Principal's pen 3 2014

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Dear Parents As the pictures shows you, our new school Hall/Gym and Chapel is making excellent progress. The contractors are aiming to have it completed by mid-May so even though we will use it beforehand, we won‟t have the official opening until mid to late June. We will announce the date soon. .

Information Evening/Open Day

These occasions once again gave new and current families a chance to find out more about Wellesley. We had a particularly good turn-out for Open Day and the Information Evening also went well. Our senior boy hosts did a very good job providing tours for the many visiting families.

A cute note left on our science teacher’s desk. Left: Arie and Duncan at the City Gallery.

Right: David--pancake relay--Shrove Tuesday

Easter Service

Our Easter Service on Wednesday April 9th at 1.30pm will be an appropriate way to celebrate this key Christian ceremony. Thank you to Sarah Bleier and all the staff for helping to make this a special occasion. The boys will be actively involved either through the dramatisation of the Easter story or through the many songs we sing together. We usually invite our school community to this service but because of the very limited space in the Performing Arts rooms we won‟t be able to issue the invitation this year. Shrove Tuesday is celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday and is therefore the final day before the commencement of Lent, a Christian Festival leading up to Easter Sunday.

With the help of a few parents, Sarah Bleier and her class provided pancakes for all the classes. Sarah then organised pancake races where the boys (who wanted to) ran relays carrying a pancake in a frying pan. Following

Wellesley College Newsletter # 3 31st March 2014

this the boys had a pancake flipping competition. All good fun and thank you Sarah for making this happen.

Wellesley College Parents’ Association AGM

The evening went very well and another strong committee has been elected for this year. Thanks to outgoing Secretary, Julie Batchelor, who has done a great job and contributed so much over the many years she has been on the committee. Congratulations and thanks to the following officers and committee: Committee Officers: Lucy Ross (Chairman), Allan Ransley (Treasurer) and Teresa Read (Secretary) Committee: Adrian Porter, Laurel Makowen, Sharyn Mitchell, Phillipa Paviour-Smith, Jo Healy, Rochelle Parks, Pam Caird, Chloe Bridgeman, Aidan Bognuda, Pradeep Navalkar and Philippa Bossley. It is not too late to join the Parents‟ Association, so please consider doing so. Contact Lucy Ross on 472 9392 if you are keen to be involved.

Mason, Louis, Oscar and Max taking Chapel Sacha with his St Kentigern’s rival Kate Sinclair with some of the Enviro group.

(Salad from the school garden)


All boys in Year 8 had the opportunity to apply for the position of House Captain for their house. All candidates who applied presented to their classmates a resume of why they would make an outstanding House Captain. Boys in each of the Year 8 classes then voted on who they thought should be House Captain for their respective House. The three highest polling candidates from each class then went through to the second round in the process whereby they were interviewed by a panel made up of three Y8 representatives from the candidate‟s House and myself. The candidates had to answer a range of questions and all were very impressive in their responses. After the interviews the panel ranked the candidates based on the candidates‟ interviews. The candidates then presented their resume to their House cohort (Y1-8). The boys in each House then voted for who they thought to be the best applicant. Again the candidates were ranked according to the votes received and both rankings were added together to decide the House Captain and his Deputies. The following decisions were made – congratulations to all involved. Croydon House Captain: Paul McDonald Croydon Deputies: Rahul Vijayasenan and Callum Benfell Marlborough House Captain: Hamish Hutton Marlborough Deputies: Kristian Kielland and Nick Cooke Selwyn House Captain: Joseph Hewson Selwyn Deputies: Will Hausmann and Jake Young Wellington House Captain: Bede Brown Wellington Deputies: Hugh Morrison and Callum Hancock

We have explicit and high expectations of all the boys but in Year 8 we expect the boys to be great role models to the younger boys.

