Prevent Flu Young Audience

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Protect yourself and your loved ones from flu, including H1N1! Presentation suitable for school age children.


Prevent The Flufor You, Your Family and


What Flu Fighters Need to Know:Germs Viruses Influenza Virus = Seasonal and other “Flu”Preventing the Flu What to do when you are sickBe Prepared!

GermsTiny “bugs” that can make people and

animals sick

Germs can be spread from person to person

Being “infected” means that germs have gotten into your body and can make you sick

Viruses are one type of germ that can be spread and can make us sick

Influenza = The “Flu” virusFlu viruses can make us sick with symptoms

like the cold – but may be worse Flu virus are unpredictable and change every

yearSeasonal Flu = variety of flu that visits us

every year making people sickNovel H1N1 Flu = another type of Flu that

also makes us sick and that is new this yearScientists work hard to find vaccines to

prevent Seasonal and other types of Flu

H1N1 Flu Viruses Under the Microscope

Preventing the FluGet Immunized (seasonal and H1N1) –

“Flu Shots”Fight the Germs

Wash Hands with Soap and Warm WaterUse Hand SanitizersCover Coughs and Sneezes (tissue/toss;

elbow; wash)Avoid Touching Your Eyes, Nose and Mouth

(other people’s too!)Don’t Share Food or DrinksSanitize/Clean Surfaces

Stay Home if You are Sick

Vaccines – Immunizationshelp prevent Flu and other Virus infections

Get Your Flu Shots

Get your seasonal flu shot every year.

Get the H1N1 vaccine when it becomes available to you.

Wash HandsWash hands with

soap and water as often as possible.

Rub hands together for at least 20 seconds (Happy Birthday Song X2)

Use Anti-bacterial Hand SanitizersIf soap and water

are not available, use anti-bacterial hand sanitizers.

Use enough to get hands wet, about a tablespoon

Rub for 20 seconds until hands are dry

•Flu germs spread through the air when you cough or sneeze.

•If you have the flu and sneeze, anyone within 6 feet of your cough or sneeze is at risk of getting sick too

Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose and Mouth

Germs spread through openings into your body. If you have flu virus on your hands and you touch your eyes, nose or mouth you might get sick with flu

Cover Your Cough or SneezeIf you don’t have a tissue,

cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm. This keeps you from getting germs on your hands where they can easily be spread.

Throw Away Tissues Throw away tissues

after coughing or sneezing into them.

Wash Your Hands!

Sanitize Common Surfaces

Sanitize or disinfect common surfaces like doorknobs, toys, keyboards, faucets, telephones and shopping cart handles.

Sanitize by using diluted chlorine bleach and water solution. One tablespoon bleach (no more) per gallon of water.

Stay Home if You are Sick

Keep children home from school, day care or camp for at least 24 hours after fever is gone. (Without fever-reducing medicine)

A fever is defined as 100 degrees F or 37.8 degrees C

Who Should Get Flu Shots

Priority groups for receiving seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccine:

Get a seasonal vaccination now and H1N1 vaccinations when vaccine is available. Find a flu clinic at

JCPH offers flu vaccine at it’s regularly scheduled immunization clinics. Call 303-232-6301 to make an appointment.

5 priority groups for receiving vaccine when it becomes available:

pregnant women people who live with or care for children

younger than 6 months of age healthcare and emergency medical

services personnel

persons between the age of 6 months through 24 years of age and,

people from ages 25 through 64 who are at high risk for novel H1N1 because of chronic health disorders or who are compromised.

When to contact your doctor - children

• Difficulty breathing, fast breathing

• Bluish or gray skin color

• Not drinking enough fluids

• Severe or persistent vomiting

• Pre-existing medical conditions (like diabetes, asthma) that could be worsened by flu

• Not waking up, not interacting, irritability

• Symptoms improve then return

Contact your doctor’s office before going.

When to contact your doctor - adults• Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath

• Sudden dizziness or confusion

• Severe or persistent vomiting

• Pre-existing medical conditions (like pregnancy, diabetes, asthma) that could be worsened by flu

• Symptoms improve then return

Contact your doctor’s office before going.

Prepare and PlanPrepare for an emergency that might require

staying at home a week or moreKeep basics like food/medications and the

necessities to care for ill family membersPrepare to keep your family functioning and

supervised if you get sick

#1 Way to Prevent Illness Wash Your Hands!

After the bathroomAfter playing Before/after cooking eatingAfter cleaning When around sick people

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