Private Antitrust Litigation on the...

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Private Antitrust Litigation on the RiseStrategies for Addressing Parallel Proceedings, Defending

Cl i d Mi i i i Dpresents Claims, and Minimizing Damagespresents

A Live 90-Minute Teleconference/Webinar with Interactive Q&A

Today's panel features:C. Fairley Spillman, Partner, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Washington, D.C.

William L. Monts, Partner, Hogan & Hartson, Washington, D.C.Jeffrey Blumenfeld, Partner, Crowell & Moring, Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The conference begins at:1 pm Easternp12 pm Central

11 am Mountain10 am Pacific


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Antitrust Litigation:Initial Strategies from aInitial Strategies from a Plaintiffs’ Perspectivep

C. Fairley Spillman Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP


February 10, 2010

© 2010 Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Defining ObjectivesDefining Objectives

What is the B siness Problem Yo areWhat is the Business Problem You are Trying to Solve?●Market access?●Market access?●Unfair business practice?●Pricing issues?c g ssues


Defining Objectives (cont’d)Defining Objectives (cont d)

What do o ant?What do you want?●Change in behavior●Money●Money●A piece of the action●Some combination●Some combination


Defining Objectives (cont’d)Defining Objectives (cont d)

Consideration of Non Litigation OptionsConsideration of Non-Litigation Options●Negotiation●Threaten litigation●Threaten litigation●Engage antitrust agencies


Defining Objectives (cont’d)Defining Objectives (cont d)

Consider the CostsConsider the Costs●Litigation expenses (that’s the easy one)●Business disruption●Business disruption● Impact on business relationships●Disclosure of your confidential business●Disclosure of your confidential business

information ■Can you rely on protective orders?


Defining Objectives (cont’d)Defining Objectives (cont d)

An skeletons in o r closet?Any skeletons in your closet?Tendency of litigation to take on a life of its

ownown●Creation of expectations

Wh t i it t t ?What is your exit strategy?


Stating An Antitrust ClaimStating An Antitrust Claim

Impact of T ombl /IqbalImpact of Twombly/Iqbal●Current state of the law – confused●Practical considerations●Practical considerations


Stating An Antitrust Claim (cont’d)Stating An Antitrust Claim (cont d)

Can o state a per se claim?Can you state a per se claim?Can you articulate antitrust injury?Defining the relevant market(s)


Stating An Antitrust Claim (cont’d)Stating An Antitrust Claim (cont d)

Potential Claims in Addition to Antitr stPotential Claims in Addition to Antitrust Claims?●Contract claims●Contract claims●Tort claims●State competition law claimsS a e co pe o a c a s

Pros and Cons of Pursuing Multiple Theories



Kno o r OptionsKnow your Options●Consider state court options

K C id tiKey Considerations●Precedent

Attit d t d MTD●Attitude toward MTD●Attitude toward stay on discovery while MTD is

pendingp g●Docket conditions


Discovery PlanDiscovery Plan

S fficient Information to Pro e KeSufficient Information to Prove Key Elements of ClaimUseful Information vs Settlement PressureUseful Information vs. Settlement PressureComprehensiveness vs. Quick ResolutionDisruptions to Plaintiff’s Business



Ke at all StagesKey at all StagesAssistance in Developing●Theory of harm to competition/antitrust injury to

plaintiff●Definition of relevant markets●Definition of relevant markets●Market power analysis ●Anticompetitive impact vs. pro-competitive effectsp p p p●Discovery ●Damages


Choosing ExpertsChoosing Experts

Core Cons lting E pert(s)Core Consulting Expert(s)●Prior work in industry●Prior work on similar issues●Prior work on similar issues●Good working relationship

Testifying ExpertTestifying Expert●Prior relationship with consulting expert● Industry/issue expertise● Industry/issue expertise●Scholarship consistent with theories of case


A Few Words About Class ActionsA Few Words About Class Actions

Sho ld be considered here offendingShould be considered where offending practice affects significant numbers of customerscustomers●But consider consistency with business



Class Actions (cont’d)Class Actions (cont d)

Additional Considerations for Class ActionAdditional Considerations for Class Action Plaintiffs●Surviving MTD may be more challenging but●Surviving MTD may be more challenging, but

more rewarding●New developments in class certification

standards – practical implications●Does CAFA effectively rule out proceeding in

state court?state court?



