PRIVATIZATION PROJECTS - United States Agency … ....

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CENTER FOR PRIVATIZATION2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 2500

Washington DC 20006


This report was prepared under the Agency for InternationalDevelopment (AID) Contract No DPE-0008-C-00-5058-00 between AID and Analysis Group Inc

The Center for Privatization was established in 1985 toprovide expert advisory services to developing countries andtheir indigenous private sectors in planning and implementingprograms to divest and privatize their state-owned or controlledenterprises and activities The Center is fully funded under amajor contract between Analysis Group Inc and AID Participating subcontractors include

Arthur Young amp Co Equity Expansion International Ferris amp Company Inc International Phoenix Corporation Public Administration Service

The Center draws upon its consortium of six companies andothers when appropriate to provide a wide range of qualifiedspecialists in fields from agriculture industry financial andother services transportation and utilities with experience in areas related to privatization such as

Corporate RestructuringEmployee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) Equity Placement Financial Analysis and Valuation Labor Relations Legal and Regulatory Studies Macro and Micro Economic AnalysesMarketing and Market Research Project Design and Evaluation Strategic PlanningTaxation

2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20006




We have compiled these illustrative project descriptions toacquaint those interested in privatization in developingcountries with the experience gained by the Center forPrivatization since our establishment in September 1985

The Center and its subcontractors have undertaken over 100 privatization assignments in 46 countries during the past three years These projects have involved over 150 individual consultants with a wide range of skills including industry andagriculture engineering investment banking asset valuationaccounting general manageent and data processing Severalimportant assignments in Honduras Bolivia and Tunisia haveinvolved placing long-term staff in the host country whose workis then supplemented by short-term technical specialists engagedfor specific privatization-related transactions

Our work has involved all phases of the privatization processfrom general diagnosis strategy development and organizationplanning to prioritizing valuing preparing and marketing thespecific enterprises selected for privatization These haveincluded utilities (telephone electricity transportation andwaste collectiondisposal) to large and small industria and agricultural firms including agricultural marketingorganizations cement companies cotton and dairy productsproducers food processors foundries and steel mills hotelssawmills sugar refineries and textile factories as well asbanks and holding companies to name just a few



Banana Control Board (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Negotiate a set of loan agreements for presentaton tc afinancial institution to finance the purchase of approximately2000 acres of banana-producing land from the Belize BananaControl Board and to underwrite the expansion of approximately2000 additional acres in the future


Reconnaissance and Terms of Reference (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Phase I Explore with the GOS and private sector the degree ofcommitment to privatization by the GOS including its willingnessto consider full divestiture and willingness to consider foreigninvestors review possible mechanisms for di estment strategyfor prioritizing SOEs and recommend steps to implement

Phase II Develop Terms of Reference for GOS serve asto thescope of work for World Bank Technical Assistance on privatization


Gambia Produce Marketing Board (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Meet with MOF NIB and others to review Economic Recovery Programand discuss recommendations of Divestiture Task Force conductcostprofit center analysis of GMPB major components (groundnutsrice fertilizer cotton vegetable oil imports) in order toevaluate opportunities for breakup and subsequent divestitureprepare short-term GMPB Privatization Program including tasks and cost timeschedule


CONADI Strategy Design and Development (MarchJune 1986)

1 Develop divestiture strategyaction plan including review offinancing mechanisms used elsewhere such as loanswapsesopdebt-equity conversion

2 Propose guidancemethodologies to select best candidates

3 Make a preliminary assessment of CONADI portfolio and other SOEs


4 Assist in preparing and implementing a public awareness campaign

5 Perform a macroeconomic analysis of the economic impact andcost benefits of privatization

6 Analyze market for CONADI holdings


Panama Reconnaissance (MarchApril 1986) Assist the Investment Couxcil of PanamaDivestiture Strategy Establish

plan a Nationalcriteriaprocedures to analyzeequity in state-owned enterprises and design marketing plans forspecific enterprises Examine implications of establishingexpt development finance institutions


Taris AssessmentDialoue (AprilMay 1986) Assess potential for divestiture of Taris operationsparticular attention to with

organization financial production andmarketing activities


Portugal Reconnaissance (April 1986)

Meet with USAIDEmbassy GOP businesspersons union officialsand LUSOAmerican Development Foundation to discuss strategiesfor privatization assess government commitment to privatizationthe readiness of state-owned enterprises for privatization andthe general politicaleconomiclegal environment forprivatization Develop recommendations on the steps necessary todevelop and implement a country strategy for privatization


Strategy Planning (AprilJune 1986)

Review current politicaleconomic environmentexperience in and privatizationagriculture and non-agricultural enterprisesDevelop strategy for non-agricultural enterprises especiallyCorporacion Financiera Nacionalrecommend action and develop

(CFN) Evaluate optionstime-table for implementation withperson days and skills required



Privatizaticn Advisory Services (JuneJuly 1986) Assist the GOP and Mission design and carry forward a program forprivatization or divestiture of SOEs including adviceestablishment onof a divestiture unit

to for the GOP Work with theGOP develop criteria to identify candidates establishprioritize and andinitihl list Reviewanalyze mechanisms used inother countries to financeimplement privatization eg publicsalts private placements loan swaps employee ownershipprograms debt-to-equity conversions etc


Strategy for Divestiture of AG Holdings (NFA) (JulyOctober 1986) Review confirm and validate previous study of NFA byReview PASthe business operationsviability of NFA to determine commercialEstablish net worth break-up volume and potentialsale prices Design and recommend an action plan fordivestiture


Senprim Truck Farm Privatization (JulyAugust 1986) Assess possible privatization of state-owned vegetable farmSenprim including wiliingness of GOS to accept reasonablevaluation and to relinquish management control Review marketing(local markets competition transportationfinance legal issues etc) productionrelating to privatization Propose stepsnecessary to privatize


Somalia Fisheries Reconnaissance (June 1986) Evaluate extent of commitment of GOS to privatization in Somaliaboth in principle and with specific reference to divestiture ofSomalia Marine Products (SMP) or possible new venture in Kismayoconduct discussions with Mission and GOS officials confirm longshyterm profitability of the venture and benefits to Somalia economyand work out terms for eventual Somali private ownershipparticipation



Jordan Reconnaissance (July 1986)

Consult with USAID Mission officers and representative of GOJconcerning five enterprises currently being considered as initialcandidates for privatization with particular attention to ALIAthe Royal Jordanian Airline Evaluate commitment of GOJ to moveforward with privatization of any or all For the Amman BusCompany ascertain availability of financial and statisticalinformation legal impediments and other constraints Assessobjectives work involved and likelihood of potential forsuccessful privatization Assess problems and propose a strategyfor proceeding with Bus company


Survey of Privatization Potential (August 1986)

Consult with Mission personnel GOG officials and IBRDrepresentatives Identify and evaluate key Thsues to be addressedin divestiture strategy and on-going policy dialogue Developselection criteria for state enterprises to be selected forprivatization and illustrate the application of these criteria toseveral enterprises Enumerate type and ofduration technicalassistance required to implement succeeding phases of the countryprivatization strategy Define how that strategy would becoordinated and interfaced with IBRD privatization activities and programs in Guinea


Fiji Conference Planning (October 1986May 1987)

Develop a generic conference planning manual for use by USAIDMissions as a guideline for planning and conducting regionalandor country specific privatization conference seminars andworkshops Assist in the technical and administrative support andconduct of privatization conference in Suva Fiji Provide corecurricula for conference Coordinate conference administrationand participate in conference program as a presentorParticipate in post-conference evaluation and debriefings ofMission and country officials as appropriate



Privatization Bridging Project (July 1986March 1987)

Conduct further analy-is of the CONADI portfolio and the SOEstransfer plan Assist USAIDH in the completion and review of theproject paper Conduct privatization seminars for variousaudiences Prepare financial rehabilitation plan for top selectedfirms including calculated debt service capacity andrecommended capitalization and debt rerheduling Performvaluation of assets (price range) for selected firms Preparecompany prospectuses Perform marketing activities includingcontacting prospective investors assisting potential buyers instructuring offers and assisting CONADI in negotiations


Banqladesh Divestiture Study (August 1986May 1987)

Direct a study analyzing the history policy context indusLirial structure rationale and outcome of privatization and divestiture activities in Bangladesh


Santo Domingo Garbage Collection (November 1986)

Conduct a thorough review of information relating to thecollection and disposal of garbage in Santo Domingo Provide adetailed scope of work designed to analyze alternative methods ofprivatization along with concomitant financial evaluationsdetailed scope of work is

The to be used to direct a follow-on

feasibility study to provde the city government of Santo Domingowith specific analyses and recommendations for negotiating a contract with private companies


Ecuador Strategy Implementation Bridging (AugustNovember 1906)

Maintain momentum following initial reconnaissance to helpEcuadorian Goveznment and Mission formulate and carry out aprivatization strategy Specifi-ally closely examineenterprises identified as possible privatization targets performinitial steps in establishing valuation procedures Io determinepresent market value rather than historical acquisition costsconduct a seminar on valuation methodology for Ecuadorian and USMission officials design and recommend steps to start-up apublic awareness campaign to facilitate privatization analyzecapital market and prospective financing mechanisms for privatization



Papua New Guinea Privatization Plan (NovemberDecember 1986)

Visit SPRDO in Suva to review relevant materials available inMission Proceed to Port Moresby for detailed review ofcandidate companies including their financial records Review government plans for dealing with them and develop options forprivatization recommendations review major problems orimpediments and possible measures to resolve them reviewgovernment organization and authority for proceeding withprivatization and recommend an appropriate structure to do soreccmmend a national strategy and program to carry outprivatization solicit information and views from candidates fordivestiture from management of leading government officials andother private sector leaders


Tunisia Privatization Conference (December 1986April 1987)

Assist USAID in co-sponsoring a conference in Tunis April 15-171987 to examine aspects of privatization Conference coshysponsors are the Ministry of Planning and Finance (MOPF) of theGovernment of Tunisia (GOT) and the Institute of Superieur deGestion (ISG)


Yumdum Sawmill Privatization (SeptemberOctober 1986)

Perform actualpotential market assessment and operations review(technical operating costs required investments) Prepare tenshyyear cash flow Review privatization alternatives and recommend best course of action


Public Transportation Corporation (PTC) (October 1986May 1987)

Perform a detailed study to determine the bus companys role in arevised public transport scenario which will estimate itssignificance over a five year period with sensitivity todifferent levels of patronage at different fares Resourcesroutes and route performance route strengths defects andpotential comparison with minibus services and call taxisperformance and reasons for unprofitable performance Assesseffectiveness of engineering and other support services ratingpersonnel productivity by categories and compared with competitors



Philippines Phoenix Privatization Conference (December 1986) Lead and participate in a panel discussion on the topic ofvaluation of enterprises including asset valuation techniquesand relevant factors affecting market price including casestudies to illuminate the basic issues


Egypt Capital Markets (November 1986March 1988) Work with Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and Misr IranDevelopment Bank to plan organize and manage symposium onprivatization and assist Mission in preparing a privatization PIDand PP


Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation (SIRC) FebruaryMarch 1987) Analyze and recommend plan for privatizing the Swaziland RoyalInsurance Corporation (SRIC) identify key issues of finance andadministrative viability of the industry update cabinet andparliamentary actions taken after Coopers and Lybrand studydetermine Ministry of Finance and SIRCs objectives andrequirements


Ecuado (IESS) HotelCement Companies (FebruaryApril 1987) Work with staff of the Social Security Administration (IESS) todevelop options on strategies tasks and timetables for eventualprivatization of the Hotel Quito and the Guatan Cement Company


Privatization Strategy Development (MarchMay 1987)

Participate with PEDS consultant in joint assessment of theprivate sector environment in Bangladesh with particularattention to the role of privatization in the Missions overallprivate sector development strategy Identify constraints oncurrentplanned privatization activities Identify and rankopportunities to assist the privatization process Suggestspecific tudies or short-term technical assistance which wouldenhance the USAID Missions ability to support Bangladeshprivatization activities



Guatel Privatization Analysis (April 1987May 1987)

Provide technical assistance in developing SOW for a study toinvestigate and analyze range of options to be considered forpartial privatization Guatel goverrient corporation operatincall national and international public communications services in Guatemala


Grenada Privatization (MarchApril 1987)

Help formulate a plan to facilitate possible privatization ofGrenada Bank of Commerce the National Commercial Bank Grenlecand other state enterprises as appropriate


Peru Privatization Reconnaissance (AprilMay 1987)

Review draft proposal from state holding company CONADErequesting AID assistance for CONADEs privatization programwith particular attention to proposed program strategy and design identify areas where AID could-support privatizationeffort and share with CONADE the privatization experiences of other countries


Thriposha Analysis (JuneAugust 1987)