Essentially this means that the boys will honour the golden rule of „treating others how they wish to be treated‟ and give of their personal best both in and out of the classroom. We have gone into more detail with the boys so they are clear about what we are looking for, and stressed the need for them to care for, and positively model, appropriate behaviour to the younger boys. If the boys can do this, they will be valuable leaders. All Year 8 boys who cope with this responsibility are presented with a House badge. Steve Girvan

ICT Update

ICT has continued to be a major focus both in terms of infrastructure and also teacher professional learning. Last year we had our Junior staff attend the Ulearn conference, and we have had Activeboard (interactive whiteboard) training here for our staff and also for teachers from other schools. We have a role in the Wellington Schools loop and this gives us professional learning support and also an insight into what secondary schools such as Wellington College are doing for student ICT provision. Our own one to one device programme has seen boys using a wide variety of devices with the the common denominator being a web browser and access to the Google suite of apps. Guidelines for devices which can be used as part of our programme are here: We have an active ICT committee (of Alison Garland, Kate Sinclair, Tim Parkes and Ross Hampton) whose role is to support professional learning in ICT within the different parts of the school. Digital citizenship is a key part of our programme and this is a good time to remind you of the guidelines (which fit in well with our Golden Rule). Digital Citizens of Wellesley College will...

· communicate responsibly and kindly with one another · protect our own and others‟ private information online · respect each others ideas and opinions · stay safe online by following gut feelings - think before we click · stand up to cyberbullying · give proper credit when using other‟s work · balance the time we spend online

Finally here are some links which may help you keep track of what is happening around the school. Main School Web Page: ( check out Warren‟s Blog and Twitter feed!) School Ultranet Quick Links: School Calendar: Class pages: Wellesley Facebook Page: (Would love some more likes!!) Science and Technology Blog: eLearning Twitter Feed: Web Tools for Learning: Ross Hampton Head of eLearning

Wellesley College

Student Goal Setting Interviews

These are now complete. We have found them very helpful and staff are positive about the feedback they have received from parents. Please do remember though, if you have any concerns or queries before the next round of formal interviews, make an appointment to see the teacher concerned. We are keen to keep the communication channels open.

Ollie, Paul, Callum, George, Luke and Tim all enjoyed writers‟ day with a group of

professional writers.

Lunchtime tennis fun. Cameron, Tyler, Robbie, Jack, Andrew and Callum

Tom Chisnall being congratulated after scoring 50

Roshan, Ethan and Jude of the Junior School have enjoyed their science study looking at ‘sinking and floating’.

Uniform Shop

With the cooler days creeping up on us, now is a good time to make sure that your boys have their warm clothing essentials for school. In the shop we have: Winter shirts made from brushed polycotton @ $46 - $51 Wellesley Beanies (always a good option for those frosty mornings) $15 Wellesley Scarves @ $36 Wellesley Jerseys @ $74 - $82 We have Canterbury Tracksuits for sale at $172 in sizes ranging from 8 – 14, a very smart option for winter sport time. Please note that slippers are required for Term 2 and Term 3. A hard-wearing rubber soled slipper is ideal. Shop Hours: Tuesdays 8.30am - 10.30am.

Thursdays 12.30pm - 3.30pm. If you wish to call and discuss I can be reached on 5628030 ext 808. Fiona Donnelly, (Uniform Shop Manager)

Student Council

On Wednesday March 12th, the school‟s Student Council held its first meeting for the year. An enthusiastic group of boys gathered together to eat their lunches while voting for office-holders and discussing past achievements of the Council. Mrs Norton took the opportunity to discuss the role and responsibility of class representatives. In addition, we reflected on some highlights of previous years‟ Student Council initiatives. The most memorable from 2013 being the „Wellesley‟s Got Talent‟ competition, held over two lunch-hours involving 30 contestants, and the mid-winter plunge to fundraise for the Angus Little appeal. The boys are looking forward to meeting with their classes and bringing forward more of their suggestions. This year‟s class representatives are: Yr 2: Sebbie Heine-Sheldrake, Sam Richards, 3G: Malachy Holborow, Mason Ruthven, 3C: Harry Young, Ariaan Rasheed, 4C: Ari Bonar, Jack Pettit, 4T:Samuel Gillingham, Gaurav Navalkar, 5S: Micaiah Read, Oscar Jackson, 5P: Joey Edginton, Jack Dobson, 6S: Ned Lutyens, Matt Bevan, 6O: James McDonnell, William Chandler, 6L: Alex Matthews, Ryan Double, 7N: Alisana Morris, William Stevenson, 7M: AJ Coyle, Alexi Zangouropolous, 7/8B: Theo Hertzig, Paul McDonald, 7/8T: Ben Ross, Josh Kemp-Whimp, 8P: Nick Cooke, Max Woodnorth, 8B: Joseph Hewson, Will Hausmann The Council Representatives voted for the position of Head and Deputy Head of House. Nick Cooke (8P) was voted Head of Student Council and Ben Ross (7/8T) was voted Deputy Head of Student Council.

