Press Release New ISSA catalogue ShipServ enabledOne Step Ahead Press Release Page 1 of 2 New ISSA...

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New ISSA cata logue ShipServ enabled 21 Mar 2002

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Catalogue – completely revised

The In ternat ional Ship Suppl iers Assoc iat ion ( ISSA) today

publ ished the la test ed i t ion of i ts Ships Stores Cata logue. I t comes

in both hardback and CD form, both o f which have been complete ly

rev ised. A l though th is is not the f i rs t t ime that i t has been

publ ished on CD, ISSA has had ShipServ, i ts prefer red e-commerce

par tner , redes ign and upgrade the CD vers ion.

Whi le re ta in ing the s tandard ISSA seven d ig i t codes, the rest o f the

hardback cata logue has been complete ly rev ised wi th more

in format ion, a rev ised index wi th bet ter descr ip t ions and new

sect ions, e .g . on safety products making i t easy to f ind products

necessary to comply wi th the ISM code. For the f i rs t t ime many

i tems on the CD are i l lus t ra ted.

ShipServ empowers the catalogue

ShipServ has made the CD cata logue easy to use and has

in tegrated i t w i th i ts on board requis i t ion generator , ShipL ink L i te ,

which is bundled for f ree on the CD and acts as a “shopping car t ”

for the cata logue. Ships ’ c rew can f ind any one of 35,000 i tems in

seconds and then eas i ly add i t to a requis i t ion, bu i ld ing up many

l ine i tems very qu ick ly . Th is in tegrat ion a lso improves accuracy and

helps the suppl ier to de l iver the product that the sh ip wants, sav ing

t ime and money.

Purchasing managers and suppl iers wi l l a lso f ind the two products

usefu l as the documents produced can be used as the bas is for

requests for quotes, quotat ions or orders .

ShipLInk makes catalogue e-commerce ready

Al though the L i te vers ion of ShipL ink is not d i rect ly in tegrated wi th

TradeNet , ShipServ 's t rad ing p la t form/network, i t can be upgraded

to the fu l l Standard vers ion of ShipL ink wi thout any fur ther

ins ta l la t ion. The User has on ly to enter a s imple code making i t

very easy for ShipServ to jo in sh ips to i ts system i f they are us ing

the ISSA cata logue.

The CD comes wi th two s imple tu tor ia ls so that a user can learn

how to use the two products in ten minutes. There is a th i rd tour

which expla ins how sh ip supply management e-commerce works

and in par t icu lar how ShipServ ’s products ass is t these processes

wi thout changing long estab l ished buyer and suppl ier re la t ionships.

Further Informat ion :

Spencer Eade

International Ship Suppliers Association

The Baltic Exchange

St Mary Axe

London EC3A 8BH


Tel: +44 20 7626 6236

Fax: +44 20 7626 6234


Mark Holford

ShipServ Ltd

Holland House

1-4 Bury street

London EC3A 5AE


Tel +44 20 7204 2350

Mobile +44 7802 222451


Issued by Nicholas Brown

MTI Network

Tel +44 20 7823 9444


O n e S t e p A h e a d

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New ISSA cata logue ShipServ enabled 21 Mar 2002

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“Twice as many advance orders…”

Comment ing on th is development ISSA Secretary , Spencer Eade

sa id :

“The in terest in th is new product has been dramat ic . We a l ready have 2,000 advance orders – tw ice as many as when we last publ ished the cata logue. I am sure that par t o f th is has to do wi th our members get t ing to gr ips wi th the oppor tun i t ies of e -commerce. ”

Paul Østergaard, CEO of ShipServ, added:

“We were proud to be asked to cont r ibute by ISSA. The use of ShipL ink as the shopping car t demonstrates i ts power , which we wi l l be cont inual ly develop ing as a too l to a l low indust ry and ind iv idual suppl ier cata logues to be put on board sh ips. We a l ready have suppl iers creat ing sh ip spec i f ic cata logues for the i r customers us ing th is too l . ”

Obtaining the catalogue

The catalogue is obtainable f rom ISSA at The Bal t ic Exchange, St Mary Axe, London EC3A 8BH, UK (Tel : +44 20 7626 6236, Fax: +44 20 7626 6234, emai l issa@dial .p The pr ice is £115 for the Catalogue and CD.

The International Ship Suppl iers Associat ion

ISSA is the internat ional associat ion represent ing near ly 2,000 ship suppl iers throughout the wor ld. I t has 38 nat ional associat ions of ship suppl iers as fu l l ISSA members and associate members in 44 other countr ies where no nat ional associat ion exists. ISSA members have to undergo a r igorous vet t ing procedure before gaining admit tance. I ts members and the goods and services they of fer can be found in every major port in the wor ld. The Associat ion was formed in 1955 and is now approaching hal f a century of service to the mari t ime industry.

ShipServ ShipServ is the leading suppl ier of Ship Supply Management sof tware and solut ions. I t has 185 contracted customers (extensive l is t on including 25 leading shipowners / managers (e.g. Anglo Eastern, Hoegh, Graig, J Laur i tzen and Orion Schi f fahrt , Vroon) and 160 suppl iers (e.g. Al fa Laval , Aalborg Industr ies , Hamworthy, Hempel, Man B&W, Warts i la, MacGregor) . In addi t ion another 350 suppl iers have received orders through ShipServ TradeNet. ShipServ has of f ices in London, Copenhagen, Oslo and Rotterdam.