PRESTASHOP – VTIGER CRM CONNECTOR - crm … · Vtiger CRM - Prestashop Connector Installation...

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Vtiger CRM - Prestashop Connector


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Vtiger CRM - Prestashop Connector

Vtiger CRM - Prestashop ConnectorFor PRESTASHOP version 1.4.x and 1.5.xFor vtiger CRM version 5.1 , 5.2.0, 5.2.1, 5.3 and 5.4

IntroductionAs an e-shop manager, the search of better ways to manage your customers, in order to

keep their loyalty, is a constant and essential point of your activity. So you've got to have the best tools to meet that need.

We made a software which you can easily link your e-shop Prestashop website with a Customer Relationship Management software (CRM) : vtigerCRM.

Easy to use and setup, this interface offers the possibility to record automatically your customers, products, orders and invoices in your CRM and then have the possibility to process these data with your CRM software's tools.

PresentationThis interface allow to synchronize easily your e-shop data toward vtigerCRM. Here is a list

of user's actions which launch an action in the CRM.

E-shop's side action CRM's consequences

Customer registration- If the e-mail address is already used in a Contact or an Account, the matched entity is updated.- If the e-mail address isn't used, a Lead is created.

Customer logging - If a customer log on, his existence into the CRM is tested.- If he's not a Lead or a Contact, he's registered as Lead.

A customer places an order

- The order is registered in CRM, considering the currency used by the customer.- If products doesn't exist in CRM, the order isn't registered.- The customer is registered if he wasn't yet.

Product creation (admin) - When a product is added into the e-shop, this one is recorded into the CRM, if it doesn't exists yet (i.e. the product code isn't used in a CRM product).- If a product hasn't code, it's built using the product's ID

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number after the prefix « #presta_ ».

Products export (admin)

- E-shop products (basic informations, without combinations) are recorded in the CRM.- If a product hasn't code, this last one is built with the product's ID number (Prestashop's id product) after the prefix « #presta_ ».

Customers export (admin)

- E-shop's customers are registered into the CRM.- If he haven't already made an order, he is registered as a Lead.- If he already had made at least one order, he's registered as Contact and Account.- If a customer is already registered into the CRM (e-mail address), he isn't updated except if the overwrite option is checked.

Currencies setup (admin)

- Currencies which already exists into the CRM are retrieved and linked with the e-shop ones using ISO 4217's codes. During module installation or currencies' links updating, they are created or activated during that process if they weren't yet.

Orders updates (admin)

- When an order's status changes, this one is changed into the CRM (if the order exists into the CRM).- Some status permit an invoice creation into the CRM.- If the order generated an invoice, its status is updated too.- When products are deleted in an order, they're deleted too into the CRM Sales Order and into the CRM Invoice if it exists (except with some status).

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Read this BEFORE any installation.

It's highly recommended to do a backup (a dump) of your databases (e-shop and CRM) before continue.

PrestaVtConnector 1.x (or higher version) have to be installed BEFORE linking the e-shop to the CRM. It's recommended to install this module before installing vtigercrmconnector module in the shop to prevent any potential damage.

After PrestaVtConnector module installation, you have to make sure that :

Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Products, Potentials, SalesOrder and Invoices modules are actives.

The chosen user used to connect the shop to the CRM have corrects access rights.

Installation PrestaVtConnector module and CRM setup.

• Log on the CRM with an admin profile.

• In « Settings / Module Manager », choose « Custom Modules » and then click on « Import New ».

• Select file on your computer by clicking on « File... » and then click on « Import ».

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• If there's no error, continue the installation and wait til it's finished.

• A new value « Prestashop » should be available in Potentials', Leads' and Contacts' « Origin » field. If it's not the case, add it from list editor by respecting case (« P » upper case, « restashop » lower case).

• Make sure that PrestaVtConnector, Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Products, Invoices and SalesOrder modules are active in the « Module Manager ».

• Check that global privileges (« Settings / Sharing Access ») are at Public: Read, Create/Edit, Delete.

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• Finally, check that the user (prefer admin) you'll use to connect the shop to the CRM has the same rights on these modules.

Beware:In CRM configuration, strip mandatory properties on Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Sales Order, Invoices and Products modules fields. Give a special attention on “dates”, “check boxes”, “related to another module” fields types. If a field of this kind isn't manages by the connector, this can make failed the recording process into the CRM.

Installation of vtigerCRM Connector module

Log on your shop as admin.

In « Module » tag, click on « Add a module from my computer »(1) and then select the file « » using file manager (2) before validate by clicking on « Upload this module » (3).

Go in sub-part « Migration Tools » and then click on « Install » button for

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« vtigercrmconnector » module.

If installation succeed (1), click on “Configure” (2).

Enter CRM's URL, ending by a slash (« / »).

Beware !! An URL like WON'T WORKS !!For that example, correct URL would been .

Enter User name (prefer admin).

Copy user key from “My Preferences“ (into the CRM) of the chosen user (category “User Advanced Options“) and then paste it in the corresponding field (in vtigercrmconnector setup).