Michelle Norton

Jenni Champion’s violin club is

going very well Zak, Hector, Roshan and David Dominic in the national pipeband


Performing Arts

Each term we endeavour to expose the boys to an Arts performance and this term it was New Zealand Playhouse performing Rapunzel for Years 1-6 and Bot Farm; Rise of The Appliances for Years 7 and 8. They visited the school in Week 8. It has been great to hear the boys discussing the various performances they attended with their families whilst the Festival of The Arts was on. Unfortunately we were not able to offer school bookings to any performances this year but the boys who did go to shows certainly passed on their enthusiasm and opinions to others! Ruth Hooke Congratulations to all who auditioned for the Y7/8 Choir earlier this term! Choir will start in Term 2 this year, a little later than usual. Our first practice will be in Week 1 of Term 2. Orchestra rehearsals are now underway on Fridays at 3.10 – 4.00pm every week. It‟s going to be an exciting year for both groups with lots of opportunities lined up. The Y8 Rock Band is also underway, meeting on Wednesday at lunchtimes. (If you haven‟t already done so, violin tutor Jenni Champion has set up a great learning blog on the Wellesley site: go to ultranet – quick links – learning blogs – violin lessons). Congratulations to Henry Burton-Wood (ex-Wellesley Orchestra member) who has been offered a place for the 2014 season of the Wellington Youth Sinfonietta. Their first public performance was for NZ Opera, as part of their offering for the 2014 Festival of the Arts in March playing for the Children's Opera "Noyes Fludde". Congratulations also to Y7/8B student Dominic Coffin, who is a member of Kapiti Pipes and Drums Band which won a number of places in the recent New Zealand Pipe Band Championships held in Tauranga. It was the first time in the Nationals for Dominic, who says over 60 bands competed. Mary-Anne Morgan

GAP Tutors

As usual we are seeking host families for later this year and next so please consider this experience. If you would like to find out more about being involved in this hosting programme, please give Steve Girvan a call. We have found after over 15 years of having GAP tutors, the vast majority add tremendous value to the families who host them. The period of hosting is usually one term.

From Term 3 we will welcome our new GAP tutor, Seb Morton. This is what the Dean of his school said about him. Sebastian is a fine young man whom I have had the pleasure of teaching and seeing develop throughput his time at Langley School. He is enthusiastic, unerringly positive and approaches life with a smile on his face. He is not afraid of hard work and will always be a reliable member of a team. He loves sport and his enthusiasm is catching. Sebastian understands the importance of hard graft and I feel he could inspire in young people a desire to make the greatest effort in order to reach their fullest potential. Sebastian would be a good addition to any school, and his loyalty, trustworthiness and positive attitude will be a real bonus to an employer.

Term 1 Citizenship Awards

All the children in the school anonymously voted for the two boys in their class whom they respected most for their integrity and caring behaviour towards their classmates. The following boys gained the most votes. Many were very close behind and over the year I am sure we will see a good cross-section of names.

