since the takeover in December 2007, Miramonte Mining has begun to upgrade and enhance the processing plant of the gold mine. The gold mine project of Nicaragua Gold S.A., Monte Verde Gold, is currently producing. It is in the process of construction to increase production from 20 tons per day to 80 tons of ore per day, as well as building and implementing a more modern plant, a refinery, and a drilling program. Nicaragua Gold S.A. currently holds corporate and managing offices in Managua, Nicaragua. Monte Verde Gold began in 2007; however, the area has been mined since the late 18th century. The gold mine is currently in the process of constructing its own refinery based on a cyanide extraction process. The cyanide is bound in Zinc after the gold extraction. Cyanide extraction is the most cost effective method to extract gold. At present the mine fully complies with all domestic and international envi-ronmental standards. A basic road system is in place for ease of access to the mine site. Additional infrastructure improvements are planned for the near future. The gold bearing composites consists of white/black quartz veins that vary in width from one meter to seven meters. All of the veins appear to have a vertical attitude which equates to easier ore extraction. As there are many smaller goldmines located in the greater Santa Domingo vicinity, Miramonte Min-ing AG plans to expand by acquiring mines located nearby.

PRESS KIT PRESSEMAPPE Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich THE GREEN EARTH PROJECT

With the initiation of the Green Earth Project in December, 2007 Miramonte Mining AG began to undertake concrete action to reforest the rain forest in Ecuador. The goal of the Green Earth Project is to protect people’s living environment, the wildlife, and flora for future generations. To reduce the global footprint Mira- monte Mining AG reforests the areas around the mine sites. The company plants more than 600 trees and bushes every year. Fundamental knowledge of native flora in Ecuador is the basis for the implementation of various activities to protect wildlife. The Green Earth Project also includes the following supporting actions:

- Providing education and support to the communities surrounding our property - Planning efficient use of the land - Incorporating conservation funding into the finance plans of Miramonte Mining AG - Protecting more land in the region while supporting the wildlife

Background Ecuador is one of 17 mega-diverse countries in the world. Ecuador has 1600 bird species (15 percent of the world's known bird species) in the continental area and 38 more endemic species in the Galapa-gos. In addition to 25,000 species of plants, the country has 106 endemic reptiles, 138 endemic am-phibians, and 6,000 species of butterflies. The Galapagos Islands are w ell known as a region of dis-tinct fauna, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Despite being on the UNESCO list , the Galapagos Islands are endangered by a range of negative environmental effects, threatening the existence of this exotic ecosystem.


For the first t ime Miramonte Mining AG along with a group of 33 internationally renowned businesses from a wide range of sectors has acknowledged their responsibility for the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity. The initiative "Business & Biodiversity" was triggered

by Federal Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel in 2008. Miramonte Mining AG and the other com-panies like Volkswagen, Heidelberg Cement, Bionade, MARS, Kajima Construction and Oji Paper, for example, committed themselves to far-reaching actions in order to put special emphasis on bio-logical diversity in their company policies. Miramonte Mining AG and the other members of the Business & Biodiversity Initiative undertake, among other things, to analyze the effects of their business ac-tivities on biodiversity and to orient their environmental management system accordingly. Reporting on and control of all activities regarding biodiversity are to be attributed to a senior management position. In addition, suppliers are to be informed about the biodiversity goals of the company and to be involved step by step.

From 19 to 30 May 2008 Germany hosted the 9th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Bonn. 5000 delegates from 190 countries attended. At the conference the initiative "Business & Biodiversity" and the Green Earth Project of Miramonte Mining AG was introduced to the global community.

PRESS RELEASE PRESSEMITTEILUNG Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Miramonte Mining AG increases the environmental goals for 2008 Zurich, July 29th, 2008. The Miramonte Mining AG today announced the increase of the environmental goals in their own gold mine areas of Ecuador for 2008, in the context of the Green Earth Project. Aligned with their membership in the Business & Biodiversity Initiative and the successful presentation at the High Level Segment at the convention on Biological Diversity last May in Bonn, Miramonte Mining has intensified the ecology activities considerably. “After starting with concrete actions to reforest the rain forest in Ecuador in 2007 we decided to plant more than 3,000 trees and bushes this year. We are proud to adjust the environmental goals for 2008. The Miramonte Mining AG will reforest the rain forest around the mine sites in Ecuador with more than 4,000 trees and bushes”, explains Misty Castiglia, Vice President of Miramonte Mining AG. With realisation of this new objective, the gold mining company makes an important contribution for the biodiversity in this South American country. The high environmental standards in their gold mines of Ecuador are exemplary for the continued work of Miramonte Mining AG. “Together with the local communities and the environmental ministry in Ecuador we will advance our Green Earth Project”, adds Misty Castiglia. About Miramonte Mining AG Miramonte Mining AG is a small cap gold mining company with increasing portfolio of projects in Ecuador and Nicaragua. The head office of the company is located in Zürich, Switzerland. The stocks of Miramonte Mining are listed in the Open Market in Frankfurt (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6) Contact Miramonte Mining AG fr financial relations gmbh Tel +41 (0)43 500 16 23 Michael Goliath Fax +41 (0)43 500 16 24 Tel +49 (0)69 95 90 83 12 E-Mail: Fax +49 (0)69 95 90 83 99 E-Mail:

PRESS RELEASE PRESSEMITTEILUNG Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Report on Exploration certifies the high potential of the Miramonte Mining Miranda Alto concession in Ecuador Zurich, June 5th, 2008. Miramonte Mining today announced the publishing of a report on exploration potential for the Miranda Alto concession. The report was prepared by DUNCAN BAIN CONSULTING LTD. Duncan Bain is an independent exploration and mining geologist from London, Ontario in Canada. The gold mine concession of Miramonte Mining is located in Portovelo/Zaruma in the province of El Oro in southern Ecuador. It covers an area of 18.3 hectares and is actively mined. In his report about the two currently active levels, Duncan Bain gives a preliminary estimate of the gold resources in the Miranda Alto concession. It can produce an assessed tonnage of 200,000 tonnes for each of four veins. Current and historical assay values give an average grade of approximately 3g/T gold for a total of approximately 2.4 million grams or 75,000 ounces. With improved mining and milling methods this resources can be taken advantage of. Miramonte Mining could be able to mine the Miranda Alto Project up to 1.6 million tonnes, with a grade of 10g/T gold. “This resources can produce 16 million grams of gold or 500,000 ounces in the next years”, says Larry Williams, CEO of Miramonte Mining AG. Ten samples of typical ore were taken from veins underground and from the mill processing this material. These samples returned values ranging from 0.14g/T to 68g/T gold. Significant lead and copper values were also noted. “Miranda Alto has currently three active levels with an estimated strike length of the veins of 600 m, an average width of 1.0 m and an average depth of 800 m”, adds Alberto Fierro, Managing Director of Miramonte Mining AG in Ecuador. About Miramonte Mining AG Miramonte Mining AG is a small cap gold mining company with increasing portfolio of projects in Ecuador and Nicaragua. The head office of the company is located in Zürich, Switzerland. The stocks of Miramonte Mining are listed in the Open Market in Frankfurt (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6) Contact Miramonte Mining AG fr financial relations gmbh Tel +41 (0)43 500 16 23 Michael Goliath Fax +41 (0)43 500 16 24 Tel +49 (0)69 95 90 83 12 E-Mail: Fax +49 (0)69 95 90 83 99 E-Mail:

PRESS RELEASE PRESSEMITTEILUNG Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Miramonte Mining AG presents the Green Earth Project at the ninth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Bonn Zurich, May 28th, 2008. The Miramonte Mining AG (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6) will present its Green Earth Project to the 190 representatives of the international community at the High Level Segment of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on the 29th of May in Bonn. Miramonte Mining is a member of the Business and Biodiversity Initiative, a global alliance of companies which have actively incorporated concrete guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity into their business concept. “The membership in the Business and Biodiversity Initiative in line with big German and international companies is an important step for us in the public perception worldwide. With the presentation to the Environment Ministers of the 190 CBD signatory states at the High Level Segment Miramonte Mining will attain international attention both for the company and the Green Earth Project”, explains Larry Williams, CEO of Miramonte Mining AG. “We set up high unique standards in gold exploration, gold production and saving the environment and biodiversity around the Miramonte Mining mine sites”, says Misty Gagliardi, organizer of the Green Earth Project. The company began concrete actions to reforest the rain forest in Ecuador last year. “We started by planting more than 600 trees and bushes in 2007. This year our goal is to plant more than 3.000 trees and bushes”, adds Misty Gagliardi. After the presentation of the Business and Biodiversity Initiative at the High Level Segment and the Business and Biodiversity Press Conference on May 29th, 2008, the representatives of Miramonte Mining will converse with media delegates and the trade visitors in the World Conference Centre and the Business and Biodiversity Lounge at the Expo of Diversity in Bonn. About Miramonte Mining AG Miramonte Mining AG is a small cap gold mining company with increasing portfolio of projects in Ecuador and Nicaragua. The head office of the company is located in Zürich, Switzerland. The stocks of Miramonte Mining are listed in the Open Market in Frankfurt (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6) Contact Miramonte Mining AG fr financial relations gmbh Tel +41 (0)43 500 16 23 Michael Goliath Fax +41 (0)43 500 16 24 Tel +49 (0)69 95 90 83 12 E-Mail: Fax +49 (0)69 95 90 83 99 E-Mail:

PRESS RELEASE PRESSEMITTEILUNG Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Miramonte Mining AG reports on 2007 Financials Zurich, May 28th, 2008. Miramonte Mining (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6) today reported total revenue of $1.17 million for the fiscal year 2007, ended December 31st, 2007. The total costs of sale came up to $0.66 million; the total expenses were $0.52 million. The net loss for the fiscal year 2007 was $9,495. „Our focus in 2007 was the expansion of the concession areas of Miramonte Mining in South America. This was realized successfully and due to the upgrade and enhancement of our processing plant in Portovelo/Zaruma in the province of El Oro in southern Ecuador we were able to keep the cost per ounce currently at around $280”, outlined Larry Williams, CEO of Miramonte Mining. The completion of the plant expansion of Miramonte Mining in Portovelo/Zaruma is scheduled in the next two month. “With the start of production in Nicaragua in June 2008, we expect the company results will be significantly higher than 2007. We assumed that Miramonte Mining will have a total production of more than 3,500 ounces of gold this year”, added Larry Williams. The results of the Nicaragua Gold S.A. project will be part of the Miramonte Mining AG figures 2008. About Miramonte Mining AG Miramonte Mining AG is a small cap gold mining company with increasing portfolio of projects in Ecuador and Nicaragua. The head office of the company is located in Zürich, Switzerland. The stocks of Miramonte Mining are listed in the Open Market in Frankfurt (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6) Contact Miramonte Mining AG fr financial relations gmbh Tel +41 (0)43 500 16 23 Michael Goliath Fax +41 (0)43 500 16 24 Tel +49 (0)69 95 90 83 12 E-Mail: Fax +49 (0)69 95 90 83 99 E-Mail:

PRESS RELEASE PRESSEMITTEILUNG Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Miramonte Mining AG fulfills all regulations of the new Mining Mandate in Ecuador Zurich, May 13th, 2008. Miramonte Mining (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6) today announced that the new Mining Mandate in Ecuador does not impair the gold mining activities of the company. Miramonte Mining is running its operations in their concessions in the Zaruma and Bucay area with total normality. The Mining Mandate in Ecuador was passed the Constituent Assembly of the Ecuadorian government on April 18th, 2008. The most relevant part of this Mining Mandate is that they declared the extinction without an economic compensation, of all mining concessions which in the exploration stage, and having made any investment in the development of the project as at 31st December, 2007, and which have not submitted the pertinent Environmental Impact Assessment, or which have not conducted the prior consultation project, including those pending an administrative resolution. “Miramonte Mining is mining in Ecuador under a well planned corporate structure which let us operate each concession as an independent unit and each area as a different project totally independent of each other,” comments Larry Williams, CEO of Miramonte Mining AG. “Our corporate policy in Ecuador is to be up to date in all the obligations with the government such as taxes, concession fees, environmental impact assessments, and good relations with the community, among others”, continues Larry Williams. The subsidiaries of Miramonte Mining in Ecuador fulfilled all licensing requirements and orders of the Ecuadorian government before March 31st, 2007. Larry Williams adds: “Our ecology philosophy, a modern working process and the social responsibility for the communities around the mine sites are further success factors of the Miramonte Mining AG in Ecuador.” About Miramonte Mining AG Miramonte Mining AG is a small cap gold mining company with increasing portfolio of projects in Ecuador and Nicaragua. The head office of the company is located in Zürich, Switzerland. The stocks of Miramonte Mining are listed in the Open Market in Frankfurt (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6) Contact Miramonte Mining AG fr financial relations gmbh Tel +41 (0)43 500 16 23 Michael Goliath Fax +41 (0)43 500 16 24 Tel +49 (0)69 95 90 83 12 E-Mail: Fax +49 (0)69 95 90 83 99 E-Mail:

PRESS RELEASE PRESSEMITTEILUNG Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Report on Exploration certifies the high potential of the Miramonte Mining Yellowsur gold mine project in Ecuador Zurich, March 5th, 2008. Miramonte Mining (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6) today announced the publishing of a report on exploration potential for the Yellowsur gold mine project in the Bucay area in the province of Bolivar, Ecuador. The report was prepared by DUNCAN BAIN CONSULTING LTD. Duncan Bain is an independent exploration and mining geologist from London, Ontario in Canada. The exploration report certifies the high mining potential of the four concessions owned by Miramonte Mining in the Yellowsur area. Nine samples of typical ore were taken by the geologist Duncan Bain from veins underground and three additional samples were taken from the mill processing this material. “These samples returned values ranging from 0.028g/T to 138g/T gold. The results were similar to those taken by Explotaciones Auriferas del Sur Yellowsur Cia. Ltda., the company who sold the concessions to Miramonte Mining”, Alberto Fierro, Managing Director of Miramonte Mining AG in Ecuador, adds. In his report about the two currently active levels, Duncan Bain gives a preliminary estimate of the gold resources in Yellowsur. The length of strike is estimated on 500 metres, the average width on 0.8 metres and the depth on 1,700 metres. This would produce an assessed tonnage of 272,000 tonnes for each of the eight veins reported in the area of Nueva Esperanza mine, in the southwest part of Yellowsur. Assuming they are of similar size a total resource of 2.28 million tonnes could be roughly estimated. Current assay values from the geologist and historical data from Yellowsur Cia. Ltda. give an average grade of approximately 8g/T gold, for a total of approximately 17 million grams or 500.000 ounces. “With improved mining and milling methods this resources can be taken advantage of. Miramonte Mining could be able to improve the output of the Yellowsur Project up to 4 million tonnes. At 7g/T this resources can produce 20.8 million grams of gold or 900.000 ounces”, explains Larry Williams, CEO of Miramonte Mining AG. The complete report on exploration potential can be ordered by E-Mail. Please address your enquiry to About Miramonte Mining AG Miramonte Mining AG is a small cap gold mining company with increasing portfolio of projects in Ecuador and Nicaragua. The head office of the company is located in Zürich, Switzerland. The stocks of Miramonte Mining are listed in the Open Market in Frankfurt (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6)

PRESS RELEASE PRESSEMITTEILUNG Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Contact Miramonte Mining AG fr financial relations gmbh Tel +41 (0)43 500 16 23 Michael Goliath Fax +41 (0)43 500 16 24 Tel +49 (0)69 95 90 83 12 E-Mail: Fax +49 (0)69 95 90 83 99 E-Mail:

PRESS RELEASE PRESSEMITTEILUNG Miramonte Mining AG Bellerivestrasse 28 CH-8008 Zürich Miramonte Mining AG joins the Business and Biodiversity Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Environment Zurich, February 22nd, 2008. Miramonte Mining (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6) today announced the signing of the leadership declaration for the implementation of the UN convention on Biological Diversity. The Business and Biodiversity Initiative was launched from the German Federal Ministry for Environment. “With the initiation of the Green Earth Project in Ecuador last year we focus on protecting the forest surrounding our mines, and thereby to maintain the biodiversity in our mining areas”, comments Larry Williams, CEO of Miramonte Mining AG. “The engagement of Miramonte Mining AG for the Business and Biodiversity Initiative of the German Government was a logical conclusion for our young company. We are proud to stand in line with many big German and international companies in this initiative”, adds Larry Williams. Miramonte Mining already began concrete actions to reforest the rain forest in Ecuador by planting more than 600 trees and bushes every year. Ecuador is one of 17 mega-diverse countries in the world according to Conservation International. The aim of the Green Earth Project is to protect the people’s living environment, the wildlife and the flora in long term coverage. “The ecology philosophy and the social responsibility of Miramonte Mining have their origin in the modern working process in our gold mines at Yellowsur near Bucay, Ecuador and also in Nicaragua”, says Misty Gagliardi, organizer of the Green Earth Project and adds: “The continued upgrade and enhancement of the processing plant was the first step to set up high unique standards in gold exploration, gold production and saving the environment around the mine sites.” About Miramonte Mining AG Miramonte Mining AG is a small cap gold mining company with increasing portfolio of projects in Ecuador and Nicaragua. The head office of the company is located in Zürich, Switzerland. The stocks of Miramonte Mining are listed in the Open Market in Frankfurt (ISIN CH0028351796 / WKN A0MMH6) Contact Miramonte Mining AG fr financial relations gmbh Tel +41 (0)43 500 16 23 Michael Goliath Fax +41 (0)43 500 16 24 Tel +49 (0)69 95 90 83 12 E-Mail: Fax +49 (0)69 95 90 83 99 E-Mail: