Preventing the "Oops!" Email

Post on 17-May-2015

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Holiday email campaigns help you drive the highest revenue all year. However, the increased pace around development and launch can increase the likelihood of highly visible mistakes. You'll walk away with best practices and walk away with a risk prevention toolkit to help you: - Avoid the “Oops!” – Campaign briefs, QA checklists, and testing best practices to keep you out of trouble - Mitigate the “Oops!” – Uh oh... Now what?! Critically assess the situation, take appropriate action, and make good with your subscribers – even when the problem is outside of your control - Get Creative – Should the faux “Oops!” email ever be part of your strategy? We’ll look at examples of creative “Oops!” emails, and weigh the real and perceived risks and benefits of sending a faux “Oops!” during the holidays.