Year 1 Eilaan Rasheed and Sebbie Dadic Year 2 Rishi Clinton and Dillan Rajanayagam Year 3C Tyler Hudig and Callum O’Connor Williams Year 3G Arthur Linkhorn and Max MacLachlan

Jenni Champion’s violin club is going very well

George and his class enjoying the art class Old boy Henrik Waiker sharing his top NZ scholarship portfolio work

Year 4C David Lillis, Nikolai Krupski and Tom Riley Year 4T Daniel Andrews and Joshua Langford Year 5P Ben Wilson and Alexander Heine-Sheldrake Year 5S Charlie Saxon and Oliver Pope Year 6O Luke Andrews and Judd Adamson Year 6L Alex Matthews and Ryan Double Year 6S Max Waiker and Matthew Bevan Year 7N Alisana Morris and George Murray. Year 7M Alexi Zangouropoulos, Jacob Edginton and Oliver Hall Year 7/8B Paul McDonald,Dominic Coffin and Lincoln Amaru Year 7/8T Andrew Sutcliffe, Ben Ross and Callum Benfell Year 8B Bede Brown and Hamish Hutton Year 8P Nick Cooke and Arlo Doak


There‟s been much excitement around our stream this term. Year 5 have been investigating it and for the first time we‟ve easily spotted fish and at least three different eels. I‟ve been bringing in meat and the boys have had lots of fun throwing it in and waiting for the eels to come out. Even some of the older boys and passing parents have joined in! The Junior classes have all been learning about floating and sinking and then using their new knowledge to help them build a rubber band powered boat. Water has certainly featured a lot during this warmer term! The Year 7 classes completed a unit on boats and boat building and then spent a day constructing their own sail boat. Races were held in the school pool and as the boys told me, they only had one Titanic! Some Middle Syndicate classes have been experimenting with torches, mirrors and lenses and finding how light travels, rainbows and the visible light spectrum. Lego Robotics lunchtime clubs are up and running and I have started taking some of the Senior classes for robotics so that most of the boys will have a number of sessions to learn about the programming of our Lego Mindstorms. Throughout the year we‟re planning that all classes from Year 6 will have this opportunity. We‟re soon going to have lots of snow peas growing in the Senior Syndicate as they are going over how to conduct a fair test and complete a science investigation in preparation for next term. Our Wellesley Science Week will be held towards the end of Term 2 and there will be more about this nearer the time. Don‟t forget to have a look at the Wellesley Science and Technology blog where you can find more information about what‟s happening in the science room and science around the school.

Jo Hawthorne

Y4 Rippa rugby-the boys did very well Ben, Rohan, Will, Sam, Oscar and Theo Y6s Tom, Archie and Tom

George concentrating on

his woodwork task Ryan, Rohan and Nikhil testing the water clarity in their Year 5 stream study.

P.E. Sport Report

The boys swam very well at the four different school swimming sports. The following were the final individual and house results:

Year 4 – 1st

Nikolai Krupski, 2nd

Arthur Egerton and 3rd

Gaurav Navalkar

Year 5 – 1st Hamish Simcock, 2

nd = Cameron Pattison, Ben Wilson and Pat Green

Year 6 – 1st Thomas Pou, 2

nd Archie Chandler, 3

rd James Johnston

Year 7/8 – 1st Callum Hancock, 2

nd Alex Laurenson, 3

rd Christopher Bramley, 1

st Y7 Ben Stirling

Year 4/5 – Marlborough

Year 6 – Wellington

Year 7/8 – Wellington

The middle school swimming team competed in their Zone event last week. Wellesley combined with Chilton to finish second. Six Wellesley boys qualified for the Inter-Zone event this week. The senior team have their meet on Monday 14 April. The Year 7 and 8 Athletics team competed in the Zone event at the Hutt Recreational Ground. There were a lot of great performances and the boys enjoyed the meet. The Year 8 relay team won for the third year in a row. The summer fixtures for the senior teams started in Week 4 with the hosting of Scots College. Wellesley won the tennis, softball and both cricket games. Wellesley hosted Saint Kentigern School in a summer fixture for the first time. A storm the day before which tailed off on the morning of the games had a major influence on the cricket game in particular. The game was moved to an artificial pitch and Wellesley struggled to a score just short of 80. Saint Kentigern enjoyed better conditions for their turn at bat and reached the total with the loss of several wickets. Wellesley was competitive in the tennis but Saint Kentigern dominated the score sheet. Thank you to the parents for billeting our visitors. Unfortunately, Wellington ground closures prevented St Mark‟s hosting four other Wellesley teams on the same day. Wellesley was hosted by Hadlow School (Masterton) in Week 6. Hadlow don‟t have any cricket teams again this year so the Tennis VIII and Softball teams hosted. There were some very competitive tennis games but Wellesley won the majority of the matches. The softball team were too strong for Hadlow, winning both of their games. Wellesley travelled away to Huntley School in Marton. The 1