Analyze current operations strengths and problems relating tothe Thriposha processing complex in Ja-Ela Sri Lanka whichproduces a cereal weaning food for infants and nursing mothersRecommend future options for the management and ownership of the complex


Privatization Terms of Reference (May 1987)

Discuss with senior government officials plans and prospects forproceeding with privatization of enterprises which the governmenthad earlier acquired through nationalization Initial divestmentactivities of acquired companies had slowed as legal andfinancial obstacles were encountered Draw up terms of referenceacceptable to government that would establish basis for detailed strategy and plan of action to proceed



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



This report was prepared under the Agency for InternationalDevelopment (AID) Contract No DPE-0008-C-00-5058-00 between AID and Analysis Group Inc

The Center for Privatization was established in 1985 toprovide expert advisory services to developing countries andtheir indigenous private sectors in planning and implementingprograms to divest and privatize their state-owned or controlledenterprises and activities The Center is fully funded under amajor contract between Analysis Group Inc and AID Participating subcontractors include

Arthur Young amp Co Equity Expansion International Ferris amp Company Inc International Phoenix Corporation Public Administration Service

The Center draws upon its consortium of six companies andothers when appropriate to provide a wide range of qualifiedspecialists in fields from agriculture industry financial andother services transportation and utilities with experience in areas related to privatization such as

Corporate RestructuringEmployee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) Equity Placement Financial Analysis and Valuation Labor Relations Legal and Regulatory Studies Macro and Micro Economic AnalysesMarketing and Market Research Project Design and Evaluation Strategic PlanningTaxation

2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20006




We have compiled these illustrative project descriptions toacquaint those interested in privatization in developingcountries with the experience gained by the Center forPrivatization since our establishment in September 1985

The Center and its subcontractors have undertaken over 100 privatization assignments in 46 countries during the past three years These projects have involved over 150 individual consultants with a wide range of skills including industry andagriculture engineering investment banking asset valuationaccounting general manageent and data processing Severalimportant assignments in Honduras Bolivia and Tunisia haveinvolved placing long-term staff in the host country whose workis then supplemented by short-term technical specialists engagedfor specific privatization-related transactions

Our work has involved all phases of the privatization processfrom general diagnosis strategy development and organizationplanning to prioritizing valuing preparing and marketing thespecific enterprises selected for privatization These haveincluded utilities (telephone electricity transportation andwaste collectiondisposal) to large and small industria and agricultural firms including agricultural marketingorganizations cement companies cotton and dairy productsproducers food processors foundries and steel mills hotelssawmills sugar refineries and textile factories as well asbanks and holding companies to name just a few



Banana Control Board (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Negotiate a set of loan agreements for presentaton tc afinancial institution to finance the purchase of approximately2000 acres of banana-producing land from the Belize BananaControl Board and to underwrite the expansion of approximately2000 additional acres in the future


Reconnaissance and Terms of Reference (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Phase I Explore with the GOS and private sector the degree ofcommitment to privatization by the GOS including its willingnessto consider full divestiture and willingness to consider foreigninvestors review possible mechanisms for di estment strategyfor prioritizing SOEs and recommend steps to implement

Phase II Develop Terms of Reference for GOS serve asto thescope of work for World Bank Technical Assistance on privatization


Gambia Produce Marketing Board (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Meet with MOF NIB and others to review Economic Recovery Programand discuss recommendations of Divestiture Task Force conductcostprofit center analysis of GMPB major components (groundnutsrice fertilizer cotton vegetable oil imports) in order toevaluate opportunities for breakup and subsequent divestitureprepare short-term GMPB Privatization Program including tasks and cost timeschedule


CONADI Strategy Design and Development (MarchJune 1986)

1 Develop divestiture strategyaction plan including review offinancing mechanisms used elsewhere such as loanswapsesopdebt-equity conversion

2 Propose guidancemethodologies to select best candidates

3 Make a preliminary assessment of CONADI portfolio and other SOEs


4 Assist in preparing and implementing a public awareness campaign

5 Perform a macroeconomic analysis of the economic impact andcost benefits of privatization

6 Analyze market for CONADI holdings


Panama Reconnaissance (MarchApril 1986) Assist the Investment Couxcil of PanamaDivestiture Strategy Establish

plan a Nationalcriteriaprocedures to analyzeequity in state-owned enterprises and design marketing plans forspecific enterprises Examine implications of establishingexpt development finance institutions


Taris AssessmentDialoue (AprilMay 1986) Assess potential for divestiture of Taris operationsparticular attention to with

organization financial production andmarketing activities


Portugal Reconnaissance (April 1986)

Meet with USAIDEmbassy GOP businesspersons union officialsand LUSOAmerican Development Foundation to discuss strategiesfor privatization assess government commitment to privatizationthe readiness of state-owned enterprises for privatization andthe general politicaleconomiclegal environment forprivatization Develop recommendations on the steps necessary todevelop and implement a country strategy for privatization


Strategy Planning (AprilJune 1986)

Review current politicaleconomic environmentexperience in and privatizationagriculture and non-agricultural enterprisesDevelop strategy for non-agricultural enterprises especiallyCorporacion Financiera Nacionalrecommend action and develop

(CFN) Evaluate optionstime-table for implementation withperson days and skills required



Privatizaticn Advisory Services (JuneJuly 1986) Assist the GOP and Mission design and carry forward a program forprivatization or divestiture of SOEs including adviceestablishment onof a divestiture unit

to for the GOP Work with theGOP develop criteria to identify candidates establishprioritize and andinitihl list Reviewanalyze mechanisms used inother countries to financeimplement privatization eg publicsalts private placements loan swaps employee ownershipprograms debt-to-equity conversions etc


Strategy for Divestiture of AG Holdings (NFA) (JulyOctober 1986) Review confirm and validate previous study of NFA byReview PASthe business operationsviability of NFA to determine commercialEstablish net worth break-up volume and potentialsale prices Design and recommend an action plan fordivestiture


Senprim Truck Farm Privatization (JulyAugust 1986) Assess possible privatization of state-owned vegetable farmSenprim including wiliingness of GOS to accept reasonablevaluation and to relinquish management control Review marketing(local markets competition transportationfinance legal issues etc) productionrelating to privatization Propose stepsnecessary to privatize


Somalia Fisheries Reconnaissance (June 1986) Evaluate extent of commitment of GOS to privatization in Somaliaboth in principle and with specific reference to divestiture ofSomalia Marine Products (SMP) or possible new venture in Kismayoconduct discussions with Mission and GOS officials confirm longshyterm profitability of the venture and benefits to Somalia economyand work out terms for eventual Somali private ownershipparticipation



Jordan Reconnaissance (July 1986)

Consult with USAID Mission officers and representative of GOJconcerning five enterprises currently being considered as initialcandidates for privatization with particular attention to ALIAthe Royal Jordanian Airline Evaluate commitment of GOJ to moveforward with privatization of any or all For the Amman BusCompany ascertain availability of financial and statisticalinformation legal impediments and other constraints Assessobjectives work involved and likelihood of potential forsuccessful privatization Assess problems and propose a strategyfor proceeding with Bus company


Survey of Privatization Potential (August 1986)

Consult with Mission personnel GOG officials and IBRDrepresentatives Identify and evaluate key Thsues to be addressedin divestiture strategy and on-going policy dialogue Developselection criteria for state enterprises to be selected forprivatization and illustrate the application of these criteria toseveral enterprises Enumerate type and ofduration technicalassistance required to implement succeeding phases of the countryprivatization strategy Define how that strategy would becoordinated and interfaced with IBRD privatization activities and programs in Guinea


Fiji Conference Planning (October 1986May 1987)

Develop a generic conference planning manual for use by USAIDMissions as a guideline for planning and conducting regionalandor country specific privatization conference seminars andworkshops Assist in the technical and administrative support andconduct of privatization conference in Suva Fiji Provide corecurricula for conference Coordinate conference administrationand participate in conference program as a presentorParticipate in post-conference evaluation and debriefings ofMission and country officials as appropriate



Privatization Bridging Project (July 1986March 1987)

Conduct further analy-is of the CONADI portfolio and the SOEstransfer plan Assist USAIDH in the completion and review of theproject paper Conduct privatization seminars for variousaudiences Prepare financial rehabilitation plan for top selectedfirms including calculated debt service capacity andrecommended capitalization and debt rerheduling Performvaluation of assets (price range) for selected firms Preparecompany prospectuses Perform marketing activities includingcontacting prospective investors assisting potential buyers instructuring offers and assisting CONADI in negotiations


Banqladesh Divestiture Study (August 1986May 1987)

Direct a study analyzing the history policy context indusLirial structure rationale and outcome of privatization and divestiture activities in Bangladesh


Santo Domingo Garbage Collection (November 1986)

Conduct a thorough review of information relating to thecollection and disposal of garbage in Santo Domingo Provide adetailed scope of work designed to analyze alternative methods ofprivatization along with concomitant financial evaluationsdetailed scope of work is

The to be used to direct a follow-on

feasibility study to provde the city government of Santo Domingowith specific analyses and recommendations for negotiating a contract with private companies


Ecuador Strategy Implementation Bridging (AugustNovember 1906)

Maintain momentum following initial reconnaissance to helpEcuadorian Goveznment and Mission formulate and carry out aprivatization strategy Specifi-ally closely examineenterprises identified as possible privatization targets performinitial steps in establishing valuation procedures Io determinepresent market value rather than historical acquisition costsconduct a seminar on valuation methodology for Ecuadorian and USMission officials design and recommend steps to start-up apublic awareness campaign to facilitate privatization analyzecapital market and prospective financing mechanisms for privatization



Papua New Guinea Privatization Plan (NovemberDecember 1986)

Visit SPRDO in Suva to review relevant materials available inMission Proceed to Port Moresby for detailed review ofcandidate companies including their financial records Review government plans for dealing with them and develop options forprivatization recommendations review major problems orimpediments and possible measures to resolve them reviewgovernment organization and authority for proceeding withprivatization and recommend an appropriate structure to do soreccmmend a national strategy and program to carry outprivatization solicit information and views from candidates fordivestiture from management of leading government officials andother private sector leaders


Tunisia Privatization Conference (December 1986April 1987)

Assist USAID in co-sponsoring a conference in Tunis April 15-171987 to examine aspects of privatization Conference coshysponsors are the Ministry of Planning and Finance (MOPF) of theGovernment of Tunisia (GOT) and the Institute of Superieur deGestion (ISG)


Yumdum Sawmill Privatization (SeptemberOctober 1986)

Perform actualpotential market assessment and operations review(technical operating costs required investments) Prepare tenshyyear cash flow Review privatization alternatives and recommend best course of action


Public Transportation Corporation (PTC) (October 1986May 1987)

Perform a detailed study to determine the bus companys role in arevised public transport scenario which will estimate itssignificance over a five year period with sensitivity todifferent levels of patronage at different fares Resourcesroutes and route performance route strengths defects andpotential comparison with minibus services and call taxisperformance and reasons for unprofitable performance Assesseffectiveness of engineering and other support services ratingpersonnel productivity by categories and compared with competitors



Philippines Phoenix Privatization Conference (December 1986) Lead and participate in a panel discussion on the topic ofvaluation of enterprises including asset valuation techniquesand relevant factors affecting market price including casestudies to illuminate the basic issues


Egypt Capital Markets (November 1986March 1988) Work with Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and Misr IranDevelopment Bank to plan organize and manage symposium onprivatization and assist Mission in preparing a privatization PIDand PP


Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation (SIRC) FebruaryMarch 1987) Analyze and recommend plan for privatizing the Swaziland RoyalInsurance Corporation (SRIC) identify key issues of finance andadministrative viability of the industry update cabinet andparliamentary actions taken after Coopers and Lybrand studydetermine Ministry of Finance and SIRCs objectives andrequirements


Ecuado (IESS) HotelCement Companies (FebruaryApril 1987) Work with staff of the Social Security Administration (IESS) todevelop options on strategies tasks and timetables for eventualprivatization of the Hotel Quito and the Guatan Cement Company


Privatization Strategy Development (MarchMay 1987)

Participate with PEDS consultant in joint assessment of theprivate sector environment in Bangladesh with particularattention to the role of privatization in the Missions overallprivate sector development strategy Identify constraints oncurrentplanned privatization activities Identify and rankopportunities to assist the privatization process Suggestspecific tudies or short-term technical assistance which wouldenhance the USAID Missions ability to support Bangladeshprivatization activities



Guatel Privatization Analysis (April 1987May 1987)

Provide technical assistance in developing SOW for a study toinvestigate and analyze range of options to be considered forpartial privatization Guatel goverrient corporation operatincall national and international public communications services in Guatemala


Grenada Privatization (MarchApril 1987)

Help formulate a plan to facilitate possible privatization ofGrenada Bank of Commerce the National Commercial Bank Grenlecand other state enterprises as appropriate