Strategies from the Defendant’s Perspective

William L. Monts IIIHogan & Hartson LLP555 Thirteenth Street. N.W.Washington, D.C. 20004

February 10, 2010

Defendant’s Initial Considerations

• Early Settlement or LitigationBusiness Practice at Issue Important to theBusiness Practice at Issue Important to the


Reasonable Prospect of Success?Reasonable Prospect of Success?

Will Settlement Lead to Multiple Actions?

What Does Plaintiff Want?MoneyConduct Remedy/Business SolutionBothWhat is the “Real” Amount in Controversy?


Defendant’s Initial Considerations (Cont’d)

Putative Class ActionNamed Plaintiff Have ReasonableNamed Plaintiff Have Reasonable Chance of Obtaining Class Certification?Certification?

Prospect that Overall Cost of Early S ttl t i L Th C t fSettlement is Less Than Cost of Litigation or Litigation Plus Later Settlement?Settlement?


Initial Assessment of the Merits

• Nature of Case Will Shape the DefensePer Se Claim/Quick Look (“Near Per Se”)Per Se Claim/Quick Look ( Near Per Se )

Claim/Rule of Reason ClaimDoes the Complaint State a Claim for

Relief?Under Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U S 544 (2007) Plaintiff Must AllegeU.S. 544 (2007), Plaintiff Must Allege Sufficient Facts that Violation is Plausible. Conclusory Allegations or Rote Recitation f th El t f Cl i Aof the Elements of a Claim Are

Insufficient. See also Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 129 S. Ct. 1937 (2009).( )


Initial Assessment of the Merits (Cont’d)

Agreement – Necessary for Section 1 Claims and Section 2 Conspiracy to Monopolize Claims

Proper Relevant Market – Not Necessary for Per Se Claims

Market Power, Monopoly Power, or Dangerous Probability of Monopoly Power

Output Restriction or Some Other Anticompetitive Effect That Outweighs Any Procompetitive Benefits – Not Necessary for Per Se Claims

Predatory Conduct for Monopolization or Attempted Monopolization Claims


Initial Assessment of the Merits (Cont’d)

• Is the Plaintiff a Proper Plaintiff, i.e. Does Plaintiff Have Antitrust Standing?Plaintiff Have Antitrust Standing?

In Private Cases, Plaintiff Must Allege and Prove Antitrust Injury

Injury that the Antitrust Laws AreInjury that the Antitrust Laws Are Designed to Prevent

Injury that Flows from an Anticompetitive Aspect of the Practice at IssuePractice at Issue


Initial Assessment of the Merits (Cont’d)

Other Elements of Standing Inquiry Is Plaintiff Directly or Indirectly Injured?Is Plaintiff Directly or Indirectly Injured? Is Plaintiff’s Injury Remote from the Alleged Violation? Is the Chain of Causation from Alleged Violation to Alleged Injury Speculative?Are There Other Parties Better SituatedAre There Other Parties Better Situated to Challenge the Alleged Violation?

• Did the Plaintiff Bring the Claim Within the Four-Year Statute of Limitations?


Other Early Considerations

• What Are the Business Rationales for the Challenged Conduct?Challenged Conduct?

Identify and Interview the Relevant Decisionmakers and Persons Implementing the Practice and Get Relevant DocumentsRelevant Documents

Do Not Be Surprised if the Business pPersonnel do not Explain the Rationale for the Challenged Practice i “A tit t” Tin “Antitrust” Terms


Other Early Considerations

Personnel Often Know that a Practice “Works” but May Not be Able toWorks but May Not be Able to Explain Why That Is SoLawyers and Expert EconomistLawyers and Expert Economist Should be Able to Take Facts and Fit Them Into Relevant Antitrust Analysis

• Filing of Motion to DismissProspect for SuccessSetting Up a Motion for Summary J dJudgment


Shaping the Defense

• Retention and Use of Experts

Testif ing E perts s Cons lting E pertsTestifying Experts vs. Consulting Experts

Expert Economist

Necessary for Rule of Reason Cases

Many Conspiracy Cases, Especially CThose Turning on Circumstantial

Evidence of Conspiracy, Often Have Substantial Economic Analysisy

Industry Experts/Other Experts

Keep an Eye on Daubert IssuesKeep an Eye on Daubert Issues


Shaping the Defense (Cont’d)

• Experts Are Useful in the Shaping of the Defense StoryDefense Story

Development of Discovery Requests/Assistance with DepositionRequests/Assistance with Deposition Preparation

Putting the Business Rationales for the Challenged Conduct into “Antitrust” TermsTerms

Offering Compelling Economic J tifi ti f th Ch ll d P tiJustifications for the Challenged Practice


Discovery, Summary Judgment and Trial Preparation

• Discovery and Summary Judgment

Prospects for S mmar J dgmentProspects for Summary Judgment

What Element or Elements of the Claim?

