Primary Research Into Healthy Drinks Ltd

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  • 8/2/2019 Primary Research Into Healthy Drinks Ltd


    Introduction to Marketing Concepts

    Unit MKT396

    Charlotte Lystor


    Primary Research into Healthy Drinks Ltd

    By Richard Sayer

  • 8/2/2019 Primary Research Into Healthy Drinks Ltd


  • 8/2/2019 Primary Research Into Healthy Drinks Ltd


    Questionnaire Results

    Interpret, and Present Findings Using Text Table Graphs

    Questionnaires are one the main tools used in market research. The questionnaire was

    based on 10 questions and surveyed 50 people to gather primary market research data forHealth Drinks Ltd. The objective of the questionnaire is for us to gather information on

    items such as flavour, price, packaging, etc, so we can make a decision about the final


    I used an online survey called Surveymonkey to collect my results. Its a quick and easy

    way to design a professional questionnaire. With everyone having access to the internet

    in one form or another, it is quick to get the results back and analyse them.

    Question 1

    Are you male or female?

    Answer Response Amount Response Percentage

    Male (1) 27 54%

    Female (2) 23 46%

    Total Responses 50

    This object of this question was so I could see if would get an even amount of male and

    female responses. This would also help us see if there is a difference in responses

    between the two sexes.

    Question 2

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    How old are you?

    Answer Response Amount Response Percentage

    0 10 (1) 0 0%

    11 20 (2) 8 16%

    21 30 (3) 24 48%

    31 40 (4) 12 24%

    41 50 (5) 2 4%

    51 60 (6) 4 8%

    61 + (7) 0 0%

    Total Responses 50


    This survey was sent out to equal amount of each age range. I only took the first 50responses and as it can clearly be seen the 21-30 age range came back the quickest with

    responses. This could be bias due to the fact the questionnaire was completed over the

    internet. Pew Internet reports that 83%of ages 18-29 use the internet compared to 33% of

    65 year olds or over. This could also indicate that the younger ages may use the interneton a more regular basis due the popular use of applications like Facebook.

    Question 3

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    Where do you normally purchase your take-away drinks?

    Answer Response Amount Response Percentage

    Coffee Shop (1) 12 24%

    Health Food Shop (2) 0 0%

    Local Shop (3) 9 18%

    Newsagents (4) 11 22%

    Supermarket (5) 18 36%

    Total Responses 50


    This question gives us a clear idea on where people mostly purchase there drinks, givingus a better idea on where best to market and place point of sale advertising for ourproduct. The strongest response supermarket could be due to the fact that most people

    would do there shopping every couple of weeks and stock up on there day to day use of

    products. But the use of other shops (coffee shops, newsagents and local shops) makes upa larger share of the results indicating that if we place our product in the right place

    against other products, with the aid of point of sale, could help to increase our sales.

    Question 4

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    How much do you spend a week on take-away drinks?

    Answer Response Amount Response Percentage

    0.00 - 5.00 (1) 34 68%

    5.01 - 10.00 (2) 12 24%

    10.01 - 15.00 (3) 4 8%

    15.01 - 20.00 (4) 0 0%

    20.01 + (5) 0 0%

    Total Responses 50


    The idea of this question is to gauge roughly how much someone spends a week, out sideof the supermarket and shows that from an average of 50 people that there is a maximumof 350 spent a week in take away drinks

    Question 5

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    Which of the following flavours would you normally choose to have in your milk,fruit, yoghurt or water based drink?

    Answer Response Amount Response Percentage

    Apple (1) 5 10%

    Banana (2) 11 22%

    Blackcurrant (3) 3 6%

    Cherry (4) 0 0%Orange (5) 13 26%

    Pineapple (6) 0 0%

    Raspberry (7) 8 16%

    Strawberry (8) 10 20%

    Total Responses 50



    This was an important question to cover as this will help us decide which flavour productto launch in the UK market. I am also interested to see of which sex prefers which

    flavour, which can be seen below.



    Question 6

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    How important is environmentally friendly packaging in motivating your drinkpurchase decisions? (On a scale of 1 to 5)

    Answer Response Amount Response Percentage

    1 - Not Important (1) 14 28%

    2 (2) 9 18%

    3 (3) 16 32%

    4 (4) 4 8%

    5 - Very Important (5) 7 14%

    Total Responses 50


    There are two questions on this survey which were intended to see if the influences of

    recycling and as the later question will cover, fair-trade products, would influence the

    consumers decision on purchasing the product. As it can be seen from the results it doesmake up part of there decision but is not a major contributing factor in deciding upon the


    Question 7

  • 8/2/2019 Primary Research Into Healthy Drinks Ltd


    How do you prefer you drink to be packaged?

    Answer Response Amount Response Percentage

    Glass Bottle (1) 3 6%

    Carton (2) 4 8%

    Plastic Bottle (3) 43 86%

    Foil Packed (4) 0 0%

    Total Responses 50

    Similar to the last question, the results tell us how people would want there product

    packaged, which also gives us the indication on how easy it is to recycle the waste.Plastic or Glass would be fully recyclable, where as the other packaging is more likely tobe used from recycled products.