Peru Privatization Reconnaissance (AprilMay 1987)

Review draft proposal from state holding company CONADErequesting AID assistance for CONADEs privatization programwith particular attention to proposed program strategy and design identify areas where AID could-support privatizationeffort and share with CONADE the privatization experiences of other countries


Thriposha Analysis (JuneAugust 1987)

Analyze current operations strengths and problems relating tothe Thriposha processing complex in Ja-Ela Sri Lanka whichproduces a cereal weaning food for infants and nursing mothersRecommend future options for the management and ownership of the complex


Privatization Terms of Reference (May 1987)

Discuss with senior government officials plans and prospects forproceeding with privatization of enterprises which the governmenthad earlier acquired through nationalization Initial divestmentactivities of acquired companies had slowed as legal andfinancial obstacles were encountered Draw up terms of referenceacceptable to government that would establish basis for detailed strategy and plan of action to proceed



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles





We have compiled these illustrative project descriptions toacquaint those interested in privatization in developingcountries with the experience gained by the Center forPrivatization since our establishment in September 1985

The Center and its subcontractors have undertaken over 100 privatization assignments in 46 countries during the past three years These projects have involved over 150 individual consultants with a wide range of skills including industry andagriculture engineering investment banking asset valuationaccounting general manageent and data processing Severalimportant assignments in Honduras Bolivia and Tunisia haveinvolved placing long-term staff in the host country whose workis then supplemented by short-term technical specialists engagedfor specific privatization-related transactions

Our work has involved all phases of the privatization processfrom general diagnosis strategy development and organizationplanning to prioritizing valuing preparing and marketing thespecific enterprises selected for privatization These haveincluded utilities (telephone electricity transportation andwaste collectiondisposal) to large and small industria and agricultural firms including agricultural marketingorganizations cement companies cotton and dairy productsproducers food processors foundries and steel mills hotelssawmills sugar refineries and textile factories as well asbanks and holding companies to name just a few



Banana Control Board (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Negotiate a set of loan agreements for presentaton tc afinancial institution to finance the purchase of approximately2000 acres of banana-producing land from the Belize BananaControl Board and to underwrite the expansion of approximately2000 additional acres in the future


Reconnaissance and Terms of Reference (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Phase I Explore with the GOS and private sector the degree ofcommitment to privatization by the GOS including its willingnessto consider full divestiture and willingness to consider foreigninvestors review possible mechanisms for di estment strategyfor prioritizing SOEs and recommend steps to implement

Phase II Develop Terms of Reference for GOS serve asto thescope of work for World Bank Technical Assistance on privatization


Gambia Produce Marketing Board (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Meet with MOF NIB and others to review Economic Recovery Programand discuss recommendations of Divestiture Task Force conductcostprofit center analysis of GMPB major components (groundnutsrice fertilizer cotton vegetable oil imports) in order toevaluate opportunities for breakup and subsequent divestitureprepare short-term GMPB Privatization Program including tasks and cost timeschedule


CONADI Strategy Design and Development (MarchJune 1986)

1 Develop divestiture strategyaction plan including review offinancing mechanisms used elsewhere such as loanswapsesopdebt-equity conversion

2 Propose guidancemethodologies to select best candidates

3 Make a preliminary assessment of CONADI portfolio and other SOEs


4 Assist in preparing and implementing a public awareness campaign

5 Perform a macroeconomic analysis of the economic impact andcost benefits of privatization

6 Analyze market for CONADI holdings


Panama Reconnaissance (MarchApril 1986) Assist the Investment Couxcil of PanamaDivestiture Strategy Establish

plan a Nationalcriteriaprocedures to analyzeequity in state-owned enterprises and design marketing plans forspecific enterprises Examine implications of establishingexpt development finance institutions


Taris AssessmentDialoue (AprilMay 1986) Assess potential for divestiture of Taris operationsparticular attention to with

organization financial production andmarketing activities


Portugal Reconnaissance (April 1986)

Meet with USAIDEmbassy GOP businesspersons union officialsand LUSOAmerican Development Foundation to discuss strategiesfor privatization assess government commitment to privatizationthe readiness of state-owned enterprises for privatization andthe general politicaleconomiclegal environment forprivatization Develop recommendations on the steps necessary todevelop and implement a country strategy for privatization


Strategy Planning (AprilJune 1986)

Review current politicaleconomic environmentexperience in and privatizationagriculture and non-agricultural enterprisesDevelop strategy for non-agricultural enterprises especiallyCorporacion Financiera Nacionalrecommend action and develop

(CFN) Evaluate optionstime-table for implementation withperson days and skills required



Privatizaticn Advisory Services (JuneJuly 1986) Assist the GOP and Mission design and carry forward a program forprivatization or divestiture of SOEs including adviceestablishment onof a divestiture unit

to for the GOP Work with theGOP develop criteria to identify candidates establishprioritize and andinitihl list Reviewanalyze mechanisms used inother countries to financeimplement privatization eg publicsalts private placements loan swaps employee ownershipprograms debt-to-equity conversions etc


Strategy for Divestiture of AG Holdings (NFA) (JulyOctober 1986) Review confirm and validate previous study of NFA byReview PASthe business operationsviability of NFA to determine commercialEstablish net worth break-up volume and potentialsale prices Design and recommend an action plan fordivestiture


Senprim Truck Farm Privatization (JulyAugust 1986) Assess possible privatization of state-owned vegetable farmSenprim including wiliingness of GOS to accept reasonablevaluation and to relinquish management control Review marketing(local markets competition transportationfinance legal issues etc) productionrelating to privatization Propose stepsnecessary to privatize


Somalia Fisheries Reconnaissance (June 1986) Evaluate extent of commitment of GOS to privatization in Somaliaboth in principle and with specific reference to divestiture ofSomalia Marine Products (SMP) or possible new venture in Kismayoconduct discussions with Mission and GOS officials confirm longshyterm profitability of the venture and benefits to Somalia economyand work out terms for eventual Somali private ownershipparticipation



Jordan Reconnaissance (July 1986)

Consult with USAID Mission officers and representative of GOJconcerning five enterprises currently being considered as initialcandidates for privatization with particular attention to ALIAthe Royal Jordanian Airline Evaluate commitment of GOJ to moveforward with privatization of any or all For the Amman BusCompany ascertain availability of financial and statisticalinformation legal impediments and other constraints Assessobjectives work involved and likelihood of potential forsuccessful privatization Assess problems and propose a strategyfor proceeding with Bus company


Survey of Privatization Potential (August 1986)

Consult with Mission personnel GOG officials and IBRDrepresentatives Identify and evaluate key Thsues to be addressedin divestiture strategy and on-going policy dialogue Developselection criteria for state enterprises to be selected forprivatization and illustrate the application of these criteria toseveral enterprises Enumerate type and ofduration technicalassistance required to implement succeeding phases of the countryprivatization strategy Define how that strategy would becoordinated and interfaced with IBRD privatization activities and programs in Guinea


Fiji Conference Planning (October 1986May 1987)

Develop a generic conference planning manual for use by USAIDMissions as a guideline for planning and conducting regionalandor country specific privatization conference seminars andworkshops Assist in the technical and administrative support andconduct of privatization conference in Suva Fiji Provide corecurricula for conference Coordinate conference administrationand participate in conference program as a presentorParticipate in post-conference evaluation and debriefings ofMission and country officials as appropriate



Privatization Bridging Project (July 1986March 1987)

Conduct further analy-is of the CONADI portfolio and the SOEstransfer plan Assist USAIDH in the completion and review of theproject paper Conduct privatization seminars for variousaudiences Prepare financial rehabilitation plan for top selectedfirms including calculated debt service capacity andrecommended capitalization and debt rerheduling Performvaluation of assets (price range) for selected firms Preparecompany prospectuses Perform marketing activities includingcontacting prospective investors assisting potential buyers instructuring offers and assisting CONADI in negotiations


Banqladesh Divestiture Study (August 1986May 1987)

Direct a study analyzing the history policy context indusLirial structure rationale and outcome of privatization and divestiture activities in Bangladesh


Santo Domingo Garbage Collection (November 1986)

Conduct a thorough review of information relating to thecollection and disposal of garbage in Santo Domingo Provide adetailed scope of work designed to analyze alternative methods ofprivatization along with concomitant financial evaluationsdetailed scope of work is

The to be used to direct a follow-on

feasibility study to provde the city government of Santo Domingowith specific analyses and recommendations for negotiating a contract with private companies


Ecuador Strategy Implementation Bridging (AugustNovember 1906)

Maintain momentum following initial reconnaissance to helpEcuadorian Goveznment and Mission formulate and carry out aprivatization strategy Specifi-ally closely examineenterprises identified as possible privatization targets performinitial steps in establishing valuation procedures Io determinepresent market value rather than historical acquisition costsconduct a seminar on valuation methodology for Ecuadorian and USMission officials design and recommend steps to start-up apublic awareness campaign to facilitate privatization analyzecapital market and prospective financing mechanisms for privatization



Papua New Guinea Privatization Plan (NovemberDecember 1986)

Visit SPRDO in Suva to review relevant materials available inMission Proceed to Port Moresby for detailed review ofcandidate companies including their financial records Review government plans for dealing with them and develop options forprivatization recommendations review major problems orimpediments and possible measures to resolve them reviewgovernment organization and authority for proceeding withprivatization and recommend an appropriate structure to do soreccmmend a national strategy and program to carry outprivatization solicit information and views from candidates fordivestiture from management of leading government officials andother private sector leaders


Tunisia Privatization Conference (December 1986April 1987)

Assist USAID in co-sponsoring a conference in Tunis April 15-171987 to examine aspects of privatization Conference coshysponsors are the Ministry of Planning and Finance (MOPF) of theGovernment of Tunisia (GOT) and the Institute of Superieur deGestion (ISG)


Yumdum Sawmill Privatization (SeptemberOctober 1986)

Perform actualpotential market assessment and operations review(technical operating costs required investments) Prepare tenshyyear cash flow Review privatization alternatives and recommend best course of action


Public Transportation Corporation (PTC) (October 1986May 1987)

Perform a detailed study to determine the bus companys role in arevised public transport scenario which will estimate itssignificance over a five year period with sensitivity todifferent levels of patronage at different fares Resourcesroutes and route performance route strengths defects andpotential comparison with minibus services and call taxisperformance and reasons for unprofitable performance Assesseffectiveness of engineering and other support services ratingpersonnel productivity by categories and compared with competitors



Philippines Phoenix Privatization Conference (December 1986) Lead and participate in a panel discussion on the topic ofvaluation of enterprises including asset valuation techniquesand relevant factors affecting market price including casestudies to illuminate the basic issues


Egypt Capital Markets (November 1986March 1988) Work with Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and Misr IranDevelopment Bank to plan organize and manage symposium onprivatization and assist Mission in preparing a privatization PIDand PP


Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation (SIRC) FebruaryMarch 1987) Analyze and recommend plan for privatizing the Swaziland RoyalInsurance Corporation (SRIC) identify key issues of finance andadministrative viability of the industry update cabinet andparliamentary actions taken after Coopers and Lybrand studydetermine Ministry of Finance and SIRCs objectives andrequirements


Ecuado (IESS) HotelCement Companies (FebruaryApril 1987) Work with staff of the Social Security Administration (IESS) todevelop options on strategies tasks and timetables for eventualprivatization of the Hotel Quito and the Guatan Cement Company


Privatization Strategy Development (MarchMay 1987)

Participate with PEDS consultant in joint assessment of theprivate sector environment in Bangladesh with particularattention to the role of privatization in the Missions overallprivate sector development strategy Identify constraints oncurrentplanned privatization activities Identify and rankopportunities to assist the privatization process Suggestspecific tudies or short-term technical assistance which wouldenhance the USAID Missions ability to support Bangladeshprivatization activities



Guatel Privatization Analysis (April 1987May 1987)

Provide technical assistance in developing SOW for a study toinvestigate and analyze range of options to be considered forpartial privatization Guatel goverrient corporation operatincall national and international public communications services in Guatemala


Grenada Privatization (MarchApril 1987)

Help formulate a plan to facilitate possible privatization ofGrenada Bank of Commerce the National Commercial Bank Grenlecand other state enterprises as appropriate


Peru Privatization Reconnaissance (AprilMay 1987)

Review draft proposal from state holding company CONADErequesting AID assistance for CONADEs privatization programwith particular attention to proposed program strategy and design identify areas where AID could-support privatizationeffort and share with CONADE the privatization experiences of other countries


Thriposha Analysis (JuneAugust 1987)

Analyze current operations strengths and problems relating tothe Thriposha processing complex in Ja-Ela Sri Lanka whichproduces a cereal weaning food for infants and nursing mothersRecommend future options for the management and ownership of the complex


Privatization Terms of Reference (May 1987)