st XI, 2

nd XI and the Year 6 Colts Cricket teams played

along with two Tennis VIIIs and the softball team. Wellesley won the 1st XI and Colts cricket games but lost the 2


XI game. The 2nd

Tennis VIII finally got to play after two cancellations and contributed to the clean sweep of all 24 matches. The softball team enjoyed the challenge against a skilled Huntley team and finished with a win apiece. Thank you to the large number of parents who supported and provided transport. Hereworth School made the trip up from Hawke‟s Bay to play cricket, tennis and softball. Wellesley won the tennis and softball but lost both cricket games. The 1

st XI had an exciting batting chase but fell just short of the Hereworth

total. This is another new summer exchange and we look forward to travelling to Hereworth for our yearly winter fixture. It is rare to billet summer teams so another thank you to our parents for accommodating the Hereworth boys. The Colts Cricket team also hosted Eastern Hutt and Waterloo Schools. They have their final fixture against Scots on Wednesday this week. The following boys were appointed 1

st team captains:

Cricket – Henry Chandler and Hugh Morrison

Tennis – Sacha Thomson

Softball – Sage Shaw-Tait

Marc Paulik is well respected local tennis coach and he agreed to run the new Hot Shots programme at school. The Year 1 to 5 boys have been involved in this programme funded by the Parents‟ Association. The equipment included in the package will enable us to build on Marc‟s sessions. The School Underwater Hockey team won the gold in the first tournament of the year which was a fantastic achievement so early in the season. They have their second tournament this Saturday. The Year 3 and 4 basketball team have been competing in their competition. They have been improving with each game.

Two boys were entered in the Wellington Triathlon Schools‟ Championships. These boys compete in triathlons and were familiar with the Scorching Bay course. Callum Hancock won his section and will be competing in the National event in Gisborne. Since swimming finished the boys have been training for the Cross Country. The School event takes place on Tuesday 15 April. All year groups start and finish on the school field. The start times are as follows:

12.15pm Juniors

1.00pm Year 4

1.15pm Year 5

1.35pm Year 6

2.00pm Year 7

2.20pm Year 8

Four Senior classes are taking part in the Yachting New Zealand “Have a go” programme this week and next. The boys will spend half a day learning the basics of sailing in Yachting NZ boats at the Seaview Marina. The two other senior classes have their turn in Term 4. A group of Year 5 boys are taking part in a Hutt Council organised Kiwi Sport Festival on Friday. The boys will be exposed to a range of different sports over the day. The Senior boys will be asked to indicate what winter team or teams they want to trial for this year. The trials will take place in the first three weeks of Term 2. The Year 5 and 6 boys will have the option of joining the hockey, football or rugby development squads which start training on the first Tuesday of next term. Teams for any inter-school games will be chosen from these squads. There will be other options for those boys not wanting be involved in rugby, hockey and football. The uniform shop has school tracksuits for sale and they are a compulsory item for senior boys. They will be well used in the winter months so contact Fiona Donnelly for more information if your son doesn‟t have one. Both the old and new styles can be worn but please name them clearly! Wellesley has a large number of sporting teams over a wide range of sports. We are open to the idea of parents running other teams outside of school hours which don‟t put more pressure on the already busy school programme. We have experienced teachers who manage our senior Waterpolo teams in the middle part of the year. If any parents are interested in managing basketball teams in any of the Year 5 to 8 year groups then let me know as well. I‟m happy to discuss these and any other options.

Darren Houston.

Writer’s Day Experience

We arrived at the Lower Hutt Library at about 9.00am on Tuesday 11

th March. We put down our bags and waited

for the other schools to arrive so we could begin our day. There were a lot of other schools there (16 in total). First they introduced the authors and illustrators. Then they put us into groups (we were with Raroa) to rotate us around the buildings to meet the authors and illustrators.

Monty, Tom and Ryan Gaurav, Arthur, Nikolai and Ari Alex in pool with Callum

hauling himself out

In the first rotation we met an internationally famous Swedish author called Ulf Stark. He talked a little about a few of his books, but he had a translator as he didn‟t speak much English. He told us to close our eyes, and to imagine a place other than home. Luke was the first to share his image of his Granny‟s house.

The next person we met was Marty Smith. She told us to write about a third eye, and what we could see with it. George wrote about seeing bacteria in the air, being able to see the oxygen flowing through our mouths and noses. Ollie wrote about the world from an ant's perspective. Paul wrote about being able to see memories happening over and over again.

In the next workshop we were with Sarah Laing and we talked about creating characters. She talked a LOT about herself and her journey as an author/illustrator. George created a raccoon called Bradley. Ollie created a homeless painter and Paul created a family of white tigers.

After morning tea we went to see Anna McKenzie who taught us about dialogue. Paul wrote about two girls gossiping over a guy. George wrote about two boys yelling at the TV. Ollie wrote about two boys arguing over which team they supported. Next up we were taught by Bob Kerr. He was a great illustrator. He gave us really short time periods to draw someone else (1-30 seconds). He seemed to think that rushed drawings are better. He had recently illustrated a book called Good Mates, set in World War 1. He would go over his drawings, again and again adding detail and colour. We were all very impressed with Callum‟s illustrations. Bob Kerr was Tim‟s favourite on the day. The last author was Ruth Paul, she illustrated and wrote children‟s picture books. She talked about her books, and how she came up with the ideas. She had made a slideshow to fit in with her talking. George had met her previously through rugby, and she recognised him. Overall we all enjoyed ourselves at the writer‟s workshop, and at the milkshake shop afterwards. After we had finished a woman talked to us about a writing competition and that we should all do it. At the end of the workshop, they gave a goody bag to each school with three books in it. So now we have three new books in the library.

By Paul McDonald, Ollie Hershon & George Parker

True Friends This was written by Sam Brown in Year 5P. What is a true friend? Well a true friend is loyal, trustworthy and respectful, making you feel like you should be positive and definitely include you. They will back you up, encourage you and be honest. They will always show the golden rule. But the most important thing is that you like each other and say nice things to each other and show fairness.

Staff News

We welcome Laurel Makowem who has started with us in the role as Development Office Support. This year we

have our Centenary which is going to demand considerable extra work. It is a fixed term position.

Annick Geldermans has announced her retirement after 30 years of service. Annick finishes up at the end of this

term and we will celebrate her with a special assembly and staff function. Annick started with us as a French

teacher and then as a Teacher Aide. She has been an absolutely outstanding and loyal staff member and she will

be sorely missed.

The Year 5s enjoying the ‘Wolrd of Maths’ and interactive experience. (Sam and Charlie in foreground)

Mr Mackie and the Senior

Softball team

Annick and her husband Eef Laurel

News from the Development office

Roger Mexted taught at Wellesley for over 25 years and was much loved by the staff and the myriad of boys that came under his care. It was a testament to his impact that when Roger died in 2011, a flood of support came from so many quarters and was a testament to his impact. There will be some boys leaving this year who will sadly be the last of boys taught by Roger. Several families have expressed an interest in their boys having a brick engraved in the cascade of bricks outside Roger‟s old classroom and we are keen to facilitate that, especially in time for the Centenary. Contact the Development office Margie or Laurel if you wish to discuss this in confidence. or or tel 576 2274.

As you will know the school celebrates its Centenary this Labour Weekend. Having this milestone imminent has made me reflect on how much education has changed in that 100 years. Some of the memories from old boys that appear on the Centenary‟s website – – with their reminiscences of strappings and gloopy school food, are testament to that! Later in the year, in conjunction with the Centenary, we are planning a History Day when for one day only teachers will conduct their lessons just like those days long ago when boys had to line up outside the classroom in silence and everyone was referred to only by their surnames. It will be a fun way for the boys to learn just how different those „olden days‟ were. In the meantime though, the hard work of planning the Centenary is now in full swing. Very soon the Centenary Committee will be putting out a call for volunteers. The Centenary celebrations are scheduled to take place over four days (23-26 October) and that will require a lot of helpful hands on deck. Luckily I know our wonderful school community can be relied on to make this a success! Coming up first is a special day of cricket at the Basin Reserve on Sunday 13 April from 10.00am. Both the 1


and 2nd

XI will be involved, and with two 20-20 games featuring past and present players from Wellesley there will be plenty of action to keep everyone entertained. Come along with your sons and make a picnic of this special day. There will also be sausage sizzles and drinks for sale (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic). Fingers crossed the lovely autumn weather holds, but if the weather is against us a cancellation will be posted on the school website.

I look forward to seeing you there. Margie Beattie We were „blessed‟ with perfect weather for all our outdoor education and sports activities this term. I want to thank all the staff as they have been fantastic in ensuring these events were well organised and engaging for the boys. It has been a pleasure to get into classrooms, be out on school duty and generally mix with the boys during their various activities. Their behaviour and all-round attitude is supportive of each other and makes for a happy school. We realise life is „full on‟ for families and do appreciate the time you give supporting your boys. The boys, parents and staff have packed in a lot and with only three weeks of term to go there is still a lot to achieve. Parents, thank you so much for your help. We have been delighted with the support at school functions (and there have been more than a few) and at all the trips, camps and sporting events. In this world of „expect the unexpected‟, keep strong and safe and be assured we will continue to work hard for

your children so they can achieve their personal best. .

Kind regards Warren Owen


Wellesley Centenary Labour Weekend 2014


Appointed by the Diocese of Wellington for five year terms, the Wellesley College Board of Trustees meets once a month during term time, ensuring that the appropriate lines of governance are in place to support both staff and students. Within the group are specific responsibilities for areas such as Finance, Education Liaison, Health and Safety, Funding and Development, and Marketing. Introducing our Board Members for 2014:

Murray Sim, our Board Chair, has had two sons pass through Wellesley. He works as a policy consultant in the government sector and has experience in organisational performance and in information and communications technology. Murray has postgraduate qualifications in science and management. Murray also sits on the Independent Schools' Executive Committee.

Chris Morrison, our Deputy Chair, has three children, two daughters and a son who is in Year 8 at Wellesley. Chris runs his own consultancy business, Lewis Tucker & Co. Beyond his interest in making Wellesley a great place for an education, he brings to the BoT experience in finance, strategy, and governance. Chris is also the Chair of the Finance and Remuneration committee.

The Bishop’s representative on the Board of Trustees is Rev. Dr Eleanor Sanderson, who is the School Chaplain as well as vicar of St Alban's church in Eastbourne.

Grant Watkins has also had two boys go through Wellesley. He is a Director of a local Quantity Surveying practice, and brings with him construction management experience to assist our school through the last stage of our building redevelopment programme.

Matthew Mallett is a former old boy of the school and now has three sons attending. Matthew lives in Eastbourne and is a partner in law firm Morrison Mallett. In addition to his Board role, he is also spearheading the alumni reconnection project and is a trustee of the Wellesley College Foundation.

Kit Jackson currently has one son in Year 5 at Wellesley with another waiting in the wings to join in a couple of years. As well as sitting on the board, he is the chair of the Wellesley College Foundation and is always open and available to discuss with parents about how they may be able to help with Foundation matters. Kit owns and operates Capital Advice, a mortgage and insurance broking business on Lambton Quay.

Helen Clarke has run her own occupational physiotherapy business but at present keeps herself busy helping out at Wellesley and other organisations in a volunteer capacity. She is married to Ian and their two sons, both Wellesley old boys, are now at Wellington College.

Megan Richards is a partner in law firm Minter Ellison Rudd Watts and heads the Employment and Public Law teams. Her sons Jack and Sam are in Years 8 and 2 respectively. Megan's father, Garry Evans, is an old boy of Wellesley. Geof Shirtcliffe is a partner at Chapman Tripp specialising in corporate and securities law. He is an old boy of the school and has a son in Year 8. Geof is chair of the Centenary Committee which is co-ordinating this year’s celebrations of Wellesley’s centenary year.

Also attending BOT meetings are the following valued participants:

Warren Owen (Principal) is effectively the CEO of Wellesley. “Although as Principal I am not a voting member of the Board, I know from past experience that my views and ideas are totally supported. Wellesley is lucky to have motivated Trustees with expertise in their fields of responsibility. The Board works collaboratively with full and frank debate deciding key issues.” Warren is also a proud past parent, both his boys having attended during the1990s. Hilary Fiennes (Bursar) is a UK – qualified accountant who spent many years in corporate strategy and planning before moving into school management. She assists the Board in making well-planned and principled decisions and is a strong advocate of independent schools. Her son Tom left Wellesley in 2008.

Representing the staff are Veronica Stevens (Year 5 teacher) and Sarah Bleier (Year 7/8 teacher), who alternate in attendance at the monthly meetings. Their depth of experience and commonsense contributions are a definite asset in building links between the BoT and its employees.

Lucy Ross (Parents’ Association Representative) has two sons at Wellesley, Ben in Year 8 and Jake in Year 7. She has a background in ICT and a keen interest in the use of ICT in a learning environment.


Please note that notices posted in this section of the Principal’s Pen have not necessarily been vetted by Wellesley College. We therefore advise that if you are interested in any of the services advertised that you check them out yourself. LEARN TO PLAY TENNIS Holiday Programme For Primary School Children Supported by HVTA Dates: Monday 28, Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 April, 2014. (wet or fine) Venue: Mitchell Park (Mitchell Street, Lower Hutt) Timetable: 9.00am-10.00 am- Girls from 5-8 years old 10.00am-11.00 am- Boys from 5-8 years old 11.00am-12.00 noon- Girls from 9 years + 1.00pm-2.00 pm- Boys from 9 years + Cost: $32-00 for the 3 days. Money to be paid on the first day. Registration: Contact Gary Nelson –Ph. 5897178 or Email - By Monday 21 April, 2014. EARLY ENROLMENT is advised as this programme is very popular and the first 12 enrolments in each age group will be accepted.

Autumn Holiday Programme @ Waterloo School, 22 Apr – 2 May 2014. The Holiday Programme is open over the school holidays from 7.30

am- 6.00pm. Our quality programme offers exciting field trips, fun

games, art & craft and sport activities for primary aged children. Our experienced team

members are looking forward to meeting your child. All staff trained and police vetted.

For enquiries and/ or enrolment please ph. 234-6440 or e-mail The programme is OSCAR approved. Everyone welcome . Fencing Lessons

“Would you like to try something new during the holiday? Come and try fencing, in the process to have a FUN and make new FRIENDS.

Where: Knox Church, Lower Hutt When: Wednesday 23/4 & Thursday 24/4 (9am – 3pm)

Fee: $130/two days

For further information and to book a place contact PING YUAN at or 021 059 2558”

Kids Domain Lower Hutt have some vacancies available for 5 – 14year olds for before school care and after school care. Work and Income subsidies available, transportation to and from school (dependant on availability) Before School Care $7.50 per morning, After School Care $14.50 per afternoon Phone: 5266398 or 027 4749573. Email: Website:

School Holiday Computer Classes

For years 1 to 12. New Minecraft classes. Also

Create 3D Video Games, Web Design,

Animations, Video Editing, Programming and

Build a PC. Free transport from Petone to Upper

Hutt. For further information call Ed Brown on

499 2211 or