Defendant Should Know Where Plaintiff Will Have Trouble Proving its Case

ff ?What Facts Must Plaintiff Admit? What Facts Can Plaintiff Not Controvert?

Are Those S fficient for a Grant ofAre Those Sufficient for a Grant of Summary Judgment?

What Else Is Needed?What Else Is Needed?


Discovery, Summary Judgment and Trial Preparation (Cont’d)

• Simplifying the StoryC S f SMajor Challenge is Simplifying the Story and

Making It Interesting

E en ith E perienced J dges EconomicEven with Experienced Judges, Economic Reasoning May Be Difficult

Why Does Conduct Makes Sense for theWhy Does Conduct Makes Sense for the Defendant’s Business?

Why Do Consumers Benefit/NotWhy Do Consumers Benefit/Not Harmed?

Why is Plaintiff Not Injured/Lack y jDamages?


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Hogan & Hartson, please visit us at

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Litigation, Trial,

SettlementFebruary 10, 2010


Business decisionBusiness decision

» Don’t allow litigation to take on life of its ownK b i bj ti i i d– Keep business objectives in mind

– Constantly weigh continuing vs settling– Be sure law firm understands/shares perspectivep p

» Cost/Benefit analysis– Out of pocket costs– Management time and attention costs– Does settlement number get bigger or smaller as result

of continuing to litigate?of continuing to litigate?


Distraction costs to business

» True for both plaintiff and defendantEff t th h t» Effect throughout company– Direct effect on management

• Running litigation vs running the businessg g g– Effect on everyone

• Direct effect of supporting management of litigationI di t ff t l• Indirect effect on morale

» Difficult to estimate» Difficult to over-estimate» Difficult to over estimate» Often greater than out-of-pocket costs



» Whoever knows the most and knows it first, wins

» ButVery expensive– Very expensive

– Very burdensome– eDiscovery has increased cost and burdeny– Cost in management time and attention



» Determine own strategy– Know the facts

• “everything” vs “enough”Effect on opponent– Effect on opponent

– Courts increasingly active in supervising

» Control own strategy– Resist being drawn into opponent’s

F t t/b fit l i– Frequent cost/benefit analysis


Getting Ready for TrialGetting Ready for Trial

» Willingness and ability to go to trial is crucial– Key issue in choosing law firm– Key factor in driving settlement– Key factor in ability to resist settlementKey factor in ability to resist settlement

» Developing trial theme(s)What happened– What happened

– Need to tell a story– Have to convince trier of fact

• Judge vs jury– Has to account for all significant facts– Must align with expert testimony


g p y

Getting Ready for TrialGetting Ready for Trial

» If pretrial is art of knowing everything,p g y gtrial is art of leaving most of it out– “Where’s Waldo” effect

» Need to climb out of the weeds» Need to climb out of the weeds» Different set of skills from pretrial litigation


Getting Ready for TrialGetting Ready for Trial

» Think visually: Important role of trial graphics– Planning throughout preparation– Help trier understand your issues– Help trier see issues your wayHelp trier see issues your way– Trials are boring

» Testifying expert(s)G d k E li h– Good ones speak English

– Not an academic exercise– What issues need an expert?– How many are enough?– Avoid duplication, risk of contradiction– Know their histories


Know their histories


» Plaintiff: what best serves business objective(s)

» Defense: value of preserving business practice at issuep g p


Settlement - PlaintiffSettlement Plaintiff

» Business objectives drive settlement strategyWh did fil ?– Why did you file?

• Market access• Unfair business practiceUnfair business practice• Pricing issues

– What do you want?• Change in behavior• Money• Better/unique business terms for future• Better/unique business terms for future

– What is your relationship to defendant(s)?• Key/strategic to ongoing business


• No future business relationship

Settlement - DefenseSettlement Defense

» Class action: “just money”– Earlier-in get better deals– Straight business decision

• costs of settling vs costs of litigatingg g g– Civil cartel cases usually some % of class period


» Individual plaintiff(s): possibility of more creative settlement

Business deal going forward– Business deal going forward• with our without cash component

– Preserving strategic business relationships


Litigation, Trial,

SettlementFebruary 10, 2010