Discuss with senior government officials plans and prospects forproceeding with privatization of enterprises which the governmenthad earlier acquired through nationalization Initial divestmentactivities of acquired companies had slowed as legal andfinancial obstacles were encountered Draw up terms of referenceacceptable to government that would establish basis for detailed strategy and plan of action to proceed



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Banana Control Board (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Negotiate a set of loan agreements for presentaton tc afinancial institution to finance the purchase of approximately2000 acres of banana-producing land from the Belize BananaControl Board and to underwrite the expansion of approximately2000 additional acres in the future


Reconnaissance and Terms of Reference (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Phase I Explore with the GOS and private sector the degree ofcommitment to privatization by the GOS including its willingnessto consider full divestiture and willingness to consider foreigninvestors review possible mechanisms for di estment strategyfor prioritizing SOEs and recommend steps to implement

Phase II Develop Terms of Reference for GOS serve asto thescope of work for World Bank Technical Assistance on privatization


Gambia Produce Marketing Board (FebruaryMarch 1986)

Meet with MOF NIB and others to review Economic Recovery Programand discuss recommendations of Divestiture Task Force conductcostprofit center analysis of GMPB major components (groundnutsrice fertilizer cotton vegetable oil imports) in order toevaluate opportunities for breakup and subsequent divestitureprepare short-term GMPB Privatization Program including tasks and cost timeschedule


CONADI Strategy Design and Development (MarchJune 1986)

1 Develop divestiture strategyaction plan including review offinancing mechanisms used elsewhere such as loanswapsesopdebt-equity conversion

2 Propose guidancemethodologies to select best candidates

3 Make a preliminary assessment of CONADI portfolio and other SOEs


4 Assist in preparing and implementing a public awareness campaign

5 Perform a macroeconomic analysis of the economic impact andcost benefits of privatization

6 Analyze market for CONADI holdings


Panama Reconnaissance (MarchApril 1986) Assist the Investment Couxcil of PanamaDivestiture Strategy Establish

plan a Nationalcriteriaprocedures to analyzeequity in state-owned enterprises and design marketing plans forspecific enterprises Examine implications of establishingexpt development finance institutions


Taris AssessmentDialoue (AprilMay 1986) Assess potential for divestiture of Taris operationsparticular attention to with

organization financial production andmarketing activities


Portugal Reconnaissance (April 1986)

Meet with USAIDEmbassy GOP businesspersons union officialsand LUSOAmerican Development Foundation to discuss strategiesfor privatization assess government commitment to privatizationthe readiness of state-owned enterprises for privatization andthe general politicaleconomiclegal environment forprivatization Develop recommendations on the steps necessary todevelop and implement a country strategy for privatization


Strategy Planning (AprilJune 1986)

Review current politicaleconomic environmentexperience in and privatizationagriculture and non-agricultural enterprisesDevelop strategy for non-agricultural enterprises especiallyCorporacion Financiera Nacionalrecommend action and develop

(CFN) Evaluate optionstime-table for implementation withperson days and skills required



Privatizaticn Advisory Services (JuneJuly 1986) Assist the GOP and Mission design and carry forward a program forprivatization or divestiture of SOEs including adviceestablishment onof a divestiture unit

to for the GOP Work with theGOP develop criteria to identify candidates establishprioritize and andinitihl list Reviewanalyze mechanisms used inother countries to financeimplement privatization eg publicsalts private placements loan swaps employee ownershipprograms debt-to-equity conversions etc


Strategy for Divestiture of AG Holdings (NFA) (JulyOctober 1986) Review confirm and validate previous study of NFA byReview PASthe business operationsviability of NFA to determine commercialEstablish net worth break-up volume and potentialsale prices Design and recommend an action plan fordivestiture


Senprim Truck Farm Privatization (JulyAugust 1986) Assess possible privatization of state-owned vegetable farmSenprim including wiliingness of GOS to accept reasonablevaluation and to relinquish management control Review marketing(local markets competition transportationfinance legal issues etc) productionrelating to privatization Propose stepsnecessary to privatize


Somalia Fisheries Reconnaissance (June 1986) Evaluate extent of commitment of GOS to privatization in Somaliaboth in principle and with specific reference to divestiture ofSomalia Marine Products (SMP) or possible new venture in Kismayoconduct discussions with Mission and GOS officials confirm longshyterm profitability of the venture and benefits to Somalia economyand work out terms for eventual Somali private ownershipparticipation



Jordan Reconnaissance (July 1986)

Consult with USAID Mission officers and representative of GOJconcerning five enterprises currently being considered as initialcandidates for privatization with particular attention to ALIAthe Royal Jordanian Airline Evaluate commitment of GOJ to moveforward with privatization of any or all For the Amman BusCompany ascertain availability of financial and statisticalinformation legal impediments and other constraints Assessobjectives work involved and likelihood of potential forsuccessful privatization Assess problems and propose a strategyfor proceeding with Bus company


Survey of Privatization Potential (August 1986)

Consult with Mission personnel GOG officials and IBRDrepresentatives Identify and evaluate key Thsues to be addressedin divestiture strategy and on-going policy dialogue Developselection criteria for state enterprises to be selected forprivatization and illustrate the application of these criteria toseveral enterprises Enumerate type and ofduration technicalassistance required to implement succeeding phases of the countryprivatization strategy Define how that strategy would becoordinated and interfaced with IBRD privatization activities and programs in Guinea


Fiji Conference Planning (October 1986May 1987)

Develop a generic conference planning manual for use by USAIDMissions as a guideline for planning and conducting regionalandor country specific privatization conference seminars andworkshops Assist in the technical and administrative support andconduct of privatization conference in Suva Fiji Provide corecurricula for conference Coordinate conference administrationand participate in conference program as a presentorParticipate in post-conference evaluation and debriefings ofMission and country officials as appropriate



Privatization Bridging Project (July 1986March 1987)

Conduct further analy-is of the CONADI portfolio and the SOEstransfer plan Assist USAIDH in the completion and review of theproject paper Conduct privatization seminars for variousaudiences Prepare financial rehabilitation plan for top selectedfirms including calculated debt service capacity andrecommended capitalization and debt rerheduling Performvaluation of assets (price range) for selected firms Preparecompany prospectuses Perform marketing activities includingcontacting prospective investors assisting potential buyers instructuring offers and assisting CONADI in negotiations


Banqladesh Divestiture Study (August 1986May 1987)

Direct a study analyzing the history policy context indusLirial structure rationale and outcome of privatization and divestiture activities in Bangladesh


Santo Domingo Garbage Collection (November 1986)

Conduct a thorough review of information relating to thecollection and disposal of garbage in Santo Domingo Provide adetailed scope of work designed to analyze alternative methods ofprivatization along with concomitant financial evaluationsdetailed scope of work is

The to be used to direct a follow-on

feasibility study to provde the city government of Santo Domingowith specific analyses and recommendations for negotiating a contract with private companies


Ecuador Strategy Implementation Bridging (AugustNovember 1906)

Maintain momentum following initial reconnaissance to helpEcuadorian Goveznment and Mission formulate and carry out aprivatization strategy Specifi-ally closely examineenterprises identified as possible privatization targets performinitial steps in establishing valuation procedures Io determinepresent market value rather than historical acquisition costsconduct a seminar on valuation methodology for Ecuadorian and USMission officials design and recommend steps to start-up apublic awareness campaign to facilitate privatization analyzecapital market and prospective financing mechanisms for privatization



Papua New Guinea Privatization Plan (NovemberDecember 1986)

Visit SPRDO in Suva to review relevant materials available inMission Proceed to Port Moresby for detailed review ofcandidate companies including their financial records Review government plans for dealing with them and develop options forprivatization recommendations review major problems orimpediments and possible measures to resolve them reviewgovernment organization and authority for proceeding withprivatization and recommend an appropriate structure to do soreccmmend a national strategy and program to carry outprivatization solicit information and views from candidates fordivestiture from management of leading government officials andother private sector leaders


Tunisia Privatization Conference (December 1986April 1987)

Assist USAID in co-sponsoring a conference in Tunis April 15-171987 to examine aspects of privatization Conference coshysponsors are the Ministry of Planning and Finance (MOPF) of theGovernment of Tunisia (GOT) and the Institute of Superieur deGestion (ISG)


Yumdum Sawmill Privatization (SeptemberOctober 1986)

Perform actualpotential market assessment and operations review(technical operating costs required investments) Prepare tenshyyear cash flow Review privatization alternatives and recommend best course of action


Public Transportation Corporation (PTC) (October 1986May 1987)

Perform a detailed study to determine the bus companys role in arevised public transport scenario which will estimate itssignificance over a five year period with sensitivity todifferent levels of patronage at different fares Resourcesroutes and route performance route strengths defects andpotential comparison with minibus services and call taxisperformance and reasons for unprofitable performance Assesseffectiveness of engineering and other support services ratingpersonnel productivity by categories and compared with competitors



Philippines Phoenix Privatization Conference (December 1986) Lead and participate in a panel discussion on the topic ofvaluation of enterprises including asset valuation techniquesand relevant factors affecting market price including casestudies to illuminate the basic issues


Egypt Capital Markets (November 1986March 1988) Work with Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and Misr IranDevelopment Bank to plan organize and manage symposium onprivatization and assist Mission in preparing a privatization PIDand PP


Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation (SIRC) FebruaryMarch 1987) Analyze and recommend plan for privatizing the Swaziland RoyalInsurance Corporation (SRIC) identify key issues of finance andadministrative viability of the industry update cabinet andparliamentary actions taken after Coopers and Lybrand studydetermine Ministry of Finance and SIRCs objectives andrequirements


Ecuado (IESS) HotelCement Companies (FebruaryApril 1987) Work with staff of the Social Security Administration (IESS) todevelop options on strategies tasks and timetables for eventualprivatization of the Hotel Quito and the Guatan Cement Company


Privatization Strategy Development (MarchMay 1987)

Participate with PEDS consultant in joint assessment of theprivate sector environment in Bangladesh with particularattention to the role of privatization in the Missions overallprivate sector development strategy Identify constraints oncurrentplanned privatization activities Identify and rankopportunities to assist the privatization process Suggestspecific tudies or short-term technical assistance which wouldenhance the USAID Missions ability to support Bangladeshprivatization activities



Guatel Privatization Analysis (April 1987May 1987)

Provide technical assistance in developing SOW for a study toinvestigate and analyze range of options to be considered forpartial privatization Guatel goverrient corporation operatincall national and international public communications services in Guatemala


Grenada Privatization (MarchApril 1987)

Help formulate a plan to facilitate possible privatization ofGrenada Bank of Commerce the National Commercial Bank Grenlecand other state enterprises as appropriate


Peru Privatization Reconnaissance (AprilMay 1987)

Review draft proposal from state holding company CONADErequesting AID assistance for CONADEs privatization programwith particular attention to proposed program strategy and design identify areas where AID could-support privatizationeffort and share with CONADE the privatization experiences of other countries


Thriposha Analysis (JuneAugust 1987)

Analyze current operations strengths and problems relating tothe Thriposha processing complex in Ja-Ela Sri Lanka whichproduces a cereal weaning food for infants and nursing mothersRecommend future options for the management and ownership of the complex


Privatization Terms of Reference (May 1987)

Discuss with senior government officials plans and prospects forproceeding with privatization of enterprises which the governmenthad earlier acquired through nationalization Initial divestmentactivities of acquired companies had slowed as legal andfinancial obstacles were encountered Draw up terms of referenceacceptable to government that would establish basis for detailed strategy and plan of action to proceed



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles


4 Assist in preparing and implementing a public awareness campaign

5 Perform a macroeconomic analysis of the economic impact andcost benefits of privatization

6 Analyze market for CONADI holdings


Panama Reconnaissance (MarchApril 1986) Assist the Investment Couxcil of PanamaDivestiture Strategy Establish

plan a Nationalcriteriaprocedures to analyzeequity in state-owned enterprises and design marketing plans forspecific enterprises Examine implications of establishingexpt development finance institutions


Taris AssessmentDialoue (AprilMay 1986) Assess potential for divestiture of Taris operationsparticular attention to with

organization financial production andmarketing activities


Portugal Reconnaissance (April 1986)

Meet with USAIDEmbassy GOP businesspersons union officialsand LUSOAmerican Development Foundation to discuss strategiesfor privatization assess government commitment to privatizationthe readiness of state-owned enterprises for privatization andthe general politicaleconomiclegal environment forprivatization Develop recommendations on the steps necessary todevelop and implement a country strategy for privatization


Strategy Planning (AprilJune 1986)

Review current politicaleconomic environmentexperience in and privatizationagriculture and non-agricultural enterprisesDevelop strategy for non-agricultural enterprises especiallyCorporacion Financiera Nacionalrecommend action and develop

(CFN) Evaluate optionstime-table for implementation withperson days and skills required