    Question 8

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    How important is Fair Trade drinks in motivating your drink purchase decisions?(On a scale of 1 to 5)

    Answer Response Amount Response Percentage

    1 - Not Important (1) 9 18%

    2 (2) 8 16%

    3 (3) 18 36%

    4 (4) 8 16%5 - Very Important (5) 7 14%

    Total Responses 50


    Similar to question 6, the idea was to see how important fair-trade products influence the buying decision. This seems to have more influence than environmentally friendly

    packaging in the buying decision. Our products are from local farmers and would be a

    major selling point for our range of healthy drinks.

    Question 9

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    What would be appropriate price range for a 500ml natural fruits beverage?

    Answer Response Amount Response Percentage

    0.00 - 0.75 (1) 4 8%

    0.76 - 1.00 (2) 14 28%

    1.01 - 1.25 (3) 14 28%

    1.26 - 1.50 (4) 12 24%

    1.51 - 1.75 (5) 4 8%1.76 - 2.00 (6) 1 2%

    2.01 + (7) 1 2%

    Total Responses 50


    It can be seen from these results that we could price our products at over a pound. It

    might be a good idea to launch a trial price for a short period of time to help influence thepeople who would not normally be inclined to spend that much. Another idea might be to

    advertise at point of sale, if someone was to purchase two types of our drinks they would

    receive them at a lower price.

    Question 10

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    Over a three month period how often do you buy multi-packs of healthy drinks(yoghurt, smoothies & fruit juices) from your supermarket?

    Answer Response Amount Response Percentage

    0 (1) 20 40%

    1 2 (2) 9 18%

    3 4 (3) 9 18%

    5 6 (4) 3 6%7 8 (5) 4 8%

    9 10 (6) 2 4%

    10 + (7) 3 6%

    Total Responses 50


    The final question was mainly gauged at the supermarket buyer who maybe more likely

    to purchase muti-packs. Although 40% said they have not bought muti-packs in the last 3

    months from a supermarket, 60% said they have. This survey was only based on 50

    people, the amount of people who walk into a supermarket on a daily basis is obviouslyon a much larger scale. This shows there is high potential of selling multi-packs though

    supermarket chains, again a trial price might be a way of encouraging people to try our



  • 8/2/2019 Primary Research Into Healthy Drinks Ltd


    The questionnaire has helped give us up to date information on both customer needs and

    buyer behaviour. The questionnaire was sent out to equal amount of people from each

    age range and clearly shows bias on the 21 40 age range, but on the positive side this isthe market demographic we are trying to aim out products at.

    The results on what people are prepared to pay for a 500ml healthy drink was surprisingas quite often a bottle of coke of the same quantity is less than a pound, which shows

    people are prepared to pay more for a good quality healthy drink. The addition of it being

    a fairtrade product may help influence the buying decision further.

    The market, even under the current economic situation is still growing, although it may

    be at a slower pace than previous years (Zenith, 2008). Therefore packaging will need to

    very clear and must get our point across if people are purchase our products off the shelfat either the newsagents or supermarket.

    A strategy will need to be developed to identify marketing strategies and objectives. The

    products need to be innovative, so to give Healthy Drinks Ltd a good start in the market.There is a strong future potential with the smoothie market due to the increasing

    awareness of fair trade and manufacturers focusing on mass appeal

    A flexible strategy will have to be employed to enable the company to grow and expand.

    The products need to be kept innovate, so not to be complacent in the market. There is a

    strong future potential with the smoothie market due to the increasing awareness of fairtrade and manufacturers focusing on mass appeal.

    The next step will involve working out and justifying our market strategy, and decide ona marketing model which will suit Healthy rinks Ltd.


  • 8/2/2019 Primary Research Into Healthy Drinks Ltd


    Times 100, 2009,Establishing customer needs [online]. Available:

    [accessed 17th January 2009]

    Talking Retail, 2008,Britain leads the way in ethical shopping[online]. Available: [accessed 17th January 2009]

    Zenith, 2008, UK Smoothies [online]. Available:

    id=183&desc=UK+Smoothies [accessed 17th January 2009]

    Mintel, 2008,Pocket Money [online]. Available:

    00256 [accessed 17th January 2009]

    Tutor2u, Market research questionnaires [online]. Available: [accessed 17th

    January 2009]

    Surveymonkey, Surveymonkey [online]. Available: [accessed 17th January 2009]

    Pew Internet, 2006,Demographics of Internet Users [online]. Available: [accessed 17th January


    Zenith, 2008, UK Smoothie Sales Top 300m [online]. Available: file:///E:/Business

    %20Management%20Foundation%20Year%200/Introduction%20to%20Marketing/ArticleDetail.aspx.htm [accessed 16th January 2009]