Click on “Validate and test“.

If the connection succeed, you are on that page.

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Please remember that if the picture on the left of “Connect to [...]”(1) is red or orange, it means that a problem occurred. You've got to click on this picture to know the issue's origin.

Setup vtigerCRM Connector module.

On the previous screen-shoot, five area had been highlighted.The first (1) permit to access at connection's details state. It contents two big parts :

connection state details, installation and status modules, and a log list generated by this module.

The second (2) permit to manage connection parameters.

The third (3) permit to define created Sales Order's subjects prefixes (1 below), define links between CRM's currencies and e-shop's currencies (2 below).

For the prefix, please mind that only alphanumeric chars (without accents) and # [ ] _ - are accepted. Spaces are accepted but not in the beginning.

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An automatic linking process using ISO 4217's codes is available (1 below). A manual assignation is possible (2 below). Save the selection (3 below).

It's strongly recommended to active into CRM the same currencies than those available in the shop in order to avoid any problem.

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The forth part (4) permit to manage e-shop data export to the CRM. So, it's possible to export all the products with one click (A), as the customers (B). You can make this operation only once for the customers.

A pop-up saying that an export is in process appear for each modules when it had the functionality available (products and customers).It disappear when the process ends or when the maximum execution time is about to been reached and then the page will be reloaded. In that case, a message says that the export hadn't have enough time to finish and it needs to be relaunched manually. By clicking again on the button (the export restart where it was stopped).When exports are finished, there are the screens you can see:

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If a problem occurred and if the page is « cut », this means that the export hadn't enough time to finish. This could occurred if you had many elements and/or a low server configuration. Restart this until return page is normal.Make sure shop's default currency (the one which products are created) is the same that the CRM one, so that values between the two platforms are coherent.

The fifth (5) is a simple link to the CRM which is connected to the e-shop.

Summary – How to

Once the modules had been installed in the right order (CRM's in first, Prestahop's in second), and you have registered the connection information like the previous explanation, you are on the main interface. Now, you have the configure the connector.

1. Check if all connection parameters and modules status are right.2. In CRM configuration, unset mandatory properties on Leads, Accounts, Contacts,

Sales Order, Invoices and Products modules; for “date”, “check boxes” and “related to another module” fields types in particular. If a mandatory fields isn't managed by the connector, this can make the record process fail.

3. In Configure part of the Prestashop's module, choose a prefix for Sales Orders.Sales order prefix will be, with the number of the order in Prestashop, the Sales Order title into the CRM. The prefix will take place before the Prestashop order number. For example, if the prefix is “E-shop order No”, the Sales order title in CRM will be “E-shop order No1” for the e-shop order number 1

You can personalize this text to put into them the name of your e-shop for example. Authorized characters are alphanumeric (without accents), spaces, #, [, ], _, -. Text must not begin by a space.

4. CRM and Prestashop currencies are related between them on the first connection. It's still recommended to check that the relation were well made. If no currency is visible after had click on “Display currencies interface”, click on “Link currencies automatically”.

“Link currencies automatically” button also used to update currencies possibly added after the first connection.

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5. Now, you can pass to the “Export” part. Export products and customers into the CRM at this moment is OBLIGATORY.

If a customer never made an order, he is created as Lead. Otherwise, a Contact and an Account are created. Customers' email addresses are used to determine if they are recorded or not into the CRM. Note that the export will automatically create an Account from company name if it that information is present, else it will be created using Contact’s last and first name.

Advanced use

Update vtiger CRM Connector module.

Updates giving new functionality or bug fixes can be provided by ABOnline Solutions

For security reasons, it's recommended to close temporarily the access to your e-shop for your customers and make a backup of you shop and CRM data before updating, to p^revent any potential damage.

Once all precautions needed are taken, you can update your module by following this


1. Click on « Add a module from my computer »(1) and then select the update file « » using file manager (2) before validate by clicking on « Upload this module » (3).

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2. Go to module's configure part by clicking on the link “Configure”.

3. The following message should appear: “You have loaded a new version of the module. Please click on update button to finalize it.”(1).

4. Click on « Update module » button (A).5. Please wait til that message (1) disappear.

6. Make sure that the update succeed by checking logs “Success#040” (2). To display the logs, click on the green icon (1).

Add a product

When a product is added to the shop, it's into the CRM too, if the connection and configuration are fine. In Prestashop version 1.5.X, you've got to click on “Save” after having updated the quantity to have them recorded into the CRM.

Update a product

A product is updated only when you click on “Save”. If modifications occurred oncombinations, stock quantities won't be updated directly. You have to click on “Save” to have this change recorded (like a product creation in Prestashop 1.5.x version).

IMPORTANT : THE CRM HAVE TO BE IN UTF-8(, default_charset). CRM's MySQL database have to be in utf8_general_ci.

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Module Vtiger CRM - Prestashop ConnectorBy ABOnline Solutions SARL149 avenue du Maine 75014 PARIS

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