Privatizaticn Advisory Services (JuneJuly 1986) Assist the GOP and Mission design and carry forward a program forprivatization or divestiture of SOEs including adviceestablishment onof a divestiture unit

to for the GOP Work with theGOP develop criteria to identify candidates establishprioritize and andinitihl list Reviewanalyze mechanisms used inother countries to financeimplement privatization eg publicsalts private placements loan swaps employee ownershipprograms debt-to-equity conversions etc


Strategy for Divestiture of AG Holdings (NFA) (JulyOctober 1986) Review confirm and validate previous study of NFA byReview PASthe business operationsviability of NFA to determine commercialEstablish net worth break-up volume and potentialsale prices Design and recommend an action plan fordivestiture


Senprim Truck Farm Privatization (JulyAugust 1986) Assess possible privatization of state-owned vegetable farmSenprim including wiliingness of GOS to accept reasonablevaluation and to relinquish management control Review marketing(local markets competition transportationfinance legal issues etc) productionrelating to privatization Propose stepsnecessary to privatize


Somalia Fisheries Reconnaissance (June 1986) Evaluate extent of commitment of GOS to privatization in Somaliaboth in principle and with specific reference to divestiture ofSomalia Marine Products (SMP) or possible new venture in Kismayoconduct discussions with Mission and GOS officials confirm longshyterm profitability of the venture and benefits to Somalia economyand work out terms for eventual Somali private ownershipparticipation



Jordan Reconnaissance (July 1986)

Consult with USAID Mission officers and representative of GOJconcerning five enterprises currently being considered as initialcandidates for privatization with particular attention to ALIAthe Royal Jordanian Airline Evaluate commitment of GOJ to moveforward with privatization of any or all For the Amman BusCompany ascertain availability of financial and statisticalinformation legal impediments and other constraints Assessobjectives work involved and likelihood of potential forsuccessful privatization Assess problems and propose a strategyfor proceeding with Bus company


Survey of Privatization Potential (August 1986)

Consult with Mission personnel GOG officials and IBRDrepresentatives Identify and evaluate key Thsues to be addressedin divestiture strategy and on-going policy dialogue Developselection criteria for state enterprises to be selected forprivatization and illustrate the application of these criteria toseveral enterprises Enumerate type and ofduration technicalassistance required to implement succeeding phases of the countryprivatization strategy Define how that strategy would becoordinated and interfaced with IBRD privatization activities and programs in Guinea


Fiji Conference Planning (October 1986May 1987)

Develop a generic conference planning manual for use by USAIDMissions as a guideline for planning and conducting regionalandor country specific privatization conference seminars andworkshops Assist in the technical and administrative support andconduct of privatization conference in Suva Fiji Provide corecurricula for conference Coordinate conference administrationand participate in conference program as a presentorParticipate in post-conference evaluation and debriefings ofMission and country officials as appropriate



Privatization Bridging Project (July 1986March 1987)

Conduct further analy-is of the CONADI portfolio and the SOEstransfer plan Assist USAIDH in the completion and review of theproject paper Conduct privatization seminars for variousaudiences Prepare financial rehabilitation plan for top selectedfirms including calculated debt service capacity andrecommended capitalization and debt rerheduling Performvaluation of assets (price range) for selected firms Preparecompany prospectuses Perform marketing activities includingcontacting prospective investors assisting potential buyers instructuring offers and assisting CONADI in negotiations


Banqladesh Divestiture Study (August 1986May 1987)

Direct a study analyzing the history policy context indusLirial structure rationale and outcome of privatization and divestiture activities in Bangladesh


Santo Domingo Garbage Collection (November 1986)

Conduct a thorough review of information relating to thecollection and disposal of garbage in Santo Domingo Provide adetailed scope of work designed to analyze alternative methods ofprivatization along with concomitant financial evaluationsdetailed scope of work is

The to be used to direct a follow-on

feasibility study to provde the city government of Santo Domingowith specific analyses and recommendations for negotiating a contract with private companies


Ecuador Strategy Implementation Bridging (AugustNovember 1906)

Maintain momentum following initial reconnaissance to helpEcuadorian Goveznment and Mission formulate and carry out aprivatization strategy Specifi-ally closely examineenterprises identified as possible privatization targets performinitial steps in establishing valuation procedures Io determinepresent market value rather than historical acquisition costsconduct a seminar on valuation methodology for Ecuadorian and USMission officials design and recommend steps to start-up apublic awareness campaign to facilitate privatization analyzecapital market and prospective financing mechanisms for privatization



Papua New Guinea Privatization Plan (NovemberDecember 1986)

Visit SPRDO in Suva to review relevant materials available inMission Proceed to Port Moresby for detailed review ofcandidate companies including their financial records Review government plans for dealing with them and develop options forprivatization recommendations review major problems orimpediments and possible measures to resolve them reviewgovernment organization and authority for proceeding withprivatization and recommend an appropriate structure to do soreccmmend a national strategy and program to carry outprivatization solicit information and views from candidates fordivestiture from management of leading government officials andother private sector leaders


Tunisia Privatization Conference (December 1986April 1987)

Assist USAID in co-sponsoring a conference in Tunis April 15-171987 to examine aspects of privatization Conference coshysponsors are the Ministry of Planning and Finance (MOPF) of theGovernment of Tunisia (GOT) and the Institute of Superieur deGestion (ISG)


Yumdum Sawmill Privatization (SeptemberOctober 1986)

Perform actualpotential market assessment and operations review(technical operating costs required investments) Prepare tenshyyear cash flow Review privatization alternatives and recommend best course of action


Public Transportation Corporation (PTC) (October 1986May 1987)

Perform a detailed study to determine the bus companys role in arevised public transport scenario which will estimate itssignificance over a five year period with sensitivity todifferent levels of patronage at different fares Resourcesroutes and route performance route strengths defects andpotential comparison with minibus services and call taxisperformance and reasons for unprofitable performance Assesseffectiveness of engineering and other support services ratingpersonnel productivity by categories and compared with competitors



Philippines Phoenix Privatization Conference (December 1986) Lead and participate in a panel discussion on the topic ofvaluation of enterprises including asset valuation techniquesand relevant factors affecting market price including casestudies to illuminate the basic issues


Egypt Capital Markets (November 1986March 1988) Work with Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and Misr IranDevelopment Bank to plan organize and manage symposium onprivatization and assist Mission in preparing a privatization PIDand PP


Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation (SIRC) FebruaryMarch 1987) Analyze and recommend plan for privatizing the Swaziland RoyalInsurance Corporation (SRIC) identify key issues of finance andadministrative viability of the industry update cabinet andparliamentary actions taken after Coopers and Lybrand studydetermine Ministry of Finance and SIRCs objectives andrequirements


Ecuado (IESS) HotelCement Companies (FebruaryApril 1987) Work with staff of the Social Security Administration (IESS) todevelop options on strategies tasks and timetables for eventualprivatization of the Hotel Quito and the Guatan Cement Company


Privatization Strategy Development (MarchMay 1987)

Participate with PEDS consultant in joint assessment of theprivate sector environment in Bangladesh with particularattention to the role of privatization in the Missions overallprivate sector development strategy Identify constraints oncurrentplanned privatization activities Identify and rankopportunities to assist the privatization process Suggestspecific tudies or short-term technical assistance which wouldenhance the USAID Missions ability to support Bangladeshprivatization activities



Guatel Privatization Analysis (April 1987May 1987)

Provide technical assistance in developing SOW for a study toinvestigate and analyze range of options to be considered forpartial privatization Guatel goverrient corporation operatincall national and international public communications services in Guatemala


Grenada Privatization (MarchApril 1987)

Help formulate a plan to facilitate possible privatization ofGrenada Bank of Commerce the National Commercial Bank Grenlecand other state enterprises as appropriate


Peru Privatization Reconnaissance (AprilMay 1987)

Review draft proposal from state holding company CONADErequesting AID assistance for CONADEs privatization programwith particular attention to proposed program strategy and design identify areas where AID could-support privatizationeffort and share with CONADE the privatization experiences of other countries


Thriposha Analysis (JuneAugust 1987)

Analyze current operations strengths and problems relating tothe Thriposha processing complex in Ja-Ela Sri Lanka whichproduces a cereal weaning food for infants and nursing mothersRecommend future options for the management and ownership of the complex


Privatization Terms of Reference (May 1987)

Discuss with senior government officials plans and prospects forproceeding with privatization of enterprises which the governmenthad earlier acquired through nationalization Initial divestmentactivities of acquired companies had slowed as legal andfinancial obstacles were encountered Draw up terms of referenceacceptable to government that would establish basis for detailed strategy and plan of action to proceed



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Privatizaticn Advisory Services (JuneJuly 1986) Assist the GOP and Mission design and carry forward a program forprivatization or divestiture of SOEs including adviceestablishment onof a divestiture unit

to for the GOP Work with theGOP develop criteria to identify candidates establishprioritize and andinitihl list Reviewanalyze mechanisms used inother countries to financeimplement privatization eg publicsalts private placements loan swaps employee ownershipprograms debt-to-equity conversions etc


Strategy for Divestiture of AG Holdings (NFA) (JulyOctober 1986) Review confirm and validate previous study of NFA byReview PASthe business operationsviability of NFA to determine commercialEstablish net worth break-up volume and potentialsale prices Design and recommend an action plan fordivestiture


Senprim Truck Farm Privatization (JulyAugust 1986) Assess possible privatization of state-owned vegetable farmSenprim including wiliingness of GOS to accept reasonablevaluation and to relinquish management control Review marketing(local markets competition transportationfinance legal issues etc) productionrelating to privatization Propose stepsnecessary to privatize


Somalia Fisheries Reconnaissance (June 1986) Evaluate extent of commitment of GOS to privatization in Somaliaboth in principle and with specific reference to divestiture ofSomalia Marine Products (SMP) or possible new venture in Kismayoconduct discussions with Mission and GOS officials confirm longshyterm profitability of the venture and benefits to Somalia economyand work out terms for eventual Somali private ownershipparticipation



Jordan Reconnaissance (July 1986)

Consult with USAID Mission officers and representative of GOJconcerning five enterprises currently being considered as initialcandidates for privatization with particular attention to ALIAthe Royal Jordanian Airline Evaluate commitment of GOJ to moveforward with privatization of any or all For the Amman BusCompany ascertain availability of financial and statisticalinformation legal impediments and other constraints Assessobjectives work involved and likelihood of potential forsuccessful privatization Assess problems and propose a strategyfor proceeding with Bus company


Survey of Privatization Potential (August 1986)

Consult with Mission personnel GOG officials and IBRDrepresentatives Identify and evaluate key Thsues to be addressedin divestiture strategy and on-going policy dialogue Developselection criteria for state enterprises to be selected forprivatization and illustrate the application of these criteria toseveral enterprises Enumerate type and ofduration technicalassistance required to implement succeeding phases of the countryprivatization strategy Define how that strategy would becoordinated and interfaced with IBRD privatization activities and programs in Guinea


Fiji Conference Planning (October 1986May 1987)

Develop a generic conference planning manual for use by USAIDMissions as a guideline for planning and conducting regionalandor country specific privatization conference seminars andworkshops Assist in the technical and administrative support andconduct of privatization conference in Suva Fiji Provide corecurricula for conference Coordinate conference administrationand participate in conference program as a presentorParticipate in post-conference evaluation and debriefings ofMission and country officials as appropriate



Privatization Bridging Project (July 1986March 1987)

Conduct further analy-is of the CONADI portfolio and the SOEstransfer plan Assist USAIDH in the completion and review of theproject paper Conduct privatization seminars for variousaudiences Prepare financial rehabilitation plan for top selectedfirms including calculated debt service capacity andrecommended capitalization and debt rerheduling Performvaluation of assets (price range) for selected firms Preparecompany prospectuses Perform marketing activities includingcontacting prospective investors assisting potential buyers instructuring offers and assisting CONADI in negotiations


Banqladesh Divestiture Study (August 1986May 1987)

Direct a study analyzing the history policy context indusLirial structure rationale and outcome of privatization and divestiture activities in Bangladesh


Santo Domingo Garbage Collection (November 1986)

Conduct a thorough review of information relating to thecollection and disposal of garbage in Santo Domingo Provide adetailed scope of work designed to analyze alternative methods ofprivatization along with concomitant financial evaluationsdetailed scope of work is

The to be used to direct a follow-on

feasibility study to provde the city government of Santo Domingowith specific analyses and recommendations for negotiating a contract with private companies


Ecuador Strategy Implementation Bridging (AugustNovember 1906)

Maintain momentum following initial reconnaissance to helpEcuadorian Goveznment and Mission formulate and carry out aprivatization strategy Specifi-ally closely examineenterprises identified as possible privatization targets performinitial steps in establishing valuation procedures Io determinepresent market value rather than historical acquisition costsconduct a seminar on valuation methodology for Ecuadorian and USMission officials design and recommend steps to start-up apublic awareness campaign to facilitate privatization analyzecapital market and prospective financing mechanisms for privatization



Papua New Guinea Privatization Plan (NovemberDecember 1986)

Visit SPRDO in Suva to review relevant materials available inMission Proceed to Port Moresby for detailed review ofcandidate companies including their financial records Review government plans for dealing with them and develop options forprivatization recommendations review major problems orimpediments and possible measures to resolve them reviewgovernment organization and authority for proceeding withprivatization and recommend an appropriate structure to do soreccmmend a national strategy and program to carry outprivatization solicit information and views from candidates fordivestiture from management of leading government officials andother private sector leaders


Tunisia Privatization Conference (December 1986April 1987)

Assist USAID in co-sponsoring a conference in Tunis April 15-171987 to examine aspects of privatization Conference coshysponsors are the Ministry of Planning and Finance (MOPF) of theGovernment of Tunisia (GOT) and the Institute of Superieur deGestion (ISG)


Yumdum Sawmill Privatization (SeptemberOctober 1986)

Perform actualpotential market assessment and operations review(technical operating costs required investments) Prepare tenshyyear cash flow Review privatization alternatives and recommend best course of action


Public Transportation Corporation (PTC) (October 1986May 1987)

Perform a detailed study to determine the bus companys role in arevised public transport scenario which will estimate itssignificance over a five year period with sensitivity todifferent levels of patronage at different fares Resourcesroutes and route performance route strengths defects andpotential comparison with minibus services and call taxisperformance and reasons for unprofitable performance Assesseffectiveness of engineering and other support services ratingpersonnel productivity by categories and compared with competitors



Philippines Phoenix Privatization Conference (December 1986) Lead and participate in a panel discussion on the topic ofvaluation of enterprises including asset valuation techniquesand relevant factors affecting market price including casestudies to illuminate the basic issues


Egypt Capital Markets (November 1986March 1988) Work with Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and Misr IranDevelopment Bank to plan organize and manage symposium onprivatization and assist Mission in preparing a privatization PIDand PP


Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation (SIRC) FebruaryMarch 1987) Analyze and recommend plan for privatizing the Swaziland RoyalInsurance Corporation (SRIC) identify key issues of finance andadministrative viability of the industry update cabinet andparliamentary actions taken after Coopers and Lybrand studydetermine Ministry of Finance and SIRCs objectives andrequirements


Ecuado (IESS) HotelCement Companies (FebruaryApril 1987) Work with staff of the Social Security Administration (IESS) todevelop options on strategies tasks and timetables for eventualprivatization of the Hotel Quito and the Guatan Cement Company


Privatization Strategy Development (MarchMay 1987)

Participate with PEDS consultant in joint assessment of theprivate sector environment in Bangladesh with particularattention to the role of privatization in the Missions overallprivate sector development strategy Identify constraints oncurrentplanned privatization activities Identify and rankopportunities to assist the privatization process Suggestspecific tudies or short-term technical assistance which wouldenhance the USAID Missions ability to support Bangladeshprivatization activities



Guatel Privatization Analysis (April 1987May 1987)

Provide technical assistance in developing SOW for a study toinvestigate and analyze range of options to be considered forpartial privatization Guatel goverrient corporation operatincall national and international public communications services in Guatemala


Grenada Privatization (MarchApril 1987)

Help formulate a plan to facilitate possible privatization ofGrenada Bank of Commerce the National Commercial Bank Grenlecand other state enterprises as appropriate


Peru Privatization Reconnaissance (AprilMay 1987)

Review draft proposal from state holding company CONADErequesting AID assistance for CONADEs privatization programwith particular attention to proposed program strategy and design identify areas where AID could-support privatizationeffort and share with CONADE the privatization experiences of other countries


Thriposha Analysis (JuneAugust 1987)

Analyze current operations strengths and problems relating tothe Thriposha processing complex in Ja-Ela Sri Lanka whichproduces a cereal weaning food for infants and nursing mothersRecommend future options for the management and ownership of the complex


Privatization Terms of Reference (May 1987)

Discuss with senior government officials plans and prospects forproceeding with privatization of enterprises which the governmenthad earlier acquired through nationalization Initial divestmentactivities of acquired companies had slowed as legal andfinancial obstacles were encountered Draw up terms of referenceacceptable to government that would establish basis for detailed strategy and plan of action to proceed



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Jordan Reconnaissance (July 1986)

Consult with USAID Mission officers and representative of GOJconcerning five enterprises currently being considered as initialcandidates for privatization with particular attention to ALIAthe Royal Jordanian Airline Evaluate commitment of GOJ to moveforward with privatization of any or all For the Amman BusCompany ascertain availability of financial and statisticalinformation legal impediments and other constraints Assessobjectives work involved and likelihood of potential forsuccessful privatization Assess problems and propose a strategyfor proceeding with Bus company


Survey of Privatization Potential (August 1986)

Consult with Mission personnel GOG officials and IBRDrepresentatives Identify and evaluate key Thsues to be addressedin divestiture strategy and on-going policy dialogue Developselection criteria for state enterprises to be selected forprivatization and illustrate the application of these criteria toseveral enterprises Enumerate type and ofduration technicalassistance required to implement succeeding phases of the countryprivatization strategy Define how that strategy would becoordinated and interfaced with IBRD privatization activities and programs in Guinea


Fiji Conference Planning (October 1986May 1987)

Develop a generic conference planning manual for use by USAIDMissions as a guideline for planning and conducting regionalandor country specific privatization conference seminars andworkshops Assist in the technical and administrative support andconduct of privatization conference in Suva Fiji Provide corecurricula for conference Coordinate conference administrationand participate in conference program as a presentorParticipate in post-conference evaluation and debriefings ofMission and country officials as appropriate



Privatization Bridging Project (July 1986March 1987)

Conduct further analy-is of the CONADI portfolio and the SOEstransfer plan Assist USAIDH in the completion and review of theproject paper Conduct privatization seminars for variousaudiences Prepare financial rehabilitation plan for top selectedfirms including calculated debt service capacity andrecommended capitalization and debt rerheduling Performvaluation of assets (price range) for selected firms Preparecompany prospectuses Perform marketing activities includingcontacting prospective investors assisting potential buyers instructuring offers and assisting CONADI in negotiations


Banqladesh Divestiture Study (August 1986May 1987)

Direct a study analyzing the history policy context indusLirial structure rationale and outcome of privatization and divestiture activities in Bangladesh


Santo Domingo Garbage Collection (November 1986)

Conduct a thorough review of information relating to thecollection and disposal of garbage in Santo Domingo Provide adetailed scope of work designed to analyze alternative methods ofprivatization along with concomitant financial evaluationsdetailed scope of work is

The to be used to direct a follow-on

feasibility study to provde the city government of Santo Domingowith specific analyses and recommendations for negotiating a contract with private companies


Ecuador Strategy Implementation Bridging (AugustNovember 1906)

Maintain momentum following initial reconnaissance to helpEcuadorian Goveznment and Mission formulate and carry out aprivatization strategy Specifi-ally closely examineenterprises identified as possible privatization targets performinitial steps in establishing valuation procedures Io determinepresent market value rather than historical acquisition costsconduct a seminar on valuation methodology for Ecuadorian and USMission officials design and recommend steps to start-up apublic awareness campaign to facilitate privatization analyzecapital market and prospective financing mechanisms for privatization



Papua New Guinea Privatization Plan (NovemberDecember 1986)

Visit SPRDO in Suva to review relevant materials available inMission Proceed to Port Moresby for detailed review ofcandidate companies including their financial records Review government plans for dealing with them and develop options forprivatization recommendations review major problems orimpediments and possible measures to resolve them reviewgovernment organization and authority for proceeding withprivatization and recommend an appropriate structure to do soreccmmend a national strategy and program to carry outprivatization solicit information and views from candidates fordivestiture from management of leading government officials andother private sector leaders


Tunisia Privatization Conference (December 1986April 1987)

Assist USAID in co-sponsoring a conference in Tunis April 15-171987 to examine aspects of privatization Conference coshysponsors are the Ministry of Planning and Finance (MOPF) of theGovernment of Tunisia (GOT) and the Institute of Superieur deGestion (ISG)


Yumdum Sawmill Privatization (SeptemberOctober 1986)

Perform actualpotential market assessment and operations review(technical operating costs required investments) Prepare tenshyyear cash flow Review privatization alternatives and recommend best course of action


Public Transportation Corporation (PTC) (October 1986May 1987)

Perform a detailed study to determine the bus companys role in arevised public transport scenario which will estimate itssignificance over a five year period with sensitivity todifferent levels of patronage at different fares Resourcesroutes and route performance route strengths defects andpotential comparison with minibus services and call taxisperformance and reasons for unprofitable performance Assesseffectiveness of engineering and other support services ratingpersonnel productivity by categories and compared with competitors



Philippines Phoenix Privatization Conference (December 1986) Lead and participate in a panel discussion on the topic ofvaluation of enterprises including asset valuation techniquesand relevant factors affecting market price including casestudies to illuminate the basic issues


Egypt Capital Markets (November 1986March 1988) Work with Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and Misr IranDevelopment Bank to plan organize and manage symposium onprivatization and assist Mission in preparing a privatization PIDand PP


Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation (SIRC) FebruaryMarch 1987) Analyze and recommend plan for privatizing the Swaziland RoyalInsurance Corporation (SRIC) identify key issues of finance andadministrative viability of the industry update cabinet andparliamentary actions taken after Coopers and Lybrand studydetermine Ministry of Finance and SIRCs objectives andrequirements


Ecuado (IESS) HotelCement Companies (FebruaryApril 1987) Work with staff of the Social Security Administration (IESS) todevelop options on strategies tasks and timetables for eventualprivatization of the Hotel Quito and the Guatan Cement Company


Privatization Strategy Development (MarchMay 1987)

Participate with PEDS consultant in joint assessment of theprivate sector environment in Bangladesh with particularattention to the role of privatization in the Missions overallprivate sector development strategy Identify constraints oncurrentplanned privatization activities Identify and rankopportunities to assist the privatization process Suggestspecific tudies or short-term technical assistance which wouldenhance the USAID Missions ability to support Bangladeshprivatization activities



Guatel Privatization Analysis (April 1987May 1987)

Provide technical assistance in developing SOW for a study toinvestigate and analyze range of options to be considered forpartial privatization Guatel goverrient corporation operatincall national and international public communications services in Guatemala


Grenada Privatization (MarchApril 1987)

Help formulate a plan to facilitate possible privatization ofGrenada Bank of Commerce the National Commercial Bank Grenlecand other state enterprises as appropriate


Peru Privatization Reconnaissance (AprilMay 1987)

Review draft proposal from state holding company CONADErequesting AID assistance for CONADEs privatization programwith particular attention to proposed program strategy and design identify areas where AID could-support privatizationeffort and share with CONADE the privatization experiences of other countries


Thriposha Analysis (JuneAugust 1987)

Analyze current operations strengths and problems relating tothe Thriposha processing complex in Ja-Ela Sri Lanka whichproduces a cereal weaning food for infants and nursing mothersRecommend future options for the management and ownership of the complex


Privatization Terms of Reference (May 1987)

Discuss with senior government officials plans and prospects forproceeding with privatization of enterprises which the governmenthad earlier acquired through nationalization Initial divestmentactivities of acquired companies had slowed as legal andfinancial obstacles were encountered Draw up terms of referenceacceptable to government that would establish basis for detailed strategy and plan of action to proceed



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Privatization Bridging Project (July 1986March 1987)

Conduct further analy-is of the CONADI portfolio and the SOEstransfer plan Assist USAIDH in the completion and review of theproject paper Conduct privatization seminars for variousaudiences Prepare financial rehabilitation plan for top selectedfirms including calculated debt service capacity andrecommended capitalization and debt rerheduling Performvaluation of assets (price range) for selected firms Preparecompany prospectuses Perform marketing activities includingcontacting prospective investors assisting potential buyers instructuring offers and assisting CONADI in negotiations


Banqladesh Divestiture Study (August 1986May 1987)

Direct a study analyzing the history policy context indusLirial structure rationale and outcome of privatization and divestiture activities in Bangladesh


Santo Domingo Garbage Collection (November 1986)

Conduct a thorough review of information relating to thecollection and disposal of garbage in Santo Domingo Provide adetailed scope of work designed to analyze alternative methods ofprivatization along with concomitant financial evaluationsdetailed scope of work is

The to be used to direct a follow-on

feasibility study to provde the city government of Santo Domingowith specific analyses and recommendations for negotiating a contract with private companies


Ecuador Strategy Implementation Bridging (AugustNovember 1906)

Maintain momentum following initial reconnaissance to helpEcuadorian Goveznment and Mission formulate and carry out aprivatization strategy Specifi-ally closely examineenterprises identified as possible privatization targets performinitial steps in establishing valuation procedures Io determinepresent market value rather than historical acquisition costsconduct a seminar on valuation methodology for Ecuadorian and USMission officials design and recommend steps to start-up apublic awareness campaign to facilitate privatization analyzecapital market and prospective financing mechanisms for privatization



Papua New Guinea Privatization Plan (NovemberDecember 1986)

Visit SPRDO in Suva to review relevant materials available inMission Proceed to Port Moresby for detailed review ofcandidate companies including their financial records Review government plans for dealing with them and develop options forprivatization recommendations review major problems orimpediments and possible measures to resolve them reviewgovernment organization and authority for proceeding withprivatization and recommend an appropriate structure to do soreccmmend a national strategy and program to carry outprivatization solicit information and views from candidates fordivestiture from management of leading government officials andother private sector leaders


Tunisia Privatization Conference (December 1986April 1987)

Assist USAID in co-sponsoring a conference in Tunis April 15-171987 to examine aspects of privatization Conference coshysponsors are the Ministry of Planning and Finance (MOPF) of theGovernment of Tunisia (GOT) and the Institute of Superieur deGestion (ISG)


Yumdum Sawmill Privatization (SeptemberOctober 1986)

Perform actualpotential market assessment and operations review(technical operating costs required investments) Prepare tenshyyear cash flow Review privatization alternatives and recommend best course of action


Public Transportation Corporation (PTC) (October 1986May 1987)

Perform a detailed study to determine the bus companys role in arevised public transport scenario which will estimate itssignificance over a five year period with sensitivity todifferent levels of patronage at different fares Resourcesroutes and route performance route strengths defects andpotential comparison with minibus services and call taxisperformance and reasons for unprofitable performance Assesseffectiveness of engineering and other support services ratingpersonnel productivity by categories and compared with competitors



Philippines Phoenix Privatization Conference (December 1986) Lead and participate in a panel discussion on the topic ofvaluation of enterprises including asset valuation techniquesand relevant factors affecting market price including casestudies to illuminate the basic issues


Egypt Capital Markets (November 1986March 1988) Work with Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and Misr IranDevelopment Bank to plan organize and manage symposium onprivatization and assist Mission in preparing a privatization PIDand PP


Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation (SIRC) FebruaryMarch 1987) Analyze and recommend plan for privatizing the Swaziland RoyalInsurance Corporation (SRIC) identify key issues of finance andadministrative viability of the industry update cabinet andparliamentary actions taken after Coopers and Lybrand studydetermine Ministry of Finance and SIRCs objectives andrequirements


Ecuado (IESS) HotelCement Companies (FebruaryApril 1987) Work with staff of the Social Security Administration (IESS) todevelop options on strategies tasks and timetables for eventualprivatization of the Hotel Quito and the Guatan Cement Company


Privatization Strategy Development (MarchMay 1987)

Participate with PEDS consultant in joint assessment of theprivate sector environment in Bangladesh with particularattention to the role of privatization in the Missions overallprivate sector development strategy Identify constraints oncurrentplanned privatization activities Identify and rankopportunities to assist the privatization process Suggestspecific tudies or short-term technical assistance which wouldenhance the USAID Missions ability to support Bangladeshprivatization activities



Guatel Privatization Analysis (April 1987May 1987)

Provide technical assistance in developing SOW for a study toinvestigate and analyze range of options to be considered forpartial privatization Guatel goverrient corporation operatincall national and international public communications services in Guatemala


Grenada Privatization (MarchApril 1987)

Help formulate a plan to facilitate possible privatization ofGrenada Bank of Commerce the National Commercial Bank Grenlecand other state enterprises as appropriate


Peru Privatization Reconnaissance (AprilMay 1987)

Review draft proposal from state holding company CONADErequesting AID assistance for CONADEs privatization programwith particular attention to proposed program strategy and design identify areas where AID could-support privatizationeffort and share with CONADE the privatization experiences of other countries


Thriposha Analysis (JuneAugust 1987)

Analyze current operations strengths and problems relating tothe Thriposha processing complex in Ja-Ela Sri Lanka whichproduces a cereal weaning food for infants and nursing mothersRecommend future options for the management and ownership of the complex


Privatization Terms of Reference (May 1987)

Discuss with senior government officials plans and prospects forproceeding with privatization of enterprises which the governmenthad earlier acquired through nationalization Initial divestmentactivities of acquired companies had slowed as legal andfinancial obstacles were encountered Draw up terms of referenceacceptable to government that would establish basis for detailed strategy and plan of action to proceed



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Papua New Guinea Privatization Plan (NovemberDecember 1986)

Visit SPRDO in Suva to review relevant materials available inMission Proceed to Port Moresby for detailed review ofcandidate companies including their financial records Review government plans for dealing with them and develop options forprivatization recommendations review major problems orimpediments and possible measures to resolve them reviewgovernment organization and authority for proceeding withprivatization and recommend an appropriate structure to do soreccmmend a national strategy and program to carry outprivatization solicit information and views from candidates fordivestiture from management of leading government officials andother private sector leaders


Tunisia Privatization Conference (December 1986April 1987)

Assist USAID in co-sponsoring a conference in Tunis April 15-171987 to examine aspects of privatization Conference coshysponsors are the Ministry of Planning and Finance (MOPF) of theGovernment of Tunisia (GOT) and the Institute of Superieur deGestion (ISG)


Yumdum Sawmill Privatization (SeptemberOctober 1986)

Perform actualpotential market assessment and operations review(technical operating costs required investments) Prepare tenshyyear cash flow Review privatization alternatives and recommend best course of action


Public Transportation Corporation (PTC) (October 1986May 1987)

Perform a detailed study to determine the bus companys role in arevised public transport scenario which will estimate itssignificance over a five year period with sensitivity todifferent levels of patronage at different fares Resourcesroutes and route performance route strengths defects andpotential comparison with minibus services and call taxisperformance and reasons for unprofitable performance Assesseffectiveness of engineering and other support services ratingpersonnel productivity by categories and compared with competitors



Philippines Phoenix Privatization Conference (December 1986) Lead and participate in a panel discussion on the topic ofvaluation of enterprises including asset valuation techniquesand relevant factors affecting market price including casestudies to illuminate the basic issues


Egypt Capital Markets (November 1986March 1988) Work with Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and Misr IranDevelopment Bank to plan organize and manage symposium onprivatization and assist Mission in preparing a privatization PIDand PP


Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation (SIRC) FebruaryMarch 1987) Analyze and recommend plan for privatizing the Swaziland RoyalInsurance Corporation (SRIC) identify key issues of finance andadministrative viability of the industry update cabinet andparliamentary actions taken after Coopers and Lybrand studydetermine Ministry of Finance and SIRCs objectives andrequirements


Ecuado (IESS) HotelCement Companies (FebruaryApril 1987) Work with staff of the Social Security Administration (IESS) todevelop options on strategies tasks and timetables for eventualprivatization of the Hotel Quito and the Guatan Cement Company


Privatization Strategy Development (MarchMay 1987)

Participate with PEDS consultant in joint assessment of theprivate sector environment in Bangladesh with particularattention to the role of privatization in the Missions overallprivate sector development strategy Identify constraints oncurrentplanned privatization activities Identify and rankopportunities to assist the privatization process Suggestspecific tudies or short-term technical assistance which wouldenhance the USAID Missions ability to support Bangladeshprivatization activities



Guatel Privatization Analysis (April 1987May 1987)

Provide technical assistance in developing SOW for a study toinvestigate and analyze range of options to be considered forpartial privatization Guatel goverrient corporation operatincall national and international public communications services in Guatemala


Grenada Privatization (MarchApril 1987)

Help formulate a plan to facilitate possible privatization ofGrenada Bank of Commerce the National Commercial Bank Grenlecand other state enterprises as appropriate


Peru Privatization Reconnaissance (AprilMay 1987)

Review draft proposal from state holding company CONADErequesting AID assistance for CONADEs privatization programwith particular attention to proposed program strategy and design identify areas where AID could-support privatizationeffort and share with CONADE the privatization experiences of other countries


Thriposha Analysis (JuneAugust 1987)

Analyze current operations strengths and problems relating tothe Thriposha processing complex in Ja-Ela Sri Lanka whichproduces a cereal weaning food for infants and nursing mothersRecommend future options for the management and ownership of the complex


Privatization Terms of Reference (May 1987)

Discuss with senior government officials plans and prospects forproceeding with privatization of enterprises which the governmenthad earlier acquired through nationalization Initial divestmentactivities of acquired companies had slowed as legal andfinancial obstacles were encountered Draw up terms of referenceacceptable to government that would establish basis for detailed strategy and plan of action to proceed



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Philippines Phoenix Privatization Conference (December 1986) Lead and participate in a panel discussion on the topic ofvaluation of enterprises including asset valuation techniquesand relevant factors affecting market price including casestudies to illuminate the basic issues


Egypt Capital Markets (November 1986March 1988) Work with Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and Misr IranDevelopment Bank to plan organize and manage symposium onprivatization and assist Mission in preparing a privatization PIDand PP


Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation (SIRC) FebruaryMarch 1987) Analyze and recommend plan for privatizing the Swaziland RoyalInsurance Corporation (SRIC) identify key issues of finance andadministrative viability of the industry update cabinet andparliamentary actions taken after Coopers and Lybrand studydetermine Ministry of Finance and SIRCs objectives andrequirements


Ecuado (IESS) HotelCement Companies (FebruaryApril 1987) Work with staff of the Social Security Administration (IESS) todevelop options on strategies tasks and timetables for eventualprivatization of the Hotel Quito and the Guatan Cement Company


Privatization Strategy Development (MarchMay 1987)

Participate with PEDS consultant in joint assessment of theprivate sector environment in Bangladesh with particularattention to the role of privatization in the Missions overallprivate sector development strategy Identify constraints oncurrentplanned privatization activities Identify and rankopportunities to assist the privatization process Suggestspecific tudies or short-term technical assistance which wouldenhance the USAID Missions ability to support Bangladeshprivatization activities



Guatel Privatization Analysis (April 1987May 1987)

Provide technical assistance in developing SOW for a study toinvestigate and analyze range of options to be considered forpartial privatization Guatel goverrient corporation operatincall national and international public communications services in Guatemala


Grenada Privatization (MarchApril 1987)

Help formulate a plan to facilitate possible privatization ofGrenada Bank of Commerce the National Commercial Bank Grenlecand other state enterprises as appropriate


Peru Privatization Reconnaissance (AprilMay 1987)

Review draft proposal from state holding company CONADErequesting AID assistance for CONADEs privatization programwith particular attention to proposed program strategy and design identify areas where AID could-support privatizationeffort and share with CONADE the privatization experiences of other countries


Thriposha Analysis (JuneAugust 1987)

Analyze current operations strengths and problems relating tothe Thriposha processing complex in Ja-Ela Sri Lanka whichproduces a cereal weaning food for infants and nursing mothersRecommend future options for the management and ownership of the complex


Privatization Terms of Reference (May 1987)

Discuss with senior government officials plans and prospects forproceeding with privatization of enterprises which the governmenthad earlier acquired through nationalization Initial divestmentactivities of acquired companies had slowed as legal andfinancial obstacles were encountered Draw up terms of referenceacceptable to government that would establish basis for detailed strategy and plan of action to proceed



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Guatel Privatization Analysis (April 1987May 1987)

Provide technical assistance in developing SOW for a study toinvestigate and analyze range of options to be considered forpartial privatization Guatel goverrient corporation operatincall national and international public communications services in Guatemala


Grenada Privatization (MarchApril 1987)

Help formulate a plan to facilitate possible privatization ofGrenada Bank of Commerce the National Commercial Bank Grenlecand other state enterprises as appropriate


Peru Privatization Reconnaissance (AprilMay 1987)

Review draft proposal from state holding company CONADErequesting AID assistance for CONADEs privatization programwith particular attention to proposed program strategy and design identify areas where AID could-support privatizationeffort and share with CONADE the privatization experiences of other countries


Thriposha Analysis (JuneAugust 1987)

Analyze current operations strengths and problems relating tothe Thriposha processing complex in Ja-Ela Sri Lanka whichproduces a cereal weaning food for infants and nursing mothersRecommend future options for the management and ownership of the complex


Privatization Terms of Reference (May 1987)

Discuss with senior government officials plans and prospects forproceeding with privatization of enterprises which the governmenthad earlier acquired through nationalization Initial divestmentactivities of acquired companies had slowed as legal andfinancial obstacles were encountered Draw up terms of referenceacceptable to government that would establish basis for detailed strategy and plan of action to proceed



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



CFN Privatization Program Plan (May 1987)

Develop a twelve-month program of assistance for privatization of holdings of Corporacion Financeria Nacional (CFN)


National Privatization Strategy (May 1987July 1987)

After interviews with key officials in USAIDThailand NationalState Enterprise Committee (NESC) Chulalalongkorn PublicEnterprise Institute (PEI) Thammasat Center for EnterpriseStudies (CSES) financial institutions private sector businessesand labor unions prepare a report for USAIDThailand and NSECanalyzing critical issues and recommending terms of reference forfollow-on work to develop and implement a national privatizationstrategy for Thailand


Royal Jordanian Airlines Stock Offering (JulyAugust 1987)

Recommend strategy and timetable for divestiture of RoyalJordanian Airline Examine GOJ policies and RJoperatingfinancial practices Determine investor interest in RJsecurities Estimate probable price range Recommendapproachtiming for private or public ESOP propose scope of work for investmezLc banking service


Telecommunications in Developing Countries Report (JulyDec 1987)

Conduct a desk survey comparing telecommunications industryoperations in the United States and Europe (primarily inthe United Kingdom) to identify and compare common ownershippatterns Analyze conditions for private ownership Develop aCFP privatization checklist to fit telecommunication enterprisesIdentify four private ownership models appropriate for Africadevelop a minicase study of actualan telecommunication privatization in Africa



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Prospects for Worker Ownership (FebruaryMarch 1988)

Perform a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness andorpotential for establishing a Program for Workers Participationin Ownership (WPO) in Guatemala in state enterprises such as thetelephone company airline port facilities and merchant marine


Electric Corporation Privatization Options

Visit and review aspects of CDE including status financialcondition management structure capital assets includinggenerationdistribution systems and financial and personnelpractices to evaluate various options for privatization to present to a special presidential commission


Kiribati Privatization Strategy (SeptemberNovember 1987)

Assist Mission and Kiribati government in developing a nationalprivatization plan including identifying government activitieswhich could be privatizedcommercialized and recommending a planof government action


Technical Assistance to Department of Agriculture (SeptNov 1987)

Develop divestiture strategies for Philippines Dairy Corporationand Philippines Cotton Company conduct preliminary assetvaluations develop and refine guidelines for Department ofAgricultures asset disposal unit develop detailed operationaldivestiture plan as follow-up to divestiture study of National Food Authority


Privatization Reconnaissance (JanuaryMarch 1988)

Identify the potential and role for AID assistance in helpingimplement privatization of the public enterprises Review theWorld Bank sponsored enterprise study and consult with concernedparties about the most appropriate and constructive way for AIDto contribute to the success of Zaires national privatization program



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Privatization Agricultural InputsPBDAC (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop with USAIDCairo and the Egyptian Bank for Agricultureand Development (PBDAC) a scope of work identifying all factorsinvolved in divesting PBDAC of its agricultural input functionsThis includes an evaluation of the plan of action and readinessof private sector entities to assume functions and providefacilities needed


Telecommunications (November 1987April 1988)

Develop a plan of action and review financial viability of theJordanian Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) as elements of aprogram to privatize TCC through a share offering of thecorporation to the public and to employees including review ofthe telephone company operations management systems andfinancial controls


Privatization (November 1987)

Develop scope of work for long- medium- and short-termconsultancies and level of effort budget for Missionprivatization program Also develop plans for follow-on How-to-Privatize conference to advance policy dialogue


Industrial Transition (COMTRAIN) Program (NovemberDecember 1987)

Develop action program for Bolivias Industrial Transitionproject specifically addressing policy political structuraland f inanc i al issues associateddivestitureclosureliquidation of

with 23 or more SOEsopportunitiesmethods to improve investment climate



Use of Debt Conversion in Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Evaluate opportunities to promote economic development broadenownership of productive enterprises increase efficiency andproductivity and reduce foreign debt and budget deficits throughthe use of debt conversions in the privatization of state-owned enterprises



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Costa Rica CODESA Divestiture Evaluation (MarchMay 1988)

Review documents and conduct interviews in Costa Rica andWashington DC to appraise the effectiveness of steps taken byMission in divestiture dialogue with GOCR and distill lessonslearned 1 history of CODESA 2 original negotiationdesign1984-85 3 assess contributions of eight elements in the process4 changes in GOCR attitudes to privatization program and fate ofCODESA causes and effects 5 appraise divestiture process foreach company focusing on top ten (ALUNASA CATSA FERTICA CEMPACEMVASA TRANSMESA FECOSSA ALCORSA STABPARI and ATUNES) 6define variables and appraise political social fiscal andeconomic impact thus far 7 lessons learned


Survey of SOEs in SADCC Countries (AprilJune 1988)

Review with AIDW PRE and Africa Bureau policies regardingparastatal support to develop eligibility criteria forutilization of an AID-financed pre-export revolving fund toestablish benchmarks to measure divestiture progress developmethodology to conduct a parastatal survey in Southern AfricaDevelop coordinating conference countries to yield firm estimateof demand for this fund Conduct detailed reconnaissance ofparastatal industries in SADCC member countries including fieldvisits to Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania


Urban Services Privatization Reconnaissance (MayJune 1988)

Explore interestfeasibilitycommitment regarding privatization of urban services in India


Amman PTC Progress Assessment (JuneJuly 1988)

Develop a case study reviewing and assesssing the progress of theprivatization of the Amman Public Transportation Corportion(PTC) Use secondary sources and interviews to focus on socioshypolitical and economic considerations made in targeting PTC aswell as planning and organizing factors affecting the progress ofthe project



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Fertilizer Import (September 1988)

Determine the procedures required and benefits to be derived fromallowing the private sector to participate in importation offertilizers Include outline of policies goals objectives andtasks for GOB to allow for expanded role of private sector in thefertilizer industry Review impact of financial and other issueson private sector role Recommend steps toincrease capacity of private GOB to enhanice end

sector in fertilizer import anddis tribution


Reconnaissance (OctoberNovember 1988)

Meet with key officials of Uganla Custodial Property BoardCentral Bank USAID and others to develop scope of workoperating plan and budget for reprivatizing custodial boardproperties including mechanisms to value asset3 and compensatzprior owners


Privatization of CORDE Holdings (AugustSeptember 1988) Conduct a detailed investigation of the conditions of majorstate-owned enterprises controlled by CORDE and recommend courseof action that will resolve issues and lead toward aprivatization program


Productivity and Pay Project (September 1988)

Evaluate alternative approaches to a government-wide productivityand pay plan as a prelude to the privatization program Design aworkplan to include designated state-owned enterprises and othergovernment organizations in program to establish productivity andperformance standards identify participants responsibilitiesand objectives of the program



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Privatization Reconnaissance (September 1988)

Review planning and implementation of Missions prtvatizationcomponent of the agricultural marketing project and assess potential prospects for privatization by sector


ESOP for Alexandria Tire Company (JuneDecemb e r 1988)

Design a framework with all necessary documents agreements ndcontracts required under Egyptian law to establish regulationsand business environment for an Employee Ownership Plan (ESOP)for the Alexandria Tire Company (ATC) a joint venture tf TRENCOPirelli Tire and other investors


Mid-East Conference Series (OctoberDecember 1988)

Assist in preparing --for and conducting a series of privatizationconferences in (1) Istanbul Turkey (December 10-12 1988) (2)Cairo Egypt (March 26-28 1989) and (3) Ammeu Jordan tOctober28-30 1988) supported by local sponsors in each country


Fertilizer (OctoberDecember 1988)

Determine procedures required and benefits to be expected fromallowing private sector firms to import fertilizer niaterialsincluding review of GOB customs lawspolicy orders foreign exchange and regulations importand port regulations labor andtax laws or other restraints on private sector operations


Priyfliation Imementation Team (Technical Working Group)(March 1987September 1989)

Establish and operate an institutional framework to oversee theprivatization program and to provide the necessary analyticalskills and technical support to implement the program Examineindividual privatization cases and present recommendations to support the sale of enterprises and assets



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Valuation of SOEs (July 1987 to Present)

Provide methodology and technical assistance in using localexpertise where appropriate and including fair market values both as a going business and in liquidation


Free Trade Zone (December 1987February 1988)

Conduct a preliminary feasibility study to determine receptivityto Asian investors in the Puerto Cortez Free Trade Zone (FTZ)prospects for profitable operation of the FTZ and opportunitiesfor draw-back manufacture of garments for the United Stat-s and other markets


Financing Privatization (AprilJune 1988)

Assess requirements for financing privatization in HondurasIdentify and evaluate sources for financing Formulate a plan forGOHTWG and USAID to mobilize financial resources for successfulexecution of privatization programs Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization financial support mechanisms


Privatization Implementation Suoport (JuneDecember 1988)

Analyze legal fiscal regulatory and institutional issuesDefine interest attitudes and constraints on program executionPropose program objectives policies procedures and strategyplan Review COMTRAIN organization structure and relationshipsand recomiend improvements Review and initiate public awareness program Create SOE database and recommend criteria for SOEselection Formulate policiesprocedures for valuationmarketing and financing terms Procure space equipmentsupplies and local employees



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



Analysis of FishProducts Market (JuneJuly 1988) Conduct an analysis and feasibility study for the possibleinstallation of an industrial fish processing and export centerlocated at Lake Titicaca Work with investors experienced in thefish industry to develop a financing plan to exploit the naturalresources of Lake Titicaca Prepare a recommendationproducers industrialists for

institutions and organizations bestqualified to design and operate the fisheries project


Financing of Privatization (SetemberNovember 1988) Assess financing for privatization in Bolivia Identify andevaluate accessible sources for financing Formulate a plan foruse by COMTRAIN and USAID to mobilize the resources necessary forexecution of privatization program Prepare manuals of criteriaand procedures for privatization support mechanisms BOLIVIA

Co puter Database (SeptenmberOctobrr 1988) Establish computerized database for SOEs based on currentinformation Provide training on computer systemsapplications for project

and coordinator


Valuation (NovemberDecemer 1988)Provide technical assistance in the methodologies of valuation ofstate-owned enterprises through (a) revilew critique and (ifnecessary) revision of valuations produced by Boliviancounterparts (b) workshopvaJiacion methods (c)

and case studies on alternativeadaptation of Spanish-language mauals forvaluation and (d) formulation of work program for follow-ontechnical assistance in early 1989



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



PBDACDivestiture Options (November 1988April 1989)

Assess and evaluate PBDAC Agricultural Input marketing functionsPropose two alternative detailed plans for divesting distributionoperations from PBDAC including comparativeadvantagesdisadvantages showing economic social financialimpact Study to be both cross-cutting and broken down by fivemain commodity categories fertilizer pesticides animal feedsseed and agricultural machinery


Amman Development Corporation (ADC) (May 1988)

Analyze operations of the Amman Development Corporation (ADC) toidentify ways to itsimprove performance and determine feasibility of privatization


Privatization Program (November 1988November 1989)

Provide a diversified range of technical assistance and trainingactivities to assist Government of Tunisia (GOT) to plandevelop implement monitor and evaluate its program ofprivatization of selected state-owned enterprises includingprovision of two long-term advisors to provide high-levelassistance to CNAREP and the Tunis Stock Exchange


Commercial Bank Privatization (AugustSeptember 1988)

Examine the feasibility of privat izing Kenya Commercial Bankexploring various options and- the financial managerialeconomic political and social implications of the options and detailed scope of work


Seed Farms Privatization Potential (AugustSeptember 1988)

Evaluate seed farms privatization potential including in-depthinformation on seed industry in Ivory Coast and data on fourseed farms identified as candidates for privatization



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles



San Salvador Waste Management Services (September 1988)

Evaluate present waste management system and develop a plan forthe privatization of solid waste collection and disposal services in San Salvador


Policy Paper and PID (SeptemberDecember 1988)

Assist in producing a Project Paper (PP) acceptable to theGovernment of Egypt and approved by USAIDCairo Mission as theauthorizing document for funding the Partnership in Developmentproject Purpose of the project is to provide the mechanism andproceedings for privatizing governate and state-owned enterprises


Agricultural Mechanization Privatization (NovemberDecember 1988)

Review of The Gambias agricultural mechanization project todetermine the feasibility for privatization including acomprehensive review of GOGs agricultural mechanizationservices development of alternative action programs and atimetable for cransferring all of the commercial functions to the private sector


Sugar Refinery (LIBUSCO) (November 1988January 1989)

Perform a technical assessment of the LIBUSCO sugar refinerycomplex prepare list together with book value and estimatedliquidation value assess quality of management and labor forcereview marketing strategy identify possible investors Performeconomicfinancial analysis including historical financialstatement data estimate of cash flow net income depreciationcapital expenditures debt amortization Estimate commercialviability assuming removal of government subsidies Evaluatedomestic market and compare to world prices Compare current andprojected costton at one-year intervals for five years Exploreexport possibilities for African and international marketsRecommend privatization strategy timing of divestiture andpotential obstacles